MEfirst Midlife Badassery Podcast

Ep 112 The Magic Book: Use Gratitude to Create Health, Wealth and Happiness in Your Life NOW


Slayer shares her experience after over 28 days of doing the gratitude practices in the book the Magic. Learn how and why this book is transformational and the things that were manifested during this time. How can this affect not only an abundance quest but also the weight loss journey? Pick up some inspiration and techniques for your own quest!

Free Visioning Meditation (goes with Ep 160 Unlock Your Future: Create Vision for Midlife Transformation)

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Do you know that there is something magical inside of you but you don't know how to uncover it? The Heartsing Podcast is dedicated to just that helping you put yourself first and figure out what lights you up. I'm your host Addie, B aka Slayer of Noma Slayer. And through my journey of losing nearly a hundred pounds, uncovering the magic of my soul and building the life of my dreams,

I'm leaving no stone unturned in the process of self-discovery and I'm here to share it all with you. So let's get started. Heart singers, welcome back to the Heartsing Podcast, episode one 12. And today I am going to share with you my experience doing this book The Magic, which is essentially a gratitude practice. And I wanna share it with you because,

oh it's so powerful. I wanna share what has been going on in my world with it as I always do here on the podcast, kind of sharing through my experience, which is also how I learn through my own experience, but hopefully inspiring you to take some action. And if you don't do the whole book or sit to commit to do the book that you perhaps take,

pick up a couple of two a few key things from this that you can start to incorporate in your life right now to start to learn to feel more gratitude. And that's probably the single biggest thing that this book has done for me is really taught me. I thought I knew how to feel gratitude, but not to the extent I am now. I'm like a big weeping willow tree of gratitude.

I am actually doing this a second time because part of what came out of this that I've manifested this time, a lot of you guys know I have changed my weight loss goal to an abundance goal and it's becoming so clear through everything I'm uncovering that that's where my next limiting blocks were and somehow they're tied and connected to my weight loss journey. It's really blowing my mind and I'm doing a lot of work still around that with my gratitude practices.

Like as I'm seeing limiting beliefs come up with that, it was almost like I had to like, you know when you need that new little nugget to go on that next part of your path when you are, you know, when you're feeling like a little stagnant with your goal or whatever, like there's always a new nugget. And I swore I wasn't gonna change the goal from the weight loss again.

Like I swore, I told you guys that a few episodes ago if you've been a long time listener, but it just was like so clear this time and it was that knowing that truth inside, there was no doubt that my goal is to figure out how to create a million dollars and what that is doing, it's bringing up every limiting belief I have around money about having to work so hard for money because I don't wanna be corporate Addie again.

And to me that's like what has to be done, right? Like with my business. And so learning to create from this energy but also shifting my mindset to that money is good, it's okay for me to hold money. It's okay for me to say I want a million dollars just cuz I want a million dollars, right? And then there's the whole underlying mind shift under there.

Just like it's okay for you to say I wanna be 162 pounds just cuz I wanna be 162 pounds or I wanna be 162 pounds just so I look good in my frigging bathing suit. And that's how that started. So I know on this money quest that I'm gonna have an evolution there too. And it's so much fun to see the parallels you guys.

I can see the parallels between the seeking of the money and the seeking of the health and the weight loss. Just like I'm sure it's gonna be like with relationships and whatever part of my life I'm like looking to manifest in next. It's all kind of that same process, right? Like learning to be grateful for what you are, you are exactly right now in this moment.

And that my friends, I think we can all agree is the challenge because your brain is wired 80% of the time to keep you safe, to keep you thinking these negative thoughts to keep you safe. And unless you can identify 'em, whackamole 'em, like my spirit guide said, like you just start knocking 'em out. Unless you can do that, then you just keep living the same cycle over and over and we're like,

I wonder why I fail. All of that stuff. Right? Okay, so let's talk about the magic a little bit. I'm gonna share my outcomes with it. Things I've manifested, synchronicities that have come through because what you guys, that shit's fun, right? And I wanna have a place to document all of these things I'm going through because that's been something that's been important to me since I started this journey was authentically being me and sharing my journey as I go to inspire other people on their journey.

Because I don't wanna hear about it like five years after somebody's done it, right? Like I wanna, I wanna be in it with you. So I hope you guys wanna be in it with me too, cuz we're in it, sister. So saddle up. All right, so the first thing I wanna share, we're actually, so I'm doing this a book again in the Witches and Bitches Abundant Circle,

which I started out of this process of having created this goal. It was part of what I had done on my weight loss journey. I think I talk about this, there's an episode called Radiators and Drains that is so good you guys. And I talk about sisterhood a lot. I had a group called the Radiators when I started, started my weight loss journey.

We had all met in a weight loss group and I was like consuming and learning and had like turned on this part of myself that had long been dormant. And I was like, I wanna create that again. And my spirit guides were actually like, you know, it's, you need to take some people with you. And that keeps coming up over and over again in my cards,

like everywhere. And I, and I know it's part of my numerology today, it was like I'm a, I don't know, I'm a number one in something which is like leaders that can annoy people because they, they learn things and get real passionate about it and shove it down everyone's face. But that's what they're supposed to do because they're the ones that are taking people with them.

Like on the journey. I'm like, oh, that's so me, right? But I'll just get like those little, like when I'm in, when I'm in sync, which is what gratitude does for you, right? Like it, it brings me in alignment. When I'm in gratitude, when I'm in sync sync, when I'm living from my higher vibrations,

the signs are just pounding in from all over. When I'm out of vibration, I like feel dull, I feel disconnected. What's wrong with me? Why can't I get connected? Why is my meditation, I have all those underlying thoughts too, right? And to know that they're not truths and that like I can whackamole 'em, I can see 'em and just knock them out and shift myself into this other state of being and this practice in the magic.

So as a long way of telling you about the abundance circle is something that manifested out of this and that I'm so grateful for because I'm doing it with all these women in the group and you guys that that group is open and I am going to lead it every I'm, as I lead everything, you know, I don't quite have a structure of what it looks like.

We're gonna work through some books. I'm doing podcasts, maybe vision boards. I don't know what's to come out of it yet, but it's my journey that whoever wants to be on this journey with me hop in there and we're along for the ride. So any of the stuff I talk about, you guys, you can go to Addie and check it out.

We're doing another free fasting challenge this month, just like it's kind of all coming together. And the MEfirst course will be out of the, after the beginning of the year, I've got a few retreats I'm doing that I'm really excited about. So all of these things that are coming together as I'm working on money beliefs, I'm doing it from ease. None of this stuff,

it's like I was like, oh, I should just create a group. I should just create a website. I should just like, you know, and it's, it's been easy where when I feel re really resistant to some things and I was talking to one of my people, I was coaching or someone had said, Hey, you need to look at that.

Oh, because I had said that it wasn't easy. Oh, when I had set the million dollar goal, the first time I had set out to set that goal, I had joined the life coach school. I was doing the self-coaching scholars because she had a course and now her course is called Create It With Your Beautiful Mind. This course was very much a sales type,

how many yeses and nos, how many that which I get that concept that's corporate at, right? Like I probably could have like put it together and I got the concept of doing it and all of that. And I also know there were blocks in there keeping me. There's no reason I shouldn't have been able to. But I also think my path was still bringing me in a different direction.

So what was the difference though? What was the difference between that not being the right time and this being the right time and having that knowing in my body. And the same with the book, right? Like I still think there could have been a timeline where I wrote the book first and that's coming up again, if you've been a long time podcast listener,

you heard me talk two years ago about writing the book, I think, or maybe last year writing the book. And it just, it brought me down a path of so many other things, but wasn't I, I didn't finish it, right? So I had a lot of stuff in my head about failure of this and that and this and that.

Okay? So the difference between the resistance and knowing it's right, that is just because I'm so connected to my intuition now when it's like an all body, yes, an all body, no, something can be hard and I'm supposed to do it and something can be easy and I'm not supposed to do it and something can be hard and I am supposed to do it right?

And so it's like really, like how do I know it's hard and I am just resisting doing it? And typically that'll be my perfectionism, my procrastination. I'll sit and really ask myself, is this something I really wanna create in my business? Is this really how I wanna do this? Is this the path I really wanna be on? And that was the difference.

I didn't wanna do that path the way I was being led because it was kind of leading me back to old corporate Addie energy. And I don't believe that's what was intended. And I got so much out of the life coach school. I'm not, I'm not bashing it and by any means, it just wasn't for me at that time. Now this learning to create a million dollars from energy,

from gratitude, and yes, I'm still gonna have to go out and ask people to come do things with me, to do courses. I'm gonna help more people in the end. I'm going to like be putting more offers out there. All those things that was being told to us. But like the way I'm pursuing it is helping me overcome all those blocks I had about what corporate Addie has to be,

right about what that successful business woman looks like. Just like you have blocks around what a healthy eating person looks like. I coach people on this all the time, you guys. I'm like, well what do you think your 115 pound future self, what do you think she eats? Like? You know, well I, she doesn't eat the same,

does she? Right? Like what does it look like? How do you envision that future? And this is what it's doing for me with my life, with my lifestyle that's taken me to that next level so I can help more women. If I didn't do this, I'd continue doing what I'm doing, which is phenomenal. It's great, but it's also not lighting the flame,

it's not my purpose. It's not like I'm meant to help many more people because I can, you guys, I can help, you know? And that's so there is nothing in your life that would be more exciting than being able to help other people. Like I almost wanna cry thinking about it when I get messages of pure gratitude and how grateful and in tears and I'm just like exactly where I'm supposed to be when I'm teaching meditation and I can see someone's shoulders lower in relief and like all of that.

Like just I, nothing makes you feel good. Think about a time in your life, you guys, where you've really helped another person and just how freaking good it feels. It doesn't mean it has to be your job. It doesn't mean it has to be. I mean, I truly think when we all dial into our purpose, we find out how we are meant to serve,

how we're meant to serve the collective, how we are meant to show up in this world, to help each other, and why we came here in these bodies to help each other. I mean, if you don't believe that, what do you think the purpose of life is? Like whatever this life force energy, whatever this energy in us is just wanting to come,

like pay taxes, be on the hamster wheel and kill over and die, right? That doesn't really make sense. But until you experience it and this kind of stuff we've been talking about in the group already in the, in the abundance group, something else that came out of doing the magic was me even doing these videos on YouTube, which has been on my list forever.

And I'm like, look, I'm just going to get better and better at it. You know, like right now even just figuring out how to load a video up that doesn't take me 20 hours as an act of God getting the lighting and the cameras and coordinating the podcast, you know, like just in the process of figuring that out, stepping away from perfect and daring to just throw the video up and not worried about it being edited right now.

And all those things that down the line when I'm putting out a more professional YouTube video, well I'll hire someone for, someone will be doing that, right? So meanwhile, I'm gonna throw it up and do my best to figure out how to make it as good as possible to move forwards in the hopes that I can reach somebody out there that might be Searchie YouTube that wouldn't have found me anywhere else,

might be like her video's a little janky, but I'm all on her vibe, right? Like if that's you sister, I love you. All right? So let's talk about this magic you guys. Now that I've, I've got your attention on the matter. I wanna share with you my experience. And you know, in, in the book as she opens it up,

there's a lot of messages you will find here throughout all the major religions, right? Like through throughout every Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism. I don't, I guess I don't know what that is, I'm sorry if that's someone's religion and I just slaughtered that one. Sorry about that. But the golden thread of gratitude dating back thousands and thousands of years to the earliest recordings of humankind,

the power of gratitude was preached in practice. Muhammad gratitude for abundance you've received is the best insurance abundance will continue. Gra you guys, gratitude for your house, for your healthy body is the best, best practice you can do to have that healthy body now be grateful for everything now. And this is what those practices doing. I'm telling you like get this in your habits.

Stack Buddha said that you have no cost for anything but gratitude and joy. Lasu said, if you rejoice in the way things are, the whole world will belong to you. Christian has said that whatever he has offered, he accepts with joy and King David spoke of giving thanks to the whole world for everything between the heavens and the earth. And Jesus said thank you before he performed each miracle.

Think about that. He's giving thanks for what he's about to do, already thankful for it because that's how we get things. You are grateful for it now. So as soon as I'm truly grateful for the million dollars I have, I will have the million dollars. I will have received it on a pure gratitude so we can match that vibration. And Jesus told us over and over again,

that's where the instantaneous healings came from. Okay, so I get a little fired up. I know. So she goes on in the book to share about her discovery and the magic formula. Love this quote from ma edema from 14 hundreds. Yep, that's right. We're going way back in time guys. Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.

This practice of, so one of the first things you do, it's how the book works, is it's 28 days. And so each day you're doing a different gratitude practice. But there are two practices that you withhold throughout here. And I will tell you I will be doing these the rest of my life. The first one is to count your 10 blessings each day.

And listen, I created a planner, I have the MEfirst guide, right? And it's got a gratitude circle in it. It's got three gratitudes at the end of the day. And I've been practicing gratitude. I'm actually really good at feeling what gratitude feels like in my body when my heart swells and lights up and it goes to my head and I feel the chakras even light up.

Like I've gotten good at that. But this practice has brought me to be able to feel gratitude for things that I would think I would have a really hard time thinking, feeling gratitude for. And it's through having practiced gratitude for relationships I've struggled with, with things like my taxes. Get this you guys, okay, first of all, don't judge me,

but this is why I'm working on money because all the money blocks, right? And so I had not paid taxes, I did an extension and I had had to find a new account in my other account and I had went through some things and just ended up telling a few of us that she wasn't gonna work with, with certain people anymore. So I was like,

okay, now I really need to find somebody. And that was a big step for me to get somebody in the first place because it's kind of like one of those things I feel like I can do myself, especially having run millions and millions of dollars for corporations, right? But I'm also no accountant. I'm like, I know I need help with that.

I know. And I don't wanna be doing that. Quite honestly. I'm, but now as I'm working on my money more, I do want to be pretty involved with that. Like each and every day through some of the money mindset work I'm doing. But that's future show. So counting these 10 blessings each day, counting all of these things that comes up.

One day I did my taxes and I was feeling frustrated with my new accountant because she wasn't really communicating to me. And I, I, I was really frustrated and I sat and I did my gratitude practice and it was just like I, I did a bunch of gratitude for her and it got done. It was like, I was like, what would I do if I was a millionaire?

I'm like, I would just call the person, why am I not just calling her? So I called her, it was everything was totally fine. I'm blowing it out of this big proportion. It didn't even need to be you guys. I thought I was gonna owe like 20,000, I owed like $2,500. Seriously. Like that was it. I was like sit jumping from rooftops,

right? That was like someone had just given me $18,000. Seriously. I was just blown away and just so freaking grateful in tears and like the whole nine yards, right? So that happened. And who's to not say that that didn't even happen because of my gratitude practice, right? And you might say, well Addy, it could have been that way anyway but could not have been been right?

And you don't know. We don't know. Okay, so we have the taxes thing, you guys, I found so much money I found $200 in my wallet I use every day and I haven't seen it in there. And you guys, it's this little cardholder. It's not even like a big wallet where you can hide things. You know how many times I've taken cards in and out of there and I haven't seen this $200,

two brand new a hundred dollars bills folded up together in my wallet. I'm like score writing that down. I've been gifted two more $100 bills. I use one of these bills. By the way, this is one of your practices you can incorporate if you want. It's one from the book. But there is something about part of doing this, the magic and doing it all the way through you guys,

this is why having a group to do these things with just like my radiators group, that's why I like was easier to do the work because when you build community and you do it together, you show up to do it. You know, statistics show you are more likely to complete something if you're doing something as a group. So if you do start 28 days of a magic,

get an accountability partner come in the abundance circle, you can come in anytime that you can watch the replays of how I'm doing it. You can post in the group, you can engage if you wanted to do the magic, if you wanna do whatever we're working on, whatever level you wanna do that or make your own group or get an accountability partner.

I mean of course I wanna tell you come do it with us. Cuz like more, more the merrier, right? Like the more abundant vibes we get in there, the more people working through all their blocks and creating magic more. More the merrier. So you take your money and you write on a sticky note on there because we don't deface dollar American bills at all.

So you write on there, thank you for all the money I've been given in my life. And so every day when I open my gratitude journal, I pull this out, it's part of my habit stack. Now I've added this in and it's not gonna go anywhere. And I would say this is so valuable, it almost took the place of the magic pages some days.

But the magic pages, the three pages of stream of conscious writing, if you're sitting in like in pain trying to write stuff, you're not doing it right? Okay? Like magic pages are about just saying whatever's in your head. Like literally I'm just saying whatever's in my head, this is stupid, this sucks. I gotta clean the toilet, I gotta take the trash.

Oh my god, I almost forgot to do that for lunch tomorrow. What else? You just write that next thought in your head. So many people struggle with that because they're trying to think about what to say. They say, when I say the magic's on page three, it's because I've miraculously thought of something magic to say. And not every day isn't magic.

That's another thing thing we get like wrapped up in our head. It's like with meditation, people think like every time I sit down I'm like shooting rainbows out my hoo-ha, right? Like not always, but I'm never sad. I sat down. I'm never sad. I did my magic pages, I'm sad when I didn't. So the difference between this,

so the gratitude practice doing 10 blessings every day, you guys. So this 10 blessings, not only do you write what you're thankful for, which this is what I used to do before, I used to think, okay, I'm grateful for that. And then I'd touch my heart and I'd feel the gratitude and emotion. But writing down why you're grateful for it.

And then you go back through and you say like, let's just say I'm so thankful for Lexi working with me on Namaslayer because it makes my life so easy. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And then you go through each 10 of those and you say it out loud every single day about the time I get through 10 of 'em, I'm like weeping in gratitude.

Like it just feels that good. But also let me forewarn you before you get started on this. It's a practice. So it's kind of like you warm up to it, you know? And I found, I go, I went back and I looked through at the beginning my gratitude was like super simple. And then you hit a point where I think we've set everything we're we're grateful for on the planet,

you know? And so then you start to get really deep and then you also start to do things like, my gosh I'm so grateful for my coffee and for these people that have showed up to work here. I've been working at this wildflower up the street, have showed up to work here to brew my coffee, prepare my coffee. Without them I wouldn't be able to come out here and work.

I'm so grateful for that. I do that almost every morning. I'm there, you know what's happened twice now I've gotten free coffee and I never see this happen to anyone else. The first time I go up and the machine breaks and she's like, oh it's okay hun, you go ahead 3 0 3, write it down in my abundance journal. And then to a few,

like couple days ago and I'm go, I'm doing the practice again. So I haven't stopped, I'm not going to stop. I don't plan on stopping. So I've been going since over 34 days now, right? So a couple of days ago I was sitting there, I was standing in line, there were some people ahead of me and they were just kind of undecided.

I, I was thinking how sweet this girl was and just how I was grateful for her because she is was the one that had just given me the coffee when the machine had like not wanted her input or whatever. And so I smiled at her and the other people didn't wanna go. So I walked up and she was like, oh just go ahead.

Just like gave me my coffee. And I was like, oh thank you. You know? And so then I've been giving her coffee. Something else I've been doing a lot of this month too is understanding this concept. You guys, as you give more, you're open to receive more. Be grateful for everything we have now, giving, receiving all of that.

I bought homeless people full breakfast on the way back from a walk. I've been buying those bags at the grocery store that they have prepared to feed and, and like I like to get the toiletries too for the homeless people, right? Or people in need that go to the shelter. So I've been buying those bags they have at the grocery store. Just really any little opportunity I'm given if I'm at Salad to go and they say,

do you wanna donate a dollar to, I think they're doing the cancer fund. Yes. You know? And so I'm just like helping in all these different little ways that I can in my every day and being grateful that I can, that I can help, that I have food, that I have water, that being grateful for my home. This has been a really big thing that's come out of this was,

you know, as I'm manifesting my next place knowing I wanna move from the RV life. Yes, that's probably a whole nother podcast too. Why Addie? What's going on? This was the big dream, right? You guys am tired, it's hard. I wanna have a studio set up, I want my audio visual stuff. I wanna just be able to go sit in podcast and not be packing up and moving all over the place,

you know? So anyhow, I'm manifesting the new house. But part of that is like I'm so freaking grateful for my little magical space for this rv, my adventure RV that helped me fulfill that dream of traveling the country, having a home, but that could move, right? It was like the best of both worlds for me because I wanted to explore the,

the mainland again. I had been in Hawaii for 10 years and I lived in Arizona already for so long and now I'm ready to be back here. I'm ready to be rooted here for a long time as I travel and as I create this next version. But being grateful right now and you know what else has shifted is the desire to clear the space.

And I've been talking to a lot of other people that are feeling this right now. Are you feeling it? Like so many people are feeling this if you're listening it to it in real time. We just had this big solar last eclipse until like 20, 25 or something and moon eclipse maybe, I don't know what it was. Some energy's going on you guys,

you know, I don't have details about that. Go to Renee's podcast for that one. A Bology podcast. There you go. There's a little plug for you Renee. So you know, all of these things going on. Oh, I did a moon gong bass. So what I'm finding is I am again trying more new things. I had gotten a little stagnant with it.

I had this whole everyday adventure list of things I was trying and what I realized with that adventure list, I don't know, I just really hung take action, take an action on it in a while. And I'm starting to do that again. I think just being, having this fire lit about my goal. So I went to this yoga studio, I've been meaning to go to forever and I did a new moon gong bath and that was just magical,

right? Like having those vibrations, especially being in such vibration of gratitude, like really feeling my body on a whole new level and being able to get in that space. That's been really cool doing this YouTube channel, you guys, this came out of like me doing the gratitude practice, just the putting it up there that I've already talked about really coming into who I am,

the future self guide. Like being like really knowing and coming from that place that like, okay, I am ready and I'm so grateful that I have all these skills in these tools now that I can help other people on their quest. Wow, I'm still sharing and helping myself, right? Like I've managed to create this environment that I'm able to do that.

Like so grateful. You know, the taxes creating, oh I made a vision course, a free vision course that I haven't uploaded yet that's gonna be like the precursor to the MEfirst course that I opened at the me. But I just did that in like, I don't know, a couple hours. I was like, oh I really need to do that.

If I can get it up sooner, I will you guys. Oh my god, I got attacked by a grasshopper and then I was like literally a dive bomb. Me you guys and I so much so that I had to look it up. It's a sign of abundance. Who knew? Oh and I found a note from my daughter that was here over the summer and the tone of it was perfect cuz I've been like on fire.

I'm so excited about all of this stuff. But that can get a little outta balance for me, which is, I was reminded of with my cards again today. It was like, just make sure you're also resting. It's great, you're on your path. All things red, red light or green lights all ahead. But also make sure you're resting.

And that's something I've cultivated on this journey for myself because it's something I didn't know how to do very well. How to rest, which is therefore the meditation and all of those things, right? So getting in child's pose, taking a break to do meditation, finding different energy work to really calm my nervous system. Take me back to the state of homeostasis.

So I found this note from Mili, I don't know why I hadn't found it sooner, it was from like four months ago. It was the perfect message I needed that day about how she was so proud of me and that how I work so hard. But I think I don't work hard. That's a whole nother thing. But it said in there to also remember to rest,

right? I think I might have shared this with you guys on the podcast. And then of course I know I talked about this one manifesting the trip to Hawaiian, having enough miles. I had moved Millie's miles over earlier, but the tickets weren't low enough for me to get a ticket with the miles. And I was like, okay, I'm not gonna go,

I'm gonna wait till spring. I'm manifesting this seeing Mili six times a year. You know, my daughter lives in Hawaii if you're new to catching this. And so I kind of put that just outta my head. But I had moved the miles, well I got this notification and I noticed that the prices were back. I'm like, I bet I have enough miles,

right? And then her dad gets on my live and we're, he's helping me with the room, get the combiner rate and like all of that stuff. And then my Ken fun, Kendra's posting with her yacht, she got the yacht that and we're going out for my birthday. It's my 50th birthday coming up, right? Yes, thank you. Happy birthday.

Happy birthday to me. I'm really excited for 50 by the way. We're gonna have to have a podcast about that because I always felt like I was gonna be better at 50 than ever. And if that isn't true, like to be able to say that, to be so excited about this next half of my life and to help other women get excited about the second half of the life.

Are you freaking kidding me? Could there be anything better, anything better on this planet? How? No. Like that is pretty fricking cool going from a 300 pound ball of misery. So grateful for her that got up and into like, where's my life going to look at? Why? Why am I not feeling anything for anything? What's wrong with me?

All of that stuff to let's light this bitch up, right? Like from that extreme to this now in a few short years when I've been seeking my entire life, you guys is never too late, ever too late to like discover the truth about ourselves. You know, I'm just so excited about that. Oh my god, all the money I found,

all the money that's come in. I increased my income last month, 62%. And I was like, what did I even do? And I know that's something that I also need to get better at is like clearing my money channels and really like, so I, I found a penny and I founded nickel. Like oh my gosh, I found a nickel.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, right? Like being grateful for the universe showing me I'm on the right path. It's like a trail of money now, right? And a trail of Heartsing everywhere. And this being in gratitude business, oh my gosh you guys. So it does amplify. So when you do this book, like Mini Slayer got the book and has to ha has redone day one like four times now.

Cause the deal is you need to stay in the gratitude like for consecutive days, right? And this is how we practice it. And having done it for 30 some days right now, I also habit trick for you, add it in your habit stack and everyone's got a habit stack whether you do intentionally or not, but something you do in the morning.

So if you wake up, get your coffee, you stack it. So I wake up, I brush my teeth, I get my coffee, I go get in the shower. So now maybe you wake up, get your gratitude journal, write your gratitude practice with your coffee, then I go shower and then I can get in my phone, right?

Bribe yourself. Cuz if you're not doing journaling or planning or gratitude or something like that in the morning, my guess would be you're probably in your phone. Like that's where most of us go. I love it when people come to my habit stacking webinars and they're like, but I don't have time. I'm like, write down everything you do for me.

I'm gonna find you some time and I can find you usually frigging hours right in that thing you're holding in your hand right now, probably. I'm looking at you, looking at you. I kidding. If you got not really, if you have your life so dialed in, you're, you're not wasting time in your phone. I would be surprised. And some of that we want,

I don't want my Facebook time to go, but I notice now when it's not serving me and I'll actually get the anxiety pangs and stuff. So anyhow, you can find time for this. It's depe, it's gonna be what are you gonna tell yourself you have time for? Are you gonna tell yourself you have time for you? Are you gonna tell yourself you're important?

You know, we've spent our whole lives telling ourselves that everyone else but us is frigging important. When are you gonna decide that you are important? Do it now. Like what is that thing you can do for yourself? The other practice that's super easy that I loved, that I will do forever. And these are day one and day two, day one,

you learn about the blessings and the mindset in the book I think is so, so key. You know, I, I think it really, really helps move us forward. So I'm sharing the book and my journey and things that I'm experiencing real time in the abundance group and I'm sharing other things. I'm listening to learning podcasts, books, like just trying to like keep a log for myself of this transformation just like I did with the weight loss so I could reconstruct the weight loss.

So when someone wants to reconstruct the million dollars, what was that next thing? And it's like got all these things coming in my brain like, okay, so we got the MEfirst sisterhood where we focus on the guide and the planning and then we have all these things that sprout off from there as you are ready because it can't be all of it at once because we can't do that.

Like, it's like full on shut down meltdown if we do that. So you gotta just pick one thing. Maybe if you're listening to this, it's really singing to you. Maybe gratitude's your thing right now. Maybe you hop in and do a gratitude practice, right? Like pick up the book the magic, find a partner, go through it, come in the abundance circle,

right? Like do do what is is calling to you. I'm just here to share the experience and help you along the way and offer a place for you to do that if you wanna do it too. So, okay, what else did I wanna tell you about the magic? Oh, oh my God. All the money you guys. So, so I'm listening to a lot of,

I wanna give you a couple resources here. If you were into creating money, right? And why wouldn't we be right? Like I don't, even when we have millions and millions, why wouldn't you want more? You could help more people, right? Like there's just so much about that. So Brooke Castillo with the Life Coach School, she's had a couple newer podcasts about millionaires and money that were really good.

Denise Duffel Thomas is someone who I followed for a while and she's, she had written her first bit, her first book. Lucky, lucky, lucky Bitch. And then the next one's Get Rich Lucky Bitch. And that one we're gonna do in the group in January. I'm super excited. And then the other one was, oh, the woman I love Law of Attraction changed my life.

Francesca Amber, you gotta follow her on Instagram or, and all of that, you know? And so I'm like doing her book club and I'm sharing what I'm learning, right? Like through doing the book club. So it's like just this massive ripple effect of all of these wi all of us women coming together and creating magic and gratitude in our lives,

right? I'm so grateful she was brought in my newsfeed through my podcasting resource, right? Because like I, I wanna learn from people that are doing those same things, right? And you guys, I can't tell you how in alignment this is with your weight loss goal too. If that's your main priority goal right now, this work, I have done three of these exercises based on the scale,

based on my health journey. I've been eating better. Like for, to really watch the nourishing my body and those kind of things that are moving me to this next level. Cause I know in January I'm gonna get all fired up about that. It's just gonna melt off in January. This is what happens like every year, right? So my goal right now is to keep myself on the ride and that's why I'm weighing in every week still.

Like I'm not going to let that part drop even while it's not my primary goal. Because what you do, just like I'm doing with the money, you put everything in your ear, everything in your mind, you can about your weight loss, right? And that doesn't mean I don't play with other things. I'm still listening to some food stuff here.

Weight loss here watching being open. We're gonna do the fasting challenge that really helped me get my mindset reset last month. So we're gonna do one between Thanksgiving in December if you're listening to this and in the Free Heartsing podcast community. So jump in there. All right you guys. Sorry, I feel like it was kinda like all, all over, but it's,

I'm just so grateful. I'm so grateful for all of you. You don't know how many times I've written that down in my gratitude journal, how grateful I am for those of you that show up to listen, to support my journey and hopefully are picking up some inspiration and nuggets for yourself. Like I am just so freaking grateful. Thank you, thank you,

thank you. That's another thing you'll learn saying thank you three times. Those are magic magical to say your thank you three times. All right, my loves. I think that's all for this week. Well I think we might have a special birthday episode coming up and not performed by me if, if it goes well, if you're interested in that and being part of it,

if you've been a longtime listener or even a new listener and you're called to that in the Heartsing podcast community, I had posted, you know, it'd be really great for my 50th is if you guys did the podcast for me, like talk about your experience putting some of these things in action that we talk about here on the podcast and in the group and really share.

And Renee had said, oh, I could help put that together. So hopefully you guys get it together and then I can have the week off in Hawaii and be like coast and back. I'll probably still record something, but you know how that goes. All right. Not this long of a one though. Sorry about that. All right, which is infectious.

I will see you next week on the Heartsing podcast. Head over to Addie, be B E A L l. If you're on YouTube, subscribe. Like if you made it this far, for God's sakes, I hope you'd subscribe. Right? You guys love you to pieces. Thanks for listening. Slay Out.