We all want to live a long, healthy life. And we know that what we eat directly impacts our ability to do just that.
But for busy parents and professionals, it’s often challenging to make healthy choices on a budget, given our time constraints.
Are there simple, convenient ways to make mealtime more nutritious? And what foods best address your specific health concerns?
Liz Weiss, MS, RDN, is the voice behind the food and nutrition blog Liz’s Healthy Table and the podcast Eat, Drink, Live Longer.
A sought-after speaker, TV personality and cooking instructor, Liz is a regular contributor to Today’s Dietitian magazine and recipe writer for the American Institute for Cancer Research.
On this episode of The Breast of Everything, Liz joins hosts Kim Schott and Dr. Ashley Richardson to discuss nutrition for longevity, challenging us to start with small goals like eating one extra serving of fruits and vegetables each day.
Liz discusses what people eat in the five longevity hot spots known as the Blue Zones, describing how the MIND diet (Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) fosters heart health and protects against cognitive decline.
Listen in for Liz’s advice on making mealtime less stressful yet more nutritious and learn how to change your diet in a way that fits your lifestyle and promotes long-term health!
Key Takeaways
How Liz’s interest in nutrition for longevity led to the launch of Eat, Drink, Live Longer
How young moms can lean on conveniences to make mealtime less stressful and more nutritious
Why Liz recommends fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, nuts, beans and seeds
How Liz thinks about high-protein, high-fat fad diets
The 5 longevity hot spots known as the Blue Zones and what people eat there
How the standard American diet lacks important nutrients and promotes chronic inflammation
Why Liz suggests starting with small goals like eating one extra serving of fruits and vegetables each day
Liz’s advice on meal planning and prep as a busy parent or professional
How the MIND diet protects against cognitive decline
Which foods maximize heart health (and which ones to avoid)
What foods Liz recommends for women undergoing treatment for breast cancer
Liz’s strategies for making mealtime a positive time to connect with friends and family
Connect with Liz
Eat, Drink, Live Longer Podcast
Connect with Dr. Richardson
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Liz’s Last-Minute Black Bean Soup
Nick Buettner on Liz’s Healthy Table Podcast EP099
‘Snacking for Brain Health’ in Today’s Dietician