Beyond the Bell

Doug Robertson

Season 4 Episode 2

Fifth-grade educator Doug Robertson and host Evelyn Lauer discuss the challenges of in-person/full-capacity school during the pandemic and his decision to take a medical leave from his classroom.

Robertson is currently a 5th grade teacher just outside of Portland, Oregon. He is in his16th  year of teaching overall, and in that time he has also taught in California and Hawaii OR. On the side, he is also an author, having published four books so far, three of which are education focused [He's the Weird Teacher, THE Teaching Text (You're Welcome), and A Classroom of One] and one novel (The Unforgiving Road). He is also a husband and has three children. He plays bass and rides a motorcycle. 

You can find Doug on Twitter at @TheWeirdTeacher and also on Instagram at the same. 

Follow host, Evelyn Lauer, on Twitter or Instagram, @evelynalauer.