#41: Dealing with uncool emotions: envy, jealousy, resentment
The Academic Imperfectionist
The Academic Imperfectionist
#41: Dealing with uncool emotions: envy, jealousy, resentment
Jul 29, 2022 Episode 41

Do you listen to podcasts like this one and think: But this advice is for people who are much nicer than me, who deserve success; it's not for me, who secretly hopes that their more successful colleague steps on a rake at their earliest convenience? Do you simmer with resentment even while you're doing the heart-reaction-thing on your friend's Facebook post about her new job? Is envy your dirty little secret, and yours alone? This episode is for you.


Protasi, S. 2018: 'Love your frenemy', Aeon.
Protasi, S. 2022: 'Beyond envy's dark side', IAI.