Modern Life and Spirit Podcast

The Invisible Hands that Guide Us #182

Christina Wooten and Robert Wooten Season 3 Episode 182

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Ever feel like there's an unseen force gently steering you away from harm just when you need it most? That's what we're diving into today. The gentle nudges, the missed accidents, and the serendipitous moments where life seems to say, "Not today, trouble."

We’ve all experienced those moments where we’re just a heartbeat away from a completely different outcome. Ever wondered who’s pulling the strings behind those narrow escapes? It’s those moments when you realize that maybe, just maybe, there’s something more—guardians, guides, or a bit of divine choreography—helping us along on our paths, protecting us from the unseen.

But it’s not just about being saved from mishaps. It’s about recognizing these instances as signs of being looked after, which can shift our perception from fear to gratitude, from feeling alone to feeling guided.

So, what if you could see every missed misstep not as luck, but as a loving nudge from the universe? What if you realized that the beauty of life isn’t just in the visible joys, but also in the invisible hands that guide and protect us?

This episode is a journey into understanding these subtle, powerful forces. We're peeling back the curtain on the divine interventions that guide our lives. Join us as we explore how tuning into these hidden blessings can help us live with a deeper sense of peace and fulfillment, allowing us to embrace life's journey with trust and gratitude. Let's celebrate the unseen help that arrives just when we need it, and learn to walk through life with a little more faith in the choreography of the cosmos.

About Christina Wooten, Sedona Medium:

Want to take more aligned action in your life?  Want to understand the energies at play each month, so you can flow with Divine Timing?  Join the Inner Circle to get access to Monthly Readings with Christina and the Energetic Calendar!

Christina Wooten helps you access the wisdom and support of the Spirit World to elevate your life.
She is a Certified Psychic Medium and Reiki Master Teacher.  Christina is the owner of Sedona Medium and co-host of Modern Life and Spirit podcast.

She offers Psychic Medium Readings, Soul Readings, Past Life Regressions, and teaches how you can start communicating and receiving messages from your Spirit Guides - through her program.
Learn more about her offerings here

Robert Wooten is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher who loves to help others to increase their life force energy and heal mind/body/Spirit.
Sessions are performed remotely thru Zoom or by phone call, and energetic information received during your session can be recorded and shared,  to assist you on your healing journey.
Learn more about how Robert can help you here

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Welcome to the modern life and spirit Podcast where we explore spiritual topics relevant to today's world. Your hosts certified psychic medium, Christina Wooten and Reiki master teacher, Robert Wooten break down how to work with spirit to create more positive growth in your life. Consider this podcast your go to spiritual resource for navigating the modern world.

Christina Wooten:

Hey, they're kindred spirits. Welcome to Modern life and spear podcast. It's Christina Wooten certified psychic medium at And hi, Robert. Hello,

Robert Wooten:

I am Reiki master teacher, Robert wooten.

Christina Wooten:

So we were having a discussion earlier I asked Robert, we were just kind of talking in the car. And I said, you know, what is it that as far as spiritual experiences that you've had something that really impacted you deeply that really gave you that sense that Spirit is here that there is something happening. Underneath, there's a consciousness, there's a thread of power and connection that's flowing through all of us. And things are divinely ordered. And so I shared something from my experience, and you share something from your experience. And I feel like today, it's a good time to just be reminded that there is a divine order to things that there's a beauty flowing through our lives that we sometimes miss. And that we don't see. So if you don't mind, I know that it's a personal story of yours. Would you share what it is that you shared with me earlier today, that impactful moment that helped you to see that for yourself too?

Robert Wooten:

Sure. And I'll start this by saying, sometimes protection in many different forms, doesn't look like what you would expect it to look like. If something is helping you out. It's not like the clouds part and a great beam of light comes down on top of you to protect your big shield shows up around you. Sometimes it's very subtle. And sometimes it's a thing that happens that you don't really notice. So this takes place many years ago when I lived down in Florida. And I was out on a trip out in the country. And there was this crossroads where there's a convenience store at this crossroads. And it made its way out in the country, like you drive down a two lane road with no lines in the road for miles and miles. It's that kind of country road. There's this convenience store. It's kind of a mom and pop store that's out at this crossroads. And I decided that was a good place to stop to maybe use the bathroom and get a drink in the snack to kind of recharge for the rest of the drive back into town. And so as I pulled up to the gas station, I was the only car at the front of the store, there was a car or two at the gas pump. And I pulled up right near the entrance to the store to walk in because there were no cars up there. And as I was walking towards the store, I had my hand on the door as let's get ready to open and I realized oh, I forgot my wallet. And so I turned and walked back towards the car to get my wallet out of it. And as I came back around to the door of my car to open it since the movement out of the corner of mine, I look up and coming across this intersection, there's a large older car flying across the parking lot coming from the other road coming the other way pulled into the road is doing about 40 miles an hour across the parking lot and just plows right into the front of the store right where I would have been standing if I had gone in the store. And the car hit this door so hard, jumped the sidewalk and went all the way into the store and the full car was inside of the store. And it was shocking. I was standing there. And I just see these were in the hole where the door used to be and there's like pieces falling off and there's glass hitting the ground. And he's like this still quiet for a minute. And it's like oh my god did I just see that happen? I would have been standing right there had I not come back to get my wallet jarring it was it was shocking. And as I started to move towards the door, to walk into the store, I hear the car startup and it comes flying backwards.

Christina Wooten:

Just to be clear, you weren't going into the store to like return to go get your drink you're going in the store to check on this person Exactly. Now, inside the store Well

Robert Wooten:

honestly, I had seen through the window on the side when I had walked up to the store I'd noticed that there was a person standing at the counter and another person, you know a customer on the other side of it. So I was worried that that car had maybe hit one of them or both of them as it came in it came in at that trajectory. And so I was gonna go in and check to make sure everybody's okay or to see what was happening. But then all of a sudden this car this comes flying backwards back out of the parking lot bounces back down the sidewalk and it's just screeching across the parking lot backwards. And I see it it's a little old man. And he is just gripping the wheel white knuckling the wheel with his look on his face his his head is kind of banged his mouth looks like this man. Like maybe he hit the steering wheel. And he is just like got this determined look on his face. He's trying to get out of there and he just backs out stops the car pulls forward and comes flying past me I had to step out of the way because he was like come came flying twice. I felt like it. So he goes flying by and I was like whoa, whoa, stop, stop, stop and he just took off and hit it. Tree, a huge oak tree at the end of the parking lot. And that's what finally stopped it. And so the car hits the tree shuts off, steam is flying everywhere the window was broken out of the car. So you know, after that craziness, I went over and tried to see if I could help. And I guess someone had called in that break when the car first hit the window someone had called 911. Yeah, and I could hear sirens coming our way. A sheriff's car pulls up a man who was who said he was a paramedic had been at the gas pump. And he and I both ran over to help the man out and he was he was jarred, but he was fine. And he out. Remember what he said was like, I was pushing the brake down as hard as I could. And harder I push the brake, the faster the car was going. And his poor old guy, he just didn't know what was happening to him. He was very disoriented and Jarred. And so they put him in the ambulance. And I understood later that he, he was fine. But the moment that that car went flying into the store, you know, I was aware of like, how I had been directed in some unseen way to not be there that I had left my wallet, which I normally didn't normally I have my wallet in my pocket. But for some unknown reason I had taken my wallet

Christina Wooten:

always have your wallet in your pocket all the time. For

Robert Wooten:

some reason, as I was driving, I took it out and I put it right on the console of the car. Yeah. And so that's what caused me to forget it because it was out of my habit for doing that.

Christina Wooten:

Well, the fact that you noticed it before you even walked into the store, rather than you know, a lot of us wouldn't even notice it to where they're at the register, you know, but had you not noticed it at the moment that you were at the door and turned around that moment, then you would have still been in the middle of whatever that was,

Robert Wooten:

yeah, it was like this tap of awareness, or hey, check for your wallet. And that's what it was more like was like a check for my wallet. No, yeah, it's not in here. And I went back to the car, it had not been on my mind at all, as I walked up there. But later, as I processed that whole event, I was aware of the things that had to happen in order to save me. And apparently the man who was the customer in the store had seen the car coming through the door and had jumped over the counter and gotten out on the way and the counter apparently protected him and the man who worked there from the impact of the car as it came flying in. So they also were were fine. And you know, just glass flying everywhere and pieces of wood flying. You know, we're the only real injuries that anybody received besides the man driving the car. But it did feel like there was a lot of orchestration that happened to just move me for that one

Christina Wooten:

moment for that split second, right, because

Robert Wooten:

it would have been very easy to just walk around in the store and had been standing right there in the doorway. And glad I wasn't, you know, I'm glad that that was I was very thankful in that moment. And I said a prayer or thankfulness that I really recognized the protection that was over me at that moment. And I think that's important that sometimes we don't notice how much we're being protected. You don't know about the accident that you missed, because you left something at home and had to turn around on your daily routine and come back to get it or because there was traffic in one way. And you decided to take a different route. You don't know what you missed. But I think we're constantly being helped out in that way. And it's really important for us to take a moment and recognize it and be thankful for the other things that didn't happen to us, even if it's something that happened years ago, when it comes back to your mind. So yeah, I appreciate that. Thank you. That was important. And that was significant. And I'm grateful for that. There's

Christina Wooten:

something beautiful about how seamless it is how every day ordinary moments where we become aware of the work behind the scenes, the work between our soul, our spirit guides, where clearly something has been directed, literally, we've been supported and helped in ways that we would have never anticipated like you wouldn't have woken up that day and say, God, please protect me from cars flying across parking lots into buildings today. However, it's something that naturally unfolded and manifested for you. And like you said, there's so many our protector guides are always busy at work. And they can't prevent every single thing that we experience in life, because a lot of these things are part of our soul journey and our soul path. But they are helping us with insights with direction with that tap on the shoulder and your case of, Hey, where's your wallet? That tap to begin with even before that said, Hey, take your wallet out of your pocket, right and stick it right here and how smooth and easy and beautiful that process can be. And I think that the more that we trust, those instincts that we have, the more that we can see with gratitude with that eyes of the hindsight where we see these miracles and these little moments is having happened and we recognize that something beyond has occurred, to be able to use that as a vehicle of trust and creating more trust you In our journey and our process of I know that I'm being divinely guided and supported and protected. Maybe the reason that I'm not going to the store today is just because I'm exhausted because I'm avoiding something that I need to avoid and paying attention to the instincts that we have in the moment and not talking ourselves out of the instincts that we do have that come through in our mind,

Robert Wooten:

right. And when we sense the intuitive push to do a certain thing, and we learned and train ourselves to understand what that intuitive feeling feels like, I think, then we begin to understand more and more of like, these are the things that happened all the time, you know, these are the things where you are being guided and assisted and protected, and looked out for. I mean, if you could talk to your guides, they would say, yeah, we've done that a million times. Yeah, if you only knew, yeah. I know, many, many times in my life, that I've been protected from something that should have happened much worse. You know, I've been in motorcycle accidents. I've been in car accidents that I walked away from with a barely a scratch, that the car itself was totaled. And I know that that was another example of, of great protection. And I'm always thankful and grateful for that. I think it has happened many times in my

Christina Wooten:

life. Yeah, there's always two ways that we can look at things we can look at things as being, wow, what an incredible coincidence, it's wild that that happened. Or we can look at it as all of these things had to line up for this to occur and see the miracle and see the beauty in it. But it always comes down to choice, right? To perspective of how we choose to look at our life, how we choose to look at the world. And that frames, how we experience things as well, there's so many times where people miss the miracle, they miss that moment, because they're still questioning, they're still so uncomfortable with the idea that there's something greater happening around them that you know, feels out of their control. And that's very scary. But it's beautiful that you can recognize that moment and how seamless it was, how beautiful it was, and how everybody in the moment was protected and exactly where they needed to be for that to have occurred. And nobody tried too hard. Nobody had to make it happen. Nobody had to expend all this extra effort. It just happened exactly as it needed to happen for the perfect result to be there. And I think if we can take that into our lives that so many things are happening behind the scenes, there's a lot of things happening in your life right now that you don't know that the universe is conspiring, all of these miracles, all of these beautiful things. There are so many people that you're going to love that you haven't met yet. There are people who are going to help you out beautiful moments of your life that are in the timeline that are still yet to be that you haven't experienced yet. And if we can just tap into that with a heart full of gratitude and a heart full of joy is that there's so many beautiful things that we don't even know about yet that are conspiring to come forward. For us. That is an exciting way to wake up every day,

Robert Wooten:

we are honoring the joy of the journey itself, I think is very important. I think that's one of the purposes of our lives, is to honor the joy of the journey.

Christina Wooten:

All right, I just like to take a moment and say thank you for listening today. Thank you for sharing your beautiful energy with us. We'd love it if you would take a moment and make sure you're following so that you don't miss an episode, we release a new episode every single Wednesday to help guide you and support you and intuitive living connecting with your spirit guides and bringing your highest self forward every single day. And of course, if there's a topic that we've covered that would really connect and really help someone that you know, be sure to pass it along. I think the more that we share and extend this light and beautiful energy to others, the more that it's able to support them, help them understand the spiritual awakening process. If you can just think back to how your journey of spiritual awakening has been and how in the very beginning it's often very confusing and stressful and you're not sure exactly what's going on if there's a way to support others in their awakening journey in a peaceful and beautiful way. I think that listening to an episode is a great way to do that. Alright everyone many blessings,

Robert Wooten:

many blessings. The modern life and spirit podcast is for informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to provide medical, psychological, legal or financial advice. information provided is not to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological illness. To read the full disclaimer, see Sedona

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