Michigan Murders & Music

Sharee Miller husband killer featuring Shane Tripp

March 24, 2024 Shane Tripp Episode 101
Sharee Miller husband killer featuring Shane Tripp
Michigan Murders & Music
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Michigan Murders & Music
Sharee Miller husband killer featuring Shane Tripp
Mar 24, 2024 Episode 101
Shane Tripp

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The story of Sharee Miller has been told by many true crime folks.  Being one of the first internet type murders, it was a huge story.  Sharee used AOL chat to entice and manipulate men like it was Tetris.   Sharee ends up with the lives of two men on her hands.

Leaving you with a happy ending and on a good note, as always.  This week we are featuring:

Shane Tripp

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The story of Sharee Miller has been told by many true crime folks.  Being one of the first internet type murders, it was a huge story.  Sharee used AOL chat to entice and manipulate men like it was Tetris.   Sharee ends up with the lives of two men on her hands.

Leaving you with a happy ending and on a good note, as always.  This week we are featuring:

Shane Tripp

Bandcamp  :https://shanetripp.bandcamp.com/

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Leaving you with a happy ending and on a good note, as always.  This week we are featuring:Sharee Paullette Kitley Williams 

Mdoc #326122

Dob Oct 13, 1971

Resides:  woman’s huron valley correctional facility 

1.     Sharee Williams was born in Flint,  MI on October 13, 1971.


2.    Flint at the time consisted of ___ # of people.



3.    You may remember Flint from memorable moments like 

-The Flint Water Crisis

-Roger & Me, the Michael Moore film


4.     Sharee was raised in a middle class neighborhood.  


5.    At this time, Flint had the auto factories to keep people employed and it was all around a bustling town.



6.    Sharee’s childhood wasn’t the normal mom & pop type household.  They were separated and Sharee’s mom brought plenty of men into and out of their home when she was young.


7.    Her mother had numerous failed marriages.



8.    Sharee has claimed to have been sexually abused as a child, around the age of 3 or 4.   and it wouldn’t surprise me at all if she had, it is way to common.  Especially in this situtation.


9.      She graduated from Kinsley High School in 1988 at the age of 17.



10.                      She also left her mom’s revolving door to start a revolving door all of her own.


11.                      Sharee married for the first time in 1988, moving out of her Mother’s home into the arms of her first husband 



12.                        She would end up married and divorced two times by the age of 27.  


13.                        If I am not mistaken, she had one kid with the first marriage/baby daddy and two kids with her second marriage/baby daddy.



14.                       Sharee would make ends meet by selling Mary Kay,  worked a few jobs here and there.


15.                        Eventually she would take a job at__________ Salvage yard working for the original two owners until it was eventually sold to a man named Bruce.



16.                        While working for Bruce, Sharee convinced him that a computer was a must have for her.   She needed it for her Mary Kay work and it would help her work at the salvage yard.  


17.                        This is in 1996 I think!



18.                        All things internet world were rather new, those who had a computer most likely used the interface A O L.


19.                        You know the one, where you can customize the voices that greet you when you log in, would say, “You’ve got mail.”   I freaking loved aol and myspace because of the stupid customization stuff, the shit that doesn’t really matter if you have it at all.



20.                        She got to work right away at making up a whole new world for herself.  She headed right for the sex chat rooms. 


21.  While Sharee is getting acquainted with numerous men in aol chat rooms, she is also digging her claws into the new owner of the salvage yard.

22.  Bruce not only was a local GM employer, but now the salvage yard owner.  He had a good job and a nice home, things that Sharee wanted and did not have herself.


23.  It’s OK that at the time she was 27 and he was 47.  That is not gross at all.



25.  Right around the same time that she moved in with Bruce, Sharee made a little appearance on the Montel Williams show.


26.  Being the attention seeking that she is, you would think that her new man, Bruce would know all about this but he didn’t.


27.  She probably told him she was going to a Mary Kay meeting.


28.  On January 27, 1997 Sharee told Montel all about the abuse that her child had and/or was receiving from her ex husband.


29.  She was there to raise awareness for the state of Michigan because despite his abuse, he still had parental visits and she was hoping to be heard loud enough to change things.


30.  She didn’t 


31.  In April of 1993 on the 23rd the two of them, Bruce and Sharee would be married in Las Vegas Nevada.


32.  Sharee’s third marriage and Bruce’s fourth marriage and don’t forget the 20 year age gap.


33.  After the two came home, Sharee spent more and more time on her computer.  Every minute that she possible could, in fact.


34.  She wasn’t spending this time learning how to become a self made Cadillac owner either, she was there to chat.  

35.  Sharee was a sex kitten and internet sex and fantasy was quickly becoming her drug.


36.   Before she even flew to Vegas to say her vows to Bruce, she had begun a rather serious chat history with a man in Reno, Nevada names Jerry Cassaday aka:  JLC1006


37.  Sharee also started spending Bruce’s GM money.  Oh how I miss GM money.


38.  She bought things for herself and her 3 kids mostly, sometimes stuff for their house. 


39.  She took trips,  for her business!


40.  46 grand in credit card debt would be in Jerry’s name thanks to his 5th wife.


41.  Sharee meanwhile, was getting deeper into the online chat world and even beyond by sending some people actual photos.


42.  An vhs tape would show up in your mail if you were lucky enough.


43. She didn’t even start with yahoo pool or anything, this woman went right to the meat….sex.   Where she thinks she can use her body and lies to get her way.

44.  She was addicted, all in.  She spent every second she could in chat rooms, playing her games with peoples lives, not even thinking about any consequences that could be caused by her actions.  It was all about her.


45.  She would later compare it to the thrill of video games, getting to another level with a man…telling more lies, getting more love.


46.  It was not too hard to figure out what she wanted when her name popped up in the old aol chat rooms.  She had screen names like

-look at me im sexy

-sexy kitten 4 only u

-just hot 2 c u

-I love sex so much

-love me slowly

-I want to be laid


47. Her online affair with JLC10-06, was getting pretty hot, heavy and serious.


48.  3 months after her wedding and honeymoon in Las Vegas, Sharee takes her first trip out to Reno to see Jerry Cassaday JLC10-06.


49.  By now, Jerry has received numerous photos and VHS tapes from Sharee.


50.  She had sent him a lovely video of the salvage yard, as you can imagine,  while saying, “This could all be yours baby.”  With her kids yelling in the background and I think you can even see one of the kids.


51.  Jerry loved this idea!  He was happy to be the man for Sharee.  To come in and be a father to those three kids.


52.  Jerry told his friends where he worked all about her, he was truly excited about the prospect of love with Sharee.


53. There are a gazillion emails, chat logs and whatever else between the two, one here in Michigan while the other is out in Reno, Nevada.  Their screen names change to Sharesfool and Jersfool


54.  Her trips are either under the guise of girl trips with her friends or she needed to go for Mary Kay because she was just so successful at selling it.


55.  Either way, Bruce trusted and believed.


56.  Sharee has made a few trips out to see Jerry and they are getting a lot more serious.   She even tells Jerry that she is pregnant with his child.


57.  She goes through all of the effort to show him, sending him pictures of the sonogram and stuff like that.   Photos of her puffing her gut out to look like a mini baby belly.


58.  Then, she starts laying the bricks down. 


59.  She begins by telling Jerry, via text or computer by the way, that her husband Bruce found out about her pregnancy and beat the shit out of her, causing her to lose the baby.


60.  Jerry was devastated and blatantly angry at Bruce for being a shit hole.             


61.   She even took the time to use her Mary Kay blues eye shadow kit and bruised her abdomen and arms with the makeup, took photos and snail mailed them out to Jerry.


62.  Jerry was an ex police officer, in fact…he lost his job due to the fact that he told on someone in his department.  So Jerry is a stand up freaking guy, Sharee knows that she is lighting a moral fuse within him by telling him these lies about her terrible husband.


63.  When asked why she wouldn’t just leave him and come live with Jerry…she lied more.  Saying seriously ridiculous things about Bruce.

-he’s was in the mafia and still has ties…we know how that would end.


64.  Bruce has no idea that all of this is going on in his wife’s life…she’s losing babies and getting beating (by him) 


65.  She’s also going to be rich from a law suit and she owns a bunch of nursing homes (that is what she tells Jerry)


66.   Jerry had moved to Reno from Missouri to get away from his problems and it worked for a long time. 


67.  Until he answered that message from sexy bitch 6969


68.   Jerry started drinking more after the loss of their first baby.  He’s in Reno becoming more depressed because the woman he loves and whom loves him is getting beat and losing HIS baby.


69.  Jerry finally moves into his cousin’s basement back in Missourri to kind of help get his poop back in a group.


70.  Problem is, Sharee…the poop, is still in his life.


71.  Now…she is pregnant with HIS TWINS !!!


72.  He is freaking ecstatic.  So excited that he is going to have a family.  It starts to bring him out of his stupor.


73.  But then Sharee pulls the cord again.  Bruce has found out about the pregnancy and the affair, he’s pissed and angry and she can’t talk to him anymore.


74.     Jerry doesn’t hear from her for a few days and he gets so worried that he calls the Flint area hospital to see if she’s there.


75.   On November 5, 1999 Jerry gets an email from bdjunk….  Which would be Bruce’s work email from the salvage yard.


76.  The email blathered on about how the affair had been discovered and how he (Bruce) was going to make her abort those bastard twins (my words)


77.  The next day Jerry gets an email from an UNKNOWN sender.  This one is actually from Sharee, she says that she is going away for a few days and she will contact him next week.


78.  Sharee sends Jerry yet another email during this time saying that Jerry’s ex mafia friends had gang raped her.


79.  I don’t remember if I mentioned this…but Jerry basically left his police department and his officarial duties because he broke the code of silence.  This dude, he’s not fucking up before finding out.  

80.  So you KNOW that these emails are making his blood boil, he is hearing about his love who is pregnant with his twins getting beat up and gang raped.


81.  Oh yeah, the gang rape…that caused her to miscarry the twins that she was carrying.


82.  Jerry is now relatively angry.  He’s already been going through low patches…Sharee was his light at the end of the tunnel and that is going all wrong.  He’s ready to head to Michigan and take care of business.


83.  Sharee is THERE FOR IT.  That is when the emails turn from what is happening to Sharee to what they should be doing about it.


84.  The emails are a complete roadmap to Bruce’s murder that Sharee thought could be erased from the ether world with the click of the delete button.


85.   I have written that she had told Jerry that she was forced to get an abortion of the twins ** find out which is true**


86.  Either way….she is egging Jerry on in every possible way.


87.  on November 8, 1999 Sharee had a pizza ordered for dinner that night.  


88.  She gave Bruce specific details on where and when to pick the pizza up.


89.  Bruce never comes home with the pizza.


90.  Sharee calls Bruce’s brother and her sister in law to see if they can run to the salvage yard to check on him, I think they lived rather close.

91.  Of course they found him.  Sadly the couple found their brother lying face down in a pool of blood.


92.  Bruce had been shot in the upper chest and neck area with a shotgun.


93.  The sister in law called 9-1-1 


94.  Around 2 a.m. the police showed at Sharee’s door with the bad news that her husband had been shot.


95.  Sharee pulled out her acting skills and did a rather good job of grieving appropriately.


96.  As the investigation began, there was no evidence at the crime scene whatsoever.


97.  Sharee was asked if there were problems with anyone and she admitted that Bruce’s employee, John H, owed him money.


98.  So instead of going after the spouse like in…ooh I don’t know 90% of every case… the police zeroed in on John.


99.  John continually professed his innocece.  Time and time again.  Interview after intervew.  His story never waivered.


100.  When John attended the funeral of his friend and boss, Sharee threw a complete shit fit.  


101.  She legit said, “Mommy Daddy get him out of here, he murdered my husband.”

102.  Just like that poor John was asked politely by Bruce’s brother to leave.  Said that until this is cleared up he’s not wanted around.


103.   Just like every single person who has been named or suspected in a murder, this changed his entire life.  


104.  John is the ultimate in what I will call ‘Your wrong” strength.  He just insisted on his innocence and it still stabs him in the heart.  You can tell that the poor guy really had a hard time with this.


105.   Do you know how much John owed Bruce?  Two grand, that’s how much.  I’m pretty sure that Bruce,  wasn’t going to ruin his GM pension over 2 g.


106.  At one point, even John’s brother pointed the finger at him, but we later find out by John’s words that his brother isn’t right in the head.


107.  We also find out that at one time he and Sharee had sex.  


108.  Ultimately…it didn’t look great for him but his story never, ever changed.


109.  Through the course of the investigation, we find out that Jerry did fail his polygraph but those are 50% accurate.


110.  We learn that there is not a single trace of evidence in John’s home.


111.  Plus we find out that John had an alibi.


112.  The only gun found at John’s was a 16 gauge shotgun and Bruce was murdered with a 20.


113.  Despite all of the above, he remained a suspect for a long time.


114.  I am not even sure how much they were actually looking into Sharee, his new wife.


115.   Some time has passed and Jerry move’s back home to Misouri.  He moves into his cousin’s basement to help get his life back together.


116.   He has turned to alocohol, he’s lost his love,  three babies,  his career as a police officer.  He’s pretty low.


117.  Jerry sits down in his easy chair and reads a passage from the bible.


118.  “You shall not murder and whoever murders shall be liable to judgement.”  Matthew 5


119.  Jerry used a 22 caliper and ended his life.  


120.  After Jerry passed, his family was cleaning out the basement area where he passed. 


121.  Under his bed was a briefcase with 3 envelopes addressed on the top.  


   -brother Mike

   - No idea who the third one was addressed to


122.  It did say on the top of one of the envelopes MIKE DO NOT OPEN ALONE.  CONTACT JOHN OCONNER.


123.  Sadly, due to Jerry’s mental state of mind, they had to have a bomb squad open the case to be safe.


124.  Once the briefcase had been cleared, the family were to read their letters from Jerry in front of the attorney and each other.


125.  His poor mom not only had to read her dead son’s letter but the disturbing story within the letter.


126.  The letter contained a confession and reasoning to why he committed suicide.  He told his mom that the day he drove to Flint he walked into the auto salvage doors said, “Hi I’m Jerry.” And shot him.


127.  Needless to say, it was devastating for his mother and family to read that the reasons Jerry took his life was due to Sharee’s manipulation.


128. Suicide already leaves a family with enough questions, adding Sharee’s manipulation made it that much worse.   

129. Then, they opened the briefcase and it was a god damn gold mind of evidence against Sharee. 


130.  The briefcase contained:

-floppy discs

-emails printed out

-chat logs and print outs

-airline tickets           

   -ultrasound photos!


131.  The briefcase was akin to the lil tan envelope during a game of Clue.  It contained all of the answers.  A scorned lovers last wishes.


132.  The most important document of all, would be the detailed plans, a literal guidebook to killing Bruce. 


133.  On November 7 the beginning of exchanges started between Jerry and Sharee, these exchanges would lead to exact details on when to take Bruce’s life.


134.  When officer’s went to speak with Sharee guess where she was.  ….RENO with a brand new lover.


135.  This is only days after the death of Bruce.  Sharee had already been manipulating and leading on yet another man in Nevada.  


136.  She has already ruined Jerry’s life, he has moved back home and yet to kill himself while she is emailing new dudes and traveling out to Reno for more sex.  Meanwhile, Jerry is literally about to commit suicide due to her ghosting him.


137.  Officers await for her arrival back to Michigan and bring her in for questioning. 


138.  Sharee is rather cocky and bitchy during the questioning.   She’s been a lying, cheating manipulator her entire life, she is not going to change a thing now.


139.  Every question was answered in snide, short comments and loaded with denial.


140.  She is so narcassistic and in her own fantasty world that she knew she could lie and get away with it…this is all just a game, remember???


141.  She was cuffed and arrested, despite her denials.  We have the briefcase, bitch.


142.  Trial for Sharee Miller started on _________


143.  Sharee was just 28 years old and a mother of 3 when her trial began.


144.  List all words for Catfishing here.



145.  During trial there was SO much digital evidence

-cell phones (you know she had two cell phones)




-hotel bills

-aol information


146.  It was a story of pure manipulation from start to finish.  There was so much evidence of Sharee’s character right there in black and white that it was difficult to deny.




148.  Sharee threw another childish fit.    Just like at Bruce’s funeral.


149.  People who were dragged into the court room to testify thanks to Sharee

-Charles Miller, Bruce’s bro

-Dr Terry Drznarich

-det sgt brian gillespie

-roger cassaday, jerry’s bro

-Dr Celesdine Joseph obgyn

-gloria taylor

-carol slaughter (jerrys coworker reno)

-Mike Cassada, jerry’s bro

-Miss Charlene Cassaday, Jerrys 8iMom

-Sgt Jeffry Clark

-Don Colough aol senior manager

-cheryl wilson, coworker

-carleen gibs, coworker jerry

-lara ewald, sharees bf

-Jennifer Walters

-Dr Kristina Hansen, mathmetician, u of m prof 

-Ronald Crichton firearms spec

-Det Sgt Ives Potrafka

-det sgt Kevin shanhian

-paul albee, forensic scientist

-peter doerr,  rep of bruce

-ira vare

-anothny birch

-John hutchinson

-harold hutchinson

-Most importantly, Jerry Cassadays letter(s) were allowed as evidence of full confession implicating Sharee.


150.  Closing arguments took forever but Sharee’s lawyer was very suave.  He tried. 


151.  Prosecution had a rebuttal closing?


152.  All of it was freaking long and drawn out.


153.  Prior to sentencing Sharee, the judge needed to take care of the custody issue of Sharee’s two children, I believe having her first at 17 that it was old enough to be on it’s own.


154.  Anthony Horton, the two babies daddy was there and judge stated that the man was working, remarried and aside from child support rerages, he would be a stable parent for the two kids.


155.  Anthony was happy to take his kids and follow the two orders given by the judge of seeing adult probabtion people and friend of the court  before leaving michigan and taking the children back to his home in Georgia.


156.  You can see the trials on Court tv.  Filming was so good back then….you might get dizzy at points.


157.  Judge Judith Fullerton sentenced Sharee Miller to Life without parole with credit for 342 days.

-Conspiracy to commit murder in the first degree

g-2nd degree murder

Concurrent sentences.

158.  Sharee had her moment to yap her trap and she said, “I did not kill my husband Bruce Miller and I did not have somebody kill him um I’m maintining my innocnce from here on out.”


159. Sharee is cuffed by the balif whilst wearing her green jumpsuit and led from the courtroom, the sweet sound of her feet shackles clinking as she sasheed away.


160.  Sharee continued to claim her innocence, I think.  That she had nothing to do with the plan.  That it was Jerry who was obsessed with HER and wouldn’t leave her alone.  


161.  Is there anything worse than a dumb narcissist?


162.  She freaking maxed Bruce’s credit cards out, manipulated Jerry to the point of suicide…started dating another man minutes later and JERRY was the obsessed one?


163.  Sharee has since had her jailhouse epiphany.  She wants to stop living her life in a fantasy world of lies and manipulation.  She wants to be a part of her children’s lives.


164.  Finally, in the year of ______  when at the ripe age of 44, Sharee sent a letter to the Judge admitting to her part in the murder plot and plans. 


165.  Because she did this it gives her no more ability to appeal anything.


166.  Also, I call bullshit.


167.  Sharee Williams will be available for parole in the year 2055.    Another 31 years from this year of the lord, 2024.

168.  A little something for ya.  Sharee married again whilst in jail.  Yup.   A lovely gentleman saw her story on SNAPPED, felt some tingles and started writing her, I guess???   They did get married, however they also divorced.  Love hurts.


169.  NOW that I have told this story I can go watch all of the true crime things about it.    You can find this story on 



-Inside Edition


-Forensic Files

-Baily Sarian, Murder, Mystery & Make up


170.  The trial made national headlines due to the newness of the internet and AOL, so you can find clips of it everywhere. 


171.  The entire court process is also on Court TV.