MEfirst Midlife Badassery Podcast

Ep #41: TIME SENSITIVE OFFER: Limited Space for the FALL 2021 MEfirst Group


9/1 UPDATE: Enrollment is currently closed, but checkout our site for upcoming events!

Free Visioning Meditation (goes with Ep 160 Unlock Your Future: Create Vision for Midlife Transformation)

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Listen up. If you are listening to this message right now, you are in the last few hours of this special being out there in your life, potentially being changed forever. That is what this weekend will do for you. And the replays are available. Listen, you guys have, you have not gone out to Chuck. They know fools planning camp out yet.

About the 90 day planning the me first guide, you get me, you get Reen Renee, and we show up and we get it done. We believe we become, we be. And one weekend you are set up to slay, go check it out. What are you waiting for? This is under $200 for the low price of 1 99. You get the MEfirst guide.

You get Slayer guiding you. I'm showing you how I'm doing the process. How I am lining myself up to lose the weight. You see it in black and white and you make your own plan. You make your own dream, your own vision, whatever that big impossible goal is, you're working on. We get it done this weekend. You will leave inspired and lit up with a plan to carry forward with you all for under 200 bucks this weekend.

I don't. What are you waiting for? Jump in. You have until five Pacific time Friday. That's it. It's over. So get in. I don't do this very often. Okay. Public service announcement over go enjoy your episode. Oh, and yes, replays will be available. Okay. That's all flare out. Now go light it up.

Heart singers. The special offer edition of the Heartsing podcast. I'm Addy B a K Slayer of Namaslayer and I've lost over 110 pounds now. And I've been steadily building the life of my dreams, creating Namaslayer and living a life of freedom seeking Heartsing in my life. I've been doing this publicly and still do. I live my life out loud too. You can see the ups and downs and how I'm following all of the breadcrumbs.

The universe has put in my path. I've also been sharing what I learned through teaching and creating things like this podcast and the MEfirst sisterhood. And of course the course and the me first guy, that everyone just wants to get their hands on the planner. Right today. I have a vision for you. My Heartsing podcast listener to get started on your own path of transformation or continue at any way since you're already here listening.

And you're probably in the process, even if you don't know it, I am going to tell you about a special group offering. I have it's exclusive and yet inclusive, inclusive of you. If you act and get your seat at the table, this is the MEfirst intensive and don't balk at the intensive part. It's a deep dive for into fun, and we get it done together.

I've learned over the years, how to help myself and you step away from overwhelm, get it done and move forward. No matter what. So keep listening here. This offering is me and you and a small group of other amazing women on the same path, looking to believe become, and be that something greater inside that thing we know there must be something more seeking that we start August 29th and the first meditation croup goes through starting next week.

So jump on this. Once the seats fill, it closes. It's my all inclusive solution to self-help transformation set up and I'm inviting you to the island of Namaslayer MEfirst sisterhood to do it with me. There are only eight spaces left. So please lift, listen carefully, listen to what your heart tells you. If this feels right, check in with your inner guidance system and act.

So you get a space. If you're current in the Heartsing podcast, episodes were just coming off my big future self dream, where I showed you how I created, where I am today and how I'm going to design, where I'll go in the future and what you might not know already from the podcast, or if you're new here is that while I've been losing these hundred 10 pounds and bought an RV and started traveling the country,

teaching meditation, I've also been leading the me for sisterhood, which started as a slice sisterhood back in the day, I think like 2018. So it started as me sharing my journey in turned into me, teaching what I was learning in a private member ship group. And really from the beginning, as I shared on my lives, people would learn. And I was like,

wow, this is really cool. Then I started coaching and groups and privately leading courses. My experience in corporate America went me perfectly to this and I've taken my time doing it, opening the sisterhood infrequently, as I would see what's working and not working and revamp it with my ultimate goal, to help you on a path of transformation. I created the planner,

the MEfirst guide to serve as the foundation, but I knew from using other planners and trying, can't just hand it to people, even with instructions in there, there's so much more that goes into the process. And a lot of it is mindset and heartset, which takes time and creating a culture and a community with the same values. So I tried teaching in live video and then automated courses with PDFs.

And then I did a mixture of both with the workshops through all of this. Over the past three years, I've learned more about myself added and combined add material. And I had a zillion more brain babies and it's ever evolving, but the foundation of our habits and the mindset remain constant. And this is, I teach in the me first intensive. So you can then come into the group and hopefully sisterhood coaching group after you graduate.

And this fun me first boot camp, that we're going to all go through together. The constants that you need are all going to be delivered in here, and we'll set you up for success. And you've heard many of them on the podcast already. Now it's doing it and putting it in action each time I do it. You guys, I take another thing away every time.

So even if you've done, there's value in it. And when you go to the Namaslayer page, after you listen here, you can hear from other women who have gone through this pro process with me and beside me over the years. So what I have found is the workshops where you show up and just get it done are key. So often we don't make time to do the work.

This shoots down almost 80% of the reasons people fail at courses or new programs because they just don't show up and do the work. If we do the work, it works right, but we get in this overwhelm and it's too much. So you will, you're going to learn this and you're going to start to build trust with yourself. And here's the deal you literally just have to show up and you do this stuff and you'll change,

period. It's not possible to stay the same. It just isn't showing up is half the battle. And that is where we see the perfectionism come on. So often we miss one class or we're think we're behind. And then we don't show up. We just leave all completely. And we go under the covers and barrier heads. You will learn quickly and week one failures.

Cool. And the sisterhood, it's how we learn and what we do about it. That matters. You'll also learn how to start showing up for you, which is the other half of the battle. And therefore me first, I also like to make showing up fun. I mean, what's not fun about showing up to do some work with your besties.

All right. This is what I always loved about working with a team. When I'd work on site. In my corporate job, we had a lot of fun at work, and this is a core value of mine and can be had even in the driest topics. I swear, I've even figured out how to make habits fun. That's right. So if you want to be a habit making master,

get in here, when you show up to these weekly workshops in this course, you'll have, you're going to get the work done there with me and with your other sisters, you're going to bond and laugh and share in an environment full of love and free from judgment. You're going to begin to expand this version of what is possible for you and learn how to take action and move forward to make the impossible possible to where you start to think,

oh my God, maybe I really can do this, this thing. I think I can never do. Even when it feels so uncomfortable, this is a journey it's currently the only way in the sisterhood and to get a me first guide. And there is a reason for that because it's my passion to help you transform, not sell you sayings. I want to see,

feel, and experience your transformation with you. And as I work into transforming myself and Namaslayer into my future vision, I want to take my time building this last part of the runway with you. And now we have the planner and the process. It's bringing the fun to the process on a larger scale, like we're going to do in this group together.

And I'm looking for 10 bad-ass, which isn't bitches that are ready to take this journey with me and build their future. And like I said, I think we have seven seats open. So whoever is ready to dig in and change their lives. You're ready to have fun and also get intense with your transformation and want to join me and 10 other women on the transformation process of a lifetime.

This fall called the me first intensive. And if you're feeling scared, like what if I fail again? This is for you because yes, what if you do, what do you do about it? What do you need to do for this? Literally show up yesterday, PDFs to print that you do with me and you get very little homework. There was a couple of weeks.

You have some fun assignments, but you'll get this done each week with me in person, we will all bond. You will have sisters and new relationships that you didn't even think of when you started on this journey. Because if you're listening to this in my crazy, that other person that has to guess what, they're your peeps too. It's amazing how that works.

You also bring those orders for the universe, your big, crazy dream, that goal weight you think you can never be, or that career you think you could never have, or that relationship, whatever it is, the goal doesn't matter. It's how we get there. You learn to get to one and you can do it over and over and over again.

And I'm going to show you this process. If you don't have a goal. No worries. Cause that's part of this process too. And you're going to have one soon enough, a big part of beginning. This process is learning how to dream and doing it. Not just talking about it. We do it together. We take action together. You will move forward.

You will be so grateful. You did this for yourself. Now picture this thing. You've always wanted that you might even be scared to voice out loud either because it's been shut down by others or you failed before, or maybe you just don't even think you're worthy. Whatever that big impossible thing is, you bring that and we start to create it planet and you start to believe it just might be possible.

And then you start to become, and then you, and then you are, if you get a flutter of what if in your stomach, when you listen to this, if your brain starts to say in response to that flutter, but Addie, you've done a million things before and none of them have worked or you don't know, you don't have time for this or a zillion.

Other reasons if this BS brain that wants to keep you safe, wants to keep you doing the same thing you're doing day in and day out. It doesn't want you to figure out how to train the toddler, how to train the brain right? Wants to keep you from trying new things. And you know, then what happens to those butterflies of excitement to that dream that is in there.

Will you end up in a ball of misery? Like I was, are you there now? And you think it's just not possible for you? Do you want to stay on that hamster wheel? The same old stuff without magic in your life? You don't have to. I promise you, you can do this. You're perfectly capable just as you are.

You are already whole, and I'm going to help guide you to that wholeness, to meet who you truly are. You just need to show up, have an open mind and open your heart. And can you shut that Neanderthal brain down now and put your stake in the ground. Dare to bet on you. Say this time I am getting up no matter what,

over and over and over that, you're going to show up for a few hours each week, over the next couple of months and get it done together. And perhaps even more time passed that you can say this time I keep getting up this time. I don't quit this time. I don't play victim and let life just roll over me. I'm happening to life,

baby. What if you can set yourself up for greatness and yes, I'm like this during the whole time roped me in everybody. Don't let anyone stop you from investing in you. I did this for a long time. It's why I'm so passionate about it. I put my time and money into everyone, but me and guess where it got me a 300 pound BOLO misery.

So most of all, don't let that stop. You. You can't even imagine how many things I've done. How many coaches I pay courses I've done since figuring this out, just investing in me. You guys, not the damn brakes on the car. More time at work. Oh, that makes my soul just talking about it. No, we got to think about what we do want.

And you go after that, I'm going to put what I want to learn in my brain because no one can take away knowledge. They can't take away those greatness. I've uncovered. There is nothing more important. And I still do this right now. I combine new things with knowledge. I already have to create new things. I will never again, not invest in my mind.

I invest heavily in my growth and you've heard throughout this podcast. So thank your Amazon. And thank your order from the universe and take the, if out of arrival, if you were to do this thing and you knew it was going to show up, what is it worth to you? What if that box is skinny is at your door next Christmas or that box of freedom.

What if you start trusting the universe that you are listening to this right now, because you're supposed to be because it has the, the window the universe has put in your path to uncover your magic. What if you don't go through that window? What if you do go through the window and you're traveling the country in an RV, 110 pounds less live in the life of freedom and contentment you desire next year.

Oh, wait. That's me. But you get the idea. So here's what happens. Say you're listening to this and you're like, okay, Slayer, this is crazy. But I like, you're crazy. So I'm down, right? So now you guys just close your eyes and picture this, okay? You show up for your first group, the first meeting virtually of course,

because we're all around the country in the world. And this may be before or after your meditation course, that partners is part of the process. You may already know some of the amazing other women and me you'll have already met me in our private session, which is a bonus I'm giving out this time, regardless. It doesn't matter because you already know you're right at home.

You have butterflies of excitement, anticipation. You know, it's not going to be the easy path cause Slayer told ya, but you are all in on you. And it feels so good. You are like, I'm ready, Slayer. Bring it on. We meet. And that's like, bada, Bing, bada, boom. You just know you're in the right place.

You feel it right now. That energy, the reason you listen, that feeling, we are soul sisters. I mean, of course we are. So why you're here. That's why the universe brought you to my voice. You show up to this first meeting, you're eager. You have all this excitement and joy to do this amazing thing for yourself.

And you don't quite know what to expect, except that for sure, it's going to be fun. There will be work today. And it's going to get soul deep in some areas it's going to perhaps push you to think in ways you haven't before and forced you to do the actual work because we're all doing it together. That's right. Like you're in grade school and everyone's watching you and this big,

amazing, uncomfortable pile of sisterhood joy. Doesn't that just sound sexy. You're like, sign me up. Namaslayer that damn right? You're not disappointed as the hours fly by. And we're full of joy and laughter and real life tears as women uncover and bare their souls to each other, each at their own comfort level, but always knowing it's a safe place to do so in one full of love and support and growth.

And you quickly realize that you're not only creating a life for yourself, but you're making lifelong friendships on the internet crazy. Right? But think how amazing that is. We used to be restricted to find people in our local towns and now the world is open for us to find others that hear our roar. And you are my roar. That is a sign.

Also, if you believe in science or if you're curious, that's a sign for you. Also, if you love hearing witches and bitches in the same sentence as meditation, that's another sign. My buddy James clear author of atomic habits. That's right. We're buddies now. Not really, but he tells us habits are best created when we do it together,

like find your tribe. So if you want to create a healthier lifestyle, including inspiring different ways to fuel and understand our bodies, planning habits, rewiring our brains, meditation and spiritual discovery that dive within you digging up these shadows at long last girl, that's inside that you smushed down and we don't know why. If all of this appeals to you, it's our culture.

We get deep. This is the MEfirst sisterhood and at Namaslayer and we believe become, and B we dream big learn how to become. And then we be, we put that greatness into the world just as we are. We also do hard shit. We fail and get up over and over with support and love with our sisters. Cause we need them the most when we are so uncomfortable and we want to give up and crawl back under that blanket.

And listen, if you like that podcast, and you're ready to light this, be up. It's for you. This is a unique opportunity. It will not be offered every other month. And as many of you know, I haven't even opened the sisterhood in months. And only a handful of times in the past years, more openings has never been my goal transformation in the process.

My goal understanding and helping women change. That's the goal. And I want to get it as right as I can, without living in perfectionism, it will be ever evolving. And as you know, from my big vision, I have lots more plans. I have an automated course already that I was going to put out there, but you know what actually works.

You guys, the in-person workshops because we get together and we get it done and you have fun and you have joy for right now. This is the path in. And here's the thing. There's one of me right now. Anyway. So I'm going to write a book coach and lead the sisterhood. So there's limited space in this round. And I may not even offer this experience again.

I mean, you guys, who knows what's going to happen when I hit Oprah's couch, you know what I'm saying? Hey, that's how we future self dream. So today I'm going to share this vision of the process with you guys, not the details, like all those spreadsheets and all of that stuff, right? Because you'll, you're going to get into the house and overwhelm and all of that stuff.

I promise you, you show up and we get it done and you are going to move forward. Your commitment is to dedicate those three hours a week to me and fun camp weekend, by the way. So these are things that work universally and you need each little bit of knowledge to start setting the groundwork because you don't quite also know what nugget is going to be the thing for you.

So we get those groundwork, this baseline in for you. So you know, what's going on and I assure you, you can do this. There's immense value for you in the us. And actually there's everything. Every time I do it, it's, it's just never ending good stuff. You can't do these things enough. The problem of us with us is most of us don't do these things.

We listen and have the best intention, but what happens? Life runs away, but don't worry. I can help you with that. I'm here to guide you, hold your hand, be your sister by your side. See you, can we get it done? And we grow together and you grow at your own pace. The way you actually get the work done is in the workshops.

Live ones together. You do your best to be there because it's better to gather. And let's be honest, ladies, what do we do with courses and replace? Most of us don't do them, or we fast forward to the part where you think we need. And again, we mean, well, but life happens and we didn't do that course on time management or we did or didn't apply.

So that's it. So that's why this process is key. Think of it. Like you're going to a big scrapbook and party every weekend. And have you been to one of those? I used to love that she got to be creative and talk and Jabber at the same time. It's like that. We have fun and we get the work done. It doesn't feel like work anymore because it's fun.

And you know what happens when we pick and choose what parts of the course we want to do, we miss our nuggets. It's always that thing you didn't want to do that. You're like, oh shit, I should have done that like 10 years ago. Right? We missed the building blocks. I've seen it time and time again. So your commitment to this time on you is just as important.

You don't have to commit like hundreds of hours outside. I'm saying three hours every Sunday and pretend you're just going to school, which you are. It's the Namaslayer school of bad-ass MEfirst recovery. Now, you know, you need the sister. I mean, you've been in the school of putting life in everyone before yourself. You hear the airplane mask analogy in your,

all your eyes. You're like, yeah, that's nice. But how do I put me first? When I have to do X, Y, and Z, it's just not possible ha, but my friend it is possible. And I'm here to guide you there to show you the tools that will help you create this life you desire and continue to do so after our course,

I may show you the things I wish I could have just had it all put together for me. And I do these things every quarter to keep moving forward, I'm going to show you the foundations of these things. So the first thing you need to do to commit to this is everyone knows it goes on your calendar for those two months. You're busy Sunday nights.

No, I'm sorry. I can't run your fundraiser. Your watch your kids. I have an important engagement for me. Here's your first lesson in me first. It's how these sessions are now in avidly. An emergency will come up and you'll have to miss, and you're going to hate doing so because you know, you're going to miss some crazy Slayer shit,

but of course I'll record it for you. And you'll have some cool PDFs that I've designed with my mad graphic design skills. I taught myself because I couldn't explain what I wanted the me first guy to look like, which is really kind of cool and fabulous by the way. So you get to order your own new cool me first winter guide edition, 2021.

That'll be designing the cover for here pretty soon, just in time for camp. And I'm including it in this package you guys will hear about. So I will guide you each session, giving you my real life. Examples like I do in the podcast. Some are in the moment and some are from my journey. Whatever I feel in the moment is going to be most helpful to you guys.

We shared like real time. We all get to know each other really well. I'm your sister by your side, your guide intent on getting this done and enjoying the process. You're going to learn the meditate and we'll practice together. And this will become part of your life. You'll see how meditation might just be one of the key missing pieces to your transformation.

All of these years, this ability to reverse the physical effects of stress and take you inside yourself to make who you truly are and light the magic from within you'll become an amazing dream master and a habit builder. You'll be like habits, push Shaw, James clear. I got this baby. I'm a habit making machine. You'll start to love planning. One tiny plan at a time,

one power habit at a time, you're going to find the magic and page two of the MEfirst guide. And in page three of your magic pages, all in due time, you're going to know how to create new thoughts and recognize when you need a new one to move forward in a new vision. And you're going to start designing your life intentionally full of Heartsing in love,

James, Claire, you know my buddy, again, the atomic habits sky, he says real changes occur from within. We spent all this time worried about the outside of us. What are we eating? What do we look like? How people make us feel, other people's opinions, all of it. Instead of focusing on where transformation is on the inside,

this is where we change. And it's at the habit fundamental level. And the MEfirst intensives. Also going to set you up to manage the overwhelm. This is going to be fun. Shoot down that brain. That's telling you otherwise. Literally our only rule in this sisterhood is to step away from perfect failures, like a badge of honor, man, because we learn from it and we move forward.

If we're not failing, you're not dreaming big enough. This is the mindset that after years of being taught, when we do things wrong, it's bad, takes some time to rewire. So you gotta be patient with yourself too. I pick the best of the best from my own weight loss journey and what succeeded and what used with the MEfirst sisters and my clients,

and combine this with a format of in-person get it done workshops and the MEfirst guide process, which is the planner of course, and this is specific to our magic and the sisterhood. The guide is designed to continue growing with you and the small groups take you from this place of having your foundation of one of uncovering Los shadows and moving forward into the future.

You're going to hear me say this all the time. You guys, the MEfirst process is not a quick fix. It is the transformation fix. You do not come to the MEfirst sisterhood or Namaslayer to get skinny next week. The universal bring you that box when it's good and ready when you are good and ready to become. When you have learned what you need to learn,

and that starts with your mindset, heartset, healthset, and soulset, Robin Sharma five, 8:00 AM club would tell us skinny might not be next week, but you know what will be your belief in you that you said, I am worth it. I am doing this no matter how many times I have to get up, you will start to believe that it might just be possible.

And that my friends is where we must start. You are worthy of spending time and energy on you of putting yourself first for maybe the first time in your life. Since you were young, if then it's two months of transformation, you can do it eight weeks of learning and growing and bonding and fun. And it's fun. Dreaming and creating our lives is fun.

Bonding with other women is magical, joyous, and fun. And it's how we enjoy the process. As humans. We crave this contact. And what if, you know, we dare to wonder, we wonder what if, and we join a club where everyone else dares to say, what if and wonders about the magic inside by now? You're like,

oh my God, Slayer. Just tell me what I get already. But you know, I've got to pump you up. I want to make sure you understand about the magic that is in this, in the sisterhood, in the process. And then I can't communicate it completely enough. It can't be like through words, it's energy. So before we get in the details,

I want to make sure you guys know when you go to the page to listen to what some of them, me for sisters have said, there's testimonials there in videos there that you can hear what others have to say. So let's talk about what you get now. Okay? And then you're going to head over to that website and get a space before it's full.

And here's, what's included primordial sound meditation course. And this is a course that I teach over the course of four days. And don't worry. We're going to work the same with your new commitment to me first, you get a private, personal mantra ceremony where you and I share time. And I teach you your personal mantra, your primordial sound mantra.

And this is going to start as early as August 19th. So act ASAP you guys, cause it's very limited. Eight weeks of small workshop once a week with me on Sunday nights, three hours was short breaks here and there. Well, we'll play it by ear, depending also on the show subjects, we're going to talk about dreams, vision, work,

creating your alter ego habits, cycle stacks, habits, tacks, power habits. Self-discovery the MEfirst guide. 90 day plan, creating life intention, vision story-boarding habits of the hood. New thoughts. Don't get overwhelmed. You got all this. We're going to get it all done with me. You're going to get immediate feedback. And you're going to share in the group,

which is an important part of your learning process in your growth. You're going to learn not only from me, but each other and create bonds. You can continue in the sisterhood and beyond after. And yes, I'm just like I am in person. I'm telling you, we're going to love each other. Don't worry. Cause if you're listening to this clear,

you love me and I already love you. So I'm just waiting. I'm just waiting for you to say, all right, Slayer I'm in. And in case you may need more than my love. Of course there's bonuses, right? We got to throw in some bonuses for you. So you will have me first membership after you graduate in October through the end of the year.

And it doesn't include the private coaching groups. If you decide you want to get into that, but we'll talk more about that after you get, go through your boot camp, so to speak and you'll have access to all the topics I have created in there from gut health and food protocols to spiritual materials. And you're going to mix it up and dip in as you need to.

And there's a wealth of content in the sisterhood too. And the Facebook group, which you'll also have access to by the way. So your bonus a big one is going to be our winter is coming camp that I'm putting together. You're going to attend army for sister day hood 90 day planning, virtual retreat. And then you're going to create your plan there and set up your guide.

And then we're going to prepare ourselves to head into winter. When our bodies want to hibernate a little bit, I'm going to have a special and guests and instructors come in with some ire Vedic techniques and share some other ways for us to manage through this season and set ourselves up to slay in the new year, right? We don't want to lose Q4.

We're going to nail it. So you're also going to have access to her original me first course, after graduation. So you'll be able to see all the brain dumps. You're gonna have tons of content that would have been the automated course. That can be helpful to you going forward. And so you have that knowledge base to go back to. And if that's not enough,

you're going to have a one-on-one session with me before we get started. So it can ensure your experience is as customized for you as possible as you go through this process. So you guys, I can't even begin to tell you the value that is in here, but you'll see that on. Namaslayer so head over there and you can see all those little details,

but if you have any questions, concerns PM me at Facebook at Addie Beale or email me at Slayer at Namaslayer dot com. You will hear testimonials on the page from the other sisters and you'll see more social proof there. So if you have questions in that aspect, you are in a place right now, you're at crossroads. Should you decide to do this?

Watch out world. Who are you unlocking? Who have you been hiding away all these years? Let's bust that girl out. Let's get dreaming and start creating magic together. I see you in my vision. Am I in yours? I hope so until Friday's episode this week, which is in bitches, flare out Which is in batches. If you're still there,

this ain't no April fool's joke camp. This weekend, the doors are closing this decision right now that you're making. If you aren't in on this event yet can change your life forever. Say yes. What have you got to lose? Go check it out. Message me with any questions. You only have a few hours too. Don't delay act. Now link is in the comments.

If you can't find it, email me Slayer at Namaslayer dot com. I can't wait to see you Saturday. And we're going to light this. Be up. You are going to leave with a fire in your belly. You haven't felt in a long, long time. Let's do this Still there. What are you doing? Go sign up already. I can't believe you're still sitting there listening to me.

What are you doing? Go, go to Namaslayer dot com. It'll link you to the site to sign up. You got this sister, we're going to do this. You are going to do it. Can you feel it? I can feel it. I see you let's do this. Okay. I'm leaving for real now. So hang up the phone.

Okay, hang up. Did I mention you just might have a good time to did I cause your will? It's inevitable. Okay. For reals. I'm leaving now really? And I will see you Saturday morning with bells on Slayer out.