Momma’s Motivational Messages: Inspiration for Stressed Out Gen X Women

7 Ways to be Kinder to Yourself This Spring!

March 23, 2022 With Doctor PK Season 2 Episode 51
7 Ways to be Kinder to Yourself This Spring!
Momma’s Motivational Messages: Inspiration for Stressed Out Gen X Women
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Momma’s Motivational Messages: Inspiration for Stressed Out Gen X Women
7 Ways to be Kinder to Yourself This Spring!
Mar 23, 2022 Season 2 Episode 51
With Doctor PK

For many people,  the start of spring signals new life, new beginnings and opportunities to  enjoy the extra hours of daylight.  It’s a time when you start to think about cleaning out closets, and cupboards and any other parts of your home that became cutterd during the winter months.  Some of you may even be picking up swatches of paint as you think about redecorating one or several rooms.

In this episode, PK urges listeners to give not only their surroundings but themselves, a spring touch-up.  You’ll want to listen to this episode where she offers 7 easy ways to be kinder to yourself. As PK says, “If you’re not giving yourself the kindness you deserve, you may not be offering the best version of yourself to the people you support and that can affect your ability to enjoy a healthy level of mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, professional, social or financial wellness.”  Go ahead and give it a listen. You won’t regret it.

And while you’re at it, don't forget to grab your FREE Affirmation eCards to shift your mindset, raise your self-esteem and boost your self-confidence.   Choose one or two that resonate with you, and make a habit of repeating them several times throughout the day, especially when you wake up in the morning, and at night before you go to bed. As you use them, observe the effect they have on you: 

  • Do they make you feel more loving toward yourself and more confident? 
  • Do they increase your belief in your abilities?  
  • Do they make it easier for you to take life in stride? 

Try to be aware of how your mind and body react to your practice of repeating affirmations.  Be consistent with this practice and you’ll see the difference over time. Just click the link! FREE Affirmation eCards.

Connect with PK:


Connect with PK:
Website, Instagram, Facebook, Review on Apple podcast.
FREE Affirmation eCards

Show Notes Transcript

For many people,  the start of spring signals new life, new beginnings and opportunities to  enjoy the extra hours of daylight.  It’s a time when you start to think about cleaning out closets, and cupboards and any other parts of your home that became cutterd during the winter months.  Some of you may even be picking up swatches of paint as you think about redecorating one or several rooms.

In this episode, PK urges listeners to give not only their surroundings but themselves, a spring touch-up.  You’ll want to listen to this episode where she offers 7 easy ways to be kinder to yourself. As PK says, “If you’re not giving yourself the kindness you deserve, you may not be offering the best version of yourself to the people you support and that can affect your ability to enjoy a healthy level of mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, professional, social or financial wellness.”  Go ahead and give it a listen. You won’t regret it.

And while you’re at it, don't forget to grab your FREE Affirmation eCards to shift your mindset, raise your self-esteem and boost your self-confidence.   Choose one or two that resonate with you, and make a habit of repeating them several times throughout the day, especially when you wake up in the morning, and at night before you go to bed. As you use them, observe the effect they have on you: 

  • Do they make you feel more loving toward yourself and more confident? 
  • Do they increase your belief in your abilities?  
  • Do they make it easier for you to take life in stride? 

Try to be aware of how your mind and body react to your practice of repeating affirmations.  Be consistent with this practice and you’ll see the difference over time. Just click the link! FREE Affirmation eCards.

Connect with PK:


Connect with PK:
Website, Instagram, Facebook, Review on Apple podcast.
FREE Affirmation eCards

Peggie Kirkland  0:04  
Welcome to the Momma's Motivational Messages podcast, where women learn to stop putting themselves on the back burner, and start paying attention to caring for themselves first, so they can be better for everyone else in their lives. I know you'll be inspired by the stories of resiliency and starting over of health and self-healing, of gaining clarity through journaling, of showing self -love through world travel, and the list goes on. I encourage you to relax and enjoy. I'm your host Peggie Kirkland. PK.

Peggie Kirkland  0:46  
Hi, ladies, welcome to spring. Let me ask you something. What does spring mean to you? Do you have rituals and routines that you practice to welcome in the season? Are you starting to think about cleaning out closets and cupboards and any other parts of your home that became cluttered during the winter months? Or have you started picking up swatches of paint as you think about redecorating,? You know, for many people, the start of spring signals new life, new beginnings and opportunities to enjoy the extra hours of daylight as you make plans to be friends and family. I know it does for me. What!!!  I get so excited to hear the birds chirping. And to see the daffodils which seem to suddenly start blooming and the geese swimming in the lake in the park where I take my morning or evening walks. It's so exciting. 

Peggie Kirkland  1:54  
And in the midst of all the excitement, I want to caution you not to forget to put yourself on the spring calendar for a spring touch-up.  Yes, it's not just about caring for your surroundings, which of course is very important, you know, but it's also caring for you. Which of your needs did you neglect during the winter months? Did you forget to be kind to yourself. I know many of you did, as you took care of everyone else's holiday needs. And that's why today, I want to give you seven easy ways to be kinder to yourself this spring. 

Peggie Kirkland  2:39  
Remember, if you're not giving yourself the kindness you deserve, you may not be offering the best version of yourself to the people you support. And that can really affect your ability to enjoy a healthy level of mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, professional, social, or financial wellness. If you're one of those people who puts everyon a shift away from thinking that to love yourself is selfish, to the understanding that you have every right to love yourself and take care of yourself, unapologetically. So I want you to consider these seven simple steps you can take to be kinder to yourself. 

Peggie Kirkland  3:36  
Number One, add self-care to your calendar.  If you're struggling to find time to look after yourself, it might be worth adding a dedicated self-care day to your routine. And I want you to mark it into your calendar, just like a meeting at work. During your self-care day, you could start with self-care maintenance, like having a nice bubble bath and reading a great book or watching your favorite movie or getting a mani-pedi. But once you're done with that, I want you to do some deep breathing, and meditation. And I want you to choose one of the pillars of self-care that is currently a challenge for you. And I want you to focus on ways in which you can improve in that area. 

Peggie Kirkland  4:32  
For example, let's say you've been dying to change careers, but you didn't have the motivation to do so during the winter months. Well, now is your time to start renewing your connections and networking and exploring other avenues for change. If you're struggling to make this happen on your own, then get some professional help from a career coach to get you started, or to move you along. We talked about this in Episode 35, where we had Terry McDougal give us some proven steps to fast track your professional growth. I'll link that in the Show Notes. So again, number one is to add self-care to your calendar. 

Peggie Kirkland  5:23  
So let's move on to number two, nourish your physical health. Now, we know that nourishing your physical health requires a constant commitment. It's not a one and done deal; you have to constantly commit to nourishing your health. So for example, don't just pick up anything that your hand lands on for lunch or for snacks. You need to make plans and choose healthier options for lunch and for snack and for dinner. And if you're too tired to make something from scratch, then make some frozen meals, either at night or on the weekend, so that you always have something healthy to eat. You can also think about small ways in which you can include extra physical activity into your day and just move more.  You know, your brain and your body are connected, and you feel your emotions in your body. I know you know that. So if you move around more, your body will be healthier and better calibrated to your environment. And your mind will feel better. For example, walk to the store, don't drive. And you know, you'll be saving some gas and who doesn't need to save gas at this time when the cost of fuel is constantly rising. 

Peggie Kirkland  6:59  
Number three, ensure that you get enough sleep each night. They say seven to nine hours is recommended for most adults. And when you want to give yourself an emotional, physical and spiritual boost, wherever your blankie get some extra sleep. That could be a crucial part of resting and recharging in your day to day schedule. Another thing that you have to be concerned about when it comes to sleep is the quality of your sleep. The better you sleep, the more you'll be able to handle everyday challenges. And then you won't feel so overwhelmed and exhausted in dealing with these challenges. And it's also very important to have a relaxing bedtime routine. Things like a dark bedroom and a comfortable bed. Get rid of the TV screens, the phone screens the computer screens and remember, limit your alcohol and caffeine or heavy meals before you retire.

Peggie Kirkland  8:11  
Number four, address any financial challenges you're facing. Now, you know, there are only three basic strategies for addressing financial challenges in my estimation, anyway, that is worry about them, ignore them, or address them. And I think what you want to do is address them. So find a solution to your financial woes. And again, get some help from a financial advisor if you're having difficulty doing this on your own. 

Peggie Kirkland  8:45  
Number five, spend time with loved ones. You know, as human beings, we are naturally social creatures. So spending time with others is one of the best things you can do to make yourself feel good, and to nurture your emotional health. It's also a great way to prevent yourself from becoming isolated. And you know, when you become isolated, you can really start to feel down. And that's a state many of us experienced during the pandemic. So try to stay away from that by spending time with loved ones. And also you know, it's also an opportunity to get a different point of view for a problem because a lot of times you'll beat yourself up about something that you're thinking about and that you can't resolve when you just might be able to get a good piece of advice from a loved one. 

Peggie Kirkland  9:49  
Number six, forgive yourself and this might seem simple, but it's so hard to do. And I know you know what I'm talking about. Sometimes we forgive others more easily than we forgive ourselves. And even though you know, it might not be automatic, to forgive yourself quickly, it's important to start practicing it so that it becomes a habit. So the next time you find yourself angry about something you said, or something you did take a step back, give yourself some space, and some grace, and practice forgiving yourself. 

Peggie Kirkland  10:35  
And finally, number seven, get help when you need it, please ladies. It's so easy to assume that you're on your own when it comes to dealing with difficult things. Very often help is right around the corner, but we don't see it, because we don't even asked for it. If you're struggling at work, let's say with a range of tasks that are too much for you to handle. Find a mentor or ask for guidance from your boss. Or if you're worried about your anxiety levels, or mental health. Don't hide in your room and try to "get over it" as people like to say, instead, speak to a therapist or talk to your doctor about your options. It's so important to get the right help when you need it because that can really save you weeks or months of pain. Ladies, when you're kinder to yourself, you will enjoy life more fully every day. And that's what I wish for you this spring and beyond. 

Peggie Kirkland  11:46  
Alright, that's it for now. I want you to go ahead and enjoy spring to the fullest. And while you're trying out these tips, I want you to practice using affirmations to keep you positive and uplifted. All you have to do is grab your FREE affirmation ecards by clicking the link. Choose one or two that resonate with you and make a habit of repeating them several times throughout the day, especially when you wake up in the morning and at night before you go to bed. Try to be aware of how your mind and body react to your practice of repeating affirmations. So go ahead and click the link.

Peggie Kirkland  12:33  
If you've been inspired and encouraged by the positive messages in today's show, please take a moment to rate and review the show on Apple podcast. This will help to keep the show alive. And remember, sharing is caring. So don't forget to share these gems with friends and family strangers to if you like let them know it's available wherever they listen to their podcast. I'm counting on you to share the love. Until next time. This is PK sending you much light and a whole lot of love.