Cool Collaborations

#18 Gordon Lambert – Industrial strength collaboration

Gordon Lambert Season 1 Episode 18


For episode 18, I’m joined by Gordon Lambert, retired from Suncor and from a 16-month long assignment as interim CEO of the Alberta Energy Regulator. We’ve been having some great conversations recently and I’m looking forward to hearing about what it takes to set up the Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance, the first energy industry collaboration that included the sharing of intellectual property. Please enjoy our conversation. 

During this episode we discuss

  • Gord’s background
  • A view of collaboration
  • COSIA (Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance)
  • Collaboration and acceleration
  • Collaboration and sustainability
  • Alberta’s culture of collaboration
  • A book suggestion

Resources mentioned in this episode

Now it's your turn

Gordon Lambert is retired, but you might still be able to connect with him through his LinkedIn profile

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