SGO on the GO

ERAS Guidelines: Surgical Site Infection Reduction Bundle (SSI Bundle)

The Society of Gynecologic Oncology

This podcast focuses on the surgical site infection reduction bundle as part of the ERAS guidelines that was first published in 2016 and updated in 2019, and the 2020 vulvar and vaginal surgeries ERAS guidelines.

Before we dive into the SSI reduction bundle, we want to highlight the importance of patient education and participation in any ERAS protocol. Pre-operative education and psychological preparation is critical. Written information was determined to be superior to verbal in a randomized clinical trial in gynecologic oncology surgery.

2023-2024 SGO ERAS Subcommittee Members and Speakers:
Lee-may Chen, MD; Subcommittee Lead and Moderator
Nawar Latif, MD, MPH, MSCE
Collin Sitler, DO
Brenna Swift, MD, MASc, MSc, FRCSC