The AJNashville Podcast

Attitude of Gratitude

AJNashville Season 2 Episode 30

Remaining grateful through all seasons of life is key to remaining happy with what you do have, as well as motivated to obtain more joy through change. If you take what you have for granted, you will soon realize how many things in life have no guarantee. The sooner you can relinquish your expectations, the quicker you can focus on your reality and see how much it grows as you decide to make changes. The luxuries you have access to now were once only dreams to you. Remember to appreciate all that you have now and all that you came from with everything in between.

The opportunities we have today were not always possible, nor will they always remain to be in the future. We cannot dwell in the past with our what ifs, allowing us to stay stuck in the present. We have to look to the future for guidance in our actions today so that we may know what it is we want to achieve. We must set goals in the present based off our desires in the future. The past is a way to serve us lessons we can learn from to do success better for ourselves in the future.

When you give, you get back. What you give, you get back. Whatever it is you do, if you pull from your community, it's your responsibility to feed back into it. Whether that be your money or your time, let it be satisfying for you to contribute your involvement. The season of giving and gratitude should extend beyond the holiday season each year. Thanksgiving is simply a time to reflect on how thankful you already are in your ability to give back to those you love most. Enjoy your freedom to spend your time however you please with whomever you choose.