The Uncovery

Welcome to The Uncovery

Mahalia Jane Season 1 Episode 1

Thank you for sharing this space between my voice and your ears. Welcome to The Uncovery. I am so excited to begin this journey with you.

In today's episode, I welcome you to the very first episode and chat about what you can expect to hear from upcoming episodes while sharing a little about how I arrived here. If you are ready for a wellbeing podcast that leaves you feeling good while openly sharing personal journals of mental health, anxiety and spirituality, then I believe you'll connect with The Uncovery. My intention is to always provide you with authentic episodes that makes you think while leaving you feeling inspired, motivated and ready to find clarity to achieve the life you've always desired. Your journey starts here!

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About Mahalia Jane:
I’m an intuitive coach, creator and mentor who has worked with many individuals looking for a transformational shift. I work on an energetic and emotional level to help guide and educate individuals to release whatever is standing in the way of happiness, healing, success and love. 

I’m passionate about shifting negative self chit-chat, letting go of limiting beliefs holding us back and changing the way mental health is viewed and managed.

As an open-minded and straight-talking gal that I am today — I haven't always been this person. I was once drowning in toxic pollution of my body, making unhealthy lifestyle choices, experiencing poor brain health and draining every piece of my precious energy working the daily grind. Can you relate? 

It's become my mission to assist others interrupt the destructive cycle of unhealthy minds and habits and to guide people towards living in a beautiful state. Be it life, love, career or business.

As someone who has experienced a vast amount of anxiety-related disorders, I knew my purpose was to serve the ones who are also victims of what I went through. It’s not about reading or learning something new; its about paying attention to everyday behaviours and lifestyle choices. When a person’s self-awareness needs a wake-up call and they change their mindset, they begin to alter their neuropsychology. This changes genetic patterns which inform the next generation ending the cycle of negative beliefs and the way mental health is viewed and managed. 

I have had to work hard through pain and grief to overcome hurdles which felt impossible at times. So impossible that the lowest moments of my life almost ended my life. Doctor after doctor, diagnosis after diagnosis, pill after pill, poor decision after poor decision — how was I ever going to survive such a toxic cycle? 

Well, I did. And now I’m here.

It took me a long time to understand why; it took me even longer to understand what. But once I did, everything started to come to life. I was so sensitive to everything, and it wasn't until I discovered I am what is called an “intuitive empath” that I was able to turn my life around and help others. Now, I'm living in a lighter place with such depth and self-awareness.

Mahalia  0:04 
Hi, welcome to the uncovery podcast. I'm your host, Mahalia Jane.

Mahalia  0:15 
Every episode I take you on a journey, talking about live, well being, and mental healing, the uncovery connects with different people from different places who share stories, of course, and enlightenment. It's my passion and privilege to be here guiding you with my own truth and experiences, because it is possible to live in a beautiful state. And there it is the very first intro of the uncovery. Hello, welcome. Thank you for sharing this space between my voice and your ears. I hope that this is the start of a long relationship together and a very beautiful one. Because today is episode number one. Now this may be something that you can relate to. But what this reminded me of is when you rock up to a course or a seminar, and the facilitator says, Hey, everyone, we're just going to go around the room and say a little bit about who we are and how we got here. And generally, it's in a very style environment, an awkward circular format in a room that has fluorescent lighting, and you know, you're going to get a headache by the end of the day. And you think to yourself, heck, how am I going to share with this group who I am in a calm and confident way. And I wouldn't know how to communicate who I was, with truly feeling like I was being authentic, the front would come up. It's what I call the front, where this confident, assertive girl who appeared to have her entire life together. But internally, I was judging myself, I felt anxious, and I wasn't comfortable in the person that I was sharing. So I guess the most exciting thing about this moment right now is, as I look in front of me on the piece of paper, it says, share with the group, the group, my listeners, who are in a quick summary, and there is no front that comes up. There's no low self worth that comes with that question. And that's truly a really beautiful place to be. So I am excited to share a little bit about who I am and what I am doing here. Is it my turn? Thank you.

Mahalia  2:42 

Hello, everyone. Thank you so much for listening, and for giving me this space. My name is Mahalia, I work at Mahalia Jane, calm, I am an intuitive coach. And my main purpose in the work that I do is to guide individuals to a place of clarity, there is not one size fits all, I'm working with people in many different ways. I'm sharing content in many areas, because we are all very different. But the main objective for me is to get you to reconnect and spark the fire that brought you into this world. And when I say fire, I'm talking about that driving force that brought you into the world that is your true authentic self. The constant question that we're asking, I don't know what to do. I feel stuck. How do I get unstuck, it's generally us wanting to step into something more, something bigger, and wanting to break through something so we can continuously live in a beautiful state. So apart from being a intuitive coach and a content creator, I've actually been working in the music industry for a really long time. But when I do meet people, and I tell them that I am working as an intuitive coach, I often get the response. What do you actually do though? Like what is that, and it's hard to summarise it. So the best way for me to explain how I work so if you are a little bit spiritually inclined and totally okay, if you're not, you would call me someone who is clairsentience and clear cognizance. If those words mean nothing to you, I was born an empath. I'm constantly feeling all the fields. I have a very strong intuitive nature. So I'm able to pick up on quite a lot of energy and emotion. And for many years, I think I viewed it as overly sensitive and something that couldn't work in my favour. really understanding it and using it as a way that I can help people has completely changed the course of my life. And while we're being honest, there has been much turbulence along the way. I think there is for everyone, but it's gotten me to the place that I am today. I lean on those experiences though to be able to have insight to guide.

Mahalia  5:02 
And that leads me to why I started The Uncovery. So I'm here because I want to explore the bigger and deeper conversations in life, I want to open up the can of worms, the good care. So when you start a podcast, it's an obvious thing, pick a niche niche down. And the uncovery does explore many things. But in a way, I am focusing on mental healing and well being and how we can really get to a place of clarity within our lives. Let's circle back to some time ago, and how I actually arrived here and how I came to the fruition of Mahalia Jane. And while there are so many layers and factors that led me to this place, there's one thing in particular, I do want to talk about today.

Mahalia  5:54 
I think it's that one thing that so many of us can relate to, I was working a very intense job, and a lot of my energy was always going out, but never coming back in, I was still working in a really creative space within my music and my business coaching. But I kept being pulled and cold to something, my highest self, that self that knew what was best for future me, was screaming out to be heard. And while on paper, everything was thriving for me in life, I was booming in my career, my music was on the path to some really big success, I was so close to achieving my six figure income that I'd been working hard towards. And I felt it would be such a shame to give that all up. That all the work I had done, all the energy i'd invested that now is the time that I had to walk away from my overall well being wasn't coping. And I think this happens for a lot of people out there. I was facing severe anxiety disorder and daily panic attacks. I'm talking to the extreme where I got really sick. I mean, my body alone was showing me how sick it was, I would wake up in the middle of the night with nosebleeds. My bed sheets would be soaked in sweat. And every day I would be fighting chronic fatigue. I was completely unable to do anything else. But think about my health. I really didn't have the answers. All I knew was I was suffocating in my own constant anxiety and panic where every day became more about surviving, rather than embracing. And the question that really got me to the realisation of all of those things on paper don't really matter, no matter how much work I had done to get to where I was, how is this affecting me long term? What was this going to do? Once I had children? How is this going to affect them? Was I willing to change the cycle of this destructive habit of self pain without even realising I was harming myself? And that led me to a place of seeking answers. And then the journey has led me here. I mean, a very long journey. I didn't just wake up and have all the answers. But that's just a very small introduction into how I arrived here, and the kind of content that you're going to get along the way. And hey, I hope it evolves. I really hope this journey evolves.

Mahalia  8:40 

So to wrap up today's episode, I want to give you a little bit of a preview of the episodes that are coming up on the recovery. I chat to many people on this show. I speak to a doctor about how he has helped hundreds of people with his holistic approach from cancer patients to mental health to children living with autism, I share a really great episode with a lightworker and meditation teacher who was once living that daily grind and decided to completely transform the way he was living. There's even an episode coming up where I invite my mom to come and talk about her own experience with grief and the relationship that we continue to have with people after they pass away. There are so many things that I want to share with you. I am really wanting to pour my heart and my soul into your ears so that you can feel the ripple effect of the uncovery and the transformational journey that I've been on and that others have been on and how that can all reach us and shift us in different ways. So we can get to the next episode and you can hit play. I'm going to leave you with a short preview of that episode. It is Actually me discussing a personal experience I had with mental health with eight years of my life I was carrying around a diagnosis that was actually a misdiagnosis. Thank you so much for being here and for sticking it out all the way to the end. I am so excited to share this journey with you. Please remember to subscribe and to review and comments, because those small little things that you do make such a significant impact to content creators like myself. I can't wait to continue to connect with you. Until then he is a preview of next week's episode.

Mahalia  10:42 
One thing people won't tell you. And I don't think enough people speak about this when they experience bipolar is you can feel manic but still feel depressed all at the same time. And I believe the most challenging thing about bipolar is that you never know if what you're feeling is truly valid. constantly questioning your emotions is absolutely exhausting. And it happens to so many of us bipolar or not. I experienced this