Modern Life and Spirit Podcast

Celebrate Your Wins and Brighten Your Path #195

Christina Wooten and Robert Wooten Season 3 Episode 195

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Celebrating your wins, no matter how tiny, is such a fun way to show yourself some love. It's like giving yourself a little high-five and saying, "Yea, I did it!"  A little dose of recognition can totally lift your spirits, boost your confidence, and remind you that you're making progress.  

Think about the last time you accomplished something – maybe you wrapped up a tough project, stuck with a new habit, or just survived a rough week. Did you take a moment to celebrate? If not, you missed a chance to recharge your spirit. Celebrating your wins gives your mind a positive boost. It's like saying to yourself, "Hey, my efforts matter, and I deserve some recognition." This little celebration can keep you motivated and make your journey feel a lot more enjoyable and less overwhelming.

And it's not just about the big stuff. Those small victories matter too. Did you finally clean out that messy drawer you've been avoiding? Celebrate it! Did you drink enough water today? Give yourself a pat on the back! These little acknowledgments can be super uplifting and reassuring. They show us that progress is happening, even in tiny steps. So next time you achieve something, take a moment to pause, smile, and celebrate your awesomeness. You totally deserve it!

Let's dive into creating a habit of celebration for the big and small stuff along the way

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Christina Wooten helps you access the wisdom and support of the Spirit World to elevate your life.
She is a Certified Psychic Medium and Reiki Master Teacher.  Christina is the owner of Sedona Medium and co-host of Modern Life and Spirit podcast.

She offers Psychic Medium Readings, Soul Readings, Past Life Regressions, and teaches how you can start communicating and receiving messages from your Spirit Guides - through her program.
Learn more about her offerings here

Robert Wooten is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher who loves to help others to increase their life force energy and heal mind/body/Spirit.
Sessions are performed remotely thru Zoom or by phone call, and energetic information received during your session can be recorded and shared,  to assist you on your healing journey.
Learn more about how Robert can help you here

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Christina Wooten:

Whatever it is that you are trying to grow in your life, whether it's abundance, whether it is gratitude, you've got to make it physical, put it on paper that grounds it into your energy. It just brings all of these layers of consciousness together and it trains yourself to focus your mind and your creative power and energy into where you want it to go.


Welcome to the Modern Life and Spirit Podcast where we explore spiritual topics relevant to today's world, your hosts certified psychic medium, Christina Wooten and Reiki master teacher, Robert Wooten break down how to work with spirit to create more positive growth in your life. Consider this podcast your go to spiritual resource for navigating the modern world.

Robert Wooten:

Hey there kindred spirits. Welcome to Modern life and spirit podcast, I am Reiki master teacher, Robert wooten. And today I am here with

Christina Wooten:

it's me Christina, certified psychic medium at

Robert Wooten:

So I woke up with this on my heart today. And I generally think that if I am woken up out of asleep with something in my field of recognition, than generally, that's a message of some sort, I've learned to understand that sometimes it's just for me, sometimes it feels like it's something I need to share. And this one today, I felt like I really needed to share and the message that I received was take time to honor your wins. And so I had to think about that for a little bit. Right, because I'm not really good at honoring my own wins. I think that as I'm moving forward, and what it is, I'm trying to do probably like a lot of people, I just feel like I'm just checking things off the list. Okay, I got this done, I need to do this, I got that done, I'm done with that, I can move on to the next list, check that off. Even if it's just a list in my head, sometimes it's a literal list, I have learned that I do much better with a literal list. So I do understand what I'm being told here. For me personally, as I'm checking things off on the list, to recognize that I just accomplished something. And while that may seem like it's perhaps patting yourself on the back for things that you should be doing anyway, right, cleaning the house, doing the dishes, finishing a project, when you get that done, you have done something, I feel like we spend too much time criticizing ourselves, that we are pushing ourselves to move in a bigger direction move towards what we're trying to do, but only because we're afraid if we don't, we'll feel like a failure. So I think we spend a lot of time in this place of, of being self critical,

Christina Wooten:

I think we can be very critical about our environments, we can be very critical about other people, we can be critical about our work, we can be critical about, you know, how we're showing up. And there's all these layers of of that, you know, our ego and our mind is always looking for, what's the next thing? How can we stay safe, you know, we've got to be focused on survival. And so in order to focus on survival, we're constantly having to focus on threats focus on in a way than the negative the heavy stuff. It's constantly like, you know, this radar sweep that's looking for problems, looking for potential challenges and potential stresses, and a lot of our life is lived or can be lived in this space of the things that haven't happened, but weigh very heavily in our heart and very heavily on our mind. And, you know, I think we all recognize when we get into that loop with our thought that it zaps our joy, and our zest for life and our enthusiasm and our energy. When I've done readings with people on the other side, that's one of the things that they reflect back to me is how wonderful and beautiful life really is, once they've moved from a different perspective, or they're not in the ego that's been constantly thinking about all the negative, suddenly they're in the spirit and in the spirit. They're just in joy and love and gratitude and appreciation for the beauty that we experience in the world the opportunity to share love the opportunity to be incredibly creative, in everything that we do. And there's so much for us to take away from that learning how to control our mind that yes, that ego radar sweep is always going to be there. But part of us having free choice and free will is being able to take charge of that to a certain extent to direct the power of the energy of our thought into celebration into gratitude into positivity and we can really look at these tasks as being not just tasks but an opportunity for us to express in a loving way in a dharmic way in a service. is oriented way in the world depending on what it is that we're doing. And so much of it is about just harnessing the power of the mind. Because the world that we live in is amazing and beautiful, or our souls would not be here. But our ability to perceive that sometimes seems super limited,

Robert Wooten:

right? And unconcerned, and I think that's why I was thinking about this this morning, and probably given us messages. If you look at social media, or if you look at the news, or if you look at any kind of blog posts or things, I'm seeing a lot of this negativity, a lot of this darkness, a lot of this fear based way of living. And it seems like any comment, you will read on any given post, about three comments down sometimes one comment down, but at least three comments down, it'll turn, you could be showing a photo of your child or your puppy or a kitten, and some people will respond. Well, that's really pretty. That's very nice. It's, that's thanks for sharing that. And then three comments down, it's why

Christina Wooten:

are you using that blanket? Why are you holding that baby like some negative

Robert Wooten:

comment, hey, loser, why would you put that up there. And there's no point in that that's not a way to live. And that's not a way for society to move forward, is to constantly be snatched down in a hole, you know, we have to elevate ourselves up to the clouds, and to keep pulling people down into these holes. Because that's where you may be is down in this hole is not helpful, and it's not healthy. It's not psychologically healthy. It's not physically healthy, and certainly is not spiritually healthy. It doesn't honor the higher aspects of who we are, as spiritual beings embodying a body. And there's, it's got to stop. And I think the way it begins to stop is with one person building themselves up and armoring themselves against that kind of attack. You don't have to feel the things that people say when they're just being critical to be critical if they think they're being funny because they're being critical. If you have built yourself a strong enough foundation of your successes,

Christina Wooten:

I think when we relate to ourselves in that way, we learn to relate to others in that way. And we're also not knocked off when somebody is approaching us with harsh energy. It's like oh, man, that's a that's a you problem.

Robert Wooten:

Move on next.

Christina Wooten:

I have something special to share from my heart. I have been doing this work with healing and readings for others for 17 years. And I could not be more grateful I just past that 17 year anniversary, and I want to offer my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for all of your incredible love and incredible support. And in honor of this anniversary, I'm offering a special three day flash sale for a limited time from July 24 to midnight on July 26, you can enjoy $100 off all of our services from Soul readings, psychic medium readings, Reiki treatments, when you schedule a session, you can use the code 100 off no spaces at the checkout to claim your discount. Or if you want to use it sometime in the future or you want to share this discount with someone else you can purchase a gift certificate and use the code 100 off gift again with no spaces. This is just my way of saying thank you for being a part of this incredible journey and to say thank you so much to spirit for this opportunity to serve. Remember, this is a flash sale. So as flash sales go time is of the essence go to Sedona Get $100 off a session, you can take advantage of this special offer to connect with spirit to receive guidance, healing and just to refresh your energy, visit Sedona Now celebrate with me in this moment of gratitude and love. Thank you for being here. I can't wait to connect with you soon.

Robert Wooten:

You can begin by recognizing and honoring the wins that you do have, that can be something very small. Like I said, it could be a task on your to do list that as you complete it, you mark it off, honor it. But I think another way you can go a layer deeper than that you can begin to keep it say a journal. And I think gratitude journals are something that a lot of people talk about, and they have a great value. When you are grateful for something you're honoring something good that happened in your life, right? And I think that you can convert that into maybe a wins journal also. Or you could have another page for your wins of the day. Or you can recognize something good that happened to you or something that you did that was a win or something that happened to you that you feel like was a win,

Christina Wooten:

I think to how wins don't have to be just these external checkmarks about like, Okay, I send that email that I've been procrastinating on or I did the project or Where I presented at the meeting, when I celebrate my wins, I've done different types of things, some of them being like I showed up for my practice when I really didn't want it. Yeah, that's like, and that has a strong weight to it for me. And then or I would, you know, sometimes it's I showed up with ease and flow, even though it was a tough day, or those types of things that it doesn't have to be externally motivated. And I think taking this one step further, is even in the spiritual community, I think we're always striving for continued growth and improvement and development. And in that obsession with self improvement is not necessarily celebration of where we are, we have to balance those two things of not seeing the places where we need improvement as being opportunities to be self critical and opportunities to be harmful to ourselves and other ways. But just simply as places of, yeah, I'm growing. But I also acknowledge all the incredible growth that have already done. So we had to move away to from that critical aspect of self improvement so that we are celebrating where we are in this moment, when we come into presence. And I think this says a lot about our true spirit is when you step into meditation, or you step into spiritual connect, and where you you have a moment, however you get there, of feeling, being one with the world being one in connection, feeling the presence and the spirit of the Divine moving through you in your life when we get there. In that place of presence. There's so much joy and peace and love and upliftment. And so when we're not feeling that, because it's an ever present, you know, when we drop deeper, it's always there, it's ever present for us. So when we're not there, we know we're in these other parts of expression and being in perspective, which are not bad parts for us to be in. But it's always that remembrance of like, how do I drop into this place that does automatically celebrate the wins and see the gratitude and see the joy. And this is so critical for our times, where in life, there's huge transformation, there's a lot of upheaval that are happening that's happening in the world right now, around us and staying grounded into the beauty and compassion and love of it all like

Robert Wooten:

that a lot. And one of the other great things about celebrating your wins is that it will help keep you motivated. Whenever you are feeling like, Oh, I just can't do this, or I'm not sure how I'm gonna move forward in this. And if you have been celebrating your wins, maybe you can check back into your wins journal. And remember that you are all that you need. And you have all that you need internal references and spiritual influences. It's all there. And so if you can go back and maybe reflect on that, that'll help boost you back up to say, Yes, I know I can't do this, you're

Christina Wooten:

tuning your instrument to focus on what you want it to focus on, which is, the good ol is and I know for a lot of people, it feels silly, like, Oh, I'm gonna sit down and like write a little gratitude list. But there's so much value in really doing it, whatever it is that you are trying to grow in your life, whether it's abundance, whether it is gratitude, whether it is self compassion, whatever it is that you want to grow, you've got to make it physical, put it on paper that grounds it into your energy, it connects with your mind, it just brings all of these layers of consciousness together. And it trains yourself to focus your mind and your creative power and energy into where you want it to go. Instead of spending all this default energy in all the things you don't want to see happen. Because that creates also, the idea of when you're focused on lack or when the ego is taken control. And the ego is constantly thinking about lack and fear and stress and anxiety and keeps us in that space all the time.

Robert Wooten:

Yeah, I remember one time when I think when we were first together, you talked about having these little slips of paper that you would write notes yourself. At the end of the day, you would pull these little slips of paper out and you would look at all these random notes that you had written to yourself throughout the day. So I think that you can do something simple like that, you can have a little piece of a post it note, you just tear it off and you write something that you feel like you've accomplished in that moment, and then later, put it down in your wins journal. And it'll be a nice way to reflect back on all the good things that did happen to you in that day. And if you don't have that many slips of paper in your pocket, if you're hot that day, then you can reflect on other things that are deeper than those surface level, physical accomplishments. So let's turn the dial back up to positive let's bring it back up out of the negative, get up out of the hole and start celebrating the wins that you have to help build this sense of self esteem and self image and ability to achieve whatever it is you want to achieve.

Christina Wooten:

And the tough stuff is always going to be there, you know, and where where our power is, as creative beings is always in how we choose to express that power. And the more that we're focusing on what our preferred experiences and preferred reality is. It's not bypassing the heavier stuff or pretending that it's not there. But it is saying with the power that I have, I choose love. I choose joy. I choose XYZ gratitude. Yeah, gratitude. That's where our power and gratitude medicine really lives. Yeah. We'd love to hear your experiences. So if you have celebrated your wins if you've done a bullet journal, if you have done other gratitude practices that really have lit up your heart, we would love to hear more about that feel free to reach out to us at Snow Or at Instagram at Sedona medium we'd love to connect with you further. All right, everyone, many blessings, many blessings.

Robert Wooten:

The modern life and spirit podcast is for informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to provide medical, psychological, legal or financial advice. information provided is not to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological illness. To read the full disclaimer, Sedona

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