Tuesday Morning, 5.30am (The Voyage of Bran)
Nighttime on Still Waters
Nighttime on Still Waters
Tuesday Morning, 5.30am (The Voyage of Bran)
Jan 15, 2023 Episode 110
Richard Goode

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Rain and mud are all around us at the moment, but there is wonder there too. The ancient myth of ‘The Voyage of Bran’ helps us to find the extraordinary within the ordinary and (with apologies to Simon and Garfunkel) the beauty of Tuesday Morning, 5.30am.

Journal entry:

 13th January, Friday

“Boggy ground, although I am high on the hill.
 Standing in the cluster of four oaks waiting.
 Waiting for I don’t know what.

I turn, and behind me, the sunrises in red and gold
 Through the dense brush of woodland that lines the horizon.
 How wonderful is that?

What is even more wonderful is that, further to the west,
 Another sunrise will break over other woodlands, but this one
 Will be through the lattice work of these trees I stand under.

And so the sunrise is shouldered across the land from tree to tree
 And the one human who is waiting… 
 … for something.”

Episode Information:

In this episode I read extracts from ‘The Voyage of Bran’ (Imram Brain). I use the Kuno Meyer’s translation of it which can be read here: Voyage of Bran.

I also read the first lines of William Blake’s ‘Auguries of Innocence.’ 

You can read more about Sharon Blackie’s ‘sit spot’ challenge in her book The Enchanted Life published in 2019 by September Publishing. 

John Moriarty’s (2011) Nostos: An autobiography is published by Lilliput Press. 

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General Details

In the intro and the outro, Saint-Saen's The Swan is performed by Karr and Bernstein (1961) and available on CC at archive.org.

Two-stroke narrowboat engine recorde

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For more information about Nighttime on Still Waters

You can find more information and photographs about the podcasts and life aboard the Erica on our website at noswpod.com.