MEfirst Midlife Badassery Podcast

S2 Ep 156: Game Plan - Weight Watchers, Habits, Small Actions

Slayer Season 2 Episode 156

Leave inspired to make small little actions NOW! Inspired, empowered and getting back up....I'm baaaaack and I'm building another runway, adjusting my course, yet again. 

This episode is about loving yourself right now - in the body you are in, in the space you are in. It's about getting back up, but being in awareness and not judgment so we are learning along the way - this is how change happens.  Adjusting my plan again and I am feeling empowered and excited for this journey, right now, in this present moment. 

This week: 

  • Self Love NOW
  • Food Trackers - the Weight Watchers App
  • Habits & the MeFirst Guide planner
  • Allowing, Accepting and the Present Moment
  • Grace vs. Compassion
  • Small Actions

Leave inspired to make small little actions this week!

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VIRTUAL FALL FUTURE SELF EVENT: Fall in love with YOU Sunday 9.29.24 10 AM - 2 PM PST (no recording - what happens in the room, stays in the room)! Create vision, plot, plan and dream. Get clear about what you desire. All guided by Addie B. (Slayer). MEfirst Guide digital 90 day planner is included with this event: download after purchase. ONLY $47. Questions?
Sign up

Free Visioning Meditation (goes with Ep 160 Unlock Your Future: Create Vision for Midlife Transformation)

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