Wisdom Grace


Brahim M.Kallon

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Psalm 8 delves into God's excellent name, glory, and special plan for humanity. Written by David, this praise psalm reflects the psalmist's meditation and admiration of God and His creation. It emphasizes God's majesty and glory over all and His special priority and plan for humanity on earth. The psalmist highlights the smallness and insignificance of the earth and humanity compared to the heavens and angels, emphasizing that everything begins and ends with God. The content outline of Psalms 8 starts with the declarations of God's personal covenanted name revealed to the children of Israel and His name as Master. The psalmist proclaims God's name and glory in verse 1, examines the power of the Lord in verse 2, reveals the remarkable and wonderful work of God in verse 3, and proclaims who man is to God and God's priority and plan for humanity over His creation in verses 4-8. The last verse ends with a repetition of admiration and adoration of God's excellent name.

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Speaker 1:

The name and glory of God and his glory on man. Psalm chapter 8, from verse 1 to 3, we're going to see the name and the glory of God identified. So, from Psalm chapter 8, verses 4 to 8, we're going to see the glory of man. And then, lastly, psalm chapter 8, verse 9, we're going to see the name of God. Amen as to the chief musician on the instrument of God.

Speaker 1:

A Psalm of David. You see, I like David because David is a man that praises God, amen. This Psalm that we are reading is a Psalm of praise. The word Psalm means praise, so we see in this account that it is written by David, and this phrase emphasizes a meditation and admiration of David. So David is trying to examine God, he's trying to examine the name of God, he's trying to examine the glory of God and he's also trying to examine the heavens. And he's also trying to examine us as human beings. See how he put God above Number one, god, and number two, the heavens, and then number three, three, us as human being. So which shows that God is the, god is the creator of the heavens and the earth. So God has to be above the heavens and the earth. So we have to put God above. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Life revolves around God. Life in the heavens revolves around God, life on earth revolves around God. God is beyond the heavens, god is beyond the earth. That is why the sermon is started by saying that, o Lord. So the first law, with all caps, it's the.

Speaker 1:

It means Yahweh in Hebrew. Yahweh, the personalized, revealed, covenanted name of God chosen to the children of Israel. Amen. And then the lower, the lower word, lord. It means Adonai, mean that what is the master and the ruler of the universe. So the word Lord specifies the specific name of God. Because, remember, moses said Lord, god, what should I tell these people? What should I tell my own people? And then, what should I tell the unbelievers fellow, who you are? He said I am, that I am Yahweh. That is his covenant name with the children of Israel. Then he has another name means Lord, I do not, which signifies I am the master, I am the ruler of the universe, which includes the heavens and the earth. So, child of God, I want you and I to know the magnitude that you and I would not serve as Morgan on the mind yourself. You can believe to yourself, but don't you ever believe to me, don't you ever underestimate me, because I am NOT a man that I should lie. I'm not a man like you. I am God Almighty. Never put the situation above God, never put Satan above God. Never put yourself above God, because God is all over, amen. So we see two titles here. God identify as Yahweh. Again, the psalmist introduced God with two powerful names he is Yahweh, he is Adonai. He is Yahweh, he is Adonai, child of God.

Speaker 1:

When we talk about names, when I call you, your name identifies you from people. Your name identifies you from people. Your name distinguish you from from from people. Amen. Your name is your reputation. Your name makes you to stand out. So God has names. That makes him to stand out.

Speaker 1:

If you don't know that God is different from the rest of creation, you would treat God as the same. That is why human beings will start making God like elephants, we start making God like crocodiles, we start making God like trees, because we don't know the names of God. That is why God himself has to come down and reveal himself to us. No, that is not who I am. I am not a cow, I am not a goat, I am not a ship. I am not a ship, I am NOT a tree, I am God Almighty, the invisible God. There's no one like me. Don't ever tell God who God is. I love God to tell you who is, because if you tell God who God is, you'll be wrong.

Speaker 1:

Child of God, don't let nobody tell you who God is, especially don't know the Word of God. Tell them who God is based on the Word of God. How can you tell? Tell me, how can you tell God who God is when you don't even know yourself? Amen. God knows himself better than you know him, so allow him to tell you who he is. And that's what the Sabbath has presented to us.

Speaker 1:

That is the Adonai and it is Yahweh. Amen. Look what it says. Follow along. How excellent is your name in all the earth? Child of God? Let's examine that word. Excellent, amen. It means, in Hebrew, adid majesty, awesome, reverence pertaining to a state of grandeur and high status, denoting mightiness and strength. Amen, which shows that the name of the Lord is God himself, because you are your name. You are your name. Your name is your ID card. So, my carica.

Speaker 1:

That is why Jesus said, when Jesus was living, he left something with us. What he left with us was his name. Oh, my caribou, shara Baha. Oh, he left his name because his name is here, is his name ashes? His presence is. There were two or three. I got it In what In my name? I will be what, I will be there. So when you call upon the name of God, you are calling of God himself. His presence is there with you.

Speaker 1:

Don't take slightly the name of the Lord. That's why he said do not only use the name of the Lord in vain, makaiab, don't use the name of the Lord, because that is who he is. He carries weight, he carries representation, he carries reflection, he carries reputation of who God is. It's the representation of God, it's the reflection of God, the reputation, representation of who he is, child of God. God's name is the embodiment. Look at this. God's name is the embodiment of who he is, what he has done and what he does and what he will do. His name embodies who he is, describes his nature, describes his attributes, describes his characteristics. His name also embodies his actions, what he has done. That is why we can call him is what the creator, because he created the heavens and the earth. We can say that god is kind because that's his nature, that's his name.

Speaker 1:

Amen, so his, his name is excellent. Meaning the name of the lord is majestic. The name of the lord is mighty. The name of the lord is great. The name of the lord is beautiful. The name of the Lord is mighty. The name of the Lord is great. The name of the Lord is beautiful. The name of the Lord is praiseworthy. The name of the Lord is exalted. The name of the Lord is awesome. That's what it means to be excellent, praiseworthy, majestic. And look what it says how excellent is your name.

Speaker 1:

Where. What's fear? What's fear? Do we see the excellencies of God? What's fear? What's fear? Do we see the excellencies of God? What's fear? Can we see the manifestation of God's name that is so full of excellence? Look what it says in all the earth, child of God. It says in all the earth, not just in few places on the earth. That word earth denotes the place of earth and the people in it. The place of earth and the people in it. His name is all inclusive, all we see his name, all over the place. You can be in Africa, you can be in the continent of Asia, america, europe. The name of the Lord is excellent in all the entirety of the earth, inclusive of all people, in all places, all peoples of the earth.

Speaker 1:

It has influence and power. You see, god desires to make himself known to man in his great name, to manifest in all. That is why Jesus said go into all nations In my name, cast out demons. He said, okay, you guys are not going to have my physical presence, but you guys are going to have what you guys are going to have my name.

Speaker 1:

Child of God, you don't know the power of the name of God? There is power in the name of God. You might not see physically, you might not see God. You see the reason why we don't believe these things about God, like the blood of Jesus, the name of Jesus, because they are abstract, they're not tangible. We want to see God himself visibly for us to believe. Power can work, but do you know that God created the universe by his spoken word? He doesn't even have to be there physically. He will just say let there be there. So God is saying that. You know, I don't have to be there. My name carries my presence, my name carries my power. Child, I don't want you to play around with the name of God. Amen. Look what it says. Now let's see who have set your glory above the heavens.

Speaker 1:

So we see from from the previous verse that his name is excellent in all the earth. Right, his name, his reputation, he is more popular. Oh, my god, here's a hit. God wants his name to be so be so popular than anyone in the past, present and future. You know we celebrate celebrities. I have one, he understand. But God wants to be celebrated. He wants his name to be celebrated. That is why he said my name to be celebrated in all the earth. And that name is popular. But people don't take that name seriously. People take that name as a joke, but not so with God.

Speaker 1:

If you know the revelation, you fear that name. If you know the revelation, you revere that name. If you know the revelation, you fear that name. If you know the revelation, you revere that name. If you know the revelation, you put some respect on that name. Sometimes you say put some respect on my name, don't just use my name casually, don't just use my name for gossip. Put some respect in my name. Now look what it says. So we have dealt. We have seen that God wants his name to be celebrated on the earth.

Speaker 1:

Now let's go down to the other realm, that God created the heavens. So okay, I'm not done. I'm not done yet. Now let's go to the heavens, another creation of God. He said who have set, who have set your glory above the heavens? You see, it's all about God. Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, amen. So he said who will have set your glory above the heavens?

Speaker 1:

You see, when I look up the word glory, it means it's Hebrew hod hod, it's a state of honor and status. His glory is his splendor, his glory is his beauty. His glory I like this his glory is his face. It means that his presence, his countenance and his glory is his authority. These are all the terms that his glory denotes Splendor, presence and authority and high status. So he's saying that my status, my splendor, my presence, my authority.

Speaker 1:

Guess what child of God? It's above the heavens. The heavens cannot contain God. Who are we, as human beings, trying to contain God? Are you mad? Are you on drugs? If the heavens cannot contain our God, this great God that you and I will serve, how much more the earth? That is his footstool, saying my glory is above.

Speaker 1:

Look that word above the heavens, above the first heaven, above the both the heavens, above the first heaven, above the second heaven, above the third heaven. That is why satan. Satan said I will ascend in the third heaven and I would dethrone god. God said no way lie, lie. Instead, he will come where bottom. He does not share his group. Don't mess around with god's glory. Don't even those and the angels wanted to mess around with his glory in heaven.

Speaker 1:

Who are we human beings? That is why the Bible said we should humble ourselves. He gives grace to the humble. He resists the proud. God hates pride, because pride is you trying to tamper with the glory of God, trying to tamper with the beauty of God, trying to tamper with the authority, the splendor of God. Allow God to be God. You are just a small God, an image bearer, a carrier, amen.

Speaker 1:

Now look what it says the heaven is above the earth. Yes, we see that the heaven is greater than the earth, oh my God. But the glory of God is greater than the heavens. That's why the Bible says in Genesis, in the beginning, it is said the beginning of God. It says the beginning of true creation. The heavens and the earth, the heavens that you and I, we want to go see, we want to fly, we want to enjoy, we want to sleep. The heaven is made. The heaven is made, which shows that God is more than the heavens, so that our focus of going to heaven is not for the place itself, it should be for God, because God is more than the heavens.

Speaker 1:

Ha garabosha, you see, I've learned this recently, that God is more interested in you coming to him as a person rather than his power. If God sees that you come to him as a person, hey, his power is just a byproduct. You understand, just like when you, when you love a man because of who he is, or you love a woman because of who she is, everything else he or she does for you is byproduct. But sometimes we want God. I want to differentiate your power from your personality. I just want your, your goodies. I don't want you a man above the heavens, being that it's incomparable.

Speaker 1:

You cannot compare the glory of God with the heavens, even though it happens is hiding heaven that the earth, it's incomprehensible. The magnitude of the heavens, that's how. That's how big, infinite degree of God is just the glory of God. It's incomprehensible. The magnitude of the heavens, that's how, that's how big, infinite the glory of God is just the glory of God. It's bigger than the heavens. And that's why, if you read carefully, it says oh my God, oh my God, let me go down. I'm not gonna. Okay, let me go down quickly. I want to show you guys something quickly before I get there.

Speaker 1:

Okay, chapter verse 3. Look what it says the work. Look, when I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, hey, the heavens that you and I people worship. The heavens, they worship the solar system. They worship the stars, the moon and the sun. God is saying these entities, these elements that we worship, they are the works of my fingers.

Speaker 1:

The glory of God supersedes the beauty, the power, the intelligence of the angels, because the angels, they live in heaven and the splendor of heaven, even the angels cannot sustain the glory of God. Oh my God, god's name is more excellent than the beauty of the heavens and the earth. God's glory is demonstrated and magnified by his works. That is why we see, when we look at the earth, when we look at the heavens, we admire all because of the works, the works, the end product of God from Genesis. How much more is the Creator? You see, god is beautiful, oh my god, if we think that human beings are beautiful, if we think that the stars are beautiful if we look at things on this earth, in the heavens, you're beautiful. How much more the maker, sometimes your reflection of your parental, see the glory of God in, of God, the name of God reflected on the earth and in the heavens.

Speaker 1:

Now let's look what it says in Psalm chapter 19, verse 1. The heavens declare the glow, the glory of God, and the feminine shows his and the work. So what? The responsibility of the heavens and the earth is for them not to compete with God. They did not compete with God. It's only Satan and human beings. I want to compete with God, even the heavens as beautiful as it is than you and I. We want to compete with God, even the heavens as beautiful as it is, then you and I, we want to compete with God.

Speaker 1:

Look what the Bible says. It says the heavens declare many that it proclaim testify. Oh my God. Give praises To what? To the glory of God. You think God made the heavens beautiful and the beauty of the heavens will not reflect God. It's a lie. You see, when God elevates you, if you're not careful, if you don't humble yourself, if you don't promote God, you come down. If God elevates you, you don't give glory to God, god will abase you. That is why the stars and the moon they're still doing their job, because they're giving glory to God.

Speaker 1:

Human beings, when God has risen us up, instead of us to say, oh, it is God who did it, oh, my works, my wisdom, my intellect, my connection, my network, god will say, ah, okay, you become like Nabuchadnezzar insanity. That is why I said human beings, we are dust without God. We are nothing being. We are dust Without God. We are nothing With God, we are something. Amen. He said.

Speaker 1:

Let the heavens declare the glory of God and the feminine show his handiwork, the universal revelation of God. We see that in nature, stamped with his name and his glory, saturating the heavens and the earth. Look what it says in Psalm 148, verse 13. Let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted. His glory is above the earth and the heaven. Now we're saying not just the heavens, I mean, david was trying to meditate upon the glory of God that is so above the heavens. He said okay, my glory is also on the earth, but my glory is above the earth, meaning that we, as human being, we have glory, but God's glory is above our earthly glory, no matter how glorious, how popular that celebrity is, the people that you and I, we esteem, they cannot be compared to Jesus, they cannot be compared to God, our maker. That is why God does not want you to worship anyone except him. Because when, actually, when you, when you, worship is actually a form of giving glory, worshiping is a form of giving glory. That is why God forbids adultery, he forbids worshiping other human beings and only him should be worshiped. Amen, because look what it says let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted, his name alone is exalted. Look what it says in Psalm 1, 1, 3, verse 4 to 6 this, this, this.

Speaker 1:

We're just focusing right now on the name of the Lord and the glory of God, the scriptural references. Look what it says in verse 4. The Lord is above all nations. Again, that word above that word signifies that God is higher. It says that as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways. So God is not only higher than the earth, is higher than the heavens. He says the Lord is high above what all nations. I like that word to all, because that word all implies inclusive, everybody, everything, everyone. Don't say you know what. Yeah, god is only powerful than than humans. I don't think God is powerful than angels. Oh, god is only powerful than humans. I don't think God is powerful than angels. Oh, god is only powerful than Sierra Leone. I don't think God is powerful than America. It's a lie. God is powerful, higher above all nations, the rich and the poor, educated, uneducated. God is higher above them all. Amen. Look what it says. Again, another reference His glory above the heavens. Child of God. His glory above the heavens. The name is higher.

Speaker 1:

Who is like the Lord, our God, who dwells on high, who humbles himself to be all the things that are in the heavens and in the earth. I like this verse. Look what it says. It says first of all, the psalmist described the magnitude, the exaltation of God. God, you are completely different from what you have created, but you are so humble to put yourself, to limit yourself, to make yourself knowing, to the things that you have created. But you're so powerful. It's like God is far. We cannot reach him, but he makes himself reachable. Not because we cannot make God reachable. God has to make himself reachable and that's what he did.

Speaker 1:

The Bible says he humbled himself to be old. The minute that he said God is God, he said, okay, you see, god likes praise. He said I want these people to see me. I want my people to see me, I want my people to know me, because when they see me, when they know me, they will exalt me. When they see me, when they know me, they will worship me. When they see me, when they know me, they will put their trust in me. Because how can we put our trust in God when we don't know who God is, we don't know the power of his name, we don't know his glory? That is why the Bible says he humbled himself to behold, meaning that for us to see, so that he took that, so that the things that are in the heavens and the earth. He came down in the form of Jesus Christ so that people could see him, people could talk to him, people could reach him. That's why Jesus declared himself as God Amen.

Speaker 1:

So now let's go to our second verse in Psalm 8. Psalm 8, verse 2 out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants, you have ordained strength. This is powerful, this verse. When I read it at first it didn't make sense to me, but when I did my research man, the bible, the bible is is so powerful out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants. You have ordained strength. You see, this is just an illustration of God's power being displayed. This is an illustration of God's power manifested in children. Naturally, children, they are what. Children are weak, children are vulnerable, children are inadequate, children don't know. But here these children, when children are vulnerable, children are inadequate, children don't know. But here these children, when they are empowered, when they are. Look what it says ordained. You have, or the minute that god is the one who ordained. Lay a foundation, establish strength for the babes, the infants, for them to speak his praises, for them to overcome his enemies, which shows that God can use anybody.

Speaker 1:

One thing that I've learned you can be very weak, it's okay. You can be small, it's okay. You can be a fool, it's okay. You can be poor, it's okay. I'm not saying that you should be poor forever, but I'm just saying that it's ok. It's who you know that will make that difference.

Speaker 1:

Ah, god, babes and infant. They are weak, they are vulnerable, they don't have knowledge, it's ok. But guess what? They know who? They know God, they know who the Ameka. They know the Ameka that he is capable. But guess what? They know who. They know God. They know who the Amaker, they know the Amaker, that he is capable.

Speaker 1:

That is why see the reason why sometimes I ask myself why does God always use small things to manifest great things? Have you noticed that in your Bible, when you read that God uses small things to manifest great things, you might mind we're so foolish, we won't pay God. That is why sometimes we discount God. Like God to manifest great things, you might mind we're so foolish, we won't pay God. That is why we sometimes discount God. This is foolishness, because we're expecting God to use big things to manifest big things. But God is saying I can do that too.

Speaker 1:

But let me just show you, oh, my God. That's why I said the heavens are the fingers. They are the fingers of God. I can't even talk about the mind of God. I can't even talk about the mind of God. I can't even talk about the hands of God. Finger fingers of God created the heavens.

Speaker 1:

Now, can you imagine if God speaks Now? Can you imagine if God uses full hand what would happen? You see, it shows the magnitude of God's power. He said you can be weak, you can be a nursing child, you can be a babe. You know what I can. I can ordain, I can establish strength in you to display His power because of your enemies, that you may silence the enemy and the avenger.

Speaker 1:

Look what it says in 1st Corinthians, chapter 1 27, just to tell you that God can use small things to do great things. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty. God, that is my child of God. If you're small, say it's okay. Faith in the Bible Church with the help of God. We are mighty. God, that is my child of God. If you're small, say it's okay, faithfully.

Speaker 1:

Bible Church with the help of God. We are big. We are big. We are powerful. Physically. We don't look like it, but we know who is capable. Amen, that is the attitude that God wants you and I to have, because God does not want you to take the glory of your own. It's for your own protection. It's for your own. What Protection? Because God doesn't play around with his glory. He said okay, after I've done great things for you, I want you to come on your knees, humble yourself and say God, give you all the glory. He said to put the shame the mighty. So we see here a contrast between the weakness of a child it could be us. You can be helpless in a situation. The children of Israel. You see God. Actually, god told them that I chose you not because you're powerful, I chose you because you are small in numbers. You are weak. Hey God, look at the thing that baffles my mind. Look at Israel. It has so many enemies around, but Israel is always overcoming. Israel is always having victory. Why? Because of the God, their God, yahweh, protecting them, surrounded by nations that don't like Israel, can you imagine? Surrounded by nations that don't like you? How could you survive? Surrounded by nations that don't like you? How could you survive since Israel became independent? How could you survive? Because of God, amen. So God ordained strength and empowered children who could be us as believers, those who were naturally weak, vulnerable, powerless, inadequate to silence his enemies and their avenger. Amen. Sometimes we think that we know God. That is why Jesus said if you have faith, like a mustard seed and say to the mountain he said if you have faith, the woman would have issued a blessing If I can't just touch just the hem, just the 30 piece. You see the reason why some people they were here. They said Jesus at your word, just speak Jesus, you don't even have to come. So of course we want God to come in a grand style. Even when God came in a grand style, the children of Israel, they still disbelieve in him. Oh God, if God comes in a still small voice, would you recognize him? Would you believe him? Or do you want God to come and cloud and fire? You'll still disbelieve him. You'll still disbelieve him. Child of God, I'm telling you, don't despise small beginnings. Be faithful in the little things, the little victories that you see. Oh, be faithful, david said. He said this same God who delivered me from the lion and the bear. Ah, goliath, you are what A dog. For me You're nothing. David was a small boy, like I preached on David and Goliath last time. And then the person who was qualified to face Goliath was who? Saul, because Saul was also a gallant man. But God said no, what Saul? You are out. But David, the Bible said he was young and handsome. Young and handsome Defeated a gallant man. Because he said I will call at you in the name. What, in what wisdom? I will call at you in the name of the Lord. Was God physically present there? No, but he knows that name. Ha cha la bo cha ta la ba. He knows that name. He knows that name, amen. Now let's go. Let's continue Because of time, verse 3.

Speaker 1:

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have ordained. So here David is saying that when I perceive, when I look at the heavens, when I gaze at the heavens, oh my God, I see the intricates, I see the work of your fingers, I see your designs. You see one star over there, you see Jupiter, you see Mars, you see Pluto. Oh my God, that God. When I look at the beauty of the constellation, when I look at the beauty of the astral, I see your handiwork, your fingers, the moon, to be more specific, when I look at the moon, when I look at the stars, ministers you have ordained, meaning that you have laid the foundation you have established with your finger.

Speaker 1:

And there are examples in the Bible that references the finger of God. Let's quickly go there. Number one Exodus, chapter 8, verse 19. Then the magician said to Pharaoh this is the finger of God, but Pharaoh's heart grew hard and he did not heed them. Just as the Lord has said, even witches and wizards, magicians, devil worshippers, they can identify the finger of God. Who are we, as children of God, who can't even identify the finger of God? Satan? You see demons, demons, the devil. They know God and they believe they tremble, but we have the Bible, christians. It's a shame for us not to know God, not to believe in God. It's a shame. That is why we are easily defeated, that is why we are perishing, because we lack knowledge of who of God. We lack knowledge of the truth that will set us free. Exodus, chapter 31, verse 18.

Speaker 1:

And when he had made an end of speaking with him on Mount Sinai, he gave Moses two tablets of the testimony, tablet of stone written with the finger of God. Just the finger of God. We seen operational. No, not the full hand, just the finger, the finger of God, just the finger of God. We seen operational, not the full hand, just the finger. The finger of God is powerful, powerful, powerful. Heavens, not the tablets.

Speaker 1:

If the finger of God can create heavens, the finger of God can write the Bible. Makai, abba shot at Abba. You know I was. Oh no, the Bible cannot be written by God. It can be written by man, okay, but but this is the finger of God that created this heaven. Bible a book. Why won't God write a book? Why won't God write a book? His finger created the heavens A book. Why won't God write a book? People are trying to dismiss that. No, the Bible is not written by God. Foolishness, amen. Look what it says in Luke, chapter 11, verse 20. But if I cast out demons with the finger of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you? So this is Jesus himself, this is our Lord himself, confirming the importance of the finger of God.

Speaker 1:

The finger of God represents the power of God, power in heaven's power over witches and wizard. God doesn't have to appear, it's just his finger, that tiny, tiny part of the human body, not because God has a physical finger, but it's just just an illustration, a picture. Look what it says in Psalm, chapter 1, 11, 2-4. The works of the Lord are great, studied by all who have pleasure in them. Wow, david is saying the works of the Lord, they are so great you have to study them. When you you study them, you take pleasure in them, because when you study the works of God, you know what you do. You keep God. God, how could? A caterpillar turns into a butterfly? Sam, chapter 33, verse 6 to 9.

Speaker 1:

By the word of the Lord, the heavens were made and all the host of them. By the breath of his mouth, he gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap and he lays up the deep in storehouses. Let all the earth fear. Wow. So you see what is he? Wait, wait.

Speaker 1:

When these revelations are given, our response is to, to praise, our response to worship, our response to fear, our response to have faith. Don't just say oh god, this is beautiful, this is a beauty of no. God is saying I want you to admire that beautiful sky and know that if I can create a beautiful sky, I can create your life beautifully. God can create your life beautifully. It says let all inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. Wow, the name of God, the glory of God. This is wonderful, amazes me, for he spoke and it was done. He commanded and he stood fast. Masha'allah. This is God that we serve, it's not a small God. Amen.

Speaker 1:

These great elements are meant to inspire awe and respect for God, for his name For his glory. That's why David wrote the book of Psalms depicting his admiration for the heavens. Now let's look at his admiration for human beings. For us, tiny, tiny entities, but we are great. Amen, the glory of man, god's priority and plan for humanity. Look what it says. What is man? That you are mindful of him and the son of man that you visit him. Wow, we are looking at the proeminence of man, meaning that he, his man's significance and status that god has given him. Man has significance and status. That is the glory of man.

Speaker 1:

We talked about the glory of god in the heavens. Because god is so good, because you and I were the image bearer of god, because you and I will reflect God. God is saying I want to share my glory with you. He didn't share with the devil. He wanted. That is why Satan is very wicked.

Speaker 1:

He deceived Eve by lying to Eve, telling Eve that no, you don't have what God. God has already given you his image, but you don't have that. You be like God, but you're already like God. You even knew his image, but you don't have that. You be like God, but you're already like God. You see how he's saying he was trying to deceive Jesus, trying for Jesus to prove that he is God, he's the son of God. But he knows that Jesus is already the son of God. But they all go. Allah, allah, allah. You see, sometimes the reason why we fail is because Satan manipulates our identity about who God says we are. He said to Eve you'll be like God. But the Bible says God created them he, male and female, in his image and likeness. They are already like God.

Speaker 1:

But the enemy came and twisted, trying to create doubt. No, I think God is trying to withhold some things from you. God is lying. God does not want you to have good. God does not want you to have beauty. You see, child of God. I used to believe that lie. God is because, oh, I think the reason why I am poor is because God is poor. The reason why things are not working for me is because, god, we are a reflection of our God, of our lives. But if you come to the word of God, you see who God is. Believe that. Don't allow the enemy to deceive you. It says what is man? I like this.

Speaker 1:

David likes to ask questions. The last time we read about how, like, who can ascend in the holy hills. Sometimes you have to ask questions to God. Oh, my God, god is logical. God wants you to come, he said. He said come, let us reason together. I mean come, let us break bread, let us talk, let us have constructive criticism. Tell me what's wrong with you, tell me what's wrong with the world, tell me what's going on in your life. God wants a conversation. That is actually meditation. When you're on your bed you're thinking God, man, when are you coming? God, this Bible verse, what does it mean? You need to communicate with God, amen. So it says. Look what it says in Job, chapter 7, verse 17 to 18. Even Job himself asked the same question. Look what it said. Chapter 7, verse 17 to 18, even Job himself asked the same question. Look what he said. He said what is man that you should exalt him? So we see in Psalm what is man that you are mindful of him? Okay, what is man that you are mindful of him?

Speaker 1:

Let's study the word mindful. To be mindful means it's an Hebrew word, zakah to mark, to mark when you mark something, meaning that we can come back, and you remember that I usually like to mark, use the eye light to mark key, important things. Right, you read you know. So God is saying I have marked you, man, you have highlighted you, my book, I have highlighted you in the book of life, amen. So the word means to mark, to remember continually.

Speaker 1:

Mindful, because you see, to be mindful meaning that you remember that person continually. That person is in your mind. It's in your mind, not just in the back of your mind. Inside, though. It's inside, meaning that when you wake up you're thinking about that person, oh God. That is why we have to be very careful when we study these words Mindful to keep in mind for attention or consideration.

Speaker 1:

I like that. So your God keeps you and I in mind. For emphasis, for significance, for attention, for consideration, for emphasis, for significance, for attention, for consideration. God mark you and I. I like this other meaning to set the heart upon what. When somebody is mindful of you, they have a heart for you. Oh God, you cannot be mindful of that lady all the time. The reason why you're mindful is because that lady is already in your heart. So it shows that God, we are in God's heart. That is why God is able to think of us continually when God wakes up, thinking about you. See how special you are, child of God. That is why David is asking who are we? Who am I, god? Who am I? I'm just a shepherd boy. Who am I, god? Who am I? I'm just a shepherd boy. Who am I? I'm just a young man from Africa. Who am I? I'm just a young woman that you are mindful of.

Speaker 1:

And then Job says what is man? That you should exalt that word meaning? Exalt me to elevate what? Who am I for you to give me this position? Who am I for you to use me to cast out demons? Who am I for you to use me to preach? Who am I for you to use me to cast out demons? Who am I for you to use me to preach? Who am I for you to use me to heal? Who am I, god? Who am I? These are questions of humility and identity.

Speaker 1:

Saying that, god, I don't know who I am from myself, but I know who I am from you. I don't know who I am from myself, but I know who I am from you. That don't know who I am from myself, but I know who I am from you. That you should set your heart on him, oh my God. That you should set your heart on him, oh God, the reason why Jesus came was because God was mindful of you. The reason why Jesus came to die, because God has set his heart upon you. Because the Bible says, for God so loved the world that he gave that he gave. There's no way somebody can be in your heart you don't do anything for them. It's a lie, god. There's no way Somebody can be in your mind you don't want to do something for them.

Speaker 1:

God said ha, these people there. Judith is in my mind, buddha Alex is in my mind. Prime is in my mind, pastor Duffer is in my mind. Everyone is in my mind. Humanity is in my mind. They're in sin. What can I do? I love them so much. What can I do? Jesus, my beloved son, come on a mission and save them from me, because they are what my image bearer. Yes, my beloved son, come on a mission and save them from me Because they are what my image bearer.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, he said look what he said. He said the same question that David posed in Psalm 8 is the same question that Job posed in Job 7. Which shows that these people, they were different. But that is why the Bible has one author, one spiritual author, that is, the Holy Spirit. Job was thinking about the same. David is also thinking about the same. How could this be? Because both of them have the Spirit of God.

Speaker 1:

For them to inquire to God, who am I? That you should exalt me, that you should set your heart upon me, that you should visit me every morning and test me in every moment. That is, son of man. That you should visit man, the image bearer of God. And that word visits. Let's examine it. Visit it means to give attention to or to care for. When somebody visits you, it's because they want to come see you. When somebody visits you, it's because they want to come see you. When somebody visits you, sometimes they can stay temporary, sometimes they want to stay forever. God wants to come and stay with you. That is why Jesus used the word abide. That word abide denotes to live. He wants to live in you permanently. Look at we as men. We're so insignificant. But God, the supreme God, is so mindful of us. He is involved in human affairs. He gives special attention and focus on humanity, on us.

Speaker 1:

Now, david was like okay, that's not enough. Let me compare humans with angels. Look what it says, for you have made him a little lower than angels. That is verse 5. And the word angel here means this, means Elohim, elohim, but refers to spiritual beings such as the gods or the angels. So it says that you, you have made him a little. Look at the comparative here. He said little lower, little lower. That's a definite comparative Little lower. The gap is so small. The gap is so small. Angels are powerful. We are also powerful. There's only maybe small gap of distinction. You have made it a little lower than the angels. Yes, they are spiritual being, but we are also spiritual being. So that's that's. That's the comparison between man and the angels.

Speaker 1:

And the conclusion with David is that, okay, god, the angels are in heaven, they are powerful, but you are so mindful of me, you come to visit me. The only difference between me and the angels the angels are with you, but you decided to come and see me in this mortal state, see me in this material world, and the only difference is that you made me a little lower than the divine family, the angels. And look what it says. And you have crowned him with glory and honor. You see that word crown, it's a kingship word, it's a kingship term. It means that God is. Oh God, you are. You see, you are a queen, I am a king because our father is the king, the king of who? The king of kings and the Lord of Lord.

Speaker 1:

God is not selfish. Whatever God is, that's what he wants to share. That is why he said be holy, for I am holy. Now I will not be offended when God said, brian, be righteous, because I am righteous, it's okay.

Speaker 1:

God, you say sometimes when God says be holy, sometimes, when God says be holy, sometimes you're like God, he wants to punish me. Now it makes sense. He says, no, brian, I want you to be holy because I want you to reflect me. I want you to be like me, like father, like son. Ah, who doesn't want to be like God, not just performing signs? Be like God in your character. Sometimes you want to be like God, performing signs and wonders. Who doesn't want to be like God in character? God is saying no, no, no, no, no. Yes, he can do signs and wonders, but I want you to be a patient man, because I am patient. I want you to be holy, for I am holy. I want you to be righteous, for I am righteous.

Speaker 1:

If you read the book of 1 John, 2 John, 3 John it talks about. John is saying the elder is saying be this, because God is this. So he's telling them, telling the church. I want you to pursue this. I want you to be this, because your father is like this God desires you to go back to the original state of him, you being his image and likeness. That is exactly what just the second Adam, jesus, came to accomplish for us To take us back to that original state, because sin corrupted the image bearer of God and Jesus Christ came back to reinstate it. He said you have crowned him with what Two things here glory and honor His kingly representative. He elevates us in a position in the rest of creation. He said okay, mankind, I leave the earth to you. Oh God, you see, when you see unbelievers are ruling, don't be jealous of them. They are also image bearer of God. So don't be jealous of them, because God, if you see an unbeliever being the boss over you, as a Christian, say oh, I'm a Christian, you should not be boss over me. Don't be jealous. Go back to the Genesis. That blessing applies to them. If you see a Muslim dominating you, it's your boss. Respect him, respect her. Amen, because God has elevated them, given them dominion, amen.

Speaker 1:

Now let's look at the purpose of man, the superiority of man over creation. So man only has superiority over God's creation. Sometimes we want to tamper spiritual entities. Don't even try to. That is why Jesus said in my name, you cast out demons. Don't even try to, because demons, they are powerful than you. The devil said they lead to lower than the end. Don't even try them. Jesus said okay, if you want to try them, do it powerful than you. The devil said they lead to lower than the angels. Don't even try them. Jesus said okay, if you want to try them, do it in my name, don't do it in your name, because they will defeat you. The only realm where you have dominion, only realm that you can subdue, the only realm that you can conquer, is the earth. You cannot conquer the heavens because that's not your domain. If you want to have access to the heavens, you have to go through me. Even the earth, you can't even conquer it. The earth is the one conquering us, amen. So now look what it says.

Speaker 1:

So the psalmist here expounds on Yahweh's special role for humanity. And it's that role, oh, my God. You see, that is why, when you read the Bible, study the book of Genesis, because Genesis is the foundation for everything. Even Jesus came to fulfill the greatest commission, which is to make us like God, image and likeness. That is why the word we Christians we are called Christians because we are Christ-like, and not only for us to have Christ-like, but for us to exercise our dominion. That is why, oh my God, that is why, when it comes back, you know we are going to rule, we are going to judge angels. That is why, oh my God, that is why, when it comes back, you know we're going to rule, we're going to judge angels. That's what God gave us an initial plan.

Speaker 1:

So God is saying that my initial plan for mankind was corrupted because of sin. But you know what? My son, jesus, has come to reinstate it, to give us our relationship with God, to give us our reflection, for to look like God and for us to rule. That's what Jesus came to do. He said I've come to give life, and life in abundance. Look what it says, verse 6. You have made him, you have made him. You see, everything is God. If you look at that word you, you, you, you, you, you. Everything is about God. You have made, you have given, you have done this, amen. You have made him to have dominion over the works of your hands. Oh my God. You have made him. You were made to have dominion, hallelujah. You were made to have dominion over the works of God's hand, not for the works of God's hand to dominate you. You are, you were made to have dominion over the works of God.

Speaker 1:

Look look at Genesis, chapter 1, verse 26 to 28. Then God said let us make man in our image, according to our likeness. Let them have dominion. In which area? In which kingdom? In which category? Over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the cattle, over all the earth, not just limited to the animal kingdom, extended to the plant kingdom, extended to the non-living things, over creeping things that creeps on the earth. So God created him, his own image, in the image of God. He created him Male and female, and created him.

Speaker 1:

When people say that women cannot be leaders, women cannot have dominion, it's a lie, because women are also made in the image and likeness of God, so they have that dominion capacity. A woman can be creative, a woman can be innovative, a woman can be an entrepreneur. It's not just for us as men. Look at the Proverbs, chapter 31 woman. She has her own business, she's an investor. Because why? She shares that same image and likeness with God? Amen. Then God blessed them and God said be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue it, have dominion. Again. That word dominion keeps coming. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over every living thing that moves on the earth.

Speaker 1:

Child of God, you see that word dominion does not mean that you take charge by means, by power. You are in charge as a steward, you are in charge as a servant. God is saying I want you to have dominion as a steward, meaning that whatever it is that I'm giving you, the works of my hand don't belong to you. That is why the Bible said the works of whose hand? Your hand? He didn't say my own hand, oh God, because everything comes from God. Amen. He said I want you to be a steward, Meaning that a part-time, temporary housekeeper of what I have given you, of my possession. And I want you to be a servant, meaning that I want you to serve. But most times we want the earth to serve us. No, the earth is not going to serve you. The earth will do what, but most times we want the earth to serve us. No, the earth is not going to serve you. The earth will do what Will serve God. You have to serve the earth.

Speaker 1:

Jesus said if you want to be great, serve. You see, if you want to rule over the plant, if you want to rule over the animals, you have to serve them. If you want the dog to be nice to you, you have to feed that dog. That dog will not come to you. If you are mean to that dog, if you feed that dog, hey, puppy, come here.

Speaker 1:

You know, at work there's this big dog and I'm afraid of dogs. You know, I've been afraid of dogs since childhood because they beat me once, you know. So, ever since I'm afraid of dogs. So I had this dog. I'm like sometimes I'm like don't be afraid, you have to overcome your fear. I saw this ugly dog. I said, god, today I'm not going to be afraid. I have to overcome this paranoia. I said dog, it was a bulldog. I said dog, me too. I put on my dog face. I said come, come, come. And the dog was like no, god. You said I have to dominate Dog. Dog, I will dominate you. I will dominate you with my scary face and the dog left, amen. So we have to dominate. We have to dominate. But now look at it.

Speaker 1:

Three reasons why God created you and I. Three reasons. Number one reflection. To reflect him in his ways, to reflect him in his walk, meaning that, to reflect his character, Amen. Number two relationship. God wants you and I to worship him. God wants you and I to have communion with him. God wants you and I to have fellowship with him Amen. Number three rulership. God wants you and I to have dominion over the works of his hand. And then, number four reputation. And that this one applies to us as Christians. How we perform all these three things, how we reflect God, how we relate with God, how we rule, will determine our reputation to the world. If we reflect God in our character, people will see it at work. You don't have to preach, your life will preach. They will ask you why are you like this? Why are you so kind? Why are you so humble? And to be more specific, it says all sheep, oxen, even the beasts of the field, the birds of the air and the fish of the sea that pass through the path of the sea. I want you to have church over the animal kingdom, not just limited to animal kingdom, the plant. I want you to exercise stewardship and servanthood.

Speaker 1:

Dominionship from God does not mean that it's your right. It's a privilege. It's a privilege, really, it's a privilege. Sometimes we as human beings, because we're in a place of authority, we think that people should just walk over us. No, it's a privilege to be a leader. It's a privilege to be a man of God. It's a privilege. Everything that God has given us, that's what the word steward meaning that you are. You are just a manager of God's resources. It does not belong to you because, because you would die, that building would still exist. Oh God, so just appreciate. Say God, thank you, amen. We're almost there. We are so high and noble but just have short of divinity compared to the angel, and we as humans have the things that only God has, not the animals. That is why we are above the animals, because we are made in his image and likeness. Animals are not. That is why we have to conquer them, and it's a shame for us as human beings.

Speaker 1:

We worship what we are greater than. Why do you think God was so mad at the children of Israel? Why are you worshiping a cow. You are better than a cow. You are better than a cow. You are greater than a cow. But you call the thing that you are greater than your God. Are you trying to put me in the same category as you? That's exactly what it is.

Speaker 1:

When you worship idols, you are putting God in the same category as yourself Because you are greater than that idol. God is saying that you are greater than that idol. God is saying that you are greater than that idol. Don't make that thing that you are greater than more, greater than me. He said no, I will fight it. I will fight it.

Speaker 1:

That is why God hates adultery. Because you're saying that, god, what I have created is God. That's an insult to God. God is saying that's not only an insult to your own humanity. You made my own image and likeness. You're insulting yourself. How much more do you want to insult me? Okay, you can insult yourself, but don't insult me.

Speaker 1:

Certain things that God hates because they want to take his place Pride, adultery. It's like God. I am better than you, I am greater than you. You're not a boss over me. I am more powerful than you. You're not a boss over me. I am more powerful than you. God is saying okay, try me. Amen. So now let's keep going.

Speaker 1:

What God has given mankind based on the things that we have read? So God graciously again that word graciously bestowed an entrusted man with three valuable things Number one glory. Number two honor. Number three dominion. Glory. Number two, honor. Number three dominion, glory. Your beauty, your splendor, honor, your reputation, your status, your dominion, your power, your authority over what God has created. God has all of these things. Can you imagine he has all of these things?

Speaker 1:

Ok, sometimes we want the glory of God, we want the power of God, but we don't want the humility of God, we don't want the love, sacrificial love, of God. Hey, it's hard. Child of God, we want authority and power, but God is saying, son, I want you to be humble, I want you to be loving to the point of your own hurt. Can you imagine when you have to love people that you don't want to love, but God is saying you have to love them? Ha, to be like God is not easy. Oh, to be like God in character is not easy. To be like God in character is not easy To be like. I mean, yes, you can be like God in power, you can do wonders and wonders, but to be like God in his nature is not easy, because the nature, our nature, fights against his nature. When God is asking you to be loving, love one another, he's going deep down your nature. He's going to watch you against. He said no, I want you to be like that, because that's who I am. What makes man distinct is you and I. We are made in the image and likeness of God, in reflection, in representation and in reputation. Amen.

Speaker 1:

We're going to close with this. We're going to look at Psalm 8, verse 9. That is the last verse. It says O Lord, our Lord again, our excellence is your name in all the earth. If you look at the outline, the structure of this psalm, you see David started with God and then he ends with God. He's saying that life starts with God. He's saying that life starts with God. In between life is creation and man, but the end of life is God.

Speaker 1:

The repetition of such praise in the first verse concludes the sound how excellent is your name in all the earth? So it was just. David is just trying to tell us that, okay, this earth that you and I we call earth, god is above it, his name. God wants his name to be popular. He established his name from Genesis and he's saying that I want that name to also be concluded in Revelation. When Jesus comes, he's going to come back. Ha ha, god, he's going to come back and those who don't believe in his name will perish. Those who believe in his name will have everlasting life, amen. So we see the name of the Lord and the glory of the Lord are manifested by his works in the heavens, in the earthly creation, in us, his image bearer, amen. So at the end of the day, god wants you and I to celebrate his name, to make his name popular all over the earth.

Speaker 1:

When you are to walk, let people know about the name of God. When you are with your family, let people know about the name of God. When we are with your friends, don't be ashamed of the name of God. When we are with your friends, don't be ashamed of the name of God. You know one thing I've noticed about us as believers, even the LGBT community. Those people are very proud. That's why they call themselves pride. They are very proud. Everywhere they go. They are visible. But we, as Christians, we go somewhere. Nobody has to know we are believers. Sometimes God himself has to.

Speaker 1:

Oh God, when you're with your friends, you talk about people that you admire. Like me, I talk about Cristiano Ronaldo, messi, neymar. Why can't I talk about God when I'm with my friends? Why can't God occupy the conversation? Why? Because we don't want to make the name of God popular. We don't want to celebrate the name of God. But God is saying, saying I want you to celebrate my name, I want you to make my name popular. Wherever you go, wherever you're with, let them know my name. And then God is also saying give glory, give glory, glorify me, give glory in all things, give glory to me, give glory to me. Don't give glory to yourself. Don't give glory to me. Give glory to me. Don't give glory to yourself. Don't give glory to your intellect, don't give glory to your money. Don't give glory to any man, but give glory to me and me alone.

Speaker 1:

What can we learn about God from these few verses? Number one God is a supreme master. Look what it says old Lord, our Lord. In the and in the end it says O Lord, our Lord. So what we know is that God is the supreme master. Number two we see that God is the source and sustainer, creator of everything and everyone. God is the source, meaning that he is the initiator and the one who sustains what he has created.

Speaker 1:

Amen, represented by these phrases have set, you have works, you have ordained, you have made. All of these phrases express that God is the source and sustainer of everything and everyone, amen. And thirdly, god is a sovereign ruler. God is a sovereign ruler. May that God is the one who is in control, in charge, represented by these phrases the name of God in all the earth. May that God is sovereign over all the earth. God is sovereign over all the heavens against principalities, power, dominion, wickedness in high places, amen.

Speaker 1:

Finally, life on earth and in the heavens all start with God, for God, about God, and ends with God. Let me say it again Life on this earth and also in the heavens, all all starts with who With God, and they are for who For God, and they are about who God, and they are hence with who With God and they are for who For God, and they are about who God and their hands with who God. Life revolves around God, in the heavens and on the earth. Without God, man is but a dust. Humility and glorifying God are essential. Without God you are a dust. But when you humble yourself and you give glory to God, god will honor you Amen.

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