Modern Life and Spirit Podcast

Feng Shui to Support the Empath with Patricia Lohan #190

Christina Wooten and Robert Wooten Season 3 Episode 190

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What if your house could be a total POWER HOUSE?  A sacred space where you felt so held, nourished, and supported by the energy of your home that you couldn't help but be your best self, living your best life.

In this episode, we are diving deep into the ancient art of Feng Shui with expert Patricia Lohan. 

Patricia Lohan is a Feng Shui expert, manifesting magnet, alchemist, healer, and real-life Irish Celtic Shaman.  Some people call her the "Mary Poppins of Prosperity".

Patricia is the creator of PowerHouse Feng Shui and Author of The Happy Home: A Guide to Creating a Happy, Healthy, Wealthy Life and Become a Business Powerhouse Using Feng Shui. She helps women make their homes & businesses magnetic to money, luck, and blessings. She shows you what they don't teach in business school, what lies between the lines, your top-secret tool for success.

She has helped thousands of people across the globe embrace Feng Shui and creates lasting changes in their businesses, homes, and lives.

Patricia has been featured in media around the world including the New York Times, CNN, Forbes, The New York Post, She Knows, Essence, Mind Body Green, USA Today, and Elephant Journal.

Whether you’re feeling out of sync in your current living space or simply seeking a burst of new energy, Patricia shows you how you can get started. 

She'll unpack the essence of Feng Shui, showing us how it’s not just about the arrangement of space but about aligning our environment with our inner vibrations. 
For those who absorb energy deeply, this episode offers: 

  • Practical Feng Shui Wisdom: Easy tips to refresh and recalibrate your living space for enhanced calm and creativity.
  • Empath-Specific Advice: Unique insights into how your surroundings can affect your energy and how to make them a nurturing haven.
  • Real-Life Transformations: Hear about the profound impact simple changes can have on your peace of mind and personal growth.

From decluttering with intention to understanding the flow of Chi, or life force, Patricia shares how adjusting your space can lead to profound shifts in your life and well-being. 

Unlock the secrets to a harmonious living that not only looks good but feels divinely aligned with who you are and aspire to be. 🌿

To learn more about Patricia and Feng Shui: 

To connect with Christina Wooten for Readings

About Christina Wooten, Sedona Medium:

Want to take more aligned action in your life?  Want to understand the energies at play each month, so you can flow with Divine Timing?  Join the Inner Circle to get access to Monthly Readings with Christina and the Energetic Calendar!

Christina Wooten helps you access the wisdom and support of the Spirit World to elevate your life.
She is a Certified Psychic Medium and Reiki Master Teacher.  Christina is the owner of Sedona Medium and co-host of Modern Life and Spirit podcast.

She offers Psychic Medium Readings, Soul Readings, Past Life Regressions, and teaches how you can start communicating and receiving messages from your Spirit Guides - through her program.
Learn more about her offerings here

Robert Wooten is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher who loves to help others to increase their life force energy and heal mind/body/Spirit.
Sessions are performed remotely thru Zoom or by phone call, and ene

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Welcome to the modern life and spirit Podcast where we explore spiritual topics relevant to today's world. Your hosts certified psychic medium, Christina Wooten and Reiki master teacher, Robert Wooten break down how to work with spirit to create more positive growth in your life. Consider this podcast your go to spiritual resource for navigating the modern world.

Christina Wooten:

Hey there kindred spirits. Welcome to Modern life and Spirit podcast. It's Christina Wooten certified psychic medium at Welcome to today's show, I think that our topic today talking about Feng Shui, and the energy in our home is so important, because our energy is reflected in our home and the blockages that we're experiencing in our energy is also reflected in our home. And there's a lot that just connecting with our home can tell us about our own energy, what it is that maybe we're tolerating that we shouldn't be, it can also help us to recognize spaces where we're not investing and putting our energy and our best foot forward out into the world and also the spaces where we're super engaged and alive and and where the spots in our home that really truly feel like us feels like that energy that helps us to continue to grow and feel really nourished and really engaged and that we're excited to spend time with. I mean, it really can become our special sanctuary. I think a lot when I was moving to Sedona I thought about the power of the land here and how important it was. What would it be like to feel like you are nourished your chakras and your energy was nourished creatively energetically all the time? How can we express ourselves into the world in a different way when we weren't being drained energetically, we were being not just supported, but cup overflowing with powerful positive energy. And the same thing, you know, all of that is Feng Shui, the energy of the land and the energy of our home either we can be supporting ourselves and the direction that we want to go and our life. Or we can also just be allowing stresses and energetic drain to happen in the background and trying to ignore it while we keep moving forward. So Patricia Lohan is a Feng Shui expert, and she is going to help us today to understand how to make Feng Shui a little bit more accessible because it's definitely if you've ever see a function or a compass, it's a little bit intimidating. But it's really something an art and as she calls it, a practice that we can put into our life and how we create a relationship with our home that helps support and nourish and strengthen our energy. So let me introduce you to Patricia because I can't wait for all that she has to share. Patricia Lohan is a Feng Shui expert, manifesting magnet, Alchemist healer and real life Irish Celtic Shaman. Some people call her the Mary Poppins of prosperity. Patricia is the creator of powerhouse Feng Shui and author of The Happy Home a guide to creating a happy, healthy, wealthy life and become a business powerhouse using Feng Shui. She helps women make their homes and businesses magnetic to money luck and blessings. She shows you what they don't teach you in business school what lies between the lines your top secret tool for success. She's helped 1000s of people across the globe embrace Feng Shui and creates lasting changes in their businesses, homes and lives. She has been featured in media around the world including the New York Times, CNN, Forbes, the New York Post, essence Mind Body green USA Today and Elephant Journal. Thank you so much, Patricia for being here. I'm so excited to tap into your wisdom and what you have learned over all of these years of practicing and touching lives with the art and the healing essence of Feng Shui.

Patricia Lohan:

You're so welcome. I'm absolutely honored and delighted to be here to get an opportunity to share this beautiful practice. And you know, before we came on, he shared this is really around helping women to tap into, you know, everything they do being a spiritual practice. And Feng Shui is a deeply spiritual practice and honoring the home, the temple that your whole family spend so much time in and bringing that into harmony as a true blessing. so delighted to be here to share for



Christina Wooten:

people who are brand new to the concept of Fung Shui? How would you describe it to them? Or what are some of the core principles that people should just know about when we're talking about this as a practice and how that impacts harmony in the home. So

Patricia Lohan:

the first thing is, doesn't matter how you say it, it's about implementation. And Fung Shui is an ancient practice, it's 5000 years old, when it was first brought into, you know, Earth onto this planet. And you know, it was divine to these ancient sages and rishis. And wisdom keepers really stood on the land and tuned into the energetics of what was going on, on the land in this area, how to create a sacred space for a home to be able to live in that would be harmonious, and a beautiful place to bring help and harmony and balance and abundance. So when you translate the language of or the work that the characters are functional, it means good health, and good harvest, you know, back then it was like your abundance came from the seeds that you sold, it is a very ancient practice, and it's being kept alive, which is such a beautiful practice that we get to now integrate into homes, because modern construction and modern buildings are not like built with that, oh, where's the best place though, I do get to work sometimes with clients who were like, where's the best place to put my house on this plot. But that's a very rare, rare, rare occasion. And most of the time, it's like I'm in this house. And stuff hasn't really gone the way I hoped it would, or things are not moving, despite moving or changing in a positive direction, despite me working really hard or doing all the things. So you know, for your community, whether you're meditating, praying, doing yoga, writing, affirmations, cleaning money, blocks, decluttering. And you're like working really hard. And you're still like, your kids are fighting all the time, or you're not making the money or every time when he comes in, it just flies out the door. And you're like, What is wrong with me, we've been linked to a bank account. And especially for people who are just like conscious of energy of vibrational frequency, that homes are often the last thing to kind of look at and go, Oh, maybe it's the frequency of my home. Maybe it's not me, maybe there's something energetically going on here when this house was born. Because when we do the acupuncture analysis of a home, it is actually like doing a astrology natal chart or a home because it has some indicators that I'd be like, Oh, the reason why you and your husband are fighting all the time is because of this. The reason why your kids are, you know, struggling this way is this Oh, your business probably had difficulty last year, it's gonna be doing okay this year. And it's not about fortune telling. It's just energetic. Right? And just like you go to the acupuncturist, the acupuncture will check your body, okay? That's that, that she's that, that, that that, okay, this is what we need to do to bring balance. And that's the gift that I am just so delighted to share with people because it's not what people possibly were expecting me to say about Fung Shui. They were possibly going to say, Oh, where do I put my bed? Is my door the right color? What about my couch. And I'm like, most of those things I actually don't really care about.

Christina Wooten:

I do think it's interesting, you know, you're talking about that in our culture. Now we're so used to sort of carving into the landscape to just bomb create, you know, instead of honoring what is already there, and use the energy that's already flowing there, to build up whatever our intentions happen to be. And I think that's something that a lot of people don't realize about Feng Shui, it's it's not just about the physical structure of the home itself, that it's also just the energetics of the land and how it's the topography and how energy is flowing in the same way that we see how energy flows into our chakras, and how that creates blocks and how it also can impact us in positive ways. It's the same thing with the home how energy is flowing in, can create blockages and create stagnant energy. And that stagnant energy just becomes in over time and attracts and attracts and attracts and then it becomes very heavy. So I love what you were sharing about that it's so important to honor what is there and use that energy to help create something that really works for you and your family. It just takes intention and focus. But it is very much of a science and also an art at the same time. Right for sure. It's a

Patricia Lohan:

science, it's an art. Like I said, you know, we can either you know read the stars in the back Have a newspaper for astrology or we can work with an astrologer who will look at your date of birth and your chart and be like, Oh, this, this this and it's like precision. And there's so much precision and accuracy in terms of the layers of Fung Shui that I would be practicing with people, as opposed to oh, I heard this thing about like the toilets. You talked about the land and working with the land and and that's where the function originated, was informed function where it was studying the land. And it's like, how do we bring that that wisdom inside into the building? So I like to say to people, like if you have a favorite place that you go to a nature? How do you feel they're like, you feel held, you feel blissed out, you feel calm, you feel like in harmony with nature, like that's essentially what we are doing with Fung Shui is that like the areas of your home or the the energetics of the home that might be out of whack that you're bringing that sense of harmony? So when you walk into your home, you're like, Ha, I feel that Yes. And I think that this is also important is that it's not about walking into the house, and I don't walk into a hazard gun, this is the feeling I have, and you put this here, like, that's not it. And it's very much based on a lot of the factors of the house construction, the year was built this where it's located the nature around it, like there's so many different layers, which is makes it for me even more amazing. The analysis part, but that there's, there's a sense of just like, you know, people like how do I know if my house is good or bad functional? And I'm like, Well, tell me about your life. Because it's just a mirror. It's just a mirror, you know, if there's things going really well, I'm like, Oh, I'm really interested to see what's happening in your, you know, if you're getting a lot of media exposure, or you're getting, you know, getting a lot of, I don't know, if these, like unexpected windfalls or financial things are kind of like all going your way. You're like, Oh, I wonder what's happening. And, and the cycles change. And that's something that's also very fascinating is that like, houses move with cycles. And with the energy cycles, the change of the Chinese New Year, it's a change of like, bigger cycles as well. So they're like people, yes,

Christina Wooten:

I can see that. I mean, it is a very living, dynamic energy, and one that we are in relationship with constantly whether we know it or not, as a psychic medium, I used to do, I don't do it anymore. But I used to do home clearings. And I would go in and what I found is that you really had to incorporate elements of Fung Shui into that process. Or else it was easy for that energy to reset itself. But when you really focused on how the Chi was moving into the home and through the home and remedied certain things, that it reduced some of the paranormal experiences that people were having or eliminated them entirely. And it really helped me to understand how significant and how important it is, to our daily quality of life, not just for I want this in my life. So let me you know, manipulate this over here to create it. It's more about, you know, how to what is it like to live energetically in an environment where we feel fully supported, fully held, as you described, really nourished and nurtured and to be in that space energetically, all the time? What does that do to our chakras? What does it do to how we express ourselves? What does it do and the things that we can creatively generate? Because we're not in a depleted state or an energetically depressed state we're just holding all of this energy in a beautiful way I just find it fascinating what kind of things have you seen or experienced in your practice with Fung Shui that made you even go? Whoa, mind blown, this is incredible. So

Patricia Lohan:

you know, you're like what would happen if somebody is like living in a harmonious home that feels really good and and um, you know, we've got like 90% of our clients I just did a survey there do they have all experienced and significant increase in financial abundance which is great like the money thing but and it's fantastic like that's so nice because it creates that sense of security and the safety and you know, it helps on that root chakra it really feels this foundation but a really fun one was like this lady there are several ladies actually have become absolutely, like just tapped into their creative spirit and have been become artists like literally, like I didn't even know that they'd never painted before. And then all of a sudden, they're like, Oh, I just thought I'd take this up and I made the space and then they're like selling their art and they're becoming artists and you're like, wow, like, you know, just this divine creative intention and energy flows through and you know, when you were talking about like the what it's like that alignment in the in the chakras and all that I was like, oh, man, because what actually, you know, if we think about even just, like a symbol for punctuate, Is this yin and yang energy and it comes from the Chinese, like China five element, and PRAK practice, which is all about tapping into the Dow and into the flow of life. So what I see when you talk about this, and you're like, what are the things I've seen, what I've seen is this beautiful progression of people tapping into divine flow in their lives. So there's like one lady, I was just thinking about this myself that it's like, I really want to do like a tracking of her life, like, because we work with people for you know, for life, like the energies change each years, there's a little shift. And so there's like Nicola came into our program, she, she was working in a job and bridal store, she had a partner, they were renting an accommodation. And then she really wanted to buy a house. And then this thing happened, where she got this windfall to be able to have a deposit for a house. And that was amazing. But the owner of the bridal shop, offered her to buy the shop, so that she's like, well, I have this deposit, I think I'll buy this up. So now she's a business owner. And then the business has did six times more than the year that she took it over, and now she's able to buy a house, then she's able to afford to get married, and now she's had another baby. So it's like she's gone from like, in a rental with a partner to married with our own business, owning a house, you know, and it's that, like, for me, it's it's not like this quick fix thing. It's just like this progression of just like growth and these beautiful things that happen in alignment, like, what's that? What are the chances of the woman's that, hey, would you like to buy my business and then having this windfall that just happened to be there, and we see it all the time, like the other day, a lady just shared cheese, she was like, I've really wanted a new round table, like a really nice round wooden table for my dining room. And I've decided I was going through the decluttering modules, I was clearing out space. And she was bringing things to the charity shop. And there is like the most beautiful, intact, perfect roundtable sitting there. And she's like, I've just got the table that I wanted, but it was through the journey of like, I'm making space, like she knows she wanted, you know, so it's just this sense of like, all in the big things, which we see over and over again, with partners, especially what gets really funny is like, we have 99% of our community are women, but it's the husbands of their partners that get like a windfall or a promotion or a new company car or, and they're and they're like, I don't know what you do with that phone swipe thing, but just just keep doing it, keep doing it. You know, so there's just this beauty of, for me, the ripple effect. Also, it's not just the person is in places, it's this beautiful ripple effect into everybody in the house, because there's this sense of harmony and flow, and you're like, oh, yeah, we know. And that's that, you know, when you start to feel comfortable, and actually you touched on it at the beginning, like just a second ago about like, building this relationship with your environment, you know, and we want to have like a friendship with it and not take it for granted. So it's a really powerful practice, just like actually being like, wow, like, I have a home like a half an environment that I can, like work with energetically like that I can connect with and build a relationship with. So

Christina Wooten:

when we think about people who are empaths, and really energetically sensitive, and in a way used to tuning out stress, because they're experiencing environmental stress in all different places. So they're sort of used to at times disconnecting or being in a disconnected state. What would you say are places hidden places where they might be experiencing stress in their home environment without realizing it, things that could be causing that or the origins of some of that stress?

Patricia Lohan:

So first of all, like when it comes to that empathic energy, you know, one thing I would say is for sure, start to talk to your home, you know, and ask it for its support, like start to connect with it. Because sometimes if they're tuning out they're like afraid to kind of deepen that and you're like, Okay, the first thing is creating that like energetic connection for to support you and then from there in terms of like the blind spots, that could be creating more causing more difficulty and you kind of touched on in terms of when you would have done space clearings or you know, that energetic clearings of homes, is it's typically not what you know, the living out of the house, like what's life so for example, you're like, Oh, I could people would often say I could never have you come to my house. Patricia. It's such a mess. You know, and they're talking about like, the kid's toys in the playroom or they're talking about the dishes in the dishwasher or the laundry cupboard being a bit of a mess, but like for me, I just hope that all his life so I'm really like, you know, the dishwasher is gonna get filled, did laundry is gonna get done the plate the kids are playing with the playroom, the dogs running around like that for me. I'm not like I kind of just glaze over that. I'm like, That's all fine. You know, I'm much more conscious of the areas that are in Not being touched and not being connected with or that are kind of hoarding things, you know. So it's not about like the physical life mess, it's more about where's the cupboard that you haven't opened in six months, what's in the drawers that you kind of pull out and you go, Oh, I wanna go there. Because that is where if there's kind of blocks in your life, as I said that your home is like a mirror. So I would be a really big fan of like, you know, going to the places that you're kind of like, oh, because that is going to literally hold the gold in terms of the release and giving you some energetic space, for sure. So going into those places, what's there is it being used, is it working, if it's broken, if it's not working something to just get rid of it? You know, that's a really big one. The second thing for empaths and I would say is, is also the storage of things above you and below you. So if you have like excess in your attic, it's going to create like this sense of burden on your shoulders, your head is going to feel really busy, you're going to feel like a sense of overwhelm stress. The one beautiful thing about your home is that your home is within your span of control. When you go out into your physical environment, you don't know what you're going to interact with the only people walk by you that has had taught something or done something that day, you're going to be like a sponge to, but your home is within your span of control. And this is where it's like, be kind of doing this practice of like, okay, what is in the attic? What am I keeping it Do I need it because it is literally clogging up headspace and creating overwhelm. And then the second place would be like in a basement or, you know, garages where it's kind of left to the side, but it's not really gone. That's the thing, it's not really gone. And I would say functionally isn't bad decluttering. But it's about being conscious of what you're allowing in your environment. And this is the same as an impact, like as being conscious of what you're exposing yourself to. And then from that space, I always recommend this practice called fresh eyes. And essentially, it's like, you know, if you're out at the the mall, and you're on your way home, and you're driving home, I want you to just like, Just give yourself a minute, take a few deep breaths as you're like driving into your home as you're parking. And then just imagine you're arriving for the first time home and you're like, what is the journey? Like? How does it feel when I'm walking in? Is there? Is there things that I'm not seeing that I should be seeing that are impacting me? So for example, is the Israel weeds along the path? Is there a cracked, welcome sign? Is the doorbell working? Is that for impacts all of that, like is a kind of an accelerated like an amplified version of how it affects a non empath? If you know what I mean, it's like, that's broken, it's going to really create a ripple effect energetically, yeah, the light bulbs are burned out, you're gonna be burned out, you know? So it's all that symbolism. Like, is it easy to get into your home? Like, it's going to reflect a mirror, it's everything feels like hard and a struggle, you know? So, so that kind of deeper looking from a new place of like, how does this make me feel like, is there cracks on the door? Or is it? Is it is it? Does it do when I walk in? How do I feel? Does this feel like, so happy to be home? Or not? And then what's the first thing you see? Is it 500 pairs of shoes and 20 coats? Because that's gonna create this sense of overwhelm? And you're like, Okay, I gotta do something, you know. So there's a very practical element to that idea of the fresh eyes of how can I make this place? When I'm coming in, like, I'm home, I'm so happy to be here. Everything feels good. There's a bright welcome at the door is nice and clean. I feel the door opens nice and easily. It's a smooth path in.

Christina Wooten:

I love that fresh eyes exercise that sounds really powerful. And just a little bit of a reset of taking stock of what energy Am I really in all the time, the things that I have been ignoring? Are the things that are present that I've allowed to just continue to be in the space? How can I see it from a different consciousness and a different presence? Yeah. So I have a question for you. As soon as you said, there's got to be a space where what are the things you're not touching? What are the places you don't want to go in? I immediately was like, Oh, I know that spot. I know that place. I know exactly where you're trying to have this laundry room. And I'm like, Oh, I know. So how do you get started? I love the getting connected with the energy of your home and really asking for help. I think that's beautiful. But how if you are already a little bit repulsed by a space, and you're not exactly sure why how do you get back into? I think you have to kind of want to be present there in order to start shifting the energy or making changes, like when you feel are ready. Like I just don't want to be in that space. How do you move through that or what's the support that you would say this is how you move out of that zone? Okay,

Patricia Lohan:

so every part of your home where presents a different part of your life and guarantee that Partridge that feels like stuck and stagnant is going to be mirroring back. And even if you don't know what that part represents, I'm just going to give an example of a lady who was in my community years ago, and we started doing this like fun, like decluttering challenge, and a few years earlier TV, and I look at an event of mine in person, and I've been sharing about meeting my husband, Ken, and she's like, I remember her making stickers, like, I want to be my very own. And I was like, okay, cool, like, amazing. Um, so we did this, like, fast forward. A few years later, everything was clear out, whatever. And literally, she discovered her wedding dress in her bedroom. She'd been single for, like 15 years. And the wedding dresses up in a cardboard in her bedroom. But she just forgot about it. It was like, oh, and completely typed within, like, literally got rid of it. And within like, a couple of weeks, she met someone called Ken. Oh, wow, he lived on the same road as her. He lived on the same road as her. So like, what that was obviously for me with that, I just think it's kind of super fun. I'm like, Oh my God, that's a crazy. But like for her, she had to get into a place of like AI that kind of like, I really want this to happen in my life. I want I want my own hen because you to get to that place first. And then obviously, when she started taking some kind of action, like unconsciously in her house, she had this thing that was like blocking it. And it's like, okay, there's some I want to bring some more flow into my life, I want to bring some more lightness, there's this thing, this area, okay, that's not feeling light. And I would say don't try and tackle the whole thing in one go. Like, that's a really big one for an especially if you're not big into like that decluttering it's like find the easiest thing like the easiest space like and that will help you build a muscle for it. So for example, like the Tupperware cupboard is where I always start, I'm like, oh, there's always so many containers. I'm gonna get rid of those. And then you feel like, Oh, that was really good. Okay, where's the next little one? You know? And? And yeah, don't try to get it all in one go. You know it. This is about just kind of education. And the other thing I really liked about this, about that idea of like, going, you know, now you know where it is. So you could go in and be like, Okay, what's one thing I can take out of here today? You know, what's the one thing I could just move to the door? Like, or move closer to the door? So it's and then just kind of asking the space, like, even just stepping and be like, what do you need? Okay, what needs to happen here for me to you know, because there's so many of us are like sensitive, energetic, like, intuitive. It's like, what do you need in here? You know, and what needs to leave? So there's like a, I would say, it's just like a little process with it. And if I was to rename function away, I would rename it feng shui. Oh, yes. Like my community. And my members were just all about, like, having fun with it. Like, as I said, this place is within your span of control, you could totally do it your is your house, your space, like you get to have fun with it. And like, what would a piece of art and this is another one that is just so powerful? And is like, what's a piece of art that you want it, you want to walk into that area, like, Oh, I'd love to see a picture of like that, that will be amazing. You know what, you know what? Something that you would feel inspiring for you. They're like, Oh, this could be fun. And that's like, regardless of even knowing, like the deeper areas and functions and all of that, like, for me, it's like what would feel like a good thing to go into that space? No, like, maybe it's a family photo, maybe it's a picture of like your past that you just love, like something that you're gonna bring some lightness in here. So it's about getting playful with the process as well. And when I talk about artwork, like one of the things that I think is so important, again, is doing the fresh eyes, practice with what's on your walls. You know, your home can be like, literally a vision board for your future, or like, trying to your past. And I see this with people who were like, you know, 20 years ago, I renovated my house, and I put this lovely piece of art here. And it was this year, and it's lovely. And it's all perfect. But nothing has changed in 20 years, you know, and I saw it quite dramatically with the client I was working with. And she's like, I'm feeling a bit stuck like she had we've put her remedies in and things where, you know, there was something she'd noticed changes, but she didn't see all that stuff. And I'm like, Have you moved anything in your house? Like, you know, there was one room where she'd put this got this piece of art and I was like, Oh my God, that's so far that's so alive. It's so beautiful. And it was such a contrast to the rest of the house that I was like, this is there's a disconnect, and she's like, oh, yeah, but I did everything here 20 years ago. You know, nothing has moved or changed or kind of just got a little bit of a

Christina Wooten:

shift. That makes a lot of sense. I've always noticed that if I do a refresh somewhere, which usually ends up being my desk area, if I do a refresh, that I want to be in that space more that I feel uninspired in that space that it just it reflects Where I am now in the moment. And that makes me want to be more present. So I love what you said about it can be a shrine of the past, or it can be more of a vision board for where it is that you're heading and the energy you're welcoming into your life. I think that's incredibly powerful and important. So, you know, at least on a yearly basis, when we're refreshing things we should be really looking at, you know, what does the energy of my home say to me in this moment for this year for what I'm creating and manifesting and what I need to be as foundational in my life, I really love that. Yeah,

Patricia Lohan:

it's, it's, it's a beautiful practice. And like, yeah, we've seen it's so powerful for our community about like, you know, the artwork and the pictures and like being really intentional. And this is like intentional about what you're bringing in, you're this you're homeless within your span of control. Like, does it light you up? Does it make you feel good? Does it line?

Christina Wooten:

So let me ask you this, when you go to your friend's house, or you go to other people's house, is there just a little part of you that's like, Oh, I just want to make this one little tweak. Oh, and you have to, like, resist making little chips and like, you know, like moving a book into alignment? Or like shifting something on the coffee table? Do you? Is there a part of you that just like, has to hold back a bit.

Patricia Lohan:

So a lot of my friends, I would have Fung Shui their homes like years and years ago, and I may not do them now or whatever. But yeah, but if I go to like a stranger's house, or someone that I don't really know, I don't say anything. And they're like, they're kind of, they get a bit nervous when I'm coming in. I'm just like, Look, I'm not looking at your house. I'm not. I don't know what you think. And I'm like, this, I actually need to bring my compass, I need to analyze it. Like, I don't know, I like I can, I can office See, see lots of things that could be changed, but I'm just gonna, how's it lovely. I have done it in one or two occasions where I'm like, there's just one thing I could give you a suggestion about, if you're open to it, you know, because in the past, like, I got, like, you know, when I first got into this, like, I remember going home to my parents house, taking pictures down moving things all around, like my mom got so mad. And it was the perfect, it was actually the perfect test. Because I was like, No, you can't do this. people this is their home. Like, it doesn't matter if it's five homes, it doesn't matter. You know, it's not it's not your house. So like, it was lucky. I did it to her house. And I'm like, but for that instance, I'm like, Would you like to suggestion, there's like one thing or whatever. And but I do sometimes when we tweak things, but I also find going to people's homes is so amazing, okay, and I'm going to share it. So I live in Greece for the summers. And on Friday night, I'm going to a big party, okay, at this friend's house. And a few years ago, like the first time I was in their house in this house, I saw noticed this huge painting in the living room like it's a massive painting. And it was, like commissioned by the owner for him because it's his favorite picture. It's like of a Renoir painting have called the boat party. And it's just like, all his it's, it's amazing. And I was like, Oh, this is so cool. And he's like, Oh, it's the boat party. And honestly, I'm only ever at that house for parties are on the boat with them. And I just thought like, oh, man, this is so fun. Like, and that house always has like weddings, it has peep like it's always like, I don't like the pictures or like telling the story. So for me, that really fascinates me a lot. Like I'm just so curious about what I see and how it like mirrors back in their life and reflects it.

Christina Wooten:

That's awesome. Yeah, I love that that it's just kind of setting the tone for this is what we're welcoming into the space. This is the kind of vibrant life we're looking for and what we want to share with others that's super fun. What's your favorite thing that you've brought into your home that you just love that are like this? This shifted the energy I just love this. It's my personal Like, Favorite thing if it was Oprah's Favorite List? This would be Patricia's number one on the Favorites list.

Patricia Lohan:

My dog my dog

Christina Wooten:


Patricia Lohan:

so so dogs are great Fung Shui like an animals are great Fung Shui because they keep the Chi Moving in the house. Right? Yeah, they're right. Right, because they keep the Chi Moving. They go to places they're super fun and loving and unconditional love. And so that will be one of the things that I absolutely like Yeah, from a from a from a non functional but actually from a good function way will be that. Oh, actually I know. Exactly. So over the years, you know, as I've just become more sensitive to like art and the paintings and the pictures, does a few pieces of art and that will be what they are like I walk in and I see it. There's one that's like, the joy of spring and it's like all these flowers and it's just like, oh my god, it makes me feel so good. And I had another and a piece commissioned by this lady Add for our entrance when you walk in, and I saw her art, and I was like, blown away by it. And she's just so spiritual. And it just has a lot of meaning to me. So when people walk in, they see this beautiful painting. But for me, it just has so much more in it. It's actually the art that will be for me. And there's another painting that I saw, like I saw in, I brought it all the way from France, it's like huge in our car. And it's this little girl, and she's holding a water jug. And the jug says, like love, and she's watering, like this little plant with the flower, it's huge. And when people come into our house, they just go like, and they can feel the energy of it. And so there's pieces of art, basically, that really like sing to your heart. And, and each of those three pieces, those particular ones like, you know, the flower, the joy one, like I was literally walking down the street, one hope that like once again, the other, so they will call you as well, because there's a sense of residence. And yeah, so they all had this kind of like, interesting moment that I was

Christina Wooten:

like, Yeah, it really drew you in. Yeah. I love that. And I think art is really important. It just, there's so much that can be communicated visually, yeah, through art just so quickly, you immediately get a tone for the space, but also the person in what kind of art they have in their environment. And you know what story that tells about what they're trying to create in their life or what feels like home to them, I think it's critical to to have that piece or have that component. This

Patricia Lohan:

image comes of a lady's house iPhone tried many, many years ago. And I remember being in her eyes and seeing this piece of art. And it was like this picture of a woman on her own. And the woman was really miserable in the picture, like really miserable. And I was like, can you tell me about this piece of art, like, tell me about because this woman was a single lady. And, you know, I was telling you about this piece of art. And she was just like, you know, she's like, Oh, my brother gave it to me. And I was like, oh, okay, and I'm like, What do you think about it? And she's like, well, he gave it to me. And I'm like, Yeah, but like, what do you think of and she's like, I don't really like it, she looks a bit miserable. And I was like, don't have this, I'm going in your house. Like, I don't care who gave you the picture, like, it looks like the status was miserable person, like, we do not want this in your home. And then like, and then you know, that's where it's like digging deeper of like that energy, you know, doesn't matter who gave it to you. Like, if it doesn't like, right, you know, resonate with you, you're like, it's gotta go. That's such

Christina Wooten:

good advice. Because you do get that sense of, or can get a sense of obligation when someone is giving something or sharing something generously. And there's a sense of wanting to honor that. But also, you know, your home is sacred. And it really should be a space that is filled up with the things that, like you said, just really, truly light you up, versus just a token to someone else. And what they love in order to present presents that Yeah, exactly. So you describe feng shui as a practice. So what have you learned through practicing Fung Shui in your own life and for other people that you take into other areas of your life in

Patricia Lohan:

my own life, it's just this deep appreciation of energy. And like respect, respect for our environment, whether it's like I'm in a, in our house in Greece, or in Ireland, or the land or visiting in an Airbnb, I'm just like, How can I raise the energy of this place? How can I raise the energy of this? You know, if I'm in it with a group of people, and they're like, the energy isn't that high? I'm like, How can I shift this because it's all changeable. And that's what I absolutely love the most about Fung Shui is that if I, if someone comes into our world, and they're like, oh, like, I can see, this is a tricky house, it's difficult to estimate living in I know that there's so much opportunity for growth, it's like raising the frequency and that's what I like to bring with me to everywhere I go, and it's not just in the house, it's like everywhere you go, like you can raise the frequency you can look at the you know, the your car, your wallet, like your your relationships, your bank account, like absolutely everything your files, your every part of your life on my business, like functioning my business, that's, that's it, it's just like this bringing more balance, raising the vibration, and knowing that everything is just frequency, we can change it and improve

Christina Wooten:

it. And I feel that with you, I feel really inspired by some of the things that you've shared. And just that reminder that, you know, you can change things that you know, yes, it takes a little bit of effort and yes, you put the energy into it, but at the end, it's really worth it because you get to reap the rewards. You get to feel the beauty of feeling like you're in an aligned space and a place that reflects and supports you in a beautiful way. So it's really, really lovely He just have that reminder. And the practice of fresh eyes, I think is just going to be absolutely mind blowing for myself. But I think also for everybody who's listening today. So for people who want to learn more about you who want to investigate more about Fung Shui and investigate what you can share with them, how would they get started? Or how would they connect with you?

Patricia Lohan:

I've created a mini course called Fung Shui 101. It's $9. And it basically goes through, like, what is functionally, how does it work, analyzing the energies of your home, I've got some, like fun, cool things you can do around your home with that as well. And also some resources like for moms, for setting up a bedroom for yourself for love, and also for business. So there's some great resources there on setting up your office, you talked about like you reset your office space. And that's a great place to start is that Patricia, forward slash 101101. Okay, I'm on my website. And that is just a really great introduction into this practice, so that you kind of go okay, here's some things I can do. Here's some, because it's very much misunderstood practice. And I really love giving people just an opportunity to start small with their home and just baby steps.

Christina Wooten:

I love that because it is a little bit intimidating. When you're starting, you know, you're trying to read some Fung Shui books, or you're looking at me even just looking at the compass is like, what is happening here, this is a lot. And so you know, breaking it down makes it seem really achievable. Yeah, like, Okay, I don't have to learn the whole compass, I don't have to learn every single rule and all about the wealth frog and all about the wealth and all these things. But to be able to start to access the wisdom of it is really great. So I think that that's such a amazing thing that you're offering. So it's definitely something that I'm going to check out for myself as well. I feel that energy of like, it's time for a shake up, I've feeling it in my life. And I feel like it's really reflecting in the home. So I love that we had this connection point today and just so grateful that you're such a wealth of wisdom and you're so open to sharing with others about the passion that you have for Fung Shui and the energy that you're sharing, it just really reads in your field. So thank you so much for being with us. And for all that you shared today. Thank

Patricia Lohan:

you, you're so welcome. And just on that change that you're talking about, we've just moved into a new 20 year cycle this year, which is all about the rise of the middle aged women. It's a whole new cycle at this Phoenix Rising and stepping into our power. So you know that change, we're being called now to change and we're gonna see a lot more women in power. It's kind of it's a very exciting time and era that we're in right now for women from a functional perspective, from like from a global perspective, but also from a fiduciary energetic perspective. It's cool, interesting.

Christina Wooten:

I'm seeing some of that be reflected in some international politics to is we're seeing more women coming into that power. So it's interesting that there's this correspondence I have to investigate that a little bit more but it really seems to I think it's this year there have been a lot of changes. Yeah, for sure. There has well thank you so much for your time I really loved your energy. Thank you so much. Patricia Lohan is a Fung Shui expert, manifesting magnet Alchemist healer. In real life Irish Celtic shaman Patricia is the creator of powerhouse Feng Shui and author of The Happy Home a guide to creating a happy, healthy, wealthy life and become a business powerhouse using Fung Shui. All right, Namaste many blessings they have for joining us.

Robert Wooten:

The modern life and spirit podcast is for informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to provide medical, psychological, legal or financial advice. information provided is not to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological illness. To read the full disclaimer, see Sedona

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