Death to Life podcast

#176 Bible Verse Draft Live In Nebraska

July 31, 2024 Love Reality Podcast Network

Have you ever wondered how a single Bible verse could completely change your life? Join us on this special bonus episode of the Death to Life podcast, recorded in Nebraska, where we celebrate the transformative power of scripture. Our journey begins with Justin Khoe who shares how Romans 6:6 set him free from the shackles of sin, leading to a profound spiritual awakening. As we continue, various guests, including Jose and Eliana, offer heartfelt testimonies of how specific biblical passages guided them through personal trials and led them to a deeper understanding of their worth in Christ.

Explore the richness of God's love through scriptures like Matthew 13:44-45, where we reveal how viewing ourselves as the precious pearls Christ sacrificed everything for can revolutionize our self-worth and everyday actions. Rich delves into the flesh versus spirit debate using Galatians 5:18 and Romans 8:10, shifting from a dualistic view of human nature to embracing our true identity in Christ. The discussion encourages us to live as new creations, free from the limitations of the carnal mind, and to understand the divine transformation that comes with this perspective.

As we wrap up, Caitlin and Brian B. share their personal stories of finding peace and contentment through verses like Psalm 23:1, emphasizing a shift from a mindset of lack to one of abundance. Ruth’s experience with Hosea 2 highlights the power of God’s justice and love, providing comfort and assurance. Finally, we invite you to join Internet Church, an online community designed for authentic spiritual growth and fellowship. Get ready for an episode filled with powerful stories, deep theological insights, and an invitation to a supportive online faith community.

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Speaker 1:

The world doesn't think that the gospel can change your life, but we know that it can and that's why we want you to hear these stories, stories of transformation, stories of freedom, people getting free from sin and healed from sin because of Jesus. This is Death to Life, yo, welcome to the Death to Life podcast. My name is Richard Young. Today we got a little bonus episode for you guys. We recorded this back in Nebraska. We had a little get-together, justin Koo and I recorded an episode of the Dusty Boys, and then the next day we recorded this episode of Debt to Life, and then the next day we recorded this episode of Death to Life. And you know we've done from time to time a Death to Life commonly misunderstood Bible verse draft. This is just Bible verses that have changed our lives, and so we have a bunch of people come up and share different Bible verses that have changed our lives. I think you will be blessed by it. So let's just jump into it. Love y'all, appreciate y'all, buckle up, strap in.

Speaker 1:

Yo, welcome to the Death of Life podcast, and today's episode is another Bible verse draft. Yeah, we just had one. Right, justin, we just had a Bible verse draft.

Speaker 3:

We recorded a couple weeks ago we did and just for the record, I want to remind people that I won that Bible.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, jury's out. The internets have not spoken up on that. We'll see. But we're doing another one. But we're doing it live in Nebraska with a real studio audience. Let's hear the studio audience. Yeah, that's kind of wild.

Speaker 3:

That's kind of wild. It does feel good and I don't know about you, but when we were recording the Dusty Boys version of this yesterday, I was nervous.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm not as nervous because I'm tired. Okay, I've been going to sleep at three in the morning all these nights in a row, so maybe I'll be more calm and thoughtful.

Speaker 3:

You were working hard to guard the edges of the Sabbath. That's right, I appreciate it. Someone's got to stand watch.

Speaker 1:

Somebody. I'm doing my honest part, keeping a level eye. All right, what we're going to do is if you've never been or heard the Bible draft, what we usually do. We have a few more people and we do like a snake style draft where we draft Bible verses based on a commonly misunderstood themes of these Bible verses. We're not doing that today. We're throwing a curveball, and what we're doing is Bible verses that have changed your life.

Speaker 1:

Now, if somebody takes someone's Bible verse, you can pick a different one. It doesn't have to be like crazy, but it should be crazy. You know what I'm saying? Something that has actually allowed you to see something or change the way you're walking. And that's what we're going to do, and we already did the. We already checked it out to see who was going first, and it's actually Justin Koo. You're going first, I'm going second, and mystery guests are going third, fourth, fifth, sixth, however many people come up for a Bible verse. And so, j Koo, you're first up. We're going to judge your Bible verse based on how much it has changed your life. I'm just kidding. Uh, what is your Bible verse? Uh, you've got the first pick in in this year's draft. What is it?

Speaker 3:

Uh, it's going to be a low hanging fruit, but it is also the right answer. Is it John 3, 16? That would be a good one too. Uh, no, romans, chapter six, and you throw a dart pick a verse. But the one I got for today is Romans, chapter six, verse six. That says we know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin, for one who has died has been set free from sin.

Speaker 3:

I still remember exactly where I was, and I still can experience the emotions, the flood of almost anger, when someone read that verse to me from a stage. Jonathan Leonardo got up and boldly read the Bible out loud, and it rocked my world because I knew I was not yet free from sin. I was very much, at least in my feelings. I felt like a slave, and it was the first time that I paid attention to this verse. I'm sure I had read it before. I think in Bible college I literally did, like a verse by verse commentary of the book of Romans or something like that, for a homework assignment, and yet I completely missed it. And so when I finally considered that I had to actually bend the knee to what scripture said, because I believe that scripture is in fact true. It is God's word. It just launched me on a journey that completely changed my life.

Speaker 1:

So understanding that you are free from sin because you have died with Christ. What does that mean in walking out a Christian life, knowing that sin, that you're free from it? What does that mean, man? I?

Speaker 3:

think in part it means that, in so much that I get to struggle on this side of eternity, I'm not struggling towards but I'm struggling in, and I think that that's a big difference For me. When I used to struggle against sin or against whatever the case is, it was always a struggle towards, which meant there was a huge consequence for not struggling hard enough, meaning if I was overcome, well, then sucks to be me, and often enough it sucked to be me. You're not trying hard enough. Not trying hard enough, need to be more vegan, need to. You know, whatever the case is, whatever the rules were at the time.

Speaker 3:

But now, having clarity on what the result of the gospel is, namely that I have been set free because of what Jesus has done, and I get to receive that as a free gift by faith. Now, if and when I struggle, then I get to have the confidence of struggling, knowing that I'm in. And that struggle is so different because fear, I have found, is a terrible motivator. Fear does not produce any kind of lasting change. It only produces momentary guilt, shame and condemnation. And so, knowing that I'm safe, knowing that I'm secure, knowing that I'm already free, and then the struggle shows up. It's just categorically different. I get to struggle with hopefulness now.

Speaker 1:

That's powerful and sorry to anyone who was going to pick Romans 6, verse 7. Can't do it anymore. That one is off the board. Yeah, if you wouldn't have taken it, I probably would have taken it. It is probably the verse that has changed my life the most in the history of Bible verses so strong, I would say that's a strong pick. Do you guys think that was a strong pick? Maybe we shouldn't do the clapping because, like now, someone else is going to come up and we're going to judge the clapping.

Speaker 3:

Well, if this is a competition, I'd like to just point out that you've acknowledged that I've already won, so thank you for that, richard. That is great. I'm sad. Let's wrap this whole thing up. Everyone else is playing for second place, which actually the first loser. That's correct. All right, and if you're not, first, you're last Speaking of Ricky Bobby. Don't put that on me. Ricky Bobby, what is your Bible verse?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think there's a bunch I could choose. This is true. There are many Bible verses there's several, but if you've ever been at one of my Bible studies, you know I go to this verse quite often. In its first Corinthians, chapter one, verse 30. And it says and because of him, you are in Christ Jesus, who has become to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, let the one who boasts boasts in the Lord. Why is that my verse, you asked?

Speaker 3:

Justin boasts in the Lord. Why is that my verse, you ask? Justin, yes, you took the words out of my mouth.

Speaker 1:

Man, because it just really encapsulates this idea that we are righteous by the faithfulness of Jesus Christ and God has actually done this thing for us.

Speaker 3:

Before you considered this verse and actually accepted what it happens to say, how did you relate to righteousness?

Speaker 1:

I thought I was righteous in name, but I did not see myself in Christ. So I was like, yeah, you know, you put air quotes around something. Yeah, I'm righteous, sure, like wink, wink, like look what I'm living or how I'm doing. I'm not actually righteous, but Jesus has declared me righteous, which means I can I guess I can stand in front of the Father, behind Jesus, or something like that. But what this verse is saying is that my righteousness actually has zero to do with me, actually has zero to do with me. It's because I am in Christ and Christ is my righteousness, christ is my sanctification, christ is my redemption.

Speaker 1:

And I didn't do any of this. God actually did this. So let the one who boasts boast in the Lord. If I did it, then I could do some boasting. And if you want to boast, this verse is probably sad. It's probably not great news if you want to work yourself to the kingdom, but if God has done it and spoiler alert, even if you think you could do this, you can't. So that is good news for me. No-transcript, and if you know how that goes, that's not it.

Speaker 3:

No, doesn't seem to actually produce any kind of meaningful fruit, which shouldn't be a surprise. Scripture does in fact say and I'm sorry if I'm stealing this from anyone in the live audience as a man thinks in his heart.

Speaker 3:

So is he, and so Rich as so much that you believe that you are trash. You will continue producing trash. Yeah, absolutely. But it turns out, if you believe, in agreement with scripture, that you are in fact the righteousness of god in christ, because he has made you such, then you actually are empowered to live like it when I preach this verse.

Speaker 1:

There's verses that we preach that get some people a little upset. This one gets them upset, you sure it's it's the verse and it's not you, it's not my delivery of the verse.

Speaker 1:

Well, it is because that first part and because of him yeah speaking of God, the Father, who was sending Jesus, and because of him you are in Christ Jesus. And before you know we talk about well, you got to be in Christ. So if you got to be in Christ, you got to get yourself into Christ. How do you do it? Well, it's because of him that you're in Christ. He put you in Christ. So that's my verse and I'm sticking to it. I don't care what you say. I think I won the Bible verse draft. What do you guys think? No, no, no, oh, wow, that's a tough crowd. All right, so now we're going to throw it out. Who is the next person to draft on the Bible? Oh, our friend Awura is going to come up. He has volunteered as tribute. Yes, Grab the MIC right there. Who are you? Who are you? Tell the podcast listeners who you are.

Speaker 3:

What's your quest, as he likes to say at Internet Church.

Speaker 1:

What is your quest? Well, my quest is no, who are you actually? And then tell us that verse Alright, well, I'm a pearl of great. Well, my quest is no, who are you?

Speaker 4:

actually, and then tell us that verse All right. Well, I am a pearl of great price. That's who?

Speaker 3:

I am, I feel like he's cheating.

Speaker 1:

He's doing two verses, he's sneaking it in there already.

Speaker 3:

What's going on over here?

Speaker 4:

And so that just kind of segues into my verse for today, which comes from Matthew 13, 44 and 45. The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field Again. The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it, and here's why it was mind-blowing for me my whole life. Every time I heard this verse, I thought that the pearls were doctrines, knowledge. You know the truths hidden in the Bible.

Speaker 3:

What was the shiniest pearl? The shiniest pearl.

Speaker 1:

Give you a little inside baseball.

Speaker 4:

The shiniest pearl man. That's a good question. Probably I don't know probably the Sabbath, I guess.

Speaker 3:

There is only one right now.

Speaker 4:

It was shining. That is the seal of God, right? No, but the and and and spoiler alert uh, those pearls are good, but those aren't the choice pearls. Actually, the, the, the, the thing that kind of flipped on his head was no, the pro actually isn't the teachings, it's it's. It's us right that Christ sold everything, sold his life himself, because we were that valuable to him. And when I heard this, or when I looked at it from that perspective, it really flipped the, the flip the script for me and it kind of just made it made. Uh, you know, the T made the gospel really come alive for me. You know, because it cause, it's one thing to hear, you know, you hear all the time oh, god is love, god is love. But it's like he couldn't possibly love me because look at what I'm doing, you know, look at what I'm doing when nobody's looking, when I walk out of those church doors, where is it that I'm ending up?

Speaker 1:

you know, right, my guardian angel isn't even, uh, going in the same places or some of the places where I'm going, because, look, you know it's did you, uh, did you ever go to the youtha where the speaker got up and he had a $20 bill and he crumpled it all up and he threw it on the ground and then he picked it up and he's like, see, still worth the same thing, and he put it in his pocket. And the point is, even if you're crumpled and all of these, you're messed up but you still have value and, thinking about your verse, you're not crumpled up. You're actually the choice pearl that he sold everything for. Maybe it was lost in your eyes, but it was never lost in his eyes Exactly, and I have heard that message before.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it doesn't hit as hard as the pearl of great price, probably right? No, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 4:

Because all you're focused on is how crinkled you are. You know. And not the value of the money.

Speaker 1:

And now, with inflation, you've got to do a $100 bill. It gets dangerous.

Speaker 3:

I'm not feeling very confident about my pick anymore.

Speaker 1:

This is a good verse. Yeah, you're a loser and we're, I think it might be in the lead.

Speaker 3:

We'll have to see as it goes on, um, but the main way it's changed your life is believing in the value that you've been given in in christ let me ask you this when, when you think you're trash because rich used to think he was trash and it manifested in all kinds of death and despair, right, uh, when you shifted to believe that you were in fact worthy because he paid a price for you, it was willing to trade all of heaven for you, how did that begin to affect the way that you saw the world?

Speaker 4:

Well, I began to see other people as the way that God saw me.

Speaker 3:

See, Rich, this was the problem with your marriage. You thought you were trash, so you thought everyone else was trash man.

Speaker 4:

If only you had read a worse verse. Where were you 10 years?

Speaker 1:

ago, bro, like I wasn't, I thought I was trash 10 years ago. That's the problem. 10 years ago we were just all we were just trash rolling down the street. Man, all right, well, thank you. Uh, everybody give a round of applause, skyrocketing up the charts. He might have won that thing. All right, who is next? Don't everybody jump up all at once. Oh, we got someone.

Speaker 3:

Oh, here he comes, enoch, come on down go ahead and give him a round of applause, y'all bible verses that have changed your life.

Speaker 1:

I'm excited about this. Let's hear it.

Speaker 5:

The first one here is Romans 8, verse 7. And that says the carnal mind is enmity against God. It is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be, and when that hit me in a deep way, I began to leap for joy.

Speaker 3:

Now I'm going to be honest that's not the emotion that I would attach to that verse.

Speaker 1:

I am pumped after hearing that verse. I am filled with joy. The carnal mind is an enmity against God.

Speaker 6:

No, it can't be.

Speaker 1:

Enoch, you're going to have to tie this up. Man, help us out.

Speaker 5:

Help us out Well it's telling me that I don't have to trust my perspective that was always painful, which is the carnal mind. I instead trust God's, which is always beautiful, and I say God, lead me in the way that is matching your will. Instead of that matches my perception of reality, which may not be accurate, and so I can live above my perceptions, thanks to God's grace. And so if I perceive something that's off or if the devil puts lies in my head, I don't slow down because my mind isn't my foundation. Jesus is.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 3:

Rich, did you ever know growing up that the flesh and the spirit were two different realities that did not overlap? Or did you believe what I believe? That there were two wolves inside of every human being, one called flesh, one called spirit, and depending on which one you fed the most, that's the one that would win.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you read Galatians 5.18, it starts saying that they're against each other, and you can read that and be like there's a battle going on in my body, like when I have a milkshake, like the battle to to, like there's a battle going on in my body if I have a milkshake.

Speaker 1:

there's enmity yeah there's wrath, uh, and, but that is not. It's just saying that they're against each other. It doesn't say that they're in you. So when, enoch, as you're reading this verse, it's shedding light on your life, because that carnal mind isn't proper to you anymore. Go a little deeper.

Speaker 5:

Yeah well, I no longer believe it. I no longer believe that what I perceive about reality is accurate. I believe that what Jesus says about reality is true. Everyone is a loved child of God. I'm a loved child of God and he called me to be a blessing. And I see that God likes me, my friends like me, and if I see any evidence against what I just said, I refuse to believe it. And then I don't slow down.

Speaker 1:

And that's why we do the Bible verse draft. It's a strong pick. Now you said your first one. Do you have a bonus one that you want to do for us right here? He's going to pick all the good ones. If you're wondering who was complaining, that was Arnold. Did you have a bonus pick that you just wanted to throw for free?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I'll pick this one, I'll pick three verses down. And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the spirit is life because of righteousness. And what that means to me is, when I give control to God, it's God living inside of me instead of me living inside of me, which means whatever I think will be the thoughts of Jesus, whatever act will be God's thoughts.

Speaker 3:

And I'm not limited by how my DNA is programmed. It is an absolutely beautiful thing to know that we're no longer in the flesh, we're no longer stuck in that prison, but in fact we have the Spirit of God living in us, and so because of that, we actually get to bear fruit unto righteousness, even if our body testifies against us the body is dead because of sin.

Speaker 3:

The good news is that the Spirit is life and it leads to righteousness. So we're so grateful for that Great pick Enoch. I love that one. It leads to righteousness.

Speaker 1:

So we're so grateful for that Great pick, enoch. I love that one Absolutely. Give Enoch a round of applause, man. Thank you so much, my man. He came up. It's a game wrecker. That's what they call it in the business, a game wrecker. We're now all reeling. We don't know what to do. We're going to go to the next pick, pick number five. Are you on the edge of your seat there, uncle Arnold?

Speaker 1:

I know five is are you on the edge of your seat there? Uncle arnold, you don't have to, but if you would like to come on, you're the fifth pick in the draft here picks all of them all right, make sure you move the vlog up here. All right, what is your in the fifth pick in the uh bible verses that have changed my life? Draft arnold, what are you taking from the University of Louisville?

Speaker 6:

1 John. No, Sharon's all nervous now.

Speaker 3:

She's like I know he talks a lot about 1 John and often it gets angry.

Speaker 6:

1 John, 1.8, huh, yeah, no, no, galatians 5.24, actually.

Speaker 1:

Oh big one.

Speaker 6:

Galatians 5.24. That's the one that—.

Speaker 3:

Did you notice? He came up here without a Bible in his hand, which means that it's going to come from the dome Off the dome piece what is it?

Speaker 6:

Galatians 5.24 says what those who are Christ, have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

Speaker 1:

Those who are Christ have crucified the flesh with its. What does that?

Speaker 6:

mean, this was the verse that we talked about that first day where we really had a nice chat, because you said some crazy things up in front of the church, things like the flesh is D-E-D dead, and I said that's so stupid. Why did he say that?

Speaker 3:

It was because he misspelled it. I think that was bugging Auntie Sharon. Auntie Sharon said Richard is dumb. I have a college degree D-U-Sharon. Anti-sharon said Richard's dumb, I have a college degree T-U-M dumb.

Speaker 1:

She was ignorant with a big old E, to be honest with you.

Speaker 6:

If you remember, I said what are you talking about? The flesh is dead. I know my flesh is alive and well because we have chats every single day. And you said I don't believe you. And I thought what are you talking about, willis?

Speaker 3:

You know, sometimes we do things when it comes to ministry and sharing the gospel, things that at times, with given a bit of hindsight, we regret. Do you regret that one?

Speaker 1:

Absolutely not. When somebody says to me like, no, I'm in the flesh, I will always answer that I'm like you say, you believe in Jesus. I don't believe you that you're in the flesh. And so I said that to you. I said, no, I don't believe you Because you were well, tell us why you were saying this stuff, because you really felt a lot of feelings.

Speaker 6:

Yes, yes, like every day I would get this pull from the flesh. And I thought, yeah, I know the flesh, it talks to me and sometimes we do hang out. And you said, no, I don't believe you Because, like you said, do you believe in Jesus? I said yes. Is he the son of God? Yes, is he the Christ? Yes. I said then, no, I don't believe you. And I just thought this guy is crazy. And then somehow in that conversation, galatians 5, 24 came out. It says that flesh has been crucified with its passions and desires. I've read that verse many times and preached on that verse many times, but for the first time I noticed it says that the flesh has been crucified with its passions and desires.

Speaker 1:

You're like. I preached on it, but I didn't know that it said that. What does?

Speaker 3:

that mean? What were you preaching from this verse earlier?

Speaker 6:

Your flesh will be crucified with this passion and desire. I never noticed that. Paul said it in the past tense and that was the first time I noticed it is in the past tense 2000 years ago. Yeah.

Speaker 6:

And then that that changed, that changed everything from. From that point I just decided that, like what, what you said? Like, well, if the flesh has been crucified, this thing that's talking to me must not be me. I wasn't the one tempting myself to do these things. There's somebody else out there that's trying to get me to do bad stuff and I don't need to listen to that guy at all ever.

Speaker 1:

That's powerful, yeah. So Galatians 5.17 says what If you walk by the Spirit? Ooh, I don't want to take anyone's verse, he's using up other picks. But if you walk by the Spirit, you will not satisfy the desires of the flesh. And so much of the time we're believing that evil desires they are ours, they're proper to us Like yes, I am an evil person. But the Bible actually says and I was talking to Teresa about this yesterday the Bible says don't practice evil desire Like don't do that. It's not like a don't be yourself, it's don't do that. And so it's the flesh's desires. But a few verses later, the flesh has been crucified with its desires and passions. Yes, that's when Romans 6, like in your baptism, or 2,000 years ago, jesus' death, it has died with Christ right.

Speaker 6:

Right, right. So it's a total game changer, life changer, that I don't need to live that way anymore because it turns out I never needed to live that way at all, ever so strong pick what do you guys think?

Speaker 1:

Strong pick Galatians 5.24?. Yeah, who is next? Oh, we got alicia coming up.

Speaker 3:

I am excited to hear alicia now, alicia, you might still even be a little wet. Can you talk? Talk to us about what just took place, because this is a little bonus, like we're all we're here why not we're here?

Speaker 9:

well, uh, we just got to experience a funeral. Oh. Oh, no I know my beautiful good friend Caitlin.

Speaker 3:

I'm so sorry.

Speaker 9:

I know, but then, plot twist, we had a birth.

Speaker 3:

Oh, Brother, I hear it like 10 times. I have headphones as I'm monitoring the audio of this podcast. That was very loud. Oh, I'll make sure that vince turns out for our listeners uh this is.

Speaker 1:

This is for the studio audience, that's this is for. So we had a birth, and then what else did we have? We had a wedding. Oh my goodness.

Speaker 9:


Speaker 1:

But why are you?

Speaker 9:

wet Because we had a baptism.

Speaker 1:

Let's go, yeah, let's go, praise the Lord.

Speaker 3:

Always a good time. Always a good time.

Speaker 9:

Always a good time.

Speaker 3:

You got a Bible verse for us. Tell us your verse. Is it any good?

Speaker 9:

I think it's a strong pick. I'm pretty confident People come in with a lot of confidence.

Speaker 3:

Coming in hot.

Speaker 9:

What is that Bible? Verse Tell us 2, timothy 1.7.

Speaker 1:

Is this the first time on the Bible verse draft, somebody's taken something from 2 Timothy?

Speaker 9:

Yeah, I don't know that. We've read that one before. I've heard about it there's. There's a second one, right? I thought he only wrote him one letter. What does it say? Yeah, it's definitely not first, timothy. I checked, okay, it's not the same, it's not all right. So it is, uh, for god has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of sound mind why, why, uh, why is that your pick?

Speaker 1:

tell us about, and how has that changed your life?

Speaker 9:

uh, that is my pick because, uh, for 33 years of my life, uh, I was a slave to fear and anxiety.

Speaker 3:

And what were you so afraid of everything.

Speaker 9:

I was afraid as a little girl that my parents were going to die and I was going to be an orphan. I was afraid I was going to get sick and die young. Um, when I became a mom, I was terrified that I was going to ruin my kids and also that they were going to die or that I was going to die. That doesn't sound fun. It was not fun, all right, I had a job too.

Speaker 3:

Oh and I was were you good?

Speaker 9:

at your job Great.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, at my job. So then you didn't have fear there, though, cause you were competent, right oh?

Speaker 9:

I thought I was going to get fired every day.

Speaker 1:

Killing the game Amazing job. There's someone on that? Yeah, is there who I did get fired? Justin? Why are you?

Speaker 3:

that's a good joke, everyone, okay, so, so, uh, fear dominated your life, dominated my life. Did you have any hope? What was the solution to your fear?

Speaker 9:

oh well, uh, praise god for medication saved my life when I had postpartum depression, um, and thought I was going to destroy my kid's life and wanted to leave my own life to save her life, um, and my son's life, um. So praise God, um, for that, uh. But then I got better, got off medication, um, but then started having crazy panic attacks. And I got better, got off medication, but then started having crazy panic attacks and I was like, well, oh, now I know I don't have to suffer, so I'm going to do medication again.

Speaker 3:

That this sounds, how bad stories start.

Speaker 9:

Is this the death portion of your death to life podcast? This is the death portion of my death to life podcast. And so I did medication, but then I had all kinds of horrible side effects and decided, ok, well, I've had anxiety my whole life, so this is just who I am. I am just, I have anxiety, that's it. That is my reality. That is my reality. And, uh, you know, I grew up in the church, uh, attended church my whole life, but never saw transformation in my own life and kind of doubted the whole thing, couldn't make it make sense. And so I was deciding around that same time that I was like I'm just an anxious, I have anxiety, I'm just having, like that's who I am. Um, I was like I think I'm also going to start saying I'm agnostic, because really, that's that's who I am too, cause I have way more in common with my agnostic friends. And um, all that, um, but plot twist, god had other plans. Amen.

Speaker 9:

Yep, um so July 2020, uh, I started listening to a series you may be familiar.

Speaker 3:

Do tell.

Speaker 9:

Lovingly referred to as Wave One. Oh, I've heard of it. Yeah, I like that. Yeah, right, it's pretty good. Night six, I heard this thing that was if God didn't speak it into existence, it's not actually a thing. Oh, my Provocative, Provocative, right. And so he said this crazy thing that sin is a no thing because God didn't speak it into existence. And and 2 Timothy 1.7 immediately came into mind and it says for God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power and of sound mind. And I said wait, and he has said that he has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of sound mind. I don't have a spirit of fear and I have power and sound mind. And that's what's real. Wow.

Speaker 3:

I've got bad news for you. Yeah. You're not a very good agnostic. I'm not a good agnostic Fail. That's awesome. What is life like? No longer being dominated by fear?

Speaker 9:

I am free to be loved because when I knew I was free from fear, I knew I was loved and perfect. Love casts out all fear, which meant that I could just love my kids, I could just love my husband and I didn't have to worry for their future, because God had pursued my heart all the days of my life and he was doing the same with my kiddos and my husband, and he was doing the same with my kiddos and my husband and my family, and that I could just rest roll the credits on the bible verse draft uh I think that's that's.

Speaker 3:

Uh, that's not good news. I don't know what it is yeah, we gotta.

Speaker 1:

We gotta start all over. Thank you so much, alicia. That was a strong as strong of a pick as we can have. They've all been amazingly strong picks, strong picks, strong, strong, strong picks. Who else is next? Oh, jose Jose, the man from Puerto Rico.

Speaker 12:

Bernice was speaking, though.

Speaker 3:

Give it up for.

Speaker 1:

Jose, did somebody take your verse? What a thief.

Speaker 3:

Okay, don't worry, there's other good Bible verses no, no, no, mine Bernice's.

Speaker 12:

I want two Bernice's.

Speaker 3:

Bernice's coming up next. I want mine.

Speaker 1:

Alright, what is your pick for the six?

Speaker 12:

pick my pick starts over from Isaías, isaías, yeah, isaías 43. And he starts over with uh one. But he said fear not, for I have redeemed you. I have called you by your name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you, for I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. Wow.

Speaker 12:

And this has such a great significance. That's the reason I needed to jump out of there before someone took it out, Because I was in a mental health ward and I got myself there. I got myself there by using a Bible verse.

Speaker 3:

That doesn't sound good. No, it was not good.

Speaker 12:

I'm glad that's not in the Bible verse you were in the mental health ward because you misread a Bible, verse no no, before I left my room let me backtrack a little bit I was in a deployment with the Air Force and so forth. I was by myself and before I left my room I grabbed I think it was 1 or 2 Corinthians, 3, 17, something like that that it says whatever you do, do it in the honor and the power to glory God. And I closed the Bible and I said I'm going to go and get drunk For the glory of God, for the glory of God. I just coldly, just laid that and I went out and, needless to say, as I mentioned the day before, that landed me in a mental health. That was, thank God, the last time that I got, you know, to drink alcohol or whatever stuff.

Speaker 12:

But this, when I was in the mental health ward, was the Bible verse, that kind of like brought me up there Because I was just being betrayed by friends and so forth that were involved in the incident. I had a blackout and whatever stuff. But this verse brought me life because, in the regards that I said, what you're going through, disregard, because I am there with you. Wow.

Speaker 12:

Through this fire, through these waters, I am there with you. And then when it came out of the end of it, it's just like, and I understood, and it's like he had called me by my name wow you are mine, he says god, he is my savior, so he just has everything on it for me.

Speaker 3:

He just praise the lord, praise the lord isn't it good to know that he still says that we are his, even when the waters and the fires that we walk through are self-inflicted. That still doesn't do anything to deter him from loving us and pursuing us. Even when we make some ill-advised decisions, he's still there chasing us down.

Speaker 1:

Indeed Praise the Lord, Great pick Jose. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. I suspected that all of these were going to be amazing picks, and I think I've been right so far. What would you say, JCoup?

Speaker 3:

I'd say that this is a surprise. You have been right so far, wow.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how I set myself up, but yet he still calls me his son. You know, even though. All right. Who is next? Is it TT Benny? Oh, she doesn't want to do it, she's rolling her eyes.

Speaker 3:

But oh no, she wasn't rolling her eyes. She gave you the death glare.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that wasn't a roll of eyes, that was a death glare.

Speaker 10:

It was just to you.

Speaker 1:

All right, tt Benny, what is your pick in the Bible? Verses that have changed my life, bible draft.

Speaker 10:

Well, you're right, it's Bible verses.

Speaker 1:

Oh, let's go.

Speaker 3:

It's the book of.

Speaker 10:

Ephesians. Let me read it to you right now. I have to say, first, that I was a homeschool mom. I homeschooled my children for quite a bit of time and one of the things that I bought for them was these scripture songs, and they're beautiful, right. And so there was one that I loved and I sang and I sang and I loved it and then, but it just, and it's beautiful, but it didn't have a lot of meaning to me and it says who will separate us from the love of God? This is Romans 8, verse 35, I think, right, the blue one.

Speaker 3:

Yep 35.

Speaker 10:

Okay, so who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will, tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword? And then 37. But in all these things we are overwhelmingly conquer through him who loved us. And then 37. Nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord. And so, while I love the song and while I love the verses, I hadn't experienced really any of it, including the love of God. I just knew he loved me, but I hadn't experienced it. And so now it's. I know for a fact that God loves me and that absolutely nothing and a lot of us here probably know or have felt persecution or peril or sword, nothing's going to separate me from the love of Christ.

Speaker 1:

So that's, I love it isn't it amazing how fear comes in and says the opposite and we're so quick to be like, uh, god will cast me out, or. And then there's verses like this that are so strongly saying no, you are safe, you are in, he will never cast you out, there's nothing for you to fear, um. But if our lens is I have to make this thing happen, then that verse doesn't hit as hard. But when you read it and you believe it, then there's nothing like fear is taken away.

Speaker 3:

You can put your life on the line for for this truth right amen could you ever imagine, uh, anything that one of your children could do to you to cause you to love them any less?

Speaker 10:

Absolutely not.

Speaker 3:

How does it feel, knowing that that's exactly how God operates towards?

Speaker 10:

us. It's really amazing, and it's really amazing that I've come to realize that recently, that I know that it doesn't matter what it is, or it doesn't matter what anybody else does, so therefore it helps me, also with my lens. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Strong pick, romans 8. I didn't know Romans 8 would be a part of this, not normally a chapter people like. But thank you, tt. Benny Strong pick. We love it. Praise the Lord. Let's give her a round of applause. Auntie Sharon, are you looking at your? She's looking at your iPhone, meaning the Bible.

Speaker 3:

I'm hoping that, prior to giving us a Bible verse, she'll give us a story about Uncle Arnold. Is that, uncle Arnold? There's so many good ones.

Speaker 13:

We learn new stories About all of the other stupid things. I'm going to go to Colossians. I'm going to do to Colossians. I'm going to do Colossians 2.13. And you who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses. All of them.

Speaker 13:

All, all us, all our trespasses, all of them All. When Richard came to our church and I was having this inner turmoil and I heard him tell the story of Tyler and Morgan, what was so vivid in my mind is could it be that I could have what they have? And before sleeping I was just crying and crying and I say, lord, these people have something. Is it possible that I could have it too? And I woke up the following day and I was impressed.

Speaker 13:

The Holy Spirit told me open your Bible and read Colossians. And this verse stood out because my struggle has always been every day I would wake up and I'd be so depressed from the moment I opened my eyes because the thought is you're a bad wife and a bad mother. And when this verse came up, I said I am forgiven. I am forgiven and I don't need to have that cloud hanging over me anymore. And it's done. It's like there's this feeling that I thought oh, I can only feel forgiven once my husband has forgiven me or once my children have forgiven me. But what God was saying is I have already forgiven you all your trespasses, and that's huge. That's huge. Can I have a bonus one? It's also in Colossians. I'm asking pretty please.

Speaker 3:

How can we say no to Auntie Sharon?

Speaker 1:

We can't say it. It's impossible to say no to Auntie Sharon.

Speaker 3:

Is that true? Arnold.

Speaker 13:

I'm going to do Colossians, chapter 3, 9 and 10. It says Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. God was saying not only have I forgiven you, I have made you new. All the old things that old Sharon did as a bad wife and mother, it's gone. You are new now and I couldn't wait. I woke up early, right? So Arnold was still sleeping and I woke him up and I said do you know that I am new and you are new too? And new Sharon is married to new Arnold, so all the old garbage is gone, right, and that was a game changer. And that was it. It's always been a year. We just realized last night.

Speaker 10:

It's always been a year.

Speaker 13:

We just realized last night it's always been a year. It's crazy. So I am forgiven and I am new.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Amen. What was it about Colossians? Why do you think what was in your mind as just Colossians?

Speaker 13:

I don't know. I've never read the book of Colossians in its entirety. That was the first time that morning that I opened and it was so clear. I said, sharon, go read Colossians. And for the first time ever I read it from start to finish, the entire book, and God wanted to tell me whatever Tyler and Morgan have, you already have to.

Speaker 3:

I don't think it's fair when we're having a Bible verse draft and Auntie Sharon comes double equipped.

Speaker 1:

And with tears, Bonus verse tears.

Speaker 3:

How are we supposed to compete with you, Auntie?

Speaker 13:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

That's because the secret is, this isn't actually a competition.

Speaker 13:

So Justin, if we don't have rules for a competition, then what are we doing here? Just accept it You're now the first loser. Oh no, All right.

Speaker 1:

Give Auntie Sharon a round of applause.

Speaker 3:

Rich, did you notice how, when we post that same Bible verse on the internet internet it doesn't always get received as well as it?

Speaker 1:

does when the holy spirit tells them to read it mercy when, when we post it on the internet, we get comments, not always angry ones how dare you tell me I'm forgiven? You are not a teacher. Get off the internet. Have you gotten that one? Well, all right. Who is next on the bible verse? Oh, all right, eliana, let's go. Yeah, bono, first time on the death to life podcast. Won't be the last time, yeah hopefully not.

Speaker 14:

Well, my heart was racing a little bit as sharon came out, because she was about two, three verses off from taking my pick.

Speaker 1:

Oh the whole spirit. The Bible verse.

Speaker 3:

Traffic gets crazy sometimes it does Feelings get hurt.

Speaker 14:

Yes, well, that was narrowly avoided. It's also in Colossians, and this is Colossians 2.9. And Colossians 2.9 says For in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.

Speaker 14:

Oh, and I'm going to steal 10 too, and you are complete in him, who is the head of all principality and power yeah, that's a good one yeah, I think this impacts me, because back in January of this year, I could not believe this and I was feeling everything but complete and I was relying on those feelings to dictate my reality. And so if I was feeling not complete, then obviously I wasn't complete and there must be something that was keeping me from being complete and that must be something that I was doing Right and that ended up being, I thought it was my lust that was keeping me from being complete. In Christ, that I had to conquer that and then I could be free.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you were almost there, did it, did it work.

Speaker 14:

Not very well. I felt so it work Um, not very well. Um, I felt so incomplete I guess not incomplete um that I would go back to my apartment, um, after a day of teaching and I would just um, be alone and I would feel such a hole in my heart I'd have to, you know, crush a pillow against my you know chest to feel like I was, you know, stuffing it in there or, you know, or doing other things to try and stem this feeling of lack that I felt. And so, yeah, my testimony kind of mirrors Alicia's a little bit, in that I encountered wave one as well and heard some crazy stuff about the power of the word um that speaks louder than my feelings, and that I could trust in what Jesus had accomplished, that he had accomplished my completeness long before I was even born, and that, yeah, that, that.

Speaker 3:

And then, as I was able to recognize that and accept that over the lies that I was believing about my need to accomplish something in order to receive that, that's when, yeah, Since we haven't yet gotten to hear your story on death of life, could you tell us a little bit about that moment when you decided to believe what God said rather than what those feelings were telling you?

Speaker 14:

Absolutely. I was actually listening to Tyler's podcast and just the idea that well can I? The moment that he said that it wasn't his lust, that he was actually like that, was the actual problem. Um, that it was affirmation for him, um, I was blown away because for me, you know, obviously the last was the problem.

Speaker 14:

Um, and then that opened me up when I later um listened to Morgan's podcast, to realize that I could ask the Holy spirit to reveal to me what lies that I was believing about, um, who I was.

Speaker 14:

And so I did, I kneeled down and that was the moment, um, justin, that, um, I just was like you know, god, what am I believing? That is that is keeping me from receiving this fullness and living in that? Um, and yeah, and, and then God, god, said you believe that you do not deserve intimacy, you believe that you need to overcome, lest be able to control your thoughts, before you can have intimacy with boyfriends, with even some family and friends and, most importantly, with me, that you to, to work in order to you know, accomplish or or become close to me, um, and so, yeah, this the truth, like that colossians holds as well as ephesians, that I can, I steal that one uh, dangerous game, but yeah, go uh, go ahead that I have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places, and that includes intimacy that rocked my world, because as soon as I saw that lie, I could receive the truth that that was a lie and I could confess that that is not true about me.

Speaker 1:

Did you know this verse before? Or was it preached during wave one and you went and you saw and you're like it actually says that.

Speaker 14:

So I had read this verse before Um, but I think I was not able to believe. Believe it, you know it's it had there had to be some qualifications. Right, obviously, I was not reading the Bible right If I was not experiencing what it said. Right, obviously, I was not reading the Bible right if I was not experiencing what it said so yeah, but no, now I actually am complete.

Speaker 3:

And how does that feel?

Speaker 14:

It feels incredible. I have joy. I get to walk around not looking for interactions to complete me, you know, for affirmation or intimacy from other people. I get to have the Holy Spirit actually speak life into me Every single moment, where he'll say you're a child, you're complete, you're good, you can stand there alone, you don't have to have somebody next to you talking to you, you are good.

Speaker 1:

So that's so beautiful, powerful pick in the Bible version. Let's give her a round of applause.

Speaker 14:

Thank you so much Mercy, Mercy.

Speaker 1:

Okay, we're going to take a quick break in the episode and I'm bringing on my sister, Caitlin. Caitlin, what's up? How long have you been vibing with that good, good gospel? How long?

Speaker 15:

About a year and a half.

Speaker 1:

About a year and a half, okay. And what has that good, good gospel done in changing your life, would you say?

Speaker 15:

So many things. It's brought me into safety, a feeling of safety. I've been able to forgive things that have happened to me that I've never been able to forgive before. I've been able to get over some major mental health issues and a lot of other things.

Speaker 1:

So just a little bit. Here and there, then is what you're saying? Just a little bit. You have donated time, money, energy to see this gospel moving forward. Why is that so important to you?

Speaker 15:

because I think everybody needs to understand that we don't live under a condemning God, that we live from a place of freedom that nobody can take away from us, and I don't know exactly how to answer that in a better way, but that's the best way that I know right now.

Speaker 1:

I love it and if you're listening to this, you can partner with us. Go to love realityorg slash give, and every dollar that you donate goes to keeping this thing moving forward, and we want to keep going. We feel like if we keep preaching the gospel, there's just going to be story after story. So loverealityorg slash give. Hey, caitlin, thanks so much for joining me.

Speaker 15:

Thanks for having me Rich.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 15:

I'm really excited to be here.

Speaker 1:

All right, I don't know where we're at in the draft, but who's next?

Speaker 3:

I feel like this is like the millennial version of the Bible verse draft All winners, every single one. First place.

Speaker 1:

Everybody gets a blue ribbon. Who's? Oh, big B, big Brian B. Welcome to the Bible verse draft. And with the ninth pick, who are you selecting, or what verse are you selecting?

Speaker 7:

You know, I feel like I was secretly hoping that people would choose some of my verses. I feel like I had like a dozen and I was like, which one am I going to come and talk about? And yet none of them got selected. So I was like, all right, I'm just going to walk up and I'll see what I'm going to land with. So mystery, yeah could be a quarterback.

Speaker 7:

You know, I think one that right now I think resonates when I look, one that's actually very, very well known psalm 23, verse 1, and I think it speaks to freedom. I mean like there's other verses in it and I don't want to step on them. I was toasted, that like kind of led me this to this point, but I just find myself telling, like reminding myself of that promise that the lord is my shepherd. I shall not want, and I think so much of my life was in lack and I'm like I need this, I need this, I need this to feel good, to be saved, to do this, to do this. It was like there's all this that I need and it's just wait a second. God says I shall not want, and it was almost like a check to be like okay, wait a second says I shall not want, and it was almost like a check to be like okay, wait a second. Like if he said that what like?

Speaker 7:

Especially earlier on in in in my life, it was just like why do I want? You know, I'm saying it's like why, why do I feel consistently pursuing something that's like out of my reach? And that was just all my life. It was just in, in lack. I mean, it's actually funny if you ask my wife. It's like my birthdays were depressing, like I don't know if anyone else like resonates with this by any means.

Speaker 7:

It was like and there's another year where I just felt like, oh, you know, the year has gone by and I'm still not who I want to be and I'm still fighting with this. I'm still struggling with with this. I'm still haven't overcome this. I still look this way. I haven't done. You know, it's just, and every year it's just like another year, another year and I was like, oh, I had said all these things I was going to do this year, I didn't do them. I'm a disappointment. I'm upset with myself and understanding who I am in Christ. I look and I just I can't like literally, I can't say like there's anything that I need.

Speaker 3:

I think a lot of us have been here before. We read passages like this, but then we feel well, how do I stop wanting? And I'm sure at some point in time you identified the problem as well, because I'm always in this lack mentality. How did you break from that cycle?

Speaker 7:

It was just like recognizing my identity in Christ. You know and again, there's other verses that were pivotal to getting to that point of like oh wow, that's who God says I am, and some of them were mentioned here today, from Colossians and from Galatians, and it just came together where I was like okay, I am a child of God, he's my father, he won't leave me in lack. The things that I was striving for I've actually been accomplished through Christ. Right, so that was a big thing too, is that? Okay, I thought I had to, like my identity was based on what I was doing, and then I realized wait, a second. Christ has already done this and I'm in him. That's why I don't have to want, that's why I don't have any need of anything.

Speaker 1:

I always tell this story about. They asked Rockefeller near the end of his life, when he was the richest man in the world by a lot, and he was still trying to make deals and he was still going after them. They were like, how much more do you need? And his answer was always just a little bit more. And so the richest men in the world aren't the ones that have the most quote unquote it's the ones that don't actually need anything. And so this idea that we shall not want because we've been given everything already. Now, if you're coming from the world's perspective, well, what does everything look like? Is it the biggest mansion? Is it the fastest car? They do not have the spiritual eyes to see the predicament that they're in, but God has said no, I've given you everything in Christ, because Christ is everything.

Speaker 7:

Right and a big thing for me was like affirmation, like I wanted affirmation.

Speaker 7:

I wanted to feel good and know that people thought I was of a certain capabilities, of a certain look or whatever the case was.

Speaker 7:

And so that, like in a lot of settings, I would like even if I didn't realize it at the time, I was in, wanting, and even in a setting like this where, among wonderful people, like in the flesh, like like who I was before, would be in this setting being like, oh man, I want people to think that I'm a talented musician or I want people to, to want to sit with me, right type of thing. I want to feel interesting or that I have a cool story or something or another. And it was just I want, I want, I want. And then when I understood what christ had done for me, that I don't have to want, that I can just rest and like the whole I mean the rest of the psalm 23, I mean it just goes through and I can just rest. And why can you rest? Because I don't have to be pursuing these things. And yet at the end of the day, even though you're not pursuing it, it says my cup overflows.

Speaker 1:

Goodness and mercy huh Follow you the rest of your life.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, and not based on anything I'm doing. I mean, a sheep is not. He doesn't know how to fill his cup. He doesn't right, like it's the shepherd that's just taking care of all of it. And it he does it right, like it's the shepherd that's just taking care of all of it, and it's just. It's one of those things that, again like there were other key verses that let me type point when I I'm pretty sure there's a moment where I was probably some sort of temptation. I was like I'm gonna fight this temptation with bible, with with scripture, and that was what came to my mind. I started reading. I was like wait a second, hold up. Like there's something real here. This isn't just like a cool verse, that like or cool past chapter that everyone knows. It's like these words are profound. And I just slept on them first, like, like literally, you know. Like like they're just sleeping in the past, right. I was like, oh yeah, you know, everyone says it. But then I was like wait a, a second, and so it's.

Speaker 1:

Risky pick with the 23rd Psalm, but I think it paid off handsomely. Thank you so much, man. Great pick, risky 23rd Psalm. Who knew? Who would have guessed? Who knew? Is Samantha coming up here? She's making a beeline and I'm excited about it.

Speaker 3:

I don't know why they call it a beeline when she testifies things happen.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, See, this is the game. You don't want anybody to take your pick, man, that's it. That's not checkers. All right, Samantha, what is with the I don't know what pick? 10th, 11th pick of the Bible verse draft? What is your pick Verses?

Speaker 8:

James 1, 5 through 6,. This just impacted me. While the baptism was happening. I was here watching the baby monitor, waiting for my son to wake up, and I was just not feeling good enough. I felt like I was missing out on this community and, even though none of you made me feel unwelcome, the devil was speaking those lies over me that you guys were a family and I was on the outside and and I just wasn't believing that I was good enough. I wasn't believing that I could just ask God what the problem is and he could just fix it. And we were reading James. So my Bible was open to James and he was like read James, the book of love. And I was like, okay, that's right, right, it is the book of love.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of love in it.

Speaker 8:

I don't know if it's known as the book of love, but from now on for me, to me and I was like it's just popped into my head and I was like okay, and it says if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of god, who gives to all, liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him, but let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave on the. And I read this and I was like liberally, without reproach, because I am so critical on myself, and I just was like believing that God wouldn't just reveal what was happening to me and what, why I was just not able to fully enjoy this weekend. Like I have been enjoying it so much.

Speaker 8:

But there's just this thing that was weighing me down and I was like all right, all right, speak it loud and clear, cause I'm asking what's going on. And he's like you have to love yourself.

Speaker 8:

And I was like oh, okay. And then he, just he was like your mind is like the waves being tossed around. It's like I don't trust myself. I don't trust that it's God talking to me. I don't trust how I'm feeling, like. I'm like oh, is this me, is this God, is this the devil? Like. And then I'm just sitting there like oh, you know. Absolutely.

Speaker 8:

And then I looked up this, like he was like you need to say it out loud, and I was like I trust myself, like I trust that I know your voice. I trust that you're speaking to me and that I am good. Amen.

Speaker 8:

And then he, he's like you need to listen to a song. Oh no, I gotta remember the song. Ah, these words came into my head I am worthy. And I was like okay. He was like just look up, I'm worthy. And I was like all right, so I looked up, I am worthy, and it's a song that I've never heard before. And he was like listen to that song right there. And I started listening to it. And he was like listen to that song right there, and I started listening to it and it was a woman singing that I am worthy to love myself and I was like and then part of the song said they're like stand up and God's like stand up.

Speaker 8:

And I was like this is silly, he's like no, stand up and sing this. And I was like I stood up and was like like I am worthy to love myself amen praise the lord I love myself amen, amen.

Speaker 3:

We're so glad that you've come to know that. Isn't it amazing, uh, that because we are loved, we're actually free to love?

Speaker 1:

it's the only way we can right. Doesn't first john 4 say that that because we're loved, now we love, yeah, and if we don't love, it just means we don't know him like we could right because he's love. Oops, I didn't mean to take anybody's verse. If that was somebody's verse, that's a good one. That might, that might be log that one for later thank you, samantha. Uh, how are we feeling? Is anyone else have a verse for the Bible verse draft Anybody? Oh, ginger, come on down.

Speaker 11:

Just one of my favorite verses is in Psalms. I always have to Google where, uh don't we all?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, not me.

Speaker 11:

The the verses let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way that I should go for, for in you I entrust my life, and the way I look at that is I trust you with my life, lord, and that covers everything. I trust you with every single area of my life and I'm like this is a good one. This covers a lot.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I need to know that verse. Somebody Google what she just said Psalms 143. Is itsalms 143? Is it one? Psalms 143?

Speaker 3:

143 verse 8, don't you know? Yeah, do you really michael's over here with the assistant. I'm like justin you're, he's holding it up.

Speaker 11:

Thank you very much and then be joyful in hope, patient and afflictions, faithful in prayer.

Speaker 2:

Last one oh that's thank you so much yeah there's a mic drop right there.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much.

Speaker 3:

Way to go, ginger I like it when people pick from these, uh, from the book of psalms, obscure books like psalms, yeah, the ones that you know everyone reads. All right, everyone reads.

Speaker 1:

All right, are we winding down or is there more verses? Chris gave me a yes, we're winding down. All right, we'll do one more. We need one more verse to cap off the Bible verse draft. The Kobe pick One more verse. I know someone has it and it is Ruth. She has it. How does the whole room already? And it is Ruth, she has it. How does?

Speaker 3:

the whole room already know who it is, how does everybody know?

Speaker 1:

it was Ruth, because she was looking like this, not me. I don't have the verse.

Speaker 3:

Tag teaming over here.

Speaker 16:

This is like Spanish and English.

Speaker 1:

Probably Portuguese Ohing over here. This is like Spanish and English, Probably Portuguese. Oh sorry, Sorry.

Speaker 16:

I should have just had you find this one.

Speaker 1:

What is the verse? Hosea 2. Oh, speaking of obscure.

Speaker 3:

She knew the Lord instructed her to share. I gotcha.

Speaker 1:

I do not know where Hosea is in the Bible. Do you know off top? Yeah, dude, it's right next to Hezekiah. This guy Fool me once. All right, all right, so there's a couple verses here, so it's.

Speaker 16:

Hosea 2. All right.

Speaker 16:

All right, so there's a couple of verses here. So it's Hosea 2. We'll start with 14. And just for some context, this is Hosea with the cheating wife who goes out and does all the things. And so this is the Lord talking. And he says therefore, behold, I will allure her and bring her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her. And then I'm going to skip over to verse 19. And this is he's talking to Israel. And he says and I will betroth you to me forever, I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice and in steadfast love and in mercy, and I will betroth you to me in faithfulness, and you shall know the lord what a sweet talker sweet talker.

Speaker 1:

How does that verse change your life there?

Speaker 16:

so, um, over the last year and a half I have just felt like I was out in a wilderness all by myself and it was super, super rough, and started listening to you guys and got kind of plugged in. And one night I was just like wrestling with God, like why am I out here by myself? Like this is horrible, this sucks, like I'm tired of this, I don't want to do this, I don't get it. Like, in the situation that I was in, I was seeking justice. Like my sense of justice was like this isn't right, why is this happening?

Speaker 16:

And I was just flipping through one night and I read this and I was like, oh, oh, okay, yes, like, okay, you've brought me out into this wilderness so that you can speak tenderly to me and then you can, like, draw me to you, and so much about this. Like in here it is, I will, I will, I will, and you shall know the Lord, and it's all about all these things that he does for me.

Speaker 1:

It's not a lot that I have to do, just know him me, it's not a lot that I have to do, just know him, I like it. I like it a lot, very powerful and, uh, since understanding this, believing this, it's changed the way. Has it changed your sense of justice, or is justice still there?

Speaker 16:

tell me about that it's not my justice, it's his justice. That I look at now like because when I think my sense of justice is not justice, his sense of justice, that's real justice.

Speaker 3:

How does that change the way that you relate to the, to the peoples, the persons that you're hoping for justice, but to know that that that God's got it in his, in his hands? How does it change the way that you relate to these people?

Speaker 16:

I think that's absolutely it. I get to rest. I get to rest and know him and know that he's the God of justice and that whatever happens at the end, that's his justice. And I don't have to stress about it, it's all in his hands, he's got it.

Speaker 1:

I don't have to stress about it, it's all in his hands, he's got it, amen, amen. Thank you so much, ruthie, very appreciated. And I want to thank everybody that was on the Bible verse draft, the studio audience. It's been awesome. And if you're listening to this right now and you've heard these verses and you're thinking I want these to be true for me I'm not sure if they are true about me. I would like that to be so Then this prayer is for you, father in heaven. We want to believe this, without any doubt. We want to know what you have done through your son, jesus, and right now I want to see it, I want to believe it and so give me that belief, give me the faithfulness of Jesus Christ, and I believe and I receive it in Jesus's name, amen. All right, what are we going to plug right here before we take off? We got a Dusty Boys podcast 12 episodes in so far. One of my favorite podcasts.

Speaker 3:

Yes, those last two were good ones yeah.

Speaker 1:

Since I got you. Jj is over here. Oh, the Worthy of Everything podcast, one of the other favorite podcasts. That's actually my favorite podcast, the Worthy of Everything. I actually have listened to a few episodes of that one. I do listen to a dozen of them. But before we take off, justin, tell the listener about Internet Church and how they can get to Internet Church.

Speaker 3:

Internet Church is the place where we get to get deep, because we get to get raw, authentic, vulnerable. We share stories, we get to encourage each other, we do prayer and in the middle of all that, sure enough, the Holy Spirit continues to show up. And so if you're looking for a connection, if you're looking for community, if you feel a bit stuck and you're not exactly sure what's in the way, this is a place where you can get encouraged and you can get prayer. And so we want to encourage you. Guys, every other Friday night at 6 pm Pacific, 9 pm Eastern, come join us for Internet Church. If you want the link, go to loverealityorg slash circles. You'll also find information about Bible studies. If you so choose to participate in those, we'd love to have you there. It's a really great experience, and Rich word on the street is there's always an after party.

Speaker 1:

We likes to party, we likes to party, so there is always an after party. Would love to see you guys there. Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Death Alive podcast. Love y'all, appreciate y'all. Bye-bye, bye, that was fun. Yay, thank you.