Modern Life and Spirit Podcast

Signs of Kundalini Awakening #193

Christina Wooten and Robert Wooten Season 3 Episode 193

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Kundalini rising is kind of like your spirit's way of leveling up! It's a natural part of growing into a higher state of consciousness, almost like your inner self stretching its wings. When your Kundalini energy starts to rise, it’s your soul’s cue that you're ready for more—more insight, more joy, and a deeper connection with everything around you. Think of it as moving from standard definition to full-blown high definition in your spiritual life. It’s a beautiful, exciting process that shows just how ready you are to embrace the bigger, bolder aspects of your existence.

Maybe you've heard the term "Kundalini awakening" but aren't totally sure what it's all about.  You may have even had symptoms and didn't recognize what was happening to you! In this episode, we're diving into this sacred and transformative journey. We’ll unpack what Kundalini awakening really means, bust some of those myths floating around, and show you how it perfectly aligns with your soul’s path.

Tucked away at the base of the spine, each of us has a powerhouse of energy just waiting to be unleashed. Despite the mystery and misconceptions surrounding Kundalini awakening, it’s a profound and deeply spiritual experience. We’ll explore the signs and shifts that might indicate your Kundalini energy is coming to life. From the gentlest tingles to major emotional waves, we'll talk about the incredible transformations you might experience. Plus, you’ll get some great insights to help you feel more connected and confident as you navigate this intense, yet thrilling journey.

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Christina Wooten helps you access the wisdom and support of the Spirit World to elevate your life.
She is a Certified Psychic Medium and Reiki Master Teacher.  Christina is the owner of Sedona Medium and co-host of Modern Life and Spirit podcast.

She offers Psychic Medium Readings, Soul Readings, Past Life Regressions, and teaches how you can start communicating and receiving messages from your Spirit Guides - through her program.
Learn more about her offerings here

Robert Wooten is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher who loves to help others to increase their life force energy and heal mind/body/Spirit.
Sessions are performed remotely thru Zoom or by phone call, and energetic information received during your session can be recorded and shared,  to assist you on your healing journey.
Learn more about how Robert can help you here

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Robert Wooten:

You may be familiar with the concept of a kundalini awakening, which is commonly described as a transformational moment where one experience has a total sense of connectedness with all beings in the universe. But what happens in that experience? What does a kundalini awakening feel like? And is it something that you should try to do?


Welcome to the Modern Life and Spirit Podcast where we explore spiritual topics relevant to today's world, your hosts certified psychic medium, Christina Wooten and Reiki master teacher, Robert Wooten break down how to work with spirit to create more positive growth in your life. Consider this podcast your go to spiritual resource for navigating the modern world.

Christina Wooten:

Hey, they're kindred spirits. Welcome to Modern life and Spirit podcast. It's Christina Wooten certified psychic medium with And hi, Robert. Welcome to the show.

Robert Wooten:

Hello, I am Reiki master teacher, Robert wooden. Glad to be here today.

Christina Wooten:

It's good to be back home here in Sedona we had a little bit of vacation and went back to the east coast for a short period of time, which it was really nice. I tell you, I have missed the beaches on the east coast so much. I mean, California, beaches are gorgeous, they're so beautiful to watch that it's just really, really pretty. And the color is amazing. But it's frigid, a little scarier. So it was nice to feel like we could get in the water and enjoy it and have a good beach day. And just remember fun times that we've had at the beach together. But now we're back, we're in this energy, we're ready for some monsoon rains. And it's good to be recording again and talking to each of you today, we are going to be talking about Kundalini energy. One of the things that I've experienced as a Reiki practitioner is I would notice that there were some clients that would come in. And as they laid down and had energy work and got into that really deep place, the energy was so strong and really flowing. And their body would begin to respond where some people would have jerking sensations and involuntary movement of their muscles, or their body would shiver, things like that their body was responding to something while their consciousness was really, really deep down in another state of being. And so talk to people about it. And I really wanted to understand what was happening, what made some people jerk when they responded to energy work, because it did seem to happen more regularly to some people than to others. And it just launched this curiosity about what is all of that about. And what I discovered is, there's a link when we are exposed to energy work, it can allow certain conditions for some people to have a stretching of the energy system that's helping to prepare their energy body for moving into these higher states of a kundalini awakening. So we're going to talk today about what exactly is a kundalini awakening? What does it mean? What are some of the signs that can happen? What's the value of Kundalini awakening, and also just bypassing some of those myths that sometimes come up when people are learning about Kundalini awakening? So we're just going to sort of explore this topic a little bit today, and hopefully answer some questions and maybe inspire you to observe yourself when you're experiencing energy work, or when you're in a deep state of meditation, or you're really regularly doing your yoga practice, you may recognize some of these experiences within yourself or you're having a Korea which is like a preparation where the energy system is expanding to accommodate a new higher frequency and a new higher consciousness and preparing for a kundalini awakening. Or maybe you have had many awakenings that have accompanied big shifts and big changes in your life. And you've always wondered what was that that happened? So I'm excited to talk about

Robert Wooten:

this today. Yeah, I figured that a lot of people probably are familiar already with the term Kundalini, if they're listening to our podcast, they probably are, but just in case they're not. We should probably maybe take a step back and describe what the Kundalini energy is.

Christina Wooten:

A lot of people who are familiar with Kundalini are familiar with it from a yogic context, or yogic background, but not everybody comes to energy work or spirit worker from the other side from that particular perspective. And because this is so strongly linked in discussion groups and discussion in general around yogic or Hindu types of traditions, you know, it's helpful to maybe give all at the background Yeah.

Robert Wooten:

And so I'll start there. So in Sanskrit, Kunal means coiled snake, which I think is interesting. because that's the description that we have a lot of times with the Kundalini energy being like a snake coiled up around basically our root chakra. And so Kundalini refers to the energy that it's believed primarily in Tantric Yoga traditions to be present within each of us. And it's there since birth. It's coiled the base of the spine. And so as we begin to move energy up and down our Sushumna Channel, which is the main energy channel connected to our spine, the Kundalini energy can be activated in that way, and you may not have a full awakening, but you might have some of that energy moving around and feel like what you're talking about were body spasms or, or jerks or moves in connection to that massive amount of energy moving through your system. And so Kundalini energy is considered the ultimate lifeforce energy, and it gives us our creative abilities. It helps enhance our spiritual gifts and the divine feminine energy as well. So Tantric Yoga talks about that when this dormant energy is moved or activated or unleashed. In what is commonly referred to as an awakening, it begins to flow upwards through the seven energy centers or chakras, right, and moves all the way up into the crown chakra. So whenever this moves all the way up through, you're assuming the channel and connecting and activating all of your chakras. It connects from your root chakra at the base to your crown chakra, at the top of your head, the crown of your head, and then it can actually expand upwards, connecting up to the soul star, chakra and beyond. And that's why a lot of people when they began to have this awakening, and they feel a full awakening, they start to become more aware of divine consciousness, and the divine plan and how that manifests itself here on Earth, once

Christina Wooten:

it starts to move when it's moved in a way that's unimpeded, which is unusual, most the time when people are having awakenings, they're still blockages within the other chakras that prevent it from moving all the way to the top of our energy centers to our crown chakra and beyond that, but once it does, and it's flowing consistently, that's when enlightenment experiences happen. That's when that Kundalini energy really impacts us on a consciousness level in a very, very profound way. And it dissolves that energy of separation and really coming into the awareness that we are divine beings and connected with all things and being able to perceive that in big, big, big ways. But most people when you're having awakenings, it's getting blocked wherever you're having chakra blockages, which is one of the reasons that it's so important to take care of your chakras to get that energy flowing not only for your own well being of you don't want the symptoms that come with those things being blocked, and how it's impacting your life in a negative way. It's impacting your health, it's also blocking that enlightenment energy that wants to flow through you,

Robert Wooten:

right? I think that's why, in most traditions, Tantric Yoga, in particular, when they begin to talk about the concept of Kundalini awakening, the first thing is, is you don't go trying to have a kundalini awakening, it's not something you should say, Oh, I'm going to go activate and have this done. Because if you're trying to do it, you're probably not ready to do it. There have been people who've practiced for years and have never had an awakening. And there are some people who have never practiced and it happened to them. But it was, it's all as unique to your body chemistry. I believe in your energetic chemistry, and your preparedness to receive that level of energy, awakening and opening.

Christina Wooten:

There's so many factors that are beyond our conscious awareness. You know, we are experiencing life, from this perspective from this experience that we're having, but our soul, and our spiritual energy is experiencing, you know, the multiple lives that we've had the many different expressions and iterations of who we are as a continuous evolving beings. So while one person might have a spontaneous, Kundalini arising and awakening within themselves, and it might seem like Well, where did that come from? If we see it from the soul perspective, I'm sure it makes perfect sense. You know that they've resolved something they've moved through a final block for them or something has happened that encourages that energy. I think there's a misconception that Kundalini just awakens one single time moves through the system eloquently and then enlightenment is achieved. My experience and what I've seen with another people is that it does seem to be this very natural process that happens, the Kundalini always wants to flow and I think we should talk about really what it is at its core nature. In Kundalini energy is this lifeforce energy that is the highest form of lifeforce energy, it's this unmanifested potential divine Consciousness energy that is, you know, really part of the soul, the soul essence and the life force of the soul. And when it activates, it's moving through, it's creating this self realization of the being that's connected with with that consciousness. But I think it is, like a process, there's lots of many awakenings happening. There's Korea's, which is the stretching of that energy system, which happens for a lot of people when they're exposed to meditation or whether they're doing yoga or breath work and other forms of practices. There are warnings that I've heard about, that creates this fear around Kundalini energy, that's, you don't want to force it, you don't want to, you know, do all this breath work, force it to happen. When really, I think those things are beyond our egos ability to force when it happens when there is this awakening, sometimes it can be a really jarring shift in consciousness that's so different than what we expect. But I don't feel like it's out of the divine order for that person whenever it arrives, I don't think that we can force that to happen. If it's not because it's such a significant energy, unless it is charted for us for that to happen. And it's helpful for us in some way, for our greater growth and our greater development to have that in some cases, it's to learn how to respect the energy and respect our own energy systems.

Robert Wooten:

So let's talk about a little bit about what some people say it feels like to have an awakening, right? So according to some people, an awakening can involve really long term life changes, like this pervasive sense of blissfulness is it just becomes your natural state of being enhanced psychic abilities is one of the possible outcomes of a kundalini awakening, deepened compassion, and empathy towards all mankind and all living beings. That's also one of the symptoms of enlightenment, as it turns out, enhanced creativity. And that makes sense if you think about the fact that the Kundalini energy is at its source creation, and deepened spiritual connections.

Christina Wooten:

Yeah, I mean, there's, there's other things too, like, if you can just have a huge surge of physical energy, you might have trouble sleeping during that time, because you're just so activated and feel like your body doesn't necessarily need same type of sleep, you know, or the same type of restoration as if it's running from the energy instead of having to sleep to create energy. You know, there is this sense of expanded awareness, I hadn't experienced that I'll share about with Kundalini that I remember I had just done a retreat in Sedona. This is before we had moved here. And I was on my way back to North Carolina. I'm sitting in I believe it was the Denver Airport in a restaurant. And I suddenly had this just huge, massive surge of energy. And I felt so hot, like burning burning lava, from the base of my eye, like it was uncomfortable from the base of my tailbone going up through the spine, and I was so hot, I was like, Oh, my God, I'm melting. I'm going to melt here in this restaurant, and fanning myself. I'm trying to get something I had this almost like a good glimpse into other things of awarenesses of how, how the universe worked, and how things kind of fit together was this momentary like, wow, obviously, for me that Kundalini didn't result in a full enlightenment or full awakening, but it was this very impactful, especially the heat, I really remember that from the tailbone, specifically into the spine, it was really wild. And it came out of nowhere. What I think happened is I think that when I came to Sedona, and it come multiple times that it was triggering something within me, and it happened, you're talking about there's changes that happen afterwards. Right after that is when we started moving to Sedona made the decision to move to Sedona and made that commitment. And then, you know, it was a huge, massive life change. But I think that, unbeknownst to me, that I was activating and awakening Kundalini energy in my body through coming to Sedona and then as I was transitioning back, it just was like this huge surge, that happen. And I do remember having challenges with like sleep afterwards and just, you know, noticing that my energy was really like intense and I felt really drawn to certain types of foods and really healthy eating. All of that felt really important. I mean, I was drawn to be outside all of the time. That was really significant. But that was like a mini awakening that happened. But even in that mini awakening it really powerfully transformed my life at that time.

Robert Wooten:

I think that's part of it, isn't it? And you're right. Everyone's experience is unique. I've read online as we were researching for this podcast, oh, so many different levels. And some people talked about having night terrors and dreams and whatnot. And as they were processing this energy movement, and some people talked about just having this enormous overall sense of bliss, and peace. And then some people have talked about having these visions of things. And so I think everyone does have a unique experience in this and that's something that we you have to know going into this process is that if it was happening to you, it may not look like what is happening to someone sitting right next to you, perhaps having the exact same experience.

Christina Wooten:

I think there's definitely some overlap. And you know, how we would define it as being different than certain things because very similar things can happen during the Reiki master to men, where you have a profound awakening experience, the Reiki master to men is what you learn in a Reiki class. That's the metaphysical process that connects you to that healing energies so that you can heal yourself, heal your life and heal other people. And so you see that, but difference being you don't have the heat impact you don't have generally the shakiness and some of the physical body symptoms that happen with Kundalini. But the effect is often, you know, very similar to Kundalini, I think Kundalini has a drama to it as a drama to it in the physical, because it is a physical type of energy that's flowing through the system that's just so profound, a lot

Robert Wooten:

of the experiences that many Westerners have heard about, quite often, you know, they consider it too dangerous. And so they'll move away from it. But I think

Christina Wooten:

that's always the fear. You know, Kundalini is truly natural, it's a natural experience, it can happen spontaneously, can happen, you know, as a result of preparation work that you have done, that opens the road for that energy to begin to flow, I almost feel like that story is, is a little bit of like the witch wound, it's this old story of be afraid of enlightenment, or be afraid of this big positive awakening energy that can happen, you know, the stories are? Well, if you're not prepared for it, it's going to come in this way, and then you go insane, because, you know, suddenly your mind is open in this way that it's never been before. And sure, I think that there's a spiritual crisis element that can happen anytime you're making a massive vibrational move, but it won't flow unless you're prepared for that energy. To flow. I really feel like that's a control story, and a fear story. And like that, which wound that comes back into us, like, be afraid, be afraid. I know many people who are incredible yoga teachers who do it beautifully, do it regularly do breath work regularly, are so committed to their practices, and yet, you know, have yet to go insane from a kundalini experience. So, you know, I will put that out there now that I have more experience with what I've seen from other people and so forth. I really feel like that's a manifestation of control drama,

Robert Wooten:

right? When we're talking about this Kundalini awakening, it is to remind us that our consciousness is more vast than any of us have ever imagined, right? Our abilities to reach those higher levels of consciousness, and energy usage are way beyond what we normally think of in our day to day going to the shopping center, and buying groceries and doing things in our daily lives. When we step out of that, and we step into our world of consciousness, expansion and energy expansion and growth and movement towards the divine other than on Sunday, then we begin to see what is possible. And yeah, to some people that what is possible can be frightening. Imagine standing at the edge of the earth and looking out if the Earth was flat, and you were standing at the edge of the Earth, looking at the vastness of space. That would be pretty frightening, right? But yet, astronauts do it all the time. You know, astronauts pull together and get into the, into their capsules, and they go out into space, and they do movements, and they learn to manage that fear based on knowing that they're safe, knowing that they're protected, and knowing that this is this is something well within their capabilities of doing.

Christina Wooten:

Yeah, like that the is well within their capabilities, that empowerment statement. I mean, I think if we look at it from a compassionate lens, it's when people care about other people. You know, this can happen to where they're suddenly not able to relate or understand the new needs of that person because that they're moving in an entirely different energy and that That person doesn't understand it. And so if they don't understand it, then that's scary for them that they're feeling like, oh, I can't relate to what's happening anymore? And what if they're going to forget their basic needs? And what if they're going to forget this thing. So it's, in a way, for some people, I think it's an expression of care like this guided care of, you know, I don't, I don't want you to go too far away from me, I sense that you're changing consciousness, I sense that you're moving in a different direction. And it's one I'm not prepared for, and one that I don't relate to. And, you know, I don't want to lose you in this ocean of, of consciousness. So you know, there's lots of different ways to look at it. So I think if we know that Kundalini as being a natural process, it activates and awakens, when it's appropriate for that to happen. And the more that our chakras are open, and the more that we have done cleansing, clearing work on ourselves, and opened our consciousness intentionally, the more that that energy is able to move through all of our system, in order to transform rather than just moving through, and then it begins to get blocked, and it's not able to continue further at the path. So what we can do is really, instead of focusing on making Kundalini arise, is putting our efforts and intention on our own wellness, focusing on how our chakra system is doing creating balance within that noticing the symptoms of imbalance that are present in our lives, whether that's emotional or spiritual, or physical imbalance, and taking a look at what chakra is that's connected to. And then from there, how we can heal those chakras, whether it's Reiki energy work, whether it is you know, doing more chanting, whether it's alternate nostril breathing, and forms of breath, work to create more balance within the physical body. But it's exploring how those symptoms are connected with the chakras and begin to do that deeper level of work. And when we do that, we clear out those obstructions so that when it is the right timing, that that energy can flow through unimpeded, and support us and keep going to that next level. Even though obviously, my Kundalini experience, I was blocked, like I didn't reach full enlightenment blockages myself. So you know, that being said, it's like, I know that that energy still, even with all of that was able to create drastic change in life. So wow, when our energies open, what can it create? That's pretty exciting to explore

Robert Wooten:

exactly that. And I think that what you're saying is that the point of the whole experience is not the moment of the Kundalini awakening, right, which is, if you think that's what you're striving for, that's not the actual point. It's the continued awareness that accompanies the Self Realization practice. Exactly. And so I would say that, you know, yoga, practice learning some very basic asanas on a regular basis, meditation on a regular basis, those things all can help balance your energy. And I think that's the key that you're trying to do is, like you're saying is to keep your energies and balance, helping keep moving upward in terms of how your energy is flowing. And it will happen if it happens. And if it doesn't, then that's not meant for you to happen, right?

Christina Wooten:

Yeah, I have. I mean, we've taken Kundalini yoga classes before. And that was always I mean, it's such a different experience from the hat. From the Hatha Yoga that, you know, I'm typically used to, and so that was like, Whoa, but I've had incredible experiences afterwards. Like, I'll be honest, I hated most moments of my Kundalini yoga class, like I was in there, like, what was I thinking? Was expectations, right? Well, no, I mean, it's like, this is this feels bad. Like, my muscles are burning, and this hurts and like, why am I doing this? This is the end was like, you know, you lay down and like this surge of massive energy that I've never had from any other yoga class. So it's one of those where you go, Oh, well, the pain was worth the gain. But I tell you in the middle of it, I was like, This is insanity. And and I think the only thing that kept me in that class was like the embarrassment that it would be of like, above my paygrade like rolling up your mat slowly, while everybody is like. Oh, my goodness. But yeah, I mean, if you've never taken a kundalini yoga class like it, it was really, it was pretty powerful, and it does focus on certain locks of energy within the body and helping to clear certain blocks. So if you find yourself jerking during your energy practice, or feeling a little bit shaky after a meditation or noticing a huge surge of heat that's happening from the base of your spine, all the way up your spine. I hope that you'll pay a little bit of attention to what your energy system is telling you what what is happening, what have you been preparing energetically what might have opened the way for this new surge of energy and maybe what you're finding is that it's exercising and it's starting to prepare for a new consciousness that's coming in, that's coming into your awareness and in turn, beginning to shift the energy of your body to accommodate that consciousness as well. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you for listening. Thanks for being here. And thank you for expanding your consciousness as we continue to shift the energy of the world

Robert Wooten:

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