Mike Robert - The Geek With Muscles

Using Technology For Spirituality - Starting My Own Social Media Platform

December 10, 2021 Mike Robert - The Geek With Muscles Season 4 Episode 34

Mike shares his personal journey in tackling something he never thought possible... starting his own social media platform for spiritually focused individuals.     From Lightworkers to Pagans, to Reiki Healers, Mike discusses how he used his skills in technology to move off  traditional social media platforms, into a safer place with much less noise.    Digitalsoulspace.org is a fully functioning social media site that offers users a safe place to discuss all kinds of spiritual topics, from all kinds of modalities.     From Angels to Aliens, digitalsoulspace.org has you covered in the online space Mike created on serious enterprise level cloud based infrastructure.    If you've ever thought about taking on something completely new, but didn't know how, this episode will inspire you to move forward at full speed ahead.