Miriam's Meditations

Harmonic Infusion of Light

Miriam Season 6 Episode 10

These days we may find we have pieces of our lives or our work that seem to be out of place, or just don't fit right. The world is evolving and changing and maybe we feel out of step. This meditation is all about harmony, harmonizing your energy and light. We first practice with our hands, touching fingertips together to harmonize the brain. Our breath deepens as we open our rib cage with this simple mudra (hand gesture). Then we open to our body of light, noticing harmony in the colors and patterns. Allowing the harmonics to develop we reach high octaves of transmissions of light. We feel the pressure of being human lift off us for a bit. We transmits this softness to others, to our home and our work. We step free for a few moments into the lightness of being.

'Angels of Beauty' music by Sanaya Roman (orindaben.com)
Podcast production by iRonick Media (ironickmedia.com)

Breath exercises are not intended to diagnose or treat illness. Anyone undertaking to practice breath awareness and exercises should be mindful of their health and consult their health care practitioner if they have any questions about their fitness for this practice. 


Blessings and welcome to Miriam's meditations I've had a wonderful return to my yoga practice in the last little while, and it has given me some new awareness of my breathing space. Because all of that twisting and stretching and opening the various lines of energy in the body. And I found a great yoga class for older people, which is so perfect. So I encourage you, if you're so inclined, yoga is a wonderful way to prepare the body for pranayama. Especially if you can find a gentle class, that's a really great way to get into yoga is in a very gentle fashion. So I'm also feeling more freedom in my breathing space. Since I've been practicing with all of you. Personally even being more regular with my breathing practice, I find that the spaces in between my ribs seems to be getting more elastic and more open. So I hope that is happening for you too. As you're practicing. In our sedentary society, it's easy to get a little stiff. All of those muscles in between the ribs are supposed to be at least a little bit pliable. So I want you to close your eyes. And notice your breath in this moment. How the breaths coming in and out of the body. And try for a few cycles of breath, not to change your breath, but simply to notice the breath and how it is feeling in this moment. So later at the end of our practice, we can notice how the breath might have changed how our body feels, how our mind and emotions are. So it's nice to take a moment to become aware of your beingness in this moment in this now time. And now you want to allow your body to have a fuller, deeper breath in through your nose as much as possible. Unless your sinus passages are swollen with pollen from the spring approaching, mouth closed jaw relaxed breathing in and out of the nose. And let your abdomen swell and fill and relaxing out. And on your next exhalation as you let the breath leaves the body, draw the abdomen in so that you fully and completely exhale as much as possible. And then even a little more until you are thoroughly emptied of the breath. And then hold as that moment softly gently in the emptiness of the breath. And then let the breath arise as it will and easily infilling the breath and to all of the spaces of your torso. So we know that the lungs are too small little sacs high up in the chest not as large human maybe as you might think they are about the size of your hand. But as you breathe in and out, your diaphragm moves down toward the abdomen the abdomen expresses out and the ribs in the ribcage move out to accommodate the breath. Now the ribs themselves should pivot in their little joints at the sternum and at the spine. So as you're taking these smooth and easy breaths Imagine your ribs are pivoting sort of like the slats on a shutter might pivot. And exhaling is just easily releasing the breath. You can even release with your mouth open. And as you're doing this, I want to congratulate you for spending a little time in your practice. I was talking before the class began with those who meet for the live class that's being recorded. Good, I am breathing with a number of individuals who have been with for a long time. And we were talking about how sometimes in life, the pieces just don't seem to fit together very well. And reality is kind of a little cranky. And as I asked people about this, I see that many of us are struggling with challenges or meeting the challenges opening to the doorways that are opening. But there are moments when there just does not seem to be an action to take, because the pieces just don't seem to fit. When and so in those moments, like perhaps now, one of the things you can do is to breathe. Your breath is always at hand it is always with you. And in this moment, I invite you to go one level deeper to your inner being higher self or your guide. Knowing there is always wisdom available for you. And these inner realms, open and open and open. This is where we truly reside, our vast consciousness where there is always nourishment available. There are always some kind of answer for our questions. Even if the answer is simply to breathe, and be maybe take a walk, watch for birds look for flowers. Feel the sunshine. Notice the clouds sky calligraphy, clouds I read that somewhere this week. Sky calligraphy are clouds. And perhaps the paths of birds are the dance of the bees. All of these energy patterns surround us in the natural world. And as we noticed them, we amplify them and augment them and support the natural world through our focus. So there is a correspondence between us and the natural world. We listen for the wisdom of the trees. The joy of the flowers. Ever noticed sometimes when you pass by flowers and you notice them they do a little waggle dance. Sometimes when I'm trying to get a photo of a flower, they're so joyful to have been noticed that they won't sit still. They move around. They're responding to my appearance, my noticing them my focus. Now, bring the fingertips of each hand together so that your sums meet your fingers need. Just gently rest your hands in your lap. We'll do a little breathing. Practice with our fingertips to notice our breathing in the different parts of the ribcage. First exhale all the air in your lungs to prepare. know as you're breathing in, press yourself and forefinger together more and more firmly as you inhale


and exhale


and do a few rounds of that and notice that as you press the thumb and first finger together, the other fingers are just resting that you feel your lower ribcage more strongly more pronounced. There is a nervous system connection between these fingers and the lower ribcage. One more breath pressing the thumb and first finger the diaphragm opens a little more. Now next inhalation, press the third and fourth fingers together. You could let go of all the other fingers just to make a nice focus. So long finger and ring finger breathing in pressing that goes to the midribs and exhaling when you're ready, just doing it again a few times at your own pace. And now the last OLED up at the top of the chest, is the little finger. So just pressing only the little finger together as you breathe in. Feeling a nervous system connection with the upper ribs a few rounds at your own pace I even feel that all the way up into my skull and all the little joints in my skull just popped. All right, relax from that for a moment. All the fingertips together now, from thumb all the four fingers in the sun. Now we're going to do a little pressing in sequence to open all of the breathing space using the hands. exhale all the air in your lungs. Now as you breathe in, press the sun and the first finger and the third finger, ring finger little finger rising to the top. And exhale, relax your hands. Keep the fingers lightly touching. Again, breathing in some pressing first finger, second finger, third finger, pinky finger and relax the breath out. One last time breathing in pressing all the fingers in sequence as you inhale. Noticing how this assists you in filling all of the breathing space in




as it matches the pressure in your fingers breathing out when you're ready.


And relax your hands.


When you bring your hands together, you also bring the two hemispheres of the brain together. So you might notice that you had some activity in your brain as you were doing this and practice mudra hand motions are called mudra in Sanskrit. And there are many mudra that assist us in concentrating,


breathing and meditation.


You can bring your thumb and forefinger together on each hand


with the palm facing up


or the palm facing down. Notice that energy and makes an energetic circle. it quiets the hands and somehow brings the energy of the hands and arms back into the body signature. It makes it easier to focus your mind quiets when your hands are quiet. If you are a musician who uses your hands to play your instrument, then you are tickling your brain every time you play. Playing music with your hands is really wonderful for your brain for brain health, for your nervous system creates harmonics in the nervous system. Now let's bring the first two fingers to the right hand to touch the Third Eye left and remain stationary in your lab. You can hold the mudra if you like some and first finger and now we'll trace the spirals on the forehead going toward the left to begin counting to 36 1-234-567-8910 1112 1314 1516 1718 1920 2120 220-324-2520 620-729-3031 30


to 3334 3536 Pause. Breathe in your third eye


and exhale out your third eye right hand remain stationary. Place your left hand upon your heart, heart mine uniting breath. Breathe in your third eye, drawing the breath deep into the head collecting the energy there and exhaling down into your heart. Breathe in at your third eye exhale, exhaling all of that energy surrendering to the heart, allowing the hearts wisdom. Breathing at your third eye once more, collecting the energy there and exhaling that energy into the heart. Inhale at your heart. Allow the breath to rise, illuminating the mind and exhaling that blended energy into the sweetness of the heart. Breathe in again at your heart. The breath lifts as if on wings of a dove. And that blending of heart and mind surrenders to the heart. Once more breathing in at the heart, allow the breath to rise. Blend and exhale, release. dropping into the heart just breathing in and out of the heart noticing the hearts energy and how your own energy has dropped your focus has dropped to heart.


We spend a lot of time in our heads. This practice allows you rescue from all of that. Just being with the hearts knowing the hearts intelligence.


alternate nostril breathing, breathe in through both sides of the nose. Exhale through both sides of the nose. Close off the right nostril with your thumb. Breathe in the left side only. Close off as your fingers lift up your thumb breathe out breathe in that right side only. Close off with your sub. Lift up your fingers breathe out breathe insane clothes off. Lift up your finger breathe inhale once more through your right nostril clothes off breathe out the other side


read insane


cleanser out breathe in. Your hand drops your lap and breathe out now noticing the place to which the breath practices carried you notice your body of light all around you sphere of beautiful light. Radiant




Many feet out around you notice the light in front of you and behind you light on one side and the other side and light above as you breathe in, imagined beautiful friendly light flowing in on the breath and making your body of light more and more brilliant


and beautiful


now imagine with each breath that you draw in, you are creating harmony and you are recognizing harmony. What does harmony feel like? How is it when all of the happenings around you are in harmony you're in harmony with the people around you with the work that you are doing with your environment, your home is harmonious and beautiful. Harmony could be said to be a blending. So, perhaps the energy of the right and left sides of your body of light could be seen to be blending with each other. Perhaps even going so far as to trading places are coming to a place where they are meeting in the middle overlapping perhaps if one side was red and one side was blue, and they came in into harmony, you would be filled with purple light are yellow and blue and you would be green or yellow in red and you would be orange perhaps there are so many harmonics that you are rainbows remember how the beautiful white sunlight reflects into the rainbow in drops of water


or a prison or crystals. Reminding us that


this beautiful light that we are surrounded with all the time is made of rainbow light. And all of those segments of rainbow lined are in harmony with each other. In fact when you look closely at a rainbow, you can see that the space between the colors is a beautiful blend. There is no sharp demarcation where one color stops and another starts the sound of that airplane going over my head blends with my voice the sound frequencies that are flowing off of those aeroplane engines make ripples in the air which are reaching our ears


that is in harmony


you can draw harmony in your breath and you can infuse all of your various fields of being your physical body,


your emotions,


your beautiful mind. All have the etheric layers your aura your white light body your vast consciousness which is beyond this earthly realm. Feel as you are breathing in all of these various components of your being harmonizing finding their proper




and easily singing the song of you for when you are in harmony the various sounds owns the Secret Sacred sounds that your beingness makes, that we can hear with our inner ears are all in tune. And now imagine your harmonics are reaching out and out away from you harmonizing all of the environment around you. That your Harmony can reach to any individual that comes to mind. That you can share your harmonious feelings, your harmony of being.


Light harmonies


can be shared easily with others because harmony is a natural state. And it travels with ease through all the layers of reality. Timeless pneus without time having to pass your harmonics reach those you love that come to your mind. It gives them strength and encouragement and helps them fit what's may seem to be broken pieces of their lives into a more beautiful pattern. Your harmony, your beautiful life helps others. To quote the master Abraham, we cannot get sick enough to make sick people well. But we can share joy and harmony and well being that we are experiencing and uplift others calling them to those higher planes those higher octaves of light by our very being and opening to them letting your harmonies be what you think of when you think of them. You imagine them and their very most harmonious uplift itself physically robust, productive filled with emotional energies that is robust and dynamic moving them along through their life finding the patterns in this new dawn, this confusing complicated entity that we are being a part of comes into harmony. So what is that thing? That piece that seems like it just does not work


for you in your world


imagine it coming into harmony for your imagination is truly powerful. Now back to your body of light. We amplify your harmony. Imagine it flowing out like ripples on a pond from a pebble dropped out in our in our way and returning higher and higher octaves of harmony sounds of beauty, colors and light profound, deep stable for a few moments, some of the pressure of being human lifts up off of you. You have a little more space to move. You have room for ideas. There are open doors all around you awaiting your exploration find a door right now. That is open for you. That leads to higher light, wisdom, knowledge, love and care. Just let it appear before you slightly open and then opening a little further and if you wish he could bold and joyful step forward Spring is the time when we fling our doors open and we step out once again into the world


to find your open door and if you wish just be there for a few breaths


Yes, new patterns are forming flows




connections run davers assistance guidance support and maybe it is just presence with a loved one. Allow your light to uplift them easing a little bit for them the pressure of being human


creating space


come back now to your breathing body and notice the light all around you now feel the harmonic patterns, hear the voices of the angelic realm. See the colors notice whatever it is that you can notice and whatever that is is just perfect in this moment even if it is simply the still point of being which is a powerful thing. You are stability and all of the currents of the world and all of the currents all around you. Because you are practicing now a downpouring of light. Exquisite bathing you in all the harmonies of all of the angelic kingdom, all of the beings of light who have gathered around us and with us. wanting you to know their presence. For you have lifted your light enough to be recognized by these heavenly realms.


The intelligence is all about


pouring of light filling all the layers of your being your beautiful body of light which is now filled with Shimmer from all of your journeys and explorations. Your mental body cleared and cleansed your emotions fluid and flowing giving you heart


for all the tests ahead


and into your physical body. This beautiful outpouring of light into each and every cell


nourishing you


strengthening See the perfect blueprint of your body and all the layers of your being it is as a shimmering blue light through all of your layers perfect pattern allow that rest in your being aligning with all of your molecules and atoms all of your patterns


infused with this beautiful light


and rest in the knowing it all is well no come back to your breathing body once again bring your hands together your heart recognize the infinite field of light that is your heart. It is you lighted me recognizes the light in you get in that place we are one Namaste. Mahalo for listening, follow rate and review Miriam's meditations on Apple podcast, Spotify, Google podcast, or wherever you're getting your podcasts. We share a new meditation each week. The breath work presented here is cumulative. So if you're new to breath work, please start at the beginning in season one, and you'll learn the fundamentals. You can find more information about my work on my blog at Miriam's meditation stock comm that's M I R. I A M S meditations.com I welcome your comments. Write to me at contact at Miriam's. meditations.com Aloha, and have a beautiful day