Tricolor Chinese Culture Podcast

S2E7 孟母三迁The Greatness of a Mother's Love


In this episode, one of our newer Chinese staff members at Xi'an International School shares about her cross-cultural experiences and what has surprised her about working with people from different cultures. She also shares about her family dynamics growing up and what's important to her with her own family now.

At the end of the episode, XIS grade 11 student, Hanna Jung, teaches us the Chinese idiom, "一箭双雕"/"Hit two hawks with one arrow".

Would you like a bonus story? Check out the title of this episode, "孟母三迁"/mèngmǔsānqiān/The 3 migrations of Mencius' mother. Look online and see what you can find out about this famous mother.

We'd love your feedback!