Authors Dot Ink

5 Reasons You Need to Write Your Book Now (Not Next Year)

Cate Butler Ross

If I had a quid for every time I hear a coach or expert tell me they want to write a book 'one day' I'd be a very a rich lady (and all that).  

The thing is, best intentions aside, for 99% of those people, 'one day' is code for "I'd love to be an author but actually I'm never going to find the time."

And there's a reason for that. Because for some people the nudge to be an author isn't enough; the pull to have a book isn't going to cut it. They need tangibles. They need rational. They need solid, black and white reasons why investing their time, energy and money into a writing and publishing a book makes sense now.

And that's what this episode is about. Five reasons why you need to stop talking about 'one day' and starting writing that book today.