What's Next, Los Angeles? with Mike Bonin
Los Angeles is at a turning point. We are living in a defining moment. What happens next is up to us. Over the past few years, problems and challenges have shaken this city -- and tremendous opportunities for change have presented themselves. How do we rise to this moment and emerge a better place to live? What will it take to create a more just and a more equitable community? Working together, how are we going to create a stronger, forward-thinking Los Angeles? Mike Bonin, writer, teacher, progressive activist and former City Councilmember, looks at the issues and problems facing Los Angeles, examines ideas, and talks with the people who will lead us to a brighter future.
Produced in partnership with LA Forward.
What's Next, Los Angeles? with Mike Bonin
Re-Air: Maebe A Girl for Congress: Candidate Spotlight
NOTE: This interview first aired last summer, before the October 7 attacks on Israel by Hamas.
Maebe A Girl is currently serving as Treasurer and At-Large Representative for the Silver Lake Neighborhood Council in Los Angeles. Upon her election in 2019, she became the first drag queen elected to public office in the United States. Maebe is responsible for forming the Silver Lake LGBTQIA Advocates Committee -the first queer-focused committee in the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council system. She is also co-founder of the LGBTQ+ Alliance of Los Angeles Neighborhood Councils, which is recognized as the first city-backed initiative for the LGBTQ+ Community in the City of Los Angeles. On the committee level, Maebe serves as Co-Chair of the Budget & Finance Committee, Co-Chair of the Reimagining Public Safety Committee, and Co-Chair of the Ad-Hoc Committee on Housing and Homelessness for the Silver Lake Neighborhood Council.
You can learn more about Maebe here: https://maebeagirlforcongress.org/