The Soulful Self Podcast

Connect to your Ancestors (Extracted from YouTube)

May 19, 2024 Chelsea Cora
Connect to your Ancestors (Extracted from YouTube)
The Soulful Self Podcast
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The Soulful Self Podcast
Connect to your Ancestors (Extracted from YouTube)
May 19, 2024
Chelsea Cora

Making contact with the realm of the ancestors is a journey unique to each of us. It can take time, patience, and lots of intuitive exploration. In this video/episode, Chelsea shares some key points of her own journey and tips that can help us all access the ancestral world more deeply!
Additional Videos:
   • Meet Your ANCESTORS (A Guided Meditat... 
   • Creating MONEY is EASY... (A Message ... 
   • The Benefits of Connecting with The A... 

Check out Chelsea's 1-on-1 offerings:

Show Notes Transcript

Making contact with the realm of the ancestors is a journey unique to each of us. It can take time, patience, and lots of intuitive exploration. In this video/episode, Chelsea shares some key points of her own journey and tips that can help us all access the ancestral world more deeply!
Additional Videos:
   • Meet Your ANCESTORS (A Guided Meditat... 
   • Creating MONEY is EASY... (A Message ... 
   • The Benefits of Connecting with The A... 

Check out Chelsea's 1-on-1 offerings:

 Hello everybody, and welcome to, or welcome back to my  📍 channel. I'm Chelsea Cora and I'm really excited to have you all with me today.  Today I am talking about how I connect to the realm of the ancestors,   📍  📍 and this video has been a little while coming for about two months. Because two months ago, one of my very honorable, very friendly subscribers had left a comment asking me to explain a little bit more about  my personal journey and practice when it comes to connecting to the realm of the ancestors.

 So this is what I'm sharing today, and I want to start by saying that  we all have the ability to connect to our ancestors, to the realm of the ancestors.   📍 It's not something that's reserved for psychics or  📍 channelers or people with unique abilities. This is an innate ability that we all have because we are all  📍 spiritual beings having a human experience.

I'm excited to share a little bit more about this because I do have. Two other videos on this topic. One of them is a meditation that actually guides you into the realm of the ancestors to connect with one or more of your ancestors.   📍  📍 And that one is also available on Insight Timer  as well as  📍 a video where I was sharing a message about money from the realm of the ancestors, which was very potent.

 So who are the ancestors? Do we all have the same ancestors?  This was a question that the certain subscriber asked in their question and comment, and the answer to this is  actually, yes, we do all have the same ancestors   📍 because on a spiritual level, we are  📍 all one. We're all interconnected, and we've all lived many lives.

I mean, most of us. I would imagine, Even though in this life we seem to be so  📍 individuated, we have our own egoic stories and experiences, we have our own families, and you know, people I'm related to, people I'm not related to, but on a spiritual level,  it's not so separate.

 It's, it's more of a oneness spectrum.  basically the ancestors are anybody, any spirit who has, or who will ever  an incarnation on this earth.   📍  📍 So that includes people. That includes animals,  📍 plants,  📍 bacteria,  📍 viruses. Literally anything has a consciousness.  And so it's the  📍 realm of the ancestors because they have something to do with this physical plane.

 They have experience with this physical plane.   📍 There are some spirit guides.  📍 Who have never been human. Some, you know, really high vibrational  📍 spirits that you might hear some people channeling in their work, in their videos and books. And some of those spirits have never actually been in a physical human body,  that's not the case with the realm of the ancestors,  and this is really good to know because it means that when we  📍 open ourselves up to  📍 communing with the ancestors, we're opening ourselves up to basically any helping spirit that  is a match for us at the time.  So it might or might not be somebody who is actually a part of your familial lineage.

 You know, a lot of people recommend starting there.  A lot of people, you know when you do your research and you're like,  📍 how do I connect to the ancestors? I think a lot of people will say  📍 to first start with the people you actually had a relationship with. So maybe you actually knew your grandfather.

Maybe you didn't know your great-Great-Great-great-great  📍 uncle. Or great-great-great grandmother or whoever, but you knew your grandfather and he passed away. He crossed over, and so you could talk to his spirit,  and I think that's a great place to start. I think that makes it really easy, and that's what I did when I started.

 I started with my  📍 grandmother because  I did have a good relationship with her, and her energy is so familiar to me that I was able to instantly recognize it when she came through.  And she is a guide for me, a very beautiful guide.  However, this isn't the case for everybody because not everybody has a good  📍 relationship with their family members who have crossed over.

You  📍 know,  a lot of families have toxic patterns inside of them,  dynamics that were abusive. Or harmful.  And so connecting to those ancestors might not feel good at all,   📍 and that's okay because the realm of the ancestors is very vast and there are a lot of options.  📍 But the key is always to surrender, right?

Not make it any egoic thing like, oh, everybody's my ancestor. That means I could connect to somebody famous and they could be my guide.  More than that. It's like your guide will choose you,   📍 you open yourself up for the highest possible outcome  📍 with the utmost humility and allow whichever.

High vibrational ancestor wants to come through to support you, and it is a two-way relationship.

And a beautiful way to do this is by creating an ancestral altar,  📍 which is what I have done in my life,  and I'll talk about why in just a second. But I do wanna touch on something that I just said,  which is a high vibrational ancestor.

 Now, this is important because, you know, just because somebody lives on this earth and then they die  📍 and they cross over to the realm of the ancestors, doesn't mean that all of a sudden they become a high vibrational guide for somebody else.  A lot of times people who  📍 recently crossed over actually have a lot of healing work to do, and this can go in a lot of different directions. 

 📍 So it's important to ask for the support of a high vibrational ancestor because otherwise, if you're asking for help from somebody who still has healing work to do,  then the advice that they give you might not be the best.   📍  📍  📍 That's all I'm saying. And then also. You do have  📍 the opportunity to help those ancestors heal, and when you help your ancestors heal, you're also helping yourself heal.

They say that when you do your own healing work, that it helps to heal not only yourself, but also  📍 seven generations behind you and seven generations ahead of you. So doing your inner work has  📍 reverberating effects throughout your entire ancestral line and beyond. So back to the ancestral altar.

Basically, there are a lot of different ways to  📍 build an altar, and if you start Googling how to build an ancestral  📍 altar, you're gonna come up with all kinds of  📍 results because everybody, every tradition has. Different ways of going about this. So for me, I found that the best way to build my altar  was to surrender to the process and allow the altar to build itself.

  📍 To   📍 allow the altar to show me how it wanted to be built.  An ancestral altar is generally, the people who are. In your personal ancestral line,  although if you feel called and you're formulating a connection with any beings that are  outside of your ancestral line, then I would encourage you to also include that in your altar.

  📍  📍 One thing that's important though, is to make sure   📍 that The beings who are being represented on your altar, maybe you have pictures of them or maybe you have objects that represent their energy that you only call upon the spirits of those who have actually crossed over into the realm of the ancestors and not spirits of people who are here in this world.

  📍 And this was taught, taught to me by a Native American shaman elder who I learned a lot from.  So I'm not exactly sure why. I would imagine it's because you don't wanna call upon that person's energy, you know? 'cause they're off living their own life and they're in this realm, and I feel like things could get messy that way. 

 And so typically you would put your  📍 maternal side probably , on the left side of the altar because the left symbolizes the feminine,  and you might put your paternal side on the right because that symbolizes the masculine.  However, when I was building my altar for some reason. That wasn't the case.

 My maternal side ended up on the right, my paternal side was on the left, and it just felt right to do it that way.    📍  📍  📍 it's more of an intuitive process  to just  📍 adorn your altar with things that feel good, and you can use symbolism  📍 in this.

So. You might adorn your  📍 altar with certain colors 

flowers or fruit. You might have the four cardinal directions symbolized on your altar somehow. You might include all of the elements.  You would have a  📍 bowl of water. You might light some  📍 incense to signal fire. You might  📍 have a feather from a bird maybe that you found to represent the air element.  And you might put some  📍 rocks or crystals to, illuminate the earth element on your altar.

So I would really recommend  just researching, you know, and finding things that speak to you, that move you, that resonate with you,  because this process is very individual for everybody, and  📍 everybody has their own path to. 📍  Connecting with spirit, and I don't think that any two paths are the same.

I don't think that any two rituals can  📍 even be duplicated because the way that spirit moves is in such a spontaneous way.  And when you're moving with that  📍 spontaneity is when you're really. Closest to it when you're really experiencing it in the most authentic way.  So that being said, it's great to draw inspiration from people who have practiced with this stuff   📍 and one of my favorite authors, 

Malidoma Patrice. Some has a book called The Healing Wisdom of Africa,   📍 in which he talks about a lot of things, but one of the things that he discusses is  the indigenous people called the Dagara Tribe.   📍 They are a tribe that has historically lived in West Africa. Before colonization and he shares wisdom  from that tribe   📍 and their  📍 connection to spirit and their connection to the realm of the  📍 ancestors, and I love his.

Teachings because basically he talks about how everybody comes into this world with a  📍 unique gift, a unique contribution to make to the rest of the world, and  the ancestors are aware of this, and the ancestors want to help this person to be able to unlock and develop and share their gift. With the community.

 And so it's up to us to give that authorization to the ancestors to help us with that mission. So I love that book. I highly recommend it. Also, I. listen to the audiobook  📍 called Connecting With Your Ancestors by Monique, Joyner, Seidlack. And this book is like,  the audiobook was only like an hour long and it's really concise.

 It gets straight to the point. She just talks about, you know,  📍 the ancestors in different ways to build an altar to honor the ancestors. So it's, it's just inspiring. It's a way to springboard. Yourself into this practice. another book that I liked is  📍 called Jambalaya by Louisa. Teesh. And this book can be a little more prescriptive,  like she gives a lot of,

Rituals that almost remind me of spells.  Like she'll, she'll talk about how to cleanse your home or how to bless your home and it has like 14 steps or something.  And I wouldn't say that that really resonates with me, but maybe it would resonate with you.   📍 I'm sure it resonates with a lot of people but I just like how she talks about.  📍 Connection to the ancestors and she also shares the, on that point about how we are all one and we are all connected. And when we honor the ancestors, it's not just about honoring our personal familial line, but rather  all of the ancestors who have ever walked this earth. 

 📍  📍 And so the altar is a place where.  You kind of create a portal. It's like a portal inside of your home that you know when you go there and you sit there, that you are activating that portal, that connection point to the ancestors, and it creates.  A more solidified connection point for you and your ancestors,  and it's also a place where you can go and just talk to them.

You can bring  📍 them offerings, if you know what those ancestors liked.  What they would want. You know, do they love the smell of lavender?  Were they're a fan of roses, was there a certain food that they really liked? You could prepare that for them.  Or if it's an ancestor that you didn't personally know that, but that has come to you to guide you, you can ask them,  how can I honor you?

How can I make this a, a two-way symbiotic relationship?   📍 And you can. Then go from there, whether it's actually bringing physical things or maybe it's just bringing a very beautiful intention to feed that relationship. Maybe you're bringing them a song,  📍 maybe you sing or you play an instrument. I personally sing  📍 and I have a drum, and I love to use song as an offering, especially when I go out in nature and I just connect with the beautiful ancestral spirits that reside within nature.

  📍 basically make this practice your own, and if you like this video, give it a thumbs up, hit the like button, subscribe to my channel for more authentic spiritual content on the way,  and maybe check out the books that I mentioned, especially Maladoma Patrice Somme. I'll link to one of his videos too, because.

He's an amazing teacher, as well as the videos that I mentioned, the meditation that I recorded to help you connect to your ancestors and so on.

 So good luck. If you have any experience already connecting with your ancestors or if you wanna share some of your journey.  I love reading comments about this stuff. So. Go ahead and comment below your own experience. But I guess that's all for now, and I'll see y'all next time. Thanks so much for watching.  ​