Market, Scale, Grow: Facebook Ad Marketing Strategy for Teacherpreneurs

176 | Build A Marketing Plan - Simple, Actionable Tips


Discover my favourite brainstorming exercise that sets the stage for an effective marketing strategy. In this episode, I will help equip you with an innovative set of tools to elevate your marketing efforts and give you simple, actionable steps to improve your marketing strategy over the next 3-6 months.


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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Market Scale Grow. I'm your host, inzea, and this is a Saturday strategy session. Hello, welcome back to the podcast. Let's dive in to my favorite activity to build a marketing plan. I've definitely posted about this on Instagram before. I'm not sure if I've actually done an episode on it, but I'm really excited because I love doing this. I've probably done it at least two or three times a year since I started my business five years ago. So yeah, let's chat about this. Actually, that's not true. I probably didn't start doing it until three years ago. I did not. I definitely didn't start doing it until three years ago. I did not. I definitely didn't start five years ago. But for the last two to three years I've definitely done this activity two or three times and I just love doing it.

Speaker 1:

So the first step is to spend five to 10 minutes brainstorming every single possible way that you could market your business, and I mean every single possible thing that you could do, even if you know that there is absolutely no way you're doing it like make business cards. There's no chance I'm making business cards. I've never got a client in person. I had to think there. I'm still thinking I've never. I don't think. Maybe one, maybe one. Well, I mean my best friend, who was a maid of honor at my wedding. I was her maid of honor. We went to university together. I know her in person, but I didn't get her as a client because I gave her a business card, anyway, but that's an example. So, every single thing just list out everything you can think of, every single way you can market your business. So lead magnet, webinar, wait list, instagram post, tiktok, whatsapp came to mind. I don't even know if that's a real option, but it would go on the list because I thought about it and I'm just writing down every single thing that I can think of.

Speaker 1:

Once you're done that and I challenge you to get as like over 25 different things written down your next step is to go and look at the people who inspire you and those who have business models you aspire to have, and so I've definitely talked about this before. Lacey Seitz and Stacey Bayman both have businesses with very, very, very large wait lists and I love that model. I would love to build that model for my business, but it just at this time doesn't make sense for me. But I love their models. They both send out waitlist specific emails and each week you get some specific content because you're on the waitlist. Plus, they send out the general email to their entire list, and so that is something that is on my list because I see them doing it.

Speaker 1:

I cannot remember who said it. I feel like it might have been Amy Porterfield, but I have no idea at this point, and that is that nobody's strategy is actually a secret, or maybe whoever was saying it was talking about Amy Porterfield when they said it. For some reason she's attached to my thought on this, but I don't think it actually was her who said that. So my point about this, though, is, if you go and look, you can see what people are doing to grow their business. You can opt into their freebies, into their webinars. You can see exactly what their email funnel looks like. You can see if they have tripwires or they have upsells, or if they're selling on email three or email five. Do they have a freebie, then a webinar afterwards, or do they go straight to the webinar, like what are the different pieces of their business? Yes, maybe there are some things that are gatekept and that are hard to see, and you might not have a full ability to get it without going through a paywall and like giving them money. But most of people's marketing strategy, if you just look, then you can see it right. So go and look at those people who you're inspired by and who have business models that you aspire to have.

Speaker 1:

Then go look at your competitors and I said in the last episode that I try not to listen to marketing podcasts and I try not to wrap myself up in what people who are also running Facebook ads especially not people who are running Facebook ads for teachers. I try to stay away from them so that there's no crossover and that there's no accidental plagiarism or anything like that. Really, I want my ideas to be fresh and I find that I do my best thinking when I have a lot of white space and I don't want it to be cluttered up by other people's thoughts. But for this activity, looking at your competitors is a great idea because you kind of get ideas of what they're doing and hopefully it's working for them. That's the other thing is you have no idea, right, you for them. That's the other thing is you have no idea, right, you have no idea. You have a little bit of an idea.

Speaker 1:

You can often see maybe not a number count of how many people liked a post, but you can see like you can click on it and then scroll and see it as a lot of is it a long scroll or is it a short scroll? You can see how many views a reel is getting, how many comments they're getting, like those types of things you can see, but you can't necessarily see. You probably will have no access to conversion rate and return on ad spend or how much ad spend they're spending those types of things. So go look at the competitors. See if there's anything that they're doing that you don't already have on the list. Go look at other industries. So graphic designers, hairstylists, photographers those are some of my go tos. I find that they have really inspiring marketing. Photographers those are some of my go-tos. I find that they have really inspiring marketing.

Speaker 1:

You're going to find people in different industries that inspire you, and so you're just going to want to seek out those people and see how they're marketing, exactly what they're doing, and write it on your list. That's all we're doing, right? We're just writing the ideas on your list and then you're going to spend another five minutes. So set another five minute timer and just write anything else that comes out. So that part is probably going to take you about half an hour in total 10 minutes for the initial brainstorm, 10 minutes for your like creeping, if you will like. Don't get stuck, just go as fast as you can and then five minutes at the end to re brainstorm from what you found, what you already thought of. If there's any other ideas that come out Again, no matter how big or how small, how amazing or how terrible the idea seems, just write it down.

Speaker 1:

The next thing you're going to do is review everything on that list. Is there anything that you wrote on the list and there should be, but is there anything on this list that you're already doing? Right, you probably already have some marketing strategies, marketing aspects that you're doing already. They should be on your list. If they're not, write them down, then, once you've identified all of the things that you're already doing, I do this by circling and then I put either a heart beside them for the ones that I love and I want to keep doing, or an X beside them if they're not working, or I hate doing them or they just feel misaligned, so that I can either phase them out, if I need to phase it out or I can just completely stop.

Speaker 1:

Then we look for the things that we want to add, like 100% definitely. Like I definitely need to do this in my business. You're going to put like a star or a happy face or something beside them to indicate what you want to add to your business. Add one thing at a time. I've definitely talked about this before in the podcast. Give yourself three to six months to implement a new strategy, especially a bigger marketing strategy. Give yourself three to six months so that you can get in the rhythm, you can figure out the process and give yourself the time to develop the consistency and make sure that, before you add something else new in that you are consistent with that first thing you added.

Speaker 1:

Then you are going to look for ideas on this list that could be interesting for you to explore more. So maybe that's something like the wait list, that you're not really sure how you would implement it, but you're like, oh, that would be interesting, I like that idea, but I don't know how to do it. Or if it's a webinar and you don't know what tech you need to run a webinar. So what are the things that you're interested in? Maybe you want to do, but you need to spend some time researching or exploring them now, figuring out how they could fit into your business. And then I also always like to go through and cross out ones that I think are terrible ideas. It's really interesting to go back and look at past ones after you've done it. I typically don't look at my old ones until after I'm done the new one, because sometimes the ideas that I love and I want to add were crossed out previously, and that's just being in a different phase of business, being in a different mindset and, yeah, you never know how your brain is going to change and like what's going to be different. But I do like to cross out the ones. I'm like oh, this is an awful idea, you could do that sooner. Like you don't need to leave that till the last thing that you review, but I like to leave it to last Now.

Speaker 1:

The next step is to make a plan. I recommend that your plan includes one form of long form content, like like a podcast, a blog or video content. Where you host that video is totally your choice. Facebook could be an option. It was a better option previously. Youtube is probably the best option. You could also consider long-form videos on something like Instagram or TikTok. You should also have one social platform, so my recommendations are going to be Instagram or TikTok and you need to think about your audience and where they're going to be, to decide which one it is and then one form of communication, which would be your email list.

Speaker 1:

You could supplement that with a text list, but I would highly highly recommend that your primary communication mode is an email list, because it is still by far what people check the most frequently, most consistently on their phone, on their computer, every single day. A lot of people are checking their email multiple times a day. So I highly recommend that you have an email list that you're emailing out to. And then I did kind of briefly mention this but give yourself 30 to 90 days to implement the one new strategy. Everything else stays consistent. Everything else stays consistent. Everything else stays the same, and you're just going to incorporate the changes slowly to ensure that they're sustainable and that they jive with the rest of what you're working on. So if you've been doing this, as you've been listening great, amazing you probably know what your next step is. If not, I would go back to the beginning, set that 10 minute timer, do your initial brainstorm and then re-listen to the podcast and just pause every time that there's another action step, so that you can kind of work through this process and then repeat it every three to six months to see how you can continually improve your marketing plan.

Speaker 1:

If you have any questions, come find me on Instagram I'm at heyitschenzea and thank you so much for being here being part of this journey.

Speaker 1:

I'll be back next Saturday with another Saturday Strategy Session. Thank you for listening to this episode of Market Scale Grow. Every week on Saturdays we release a new Saturday Strategy Session, sometimes with amazing guests, and I'm so thankful that you've taken some time out of your busy schedule to make me part of your journey. If you love this podcast, don't forget to share it with your friends and then head to your favorite podcast app to subscribe so that you won't miss next week's episode or any of the upcoming ones. And if you loved it, be sure to leave a review on Apple podcast so that you won't miss next week's episode or any of the upcoming ones. And if you loved it, be sure to leave a review on Apple Podcasts so that other people can find this podcast and we can impact teachers and teacher, business owners around the world. Thank you so much for listening and I'll be back in your ears next week with another Saturday Strategy Session.