SGO on the GO
SGO on the GO is the Society of Gynecologic Oncology's best education for the busy clinician. Join us for discussions regarding clinical practice, advances in research, and other compelling topics relevant to gynecologic oncology.
SGO on the GO
Episode 23: (Part 2) Key Concepts of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery. ERAS – How Do We Do It?
The goal of this podcast is to follow-up Key Concepts of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS), and this podcast is divided into sections referring to pre-operative, intraoperative, and postoperative considerations. We hope to provide some practical tips on how to develop a successful ERAS program at your institution. We acknowledge that all health systems are a little different. Yet there are some common strategies that can be used in developing collaborations. In conclusion, how to implement ERAS is to foster communication between various team members, including the patient. We hope this podcast helps to set expectations and promote working in concert to bear the fruit of improved patient outcomes.
2022-2023 SGO Opioid/ERAS Subcommittee Members and Speakers:
Lee-may Chen, MD; Subcommittee Lead
Jing-Yi Chern, MD
Sharmilee Korets, MD
Amanika Kumar, MD
Andras Ladanyi, MD, PhD
Matthew Wagar, MD
Erin Hickey Zacholski, PharmD