The Lancet Neurology in conversation with
Editors at The Lancet Neurology, in conversation with the journal’s authors, explore their latest research and its impact on people’s health, healthcare, and health policy.
A monthly audio companion to the journal, this podcast covers a broad range of topics, from sleep habits to amyloid biomarkers in Alzheimer’s, the diagnosis and classification of optic neuritis to treatment of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and more.
The Lancet Neurology in conversation with
John Collinge on a treatment for CJD
John Collinge (MRC Prion Unit, University College London, London, UK) discusses a first-in-human treatment programme to give PRN100, an anti-prion-protein monoclonal antibody, to patients with Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease; the report is published in the April issue of The Lancet Neurology.
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