Modern Life and Spirit Podcast

Human Design for Self Care with Clare Zivanovic #199

Christina Wooten and Robert Wooten Season 3 Episode 199

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In this episode, we're diving into the fascinating world of Human Design with Clare Zivanovic, a Human Design Analyst and Intuitive Naturopath with over 20 years of experience in the health industry. Clare is a passionate advocate for using Human Design as a powerful tool to create personalized self-care strategies that truly resonate with your unique energy blueprint.

Ever feel like the one-size-fits-all approach to wellness just doesn’t cut it? Clare's insights will show you how understanding your Human Design can help you bypass the endless search for health tips that may not align with who you are. Instead, you'll discover how to tune into your body’s wisdom and embrace a more intuitive, soul-aligned approach to self care and healing.  Christina will also share her experience navigating relationships with each of the Human design types. 

Human Design combines elements from astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, the chakra system, and quantum physics to map out your unique energy dynamics. We'll share practical tips on how to leverage this system for a more empowered and personalized self-care routine that you can start implementing right away

If you’re ready to ditch the cookie-cutter wellness advice and start nurturing your well-being in a way that feels authentically you, this episode is a must-listen!

Not sure your human design type: you can find out for free here

Connect with Clare Zivanovic

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Want to take more aligned action in your life?  Want to understand the energies at play each month, so you can flow with Divine Timing?  Join the Inner Circle to get access to Monthly Readings with Christina and the Energetic Calendar!

Christina Wooten helps you access the wisdom and support of the Spirit World to elevate your life.
She is a Certified Psychic Medium and Reiki Master Teacher.  Christina is the owner of Sedona Medium and co-host of Modern Life and Spirit podcast.

She offers Psychic Medium Readings, Soul Readings, Past Life Regressions, and teaches how you can start communicating and receiving messages from your Spirit Guides - through her program.
Learn more about her offerings here

Robert Wooten is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher who loves to help others to increase their life force energy and heal mind/body/Spirit.
Sessions are performed remotely thru Zoom or by phone call, and energetic information received during your session can be recorded and shared,  to assist you on your healing journey.
Learn more about how Robert can help you here

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Music. Welcome to the Modern Life and Spirit Podcast where we explore spiritual topics relevant to today's world. Your hosts, certified psychic medium Christina Wooten and Reiki master teacher Robert Wooten, break down how to work with spirit to create more positive growth in your life. Consider this podcast your go to spiritual resource for navigating the modern world.

Christina Wooten:

Hey there, kindred spirits. Welcome to Modern life and spirit podcast. This is Christina Wooten, certified psychic medium from Today, we're going to be talking with a human design expert all about how understanding our human design can help us lead us to a path of greater self care, strengthen our energy and help us in health and healing. And I'm so excited that we have such a fantastic and inspiring expert with us today. So I'd love to introduce you to Clare Zivanovic. She is a human design analyst and intuitive naturopath and a children's author who specializes in using human design for health and healing. She has 20 years of experience in the health industry, and Claire merges astrology, Human Design and Gene keys with anatomy, physiology and biochemistry to support well being on all levels. Claire believes that the body is wise, that symptoms are the soul's way of communicating, and her mission is to teach others how to leverage their human design so that they can connect with their personal style of medicine. This helps her clients bypass days, weeks or months of relentless researching well being strategies that worked for others but probably won't align with their individual design. I can't wait to dive deeper into this topic. So without further. ADO. Claire, thank you so much for joining us today,


absolutely. Firstly, thank you for having me. It's an honor to be here, and it's quite a journey of how I got to be where I am so well, try and condense the story. So I've actually been a naturopath for 20 years. I qualified as a naturopath, nutritionist, medical herbalist, and that was my world for the longest time. But to be honest, I felt like and I loved it. I was so passionate about it, but there was part of me that always felt like there's more, and I felt like I was doing a disservice to my clients. Even though I was doing I was getting great results. Part of me always knew it's just how I'm designed, that there is a deeper layer that the emotions are such a significant part of our health and well being, yes. And I thought, well, I can give you all these herbs, and you feel great, but you're going to come back to me in six months, because you haven't got down to the root cause, right? So I actually stepped away from practicing for a while because I felt like a fraud, because it felt like I wasn't being, I wasn't authentically treating the people how I wanted to. And I could have just, I guess, started treating people using the emotions, but I was working for a company that didn't like that, and I was just done. So I left for a while, and throughout all this time, my personal journey is that I've had a lot of health stuff throughout my life, and I've had a lot of significant injuries, and I did all the natural medicine stuff, and they took me so far that they never got to me to the end. And every single time, I had to dive deep into who I am and what was blocking me and do the work to clear it. And then, of course, when I do, oh, I'm back. I'm a new person. I'm not the person that I was. So I knew that that journey was so significant because I'd been through myself and then Human Design found me after a significant injury to my neck and my shoulder, and I had been into astrology for like, 20 years. Still love it. And an astrologer that I love, Molly McCord, for years, I've been hearing her talk about human design, and I was at I was in a very vulnerable position with my injury, and I hear her say it again, and I'm like, okay, just see what this human design thing is. So I did. And it was, it was love at first sight. If there was something in my body, in my soul, that went, Oh, this is what you've been looking for. Yeah, could have been put into words. I just that was my thing. I was like. Every spare moment I was like, connecting dots, trying to understand this thing that's so confusing at first. Then I'm like, This is so me. This is amazing. Layers, layers, layers, layers, layers. Like, oh, this is connected. This is connected this. And then eventually, after I got a good grasp on what it is, I naturally like to go deep into things. And you can see that by looking at my chart. And from an astrology perspective, I have a Virgo stellium in the 12th house. Okay, so I'm all about the deep Okay, yeah, so, so I eventually realized I naturally was tying the human design element, the astrology, the human design, even the gene keys, the deeper element of it, with anatomy and physiology and biochemistry and wow, this is, this is a thing. I don't think a lot of people are doing this. And not that it mattered if people were, but my brain, something was leading me to the health aspects, and that's why. Now, if people come to me, I can do a general human design reading, but I naturally want to gravitate to the health aspects connected with all the different elements. That's my story in a nutshell,

Christina Wooten:

I love how you said that human design found you, and that, in a way, what I got from what you were sharing is that it was like a homecoming, the sense of things really coming together in that aha moment, and that that made me think of some experiences in my life where I felt like a light suddenly turned on, that was always there that I didn't realize I was missing until that moment, and I think that's when our soul is saying yes to something really exciting. So I loved that you were sharing that. Because human design is almost a science. I mean, there's so many layers to it. It is a lot to unpack for people who are completely unfamiliar with human design. Can you explain some of the main tenets, or, how do you help people understand in an approachable way what it actually


is? It is absolutely a lot you are correct, and it is a science. It's been called the science of differentiation, and it's because human design, I like to think of it. If you're into astrology, human design, in my opinion, takes you deeper. It's on a deeper level. So human design is a combination of astrology, quantum physics, which I already loved, the chakra system, the Kabbalah and the Chinese I Ching, and all of these things come together. And it sounds very confusing, but it creates this system that, if you know how to read it, it provides you with this roadmap, kind of this instruction manual for who you are this lifetime. And it sounds when I hear myself say that I'm like, Oh, it sounds so cliche, or who you are this lifetime, but it just works. It shows you who you authentically are. And if you have kind of some blocks to hearing that something, can tell you that. I simply say, I understand, but I invite you to look at your chart and then see if you're finding yourself going, oh, oh, wow, I do do that. Oh, I see why. Oh, that's actually not weird. That's actually me. Your soul blueprint is actually right there, like astrology is human design is as well. But I would say for me, on a more expanded level,

Christina Wooten:

it has an insightfulness to it. But not only an insightfulness, I think about how we operate, but it talks a lot about how to create a deeper alignment with the energy that is there, so that we can find greater sense of fulfillment and not be fighting our own energy, trying to, like, keep up with the Joneses or do what other people are doing, but to really authentically explore what feels good for me, what feels good in my body, what feels good in my energy. And I found human design to be pretty targeted and on point. Just the things that I have explored just goes, Oh, wow. And when you compare other people's charts, you really do get a sense of, Oh, that is how you are That is exactly right, and it changes how you relate to people. Because I know a lot about my friend's chart, and I can be really understanding about some of her unique needs that are really different than my needs, because I know, oh, okay, well, you have a defined root, and that's really different than what I have. And so I can be. Sensitive to what her needs are and how it's different. There's channels, there's types, there's gateways. What do you feel like is the most important thing when people are looking at a human design chart to just start with, what should they focus on? First 100%


it's your energy type. And there's five energy types, in case anyone hasn't heard of them. And they are generator which is 36% of the population, a manifesting generator, which is about 32% of the population. Then there is a projector, which is about 22% of the population, a manifesto, which is about 9% and then there's a reflector. Who are these beautiful cosmic unicorns? And they're about 1% of the population. I don't think I've met one personally yet, but I'm sure that I will a reflector. My

Christina Wooten:

son is a reflector.


Yeah. Wow. That is very special. That's beautiful and also challenging, but beautiful. Yeah, so I am a generator. I am the most common energy type. And may I ask, what your energy type is? I'm

Christina Wooten:

a generator. Also.


Oh, lovely. So it's important for people to know that it's very easy to work out what your energy type is. It's it's free. If you just type in free human design chart, you will be able to find it on many websites. And it's the energy type that guides, I would say, you in all directions of life. It gives you this foundation. There's so many elements to unpack just within an energy type. But if someone was to come to me for a reading specifically for their health, I'd spend a lot of time on unpacking what their energy type means. Because if you simply align more with that and spend time understanding what that means and experiment with that, there's something that resonates within your body cells that shifts resistance. Because resistance is what makes us unwell in our body. It just creates more openness. Our biochemistry likes it, and then the cells are more free flowing, and we create space for health and healing, right? How would

Christina Wooten:

you suggest for the strategies for generators, for manifesting, generators, projectors, reflectors, manifestors, but how do you approach them from a self care, so just from a general recommendations, what do you think that people with these different types need to know when they're thinking about their self care? I


actually think that self care goes back to understanding your strategy for each energy type. So any each energy type has a strategy. So I'll briefly go through what they are. So as a generator, your strategy is to respond to the world, and responding is a physical body process that came, that comes from your sacral energy, your sacral chakra, so to speak. And responding is when your body gives you a yes or a no response. A yes is when your energy opens up and you're like, oh, whatever's coming to you in that moment, there's something within that for you that is a yes for you to explore that path. And you may not mentally understand it, but there's something in your energetic system that says, This is for you. Conversely, when your energy goes inwards, it contracts. You feel yourself going when an opportunity is presented for you to respond before your head comes into it. If your energy goes That's a no, and it's the trickiest thing, at least in the beginning, to honor when you notice if it's a yes or a no, because that yes is basically your highest, Higher Self saying, Yeah, this is for you. You have the energy to do this thing. Go for it. Have the joy. But it's also important to know when you get that, no, it's your Higher Self energy going, Oh, this is not something that's meant for you. And if you choose to do it, well, you're going to meet some resistance. You're going to meet some frustration. And the emotions of frustration are very tired to generators. It's what decreases their well being, and you're just not going to have the energy to do it. So it's very important to experiment with that yes and that No, and it's important to know this is not a head process. It's not a mental process. The yes and the no comes from the body. It's the mind that comes into trying to hijack what your body is telling you because of our conditioning going I should probably do that thing, because this person will be there, or it might be good for my career, like you can go down this whole path, no, no, go back to your body. That's how a generator works, and you will understand that very well as a generator, as do I Yeah, totally relate. How do you go with your yes and your nose? I completely

Christina Wooten:

relate. And I do have, like, an instantaneous response when I'm listening. And I have found that frustration of when you talk yourself into something, or talk yourself from your no and turn it into a yes, that on the other side of that is no, no bueno. So I have learned to not do that, to not try that. I don't always have to understand why it's a no. I had to really learn that in my maturity of I don't need to know why. I just need to know that this is not for me and it's safe and okay for me to expand into other areas. I'm getting a yes somewhere else, if I'm getting a no here, absolutely.


And it does take process, but process takes practice, yeah, and that's okay, especially in the beginning. Now it's interesting that a manifesting generator, who is a type of generator, they also are here to respond to the world. So everything that I just said, if you're a manifesting generator, that's you as well. But what I find is that manifesting generators, they're fast generators like usually like to take the time, one thing at a time, one step in front of the other. Well, this is a process manifesting generators, while they still respond, they like to go fast, they like to skip steps. And when they are following their yes and their nos, they can skip steps, and they can appear quite chaotic to people watching them, because they're skipping all these steps and us, for example, as generators go, Whoa, hang on, slow down, just because we don't get it. But the thing to understand is, it's important to them. It's important, it's natural, that they follow that process, which is why I often say that a manifesting generator has that to respond first, but then often they need to take on a Manifesto's strategy of to inform. Because when they inform, they saying, Hey, this is this thing I'm about to do. I've got this Yes. I'm like, Oh, I'm gonna do this thing. It's like, just to give everyone a heads up around you so that you're not meeting this resistance which is going to make you frustrated. Yes. So as a personal example, my husband is a manifested generator. I am a generator. When I learnt this about both of us, our relationship changed because I constantly wanted him to slow down, follow the steps, and he moves fast and has a bajillion ideas, and will jump between different things that he's focused on. And when I learned that that was natural for him, and that that's how he's actually going to get the most from what he's creating and doing in this life. I stepped back and I'm like, Okay, that's cool. You do that. Maybe you could just let me know when you're going to go do the thing. But there was a lot of yes, we're very different, but very similar, if that makes sense. So knowing that about him transformed our relationship. Before that we were good, but we're a little bit butting heads. Now there's a lot more space. So as you said before with your friend, it can totally transform relationships, even if you only know their energy type because a generator and a manifesting generator, they have what we call that sacral energy, where that yes comes from, which means we have access to an energy motor that resets Every day, that is more consistent and reliable. Then the other energy types, they don't have that sacral energy defined, which means they are more cyclic beams. It's more natural for the energy to flow up and down and in and around and need a nap throughout the day. Whereas. Less likely for a generator, or manifesting generator, to want an app. It's like, no, no, let's just keep going. I want to do the thing.

Christina Wooten:

Oh, absolutely. And I do. I have found, like you were saying, manifesting generators, they just are light years faster than I am moving the thought and gets interpreted into action, like right away, and how I found in my relationships with manifesting generators is allowing them to work at their pace, you know, brings happiness to them. But I agree that in form brings a lot more harmony in those relationships when you're like in a mixed a mixed bag, you know. So I love what you shared about that. So projectors, I have one person in my life who's a projector, and it's a challenging energy that I've experienced with them. So I'm curious as to what you think about their strategies. Interesting. I


love being around projectors, because projectors are here to guide. They're naturally the leaders and like the wisdom keepers in this world and their strategy, it's a strategy that I believe is a tricky one, because it's to wait for an invitation. And now what that means is that I like to describe it this way. So there's, there's a bunch of generators and manifesting generators walking through the forest. We're on the ground, we're walking and the projectors, they're the eagles flying above us, and they are the ones who are guiding us and us generators and manifesting generators on the ground are looking up going, oh, where's the eagle going? They're showing us the direction that maybe is best for us to go in. So they have so much natural insight within them that not everyone is ready for that insight. You could also relate them to being like this lighthouse energy, because their light shines bright, they are like this lighthouse energy, that when their projector energy is focusing on you, you become in the spotlight. And not everyone is ready for that, and that's why waiting for an invitation is so important, because when you are invited to share your wisdom and your guidance and what you see could help this other person or situation or project, when it's invited, it's receptively received by the other people. And projectors just want to be seen for their wisdom. They know that they have so much wisdom in them, and when it's not there, well, that's when they start to contract their energy, and that's that's unhealthy for them. So waiting for an invitation can seem like, hey Claire, if I was a projector, hey Claire, what do you think that rotation? Or it could be verbal, but it's also can be energetic for projectors, you could be involved in a group conversation and you see that there's confusion or uncertainty about a topic, and you've got some wisdom, and you feel this energetic Opening, and it's like this energetic invitation. You're like, oh, the room is receptive to this wisdom. Now, great. Go in, share your wisdom. Wait for when there's there's a time there's a moment it's you've been invited. In some way that is tricky for a lot of projectors to understand, because I think that is waiting around all the time to be asked their opinion, but it comes in many ways. The caveat is that projectors absolutely can go in and share their wisdom whenever they want, provided they genuinely are 100% detached from the outcome, which is hard. If they detach from the outcome, they're not going to fall into that, not self energy that is going to affect themselves and make them feel unseen. But most projectors will wait for that invitation. Does. Does that kind of resonate with your how your projector friend operates 100%

Christina Wooten:

it makes sense that, I think that the challenges in that relationship come from them not following that strategy and so that and that, I think that that has to be frustrating for them. As well. So it's interesting. I appreciated you sharing about the invitation that that can be both direct and it can also be energetic, because it is an art to determine that for some people who aren't energy sensitive to kind of practice and play around and find what that true, energetic, yes, really feels like but yeah, that it really clicked some things into place in my understanding of, okay, I understand what's happening here. Excellent. So thank you for that.


Oh, my pleasure. The beautiful thing about projectors is that they want to feel recognized, ultimately, deep down under everything they want, because that makes them feel successful. And if the trick is, if they don't feel like they're getting that from the outside world, they need to step away from how they feel like others are perceiving them and start to self celebrate. Look at your own success, and that's the beginning. So I've, I've come across a number of projectors who are profoundly depressed, and they are so separated from their strategy of waiting for an invitation that they are so wise, and they've been in sometimes, one situation or many situations, where they feel like they've deeply failed to be a guide for other people. They feel like they've let people down, and they can't go back and change that situation. But that's where they need to look within and go, Okay, what's at least one thing I can celebrate in myself today. What's one thing I'm doing successful, successfully today? Because projectors, they just they need that successful energy, and if it's not coming from outside of them, well, always look within. But yeah, they need to turn within sometimes to flip the energy. No one's saying it's easy, but that is the key to a lot of projectors beginning to turn around their depression. Yes, that I'm finding that

Christina Wooten:

makes so much sense. That's really insightful. It's a deep one. So we got manifesting generators and manifestors and manifesters are like a whole different beast. Oh, yes,


tell us a little bit about manifestos. Manifestos are fascinating. Manifestos, as I said, they're about 9% of the population, and they are the ones who are here to really shake up what's coming into this world. They have all the innovative ideas, and they are here, ready to go, to create, bring it into the world. So they're living their lives, and they're just feeling whatever, until they have this idea that lights them up and it fuels their energy. It's this, oh, I want to create this thing, and it's likely that no one's ever seen it before. And it doesn't matter how I'm going to do it, but I know I'm going to do it. I have to create this thing, and it's going to bring some new, innovative energy into the world. And these manifests, they go into creation mode fast as a generator. I'm a bit envious. They just get in there create this thing really quickly. They might create this full, I don't know, 50 video course, in like two weeks. And they just like work, work, work, work, work, work, because they're so passionate and they have so much fuel to get the thing done. And this is why their strategy is to inform, which is what I mentioned in the manifesting generators. But it's purely to inform because they are about to go into hardcore creation mode. Get out of my way. This thing must be done, because if a manifester is blocked from creating the thing that they're so lit up to create their freedom, they feel like they're losing their freedom, and they get angry. Angry is their not self. So if a manifesto is angry, ask yourself, do you have freedom to do what you want. Are you telling the people? Are you giving them the heads up to create the space to do the things that you need? Now, as a manifester, you don't have that sacral energy center defined like the generator and manifesting generator. So what happens is you go hardcore, you create the thing, and you become super proud of yourself, but oh my gosh, then you finish it, which is awesome, and then you Oh, you need the time to recover. You need to maybe take days or weeks or months to sit back and allow. More energy to rejuvenate. And it's not just a matter of going, Oh, I'm exhausted. It's a matter of you need that time as a manifesto, you are here. You are designed to have all this energy when you're lit up by something, and then to go into deep rest and rejuvenation mode, where you may feel like you are pulling away from society for a while and no one sees you. You're in hermit mode, and that's natural for you. I unknowingly worked for a manifester for a while, and he would have all these tasks. Could you be like, yeah, do these things. And I'm like, Whoa, this is a lot in such a short space of time. Are you sure we can get this done? Because he sets his deadline. I have an undefined root center, and he's defined, like, whoa, okay, we're gonna get this done. All right, great, but we'd get it done, be like, hardcore mode for like, the short space of time. And as a generator, I've got the energy even though I'm like, Whoa, freaked out by it. But then he would just disappear for like, weeks, and then he'd come back unexpectedly and be like, Oh yeah, sorry. So I've been off the grid for a while. I just kind of just kind of took some time, and it wasn't till after I wasn't working with him anymore. I'm like, Are you a manifester? So it was so natural for you to do this, whereas I'm waiting around. I go, what you're communicating with me, what's going on here, you've just disappeared. Oh, you're doing your manifesto thing, and I just didn't know about it. So that's why it's kind of really useful to understand people's energy types, because you have this patience and understanding of what people are naturally doing, but we're conditioned to think that we should all do it the same.

Christina Wooten:

But we're not. I was thinking, as you were talking about this, the manifester that I know, I only know one has this because they are so passionate about things. They really have this ability to convey that passion to other people so that you get really excited when you're in their presence or in their energy and are like, Oh, that is interesting. And then I would find when I kind of go away from them for a while, I would lose that enthusiasm and that excitement, but then when I got back in their bubble, I was like, Yes, I can do anything. And, oh, it's so fun to be around them, but it is a very different energy type, because, you know, generators need to kind of move at a pace. And, you know, the manifestors like don't understand that there's a such thing as a pace sometimes. So I love what you shared about that


absolutely. And also that's interesting from like a business perspective, perspective as a manifester, think of the aura that you're putting out there. If you if people can feel this excitement that you have people buy when they're excited from when they feel that you really believe in the thing. So that's such a beautiful thing for a manifesto, be so excited to attract their target audience for whatever they're selling. From a different perspective,

Christina Wooten:

I love that. So what do you think about reflectors, and what their self care journey looks like when they're in alignment with their design? Reflectors?


You'll be able to speak to this. Reflectors are needing to give themselves a lot of patience, a lot of space reflectors are those beautiful beings who feel all the energies they sample, the energy of everyone who's around them. That's a lot to take in, and for a reflector, it can mean that they get confused with who they really are, because they're continually sampling little bits of all the people who are around them, it can make it difficult for them to connect with their sense of Who they authentically are, but they are here to sample the other people's energy so that they can, as the reflectors, name suggests, actually reflect back to the world, reflect back to people, what is authentically being seen in the other people. In the other situation, they have a really unique strategy in that it's called wait for a lunar cycle. And what that means is, reflectors are deeply connected to the cycles of the moon. And it's suggested, suggested that for reflectors to really be. Understand or become clear about what they truly want and what truly is important to them, that they wait until the moon goes through its entire 28 day cycle, because as the moon goes through all the energies, all those placements, in that time, there's going to be these awarenesses within the reflector, and it gives them the space and time to go. Oh, that thing that I thought I was really interested in, I actually don't think that's mine. So no, cross it off. No, no, we won't follow that path. And then you're crossing off things around that lunar cycle. When you reach to the end, that's why the patience is important. You go, Oh yes, I am still excited about this thing. Let's go do this thing. And then it's more likely to be a long term thing that resonates with them and that feels more aligned for them in the long term, and their strategy is surprise and delight. Because it's like, oh, I'm surprised that I'm still interested in this thing, and I'm very delighted that I am as well. So it's, it's a very it's a very unique one. How do you feel like your son resonates with that? It depends, I guess, on his age, how maybe easy or difficult that is as well. Well,

Christina Wooten:

he's 18, so you know, it has been really helpful to understand that he's a reflector, and to learn more about what that means, as he moves throughout different environments to try and understand more of what his world is and what he's experiencing, and what he's being influenced by, and how he's expressing that out into the world, because he moves into all These different environments and these different aspects of him really come out. It's I describe it for a lot of people, reflectors, to me, are a lot like the super duper empaths in the world, oh yes, and just are moving through the environment, really just expressing what's there. But I found it to be helpful for me and my husband to recognize that when something is going on, you know, he's expressing something that might be in our environment. So if there seems to be a lot of stress that's coming out, then it gives me a chance to go, where is he getting this stress? It can come authentically from him, but it can also be that maybe I'm stressed and I'm not recognizing my own stress. So it has been this place where I've been able to reflect and make shifts and changes that create this really positive outcome in the environment, which influences him in a more joyful, peaceful, positive way, but he's also very, very impulsive, and I see that with that reflector energy, because it's against the suggestion of, like waiting, because he's just moving with whatever energy is there in the moment. And you know, I'm sure as he explores that strategy more in his future, we'll see how that grows and evolves, but it's it's so different, and it has been really helpful to understand that. That's why I think everybody should look at what their chart is and have somebody dive more deeply into it, because it can change your dynamics. And it's so helpful to understand that about him, and


he has a beautiful gift in you, understanding that and noticing that he may be stressed, and then owning that if you feel like he's reflecting it from you, like how many reflectors have so much awareness around them to help they work on themselves to shift that. So that's such a beautiful thing for him, and yet, the dynamics of a family, knowing that your human design, how you will interplay with each other, it, yeah, it can be significant in all areas of your life. So for example, I come from a very generator family. I'm a generator. My parents are generators. Both of my sisters are manifesting generators. I married a manifesting generator for a generator. Wow, yeah. And then what's interesting is one of my manifesting generator sisters, she married a projector. Now her family's all projectors. So what's fascinating to observe is when we all get together for like celebrations, it's my family, it's all the generators and manifesting generators, we get to stay there for hours. And talk and like, yeah, yeah, continue on. Like, have lots of fun. But I find that one by one, the projectors drop off throughout the event, and they have to disappear. They have to go and lie down for a while. They have to take a nap. They have to recharge their energy in their own space, because all of these sacral beings in one area. For them, it's like, whoa. This is what. And they can get drained. And often they end up with things like digestive problems after they're around our energy, because it's impacting their sacral energy so much, which is there's a lot of digestion in that sacral area. Think about Sacral Chakra, is the gut area partly. And they're like, Oh, why am I having all these gut stuff after the family what? And for the longest time, I'm observing them all disappear and they come back, and they're like, Oh, I just had a nap. And we're like, yeah, nap woman over here. Like, that's weird. But then once I had the understanding that that was actually natural for them, and they're like, tapping into the Eddie and our energy and plugged in for a while, and then they're like, Whoa, my circuits overloaded. I need to disappear and just like become myself again. It gives me that understanding. Now, not everyone in my family is open or really interested in human design, so they just see them going and having a nap, and they don't really get it, which is interesting to observe as well. But yeah, with more of awareness, it's like, you go, do you? We'll probably still be here for many hours when you come back.

Christina Wooten:

I love that. I mean, it is helpful, because we have all these dynamics that are at play, and when we are sensitive to other people's needs and don't take it personally, because some people could take it personally, it's like, oh, you need to rest. That's it's really beautiful to let people feel empowered to be their best selves at all times. So I love that you have this insight, and you can bring that to your family, and, you know, bring it into your environment in such a cool way, and be that understanding person. I


it's natural for me to want to go deep. So thank you. I want to know that the tricky part for me is that I want all the people there to understand it, but if, but they're not ready, and even the people who are going off and doing it, they don't always understand it in themselves, either. But I'm like, I'm here, if you ever, if you're ever ready, interested, that's okay. It's part of my journey of just trusting you do use and I'll do these.

Christina Wooten:

Do you have any experiences that really come to the top of your heart or come to the top of your mind when you think about how people have really shifted their health energy or their healing journey by incorporating and implementing their human design, understanding it at a deeper level,


I could give you so many examples, and the first thing that I would say for everyone is be aware of your strategy and authority Like that's common knowledge. But what is important for my work, what I love looking at is what's your Saturn placement doing. Now, in astrology, I have a Capricorn moon. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, so I'm like, very satin orientated, and I naturally want to dive into your human design chart to look at your Sutton, because Saturn tells me what's slowing you down. I use it as the precursor to understand what's contributed to this health issue that you're dealing with at the moment, the symptom or the injury. Because I find that the Saturn tells me what emotional process of resistance you went through before this symptom or injury arose. And yes, I've been out of track. It many times in myself, and now I see myself at the beginning stages of moving into that Saturn energy, which is designed to Saturn, goes, Hey, you're out of alignment. You're moving out of alignment. Now we want you to slow down. Use this symptom, use this injury. I know it's not great, but I want you to take time out. And I want you to consider, where are you out of alignment? Where do you need to course correct your life so that you can come back bigger and brighter and more of who you truly are when you do the work, it could be quickly or it could be slowly. Saturn goes. Ah, there you go. Congratulations. Is moves away, then you go, Oh, I feel better again. Let's move on now. It's not always as simplistic as that, but for me, Saturn is one of the most important things for everyone to understand if you really want to be empowered to know what slows you down and what's the precursor to the issues in yourself. And of course, it's different for everyone, because there are so many elements involved in human design. Now to be clear, it was the Saturn that I was talking about. So in human design, there's 64 gates which relate to different energies. But within those gates, I love working with the body parts. I love working with the anatomy and the physiology, so I will track the Saturn. Okay, so I think this emotional energy is doing its thing, and this is likely how it's expressing in you physically. Now mine is about it begins with me feeling oppressed. Something feels like it's oppressing my energy, and if I don't change that oppressive energy, if I just keep in that situation that feels like it's weighing me down, whether other people think it is or not, it doesn't matter. I feel oppressed by it. If I don't change that it then expresses itself for me. My Saturn is related to the 46 which is literally the gate of the body. So the oppression is going to go, I'm going to show you myself pretty much in any area of my body. Hence, a lot of physical symptoms, injuries, whatever that I've been through. So I need to really nip the oppression in the bud. That's where it all starts for me, and it's different for everyone. So I found a lot of a lot of my family, interestingly, they have similar sudden placements. And for them, it starts with when they're not living in the moment, when they're projecting too far in the past, dwelling, oh, why did this thing happen? Oh and Oh, too far in the future. Why did why am I not there yet? That's what's the beginning of their sudden process of throwing their physicality out of alignment. So just as an example, it's very different for everyone.

Christina Wooten:

So when you're looking at the chart for someone, you can tell when they do have a physical symptom that it's more likely to show up in certain parts of the body. Yes, like, can you tell if somebody is more like, going to have injuries around their arm, or, like, around their hips. Or can you tell where that's going to show up in the body?


I can connect dots to see what's more likely. I like to go into it knowing, well, what are you dealing with now? And then, I kind of follow the steps back. So one for me was that I went through that Saturn process feeling oppressed. Didn't change anything. It expressed myself in the body. And then what happened was I had this bone bruise in my foot, which lasted like six months. Well, I don't know longer. It was a very long, slow healing thing. And I'm like, Oh, now this is all in retrospect. After it happened, I'm like, oh, let's chart this. And then what I found is it related to my mercury, which was telling me that I wasn't speaking about what I really wanted to speak about. Now, at the time, I was in a job that I didn't like. I wanted to leave. I felt depressed, I felt like I couldn't speak how I wanted to speak authentically, and my body goes, oh, let's create this injury to get you out of it. But if I related that specific Mercury gait that I have to the body, it's specifically related to the bone marrow. The bone marrow is related to a bone bruise. That's where it all comes from. Wow. And it's, it's all there.

Christina Wooten:

It just talks about how our body is so intelligent, and that, you know, these things aren't random, that there is a reason that our body is expressing and that it's here to to help us in some way, to show us the way to be able to move forward, to express ourselves more authentically and more fully, rather than it being something that you know we have to feel like is just the enemy in our life, that sometimes we have to look at the illness as being it's trying to be a friend To us, but we need to understand what's underneath it. And I love how you tracked it back that what was happening in your life was informing you of this is where this is coming from, absolutely.


And it's not something that everyone is really interested or ready to dive deep into, but I'm i. All about the deep stuff, really, what I've learned as a naturopath is that symptoms are messengers. It's communication from whether you want to call it your higher self, from something else. Symptoms are just saying, hey, there's something out of alignment here that we need to address. And once you can go in and understand what that thing is, you can either clear what that is, or you can create the space for the healing that you need to come in. So what I often find is that you might be struggling to heal a symptom or a condition, and it's really getting you down, and you're not doing any of the inner work. But then, which is fine, your choice. You might be happy on the medication. That's cool. Do whatever you want, but if you choose to go, Hmm, I wonder what this symptom might be trying to tell me. And you might go, oh, I might experiment, for example, with my human design. And you start simply aligning with your strategy. You're like, I really double down on my strategy. And for me as a generator that's to respond to the world and not live from my mind, which can be hard, but really listening to my sacral energy. And then what that does is it creates, as I said, Before, it drops the resistance in your body, but creates this opening for the healing that you need to find you so before, when you felt like you couldn't, shift the symptom after you start aligning, for example, with more of your strategy, suddenly you come across this practitioner who actually is genuinely able to help you, or you find this supplement, you're like, Ah, this is the thing that actually really helps you, that shifts you into the next space. What working with the energy does, and being more of who you truly are authentically, is it opens you up for what you're ready in the next step. So if you're ready, then after that, aligning with your strategy to meet the practitioner who can help you align with what you need. That's awesome. You've done the work for that to happen. And what often, often happens is people go, I've just started to feel better now, but I just like started doing three or four different things at once. I don't know which one it is. I'm here saying congratulations, because you've opened up the energy for so many healing elements to find you that you needed it. You did it. Yes, you did it. You're on the path. Continue. Keep going. Clapping my hands for

Christina Wooten:

you. That is beautiful. For those that want to dive a little bit deeper to understand their human design, whether they want to have a reading with you or just check out what you have to offer, how can they learn more about you and your practice?


An excellent place to begin is on my website., for now, I offer Human Design health checks, which are 20 minute audio readings, which specifically target on one symptom or injury that you're dealing with. And I just basically pull it apart and go. These are the energetic elements, the emotional elements at play here. Bam, bam, bam. This is what you need to look at. Is a quick get in and out, understand the symptom, if you're ready for that. But I also offer one on 175, minute soul blue point print readings if you want to dive deep into your human design, into a condition, or just into beginning understanding who you are, who what this human design thing is for you, that's where we do that. Now for people who are already familiar with their energy type and they really want to align with it on a deeper level, I have created self hypnosis audios for each energy type. So generators, managers, projectors, manifestors and reflectors. I was called to create that I work very intuitively, and I also love connecting on Instagram. It's my name again @ClareZivanovic and I do enjoy being on YouTube as well. Again, I do a lot of healing energy updates on YouTube. So every full moon, new moon, the Retrogrades, I'm there going, Hey, this is what the editor is doing. Here's a bit of a heads up. And here's how it might affect your body as well. Now, as a side note, I have written a children's nutrition book, which is not about human design, but I'll just throw it in. It's called superfood attitude. It's for young kids. It's about teaching them how to eat healthy, because we can know our human design, but you still have to feed your body healthy food, because we are human, and we do need the vitamins and the minerals. So that's there too, and that's how you'll find me around town. That's a great.

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