This one unremarkable dusk
Nighttime on Still Waters
Nighttime on Still Waters
This one unremarkable dusk
Jul 03, 2022 Episode 85
Richard Goode

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With apologies for sounding like an asthmatic badger, tonight we explore the special qualities of an unremarkable dusk and why we can feel so at peace with it and the darkness it can bring.

Journal entry:

28th June, Tuesday.

“I stop work to breathe in the storm-wind
 And bathe in the whirlpool of its noise.

My shoulders feel heavy
       As If I alone am holding
               up the blanket clouds
       That sag grey above my head.

The water hose, snakes and hisses around my feet.

Head upright, neck relaxed, the cob swan pushes towards me,
 Lazily, doggy paddling a V of disturbance on the water’s surface.

My day begins to smile.” 

Episode Information:

In this episode I refer to an interview with John O’ Donohue recorded by Krista Tippett (2008/2022) ‘The Inner Landscape of Beauty’ on the On Being podcast. 

I also read a very short extract from John O’ Donohue’s (1999) Anam Cara: Spiritual wisdom from the Celtic world published by Penguin Random House. 

I also refer to Robin Wall Kimmerer’s article ‘Nightfall’ published in Paul Bogard’s (2008) Let There Be Night: Testimony on behalf of the dark published by University of Nevada Press. 

I also refer to the following works:

Matthew Beaumont (2016) Nightwalking: A nocturnal history of London published by Verso Books.

Roger Ekirch (2004/2013) At Day’s Close: Night in times past published by Weidenfeld and Nicholson

The episode finishes with a reading of Tom Hennen’s short poem ‘Summer Night Air’ from his Darkness Sticks to Everything: Collected and New Poems published (2013) by Copper Canyon Press. 

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