Miriam's Meditations

Chapter 14: Wisdom: Being your Higher Self

Miriam Season 7 Episode 15

One of my favorite Orin quotes ever: “Be the leader. Dare to be wise!” Here we are coming to the culmination of our work over the last number of weeks, being our wise, higher self. We have been breathing through a number of steps that have taught us to be in the center of our own lives, compassionate and open, wise and loving. We are all these things toward ourselves first, then opening to share our truth and true being with others. We breathe as our higher self, an immediate way to connect to our truth and be in our center. 

We are reading and learning from the book Personal Power Through Awareness by Sanaya Roman, channel for the guide Orin. Reading Orin is like a cup of tea with a dear, wise friend. Here’s a link to buy the book: 


'The Blessed One' music by Sanaya Roman (orindaben.com)
Podcast production by iRonick Media (ironickmedia.com

Breath exercises are not intended to diagnose or treat illness. Anyone undertaking to practice breath awareness and exercises should be mindful of their health and consult their health care practitioner if they have any questions about their fitness for this practice. 


Ah, all right, welcome to Miriam's meditations. Thank you for joining thank you for being a participant in this grand experiment of life. Thank you for breathing with us, listening to your inner wisdom, learning this wonderful book that we have been working our way through over these last weeks of the summer, personal power through awareness by Sanaya Roman is so deep with wisdom. Every page has something really profound on it. It's probably my most favorite book by sanea and Oren in this chapter that we are working on at the moment, wisdom being your higher self. Chapter 14. Many times in my practice, I think about breathing as my higher self is a way for me to, like, really key into who I am as my higher self. And just a few breaths as my higher self is really a great way to sort of bring me back to that center, and being able to do some of the practices that Oren recommends, like feeling love rather than judgment, not expressing our anger, and trying to be compassionate toward those people who are just getting under our skin. Yeah, right. Some of this stuff's really challenging. Some of this stuff is it takes some practice. You got to do it a bunch of times before it becomes more your true nature coming through. So that's what this chapter is about. I wanted to read you the last paragraph of this chapter, because this is one of the coolest things that I've ever read by Oren, and he says, be the leader. Dare to be wise. Dare to be the one who is the most loving, compassionate, open and vulnerable. Set the example. Do not wait for others to be open and wise. First. You will soon discover the power of one open, wise and loving person to transform the entire world around him or her. Dare to be wise. Let's just breathe that in for a moment. Let's close our eyes and come into awareness of our being in this moment, seated upon your chair, your cushion, or even laying down, if you like, just calling yourself to center and letting the outside world drop away and just feeling your breath in your body, my life's been a little topsy turvy in the last 48 hours or so, and so my breath has gotten a little tight in my upper chest. I am noticing, and so I have been calming, quieting, breathing, small, big breaths, not the biggest big breath I've ever had, but some kind of small, big breath, just a little bit of softening in the abdomen and A sigh where your shoulders drop away from your ears And letting your hands relax and your jaw relax and a nice, long, complete exhalation, where all of the air leaves the body, as much as you can, and then letting the breath arise upon its own, just flowing back in as it can, as it will,


let your legs relax, let your feet relax.


That was once in the presence of the powerful and excel excellent Yogi bhiksyengar, and he told this auditorium of people to breathe through our feet. So let's try that for a moment, just a bit of whimsy, seeing if we can draw the powerful flow of the breath within the breath in through the soles of our feet, up our legs, into our body, and just an easy exhalation and. It's a nice grounding practice just breathing in through the feet, and each exhalation is a little more relaxed, a little more soft. Ah, there we go, dropping the shoulders again, away from the ears, and letting our intention for our breath practice to be to breathe as our higher self, as our wise, deep knowing self. And now bringing the first two fingers of the right hand up to touch the third eye, and we'll breathe in and out as a third eye, one breath to prepare, and then spiraling to 36 drawing circles on the forehead, opening the Third Eye, 1-234-567-8910, 1112, 1314, 15, 616, 1718, 1920


2120 220-324-2520, 620-728-2930, 31 so. 3334 3536 pause,


inhale at your third eye, drawing the breath deep into the mind, into the head, and then releasing it with ease. Right hand remains stationary. Left hand comes up to touch your heart. Just place your palm upon your heart. Heart, mind uniting breath, breathe in at your third eye and exhale that energy into the heart. We are surrendering and releasing to the heart. Breathe in again your third eye, and exhale into your heart. Heart and Mind begin to blend. Once more, breathing in at the third eye and exhale, releasing into the heart. Now, breathe in at your heart, draw the breath deep into your being and let it rise into your mind, and then exhale that blended energy of heart and mind into the heart space. Breathe in again at your heart, the breath rises blends with the mind and exhale back down into the sweetness of the heart. Once more, breathing in at the heart, the breath rises, lifting and blending and exhaling back into the sweet, tender, loving space of the heart. Heart and Mind are wedded in a spiritual union. Hmm, all right, alternate nostril breathing. Inhale through both sides of your nose and exhale through both sides of your nose. Close off your right nostril and breathe in the left side only. Close off with your fingers, lift up your thumb, breathe out, breathe in same side. Close off with your thumb, lift up your fingers, breathe out,


breathe in same side. Side,


close off, lift up, yourself. Breathe out,


breathe in same, close off, out other and




out, other insane out, other insane, out other


insane and let your hand drop to your lap and breathe out both. Now, let's keep our eyes closed. I would like to do a series of retained breaths very gently, so once again, not drawing in the biggest, most massive breath you've ever done, just sort of small, big breath. All right, so let's exhale to prepare, and now breathe in a full and complete breath rising to the top, and just pause and Retain the breath, just feeling the fullness of the breath.


And exhale, let


it go. You can breathe out through your mouth or your nose. Again, breathe in a full and complete breath. Pause as you retain the breath. Stretch and open around the breath,


making space and exhale. Breathe in again,


perhaps that one was a little larger, retained a breath, exhale, once more, a very grounded, full, nourishing breath, rising to the top. Stretch your back, stretch your front. Eyes open, palms up for a cleansing breath. Breathe in, exhale, three puffs. Exhale completely. Breathe in cleansing breath. Eyes closed, let's do one surrender breath, similar to the retained breath, but a few more steps involved. Breathe in a full and complete breath, rising to the top, swallow, bring a little more breath into your upper chest. Release some breath from your abdomen. Fill your abdomen and surrender. Surrender to being your Higher Self, your wise one, one more. Breathe in all the way to the top. Swallow, inhale in the upper chest. Release your abdomen. Fill your abdomen and surrender. Eyes open for a cleansing breath. Breathe in. Cleanse again, cleanse and eyes closed, breathe in a full and complete breath, just an easy, gentle breath. Oh, much better. Exhale. Ah. See how powerful the breath is to shift us to a new place of ease and flow one final breath, minor Yogi exercise, breathe in arms, arc into a prayer pose above your head, I surrender to my perfect blueprint of being my wise one, my deep inner knowing and exhale as your arms drop down to your lap. And here we sit, cleansed and clear a wide open space around us. Look around with your inner vision at this beautiful, powerful, wide open space that you have created through your breath practice. There is a magic that happens with the breath practice that supersedes any sort of technical practice or thoughts about it. There's something deeper going on here. It is a clarifying and opening. It is a cleansing of all that is no longer serving you, easily released, even if you have no thoughts or even emotions about what has been released. It simply easily departs your field, leaving you cleansed and refreshed and so in this cleansed and beautiful space, let us reach up for our higher self and even farther to our soul. Imagine your soul is a transcendent part of who you are, a loving and wise you, and notice now there is a golden light emanating from your soul that is flowing to your personality, self and and just let that golden light surround you. And as you breathe, imagine the golden light flowing in at your third eye, further cleansing and opening this lens of perception, this sensory capacity that we all have, and that you are gaining more and more proficiency with through your practice and your awareness, of your intuition and these guidances, these wise words and wise intuitions from your soul and your higher self. So you're breathing this golden light, creating a brilliance in your head, also known as the Ajna center in the chakra




And now breathe that beautiful, golden light into your throat, into your throat chakra, letting all unresolved words, things that you might have said, Just be released in the beauty and the softness of this golden Light, opening your throat chakra to speak your truth, relaxation, softening in the throat and now allowing that beautiful light to draw into your heart center, nourishing the Heart, bringing you to your most compassionate self when these centers are aligned, awakened and illuminated, you are in your truth. You are the Compassionate One, the loving one, and that love is not a sentimentality. Body or even an emotion. It is a powerful flow, the most powerful in this universe of ours.


It is something fresh,


something very high and pure, and it flows. And it flows to you, unimpeded and abundant. This love from your soul to you, the personality for you indeed, are all of it. You are your higher self, you are your soul. You are this delightful, beautiful you that is having this loving life experience, and it flows through you that is what you are expressing and sharing, that is your truth, and your truth is aligned with joy when you are living In what is true for you, having and being and doing whatever it is that is in your truth. Your life becomes joyful. The challenges are met with this higher octave of light, this higher octave of you, you have become your wise compassion, soul self, and more and more as you breathe as this higher self, as you move through The world, letting all of the minor and petty annoyances just slide right by the proverbial water off the duck's back, And even those whom you find really challenging, you begin to find a way to meet whatever gifts they are bringing you, whatever learning that they are showing you, whatever it is about yourself that you have been kind of pretending wasn't there or just not dealing with it yet, maybe some other time, and you begin to realize that all of this that is happening in your life is drawn to you to help you learn something about yourself, even those Most challenging people. So if you like, in this moment with this openness to your soul and higher self, this expanded, beautiful, wise you, perhaps we can, if you like, call to mind a person that has been challenging you and see them as they truly are, someone who is doing the best they can, the best they know, how, even if it seems like they aren't right,


it's okay.


You can be the wise one. You can be the loving one. See if you can meet them, soul to soul, then recognizing that which is being brought to your awareness for your own knowing Clearing


and growth.


Take a moment just breathe in this stance of openness to this other person in your world and


listening deeply


for if you can identify inside yourself, where this situation is touching you, where has it upset you? Where. Where has it reached a block where the energy is not flowing. If you can come into an awareness of that within yourself, this situation will change.


Imagine you


so many times, the answer is a soft heart. So many times. Shift comes with compassion, and it starts with us, in our own heart, in our being and and knowing our truth does not make us vulnerable to abuse or difficulty. It does not open you to bring more difficulty. It opens you to that which is the truth of whatever you are encountering. It takes practice to stand in your own truth. It takes practice to stabilize as your higher self. It takes breathing and sitting and listening and this you are already doing, and you are making great strides. Your soul has so much love for you and sees you, sees you, making all of these magnificent shifts and growth. And when you make these shifts and you allow these lower frequency energies to release, you are naturally buoyed on the frequencies of life itself, you are lifted. You're free. And those who are still in the lower octave of energy, they're just there. And if you can find a way to not be in a superior attitude toward them, simply accepting them for who and where they are, because as you do that, as you recognize they are doing what they can with what they know, you open yourself to those who are further along the path than you, you lift yourself naturally to be in community with those who are a little further along. It frees everything up. It's like an elixir, a beautiful outpouring of a kind of beautiful flowing water that sparkles and has many lovely colors. It creates space where things are being cleared and openness like oil in the joints. Lubrication, a sacred lubrication of all things that move, all the patterns that are you, all of the sacred geometries of the outworkings of your life and breath now, breathe that golden light in. Just breathe it in and let it circulate throughout your entire being and beyond the boundaries of your physical body into this beautiful sphere of light that is all around you. And say to yourself,


I will be listening.


I am a good listener to deep wisdom, I act on my intuition with ease. I follow flows that lead me to my highest good and on a purpose. My true purpose is unfolding like a beautiful path of light. You might let that come into your mind a beautiful path of light, and your feet are along this path of light, as far as you can see. And oh, look way up there in the future is your beautiful future self waving to you and encouraging you as you are making. Our way along this path. There's no hurry. It's all in perfect timing. There is so much love here for you,


and let that love


be you,


loving yourself,


being your truth, speaking from your heart, gently and with compassion. You


all right.


Wise One, thanking your soul, your inner being, all of the guides and beings of light, who inevitably are gathering around us when we come to these high spaces in gratitude for all who are listening, all who have gathered today and In the future, listening to these words of encouragement


and joy.


So coming back to your breathing body now, I bring my hands together at my heart and thanksgiving for all of you who are walking the Sacred Path with us, I bid you peace, namaste. Mahalo for listening. Follow rate and review Miriam's meditations on Apple podcast, Spotify, Google podcast, or wherever you're getting your podcasts, we share a new meditation each week. The breath work presented here is cumulative. So if you're new to breath work, please start at the beginning in season one, and you'll learn the fundamentals. You can find more information about my work and my blog@miriamsmeditations.com that's m, I, R, I A, M, S meditations.com. I welcome your comments. Write to me at contact@miriamsmeditations.com


aloha and have a Beautiful day. You.