MEfirst Midlife Badassery Podcast

Ep #64: Ultimate Goal Weight Loss "The Work": Food, Plans, Creation (Week 1/24 #Slayer40)


Saddle up Witches and Bitches! Slayer's ready to drop the last 37.5 lbs! After losing 100 lbs and seeking her new why, Slayer's fire is lit about getting to her final weight loss goal and is taking us for the ride! Make your goal and slay along side her as she shares the journey. In the 1st week after making her plan, Slayer is back in the pocket and the scale is moving down, and the rest is coming in alignment leaving her more connected with her sacred self. She shares her morning routine and it's importance to moving her to heartsing, how she eats and what she has learned to take the cravings away.  Always reminding us that the journey didn't start here, and it continues to progress due to small actions made from big, seemingly impossible visions and dreams.

Listen with this,  Heartsing Podcast:
Game Changers: Meditation, Magic Morning Pages, Weight Loss Thought

Free Visioning Meditation (goes with Ep 160 Unlock Your Future: Create Vision for Midlife Transformation)

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Do you know that there is something magical inside of you, but you don't know how to uncover it. The Heartsing podcast is dedicated to just that helping you put yourself first and figure out what lights you up. I'm your host, Addie B AKA Slayer of Namaslayer. And through my journey of losing nearly a hundred pounds, uncovering the magic of my soul and building the life of my dreams.

I'm leaving no stone unturned in the process of self discovery, and I'm here to share it all with you. So let's get started. What's up, which is in bitches. Watch out. I am in rare form today. Welcome. Welcome back to the Heartsing podcast. I also have this song in my head. So now I'm going to put it in yours.

She's a brick house. She's mad at Maddie. Just letting it all hang out. Just like we do here on the Heartsing podcast and know I didn't even play on that. That was pretty bad-ass. Huh? Anyhow, if you're just joining us, hold on, grab your seat, pull it on up. I am Slayer of Namaslayer AKA Addie Beal.

I am sharing my weight loss journey, health quest in the midst of a spiritual awakening that has taken hold of my entire why. And every reason I'm waking up to turn these stones over. So hang on and let's dig in today. I am going to get ultimately to the work, the get in the house of how I went from my dark night of the soul heartbreak,

all of those things in Q4 to feeling like I am on fire and lighting this up. I will talk about food a little bit, those kinds of things too, because I get a lot of questions about that. So without further ado, I'm going to start off this podcast as I'm going to for the next 24 weeks as we follow my path to goal.

Since I saw you last, I have completed my longer term visioning and planning, which is a huge part of what helped me move through and have this new found in my soul. I can't even tell you what a difference we went through. Five-year visioning, which was the first time I've led and really done that the way we did. And it was amazing.

And then the next day broke it down to the one year. And then the 90 day with this goal, we are going to be following my journey from now until June 26th, where I will weigh in at 1 62. So this is how it's going to break down. I weighed in at 1 99 0.8. So I was 37 point away from goal in June.

Okay. Then last week I had a weigh in and I was 2 0 1 0.7. So I was up a couple of pounds. And I believe I already spoke about that last week. No big deal. I honestly I'm. I'm surprised it wasn't more after I really didn't have a plan. I was at Lexi's house. I had a different scale. I had eaten some high sodium things.

Anyhow, it's really not a big deal. A couple of pounds, whatever. In the scope of over a hundred pounds lost and heading down from my 300 pound journey. You guys it's about two pounds here and there all over the place. And sometimes a bigger chunk like it was this year. So we are moving back down and I'm so excited because now it's in alignment with my spiritual goal and that's,

what's lighting my fire that I want. When I'm in alignment with this, I create from this space of my life force energy, radiating through my body as it is right now, as I'm speaking with you. And it's just so amazing and I want to feel more of it, and this is now my motivation. This was no way in hell my motivation a couple of years ago.

So if you're sitting there like, oh, that's all nice and fine Indiana, but I can't get a fire lit your why is going to be specific to you. Mine was completely, totally vain to start with. And there's no judgment over there. And I wanted to be skinny, hot biker check. And now that I am one, see how that happens to,

you know, I've always been that way. Okay. Carrying on. So now this upcoming week, I am already back in the saddle, so to speak. So I'm recording this on Thursday night after my weight loss. And I'm down quite a bit on the scale. I'm going to share with you whatever I end up with Sunday on next week's podcast.

So we're going to follow that journey along, but I can tell you it's going to be at nice number because I am slaying it. I'm back in alignment. And I have all my ducks in the row from taking that time to plan and set myself up. One of the things I did, I talked about briefly last week. Well, quite a bit last week.

So I'm going to be a little more brief this week about accountability and how I was going to set myself up to do this. And I've got most of the pieces in place. Now I'm going to share with you here today, so you can follow the journey with me. I am going to bring back old school. Facebook weigh-ins live that's right. I'm going to be naked on that scale in case you needed some more incentive because you never know what's going to happen when I'm naked on the scale at 8:00 AM on Sunday morning,

this is Arizona time, mountain time. Right now, I haven't done live public weigh-ins in quite a while because we have the sisterhood. I was doing everything in there and just kind of Facebook moved some things around. Am I, whatever, I don't care. I love the accountability. I'm putting it out there. I will be on Facebook, live weighing in and giving you the scoop from the week.

So if you want to join me, I would love, love, love to chat with you as I'm doing it. And we can check in on our goals with each other. It's really fun to talk that way. If you can hit the live or you can catch the replay, think of this for yourself, what could you do? Maybe you're like Slayer.

I am not doing a Facebook live and sure as heck not naked, but do you have a friend you can share pictures of the scale with, or that you can be accountable with on your data for that week and talk about what's happening so you can get those thoughts out of your head. The ones that aren't serving you about the scale, about your weight,

about how, oh, see, I just can't do this again. All of that. You need a way to work yourself out the other side. And that comes through getting your thoughts about the scale out of your head and then working through them. And this is a big part of the process on T tangling, all the drama around the scale and what your weight means and what society makes it mean.

Get those thoughts out so you can rewire your brain and rework it. Okay. So I'll be doing Facebook lives on the Namaslayer public page. And then I will also be dropping some lives in the Heartsing podcast community. But the way in on Sunday, we'll be out on the Namaslayer page. So make sure you're following that one, clicking to see all the alerts,

all that jazz. So you guys know what to do. I will also be sharing my call, weight loss, tracker and Excel I made. And I plan to make one for you guys too. So watch for that. That'll be coming in the emails and the blog. If you do not have an email in your inbox from Slayer at Namaslayer dot com and you are listening to this it's E and you think you've signed up for emails from me,

it's probably in your junk mail. So grab it, throw it in your primary, say, I'm safe, please. I promise you I'm safe. And I want you to know, I love it. When you email me back, I'm just saying, I really do very few people. Take me up on it, but I really, really do love to hear your dreams and your goals and how you've been inspired.

All of that stuff. It lights me up. It keeps me going. So don't be shy if you have not yet signed up for the list, get on there. I will be sharing everything. I come across the tips and tricks. I've learned along the way. And as I'm going up and down on this journey until June, I can't wait to see what lessons are in store for me.

We can't even imagine them. You guys, we just can't. It's impossible because I have the goal. I've set the intention. I see how it goes. I think I know how to do all the things and something will happen. The universe is going to bring me other things. I was thinking about this today. How in alignment I feel in how good I feel because I'm eating well.

I'm taking care of my body. I'm doing the things that I know serve me. And I feel like doors are opening everywhere. And when I don't feel like this, when I don't feel in alignment, body, mind, and soul, I don't see my bread crumbs. I don't see him like I do when I'm in alignment. Another one of my motivations is just easier.

Like business things come to me. I don't get hungry. I feel satiated. I feel satisfied. I can't explain it. I do. So I have to manage my mind a lot though. And we're going to talk about that in the work. Also, I've set up coaching for myself. So we talked about that last week. Coaching with my aunt again,

with Mary who's phenomenal and got my Renae abundance sessions to keep that going. Keep the overcoming my limiting beliefs about that because that restriction is tied to restriction in other areas too. And then of course, writing on the blog and really just writing to share from my soul in the email, in the blog, I have not yet picked days. Those will go out,

but make sure you sign up. I would love to share this journey with you. And hopefully you want to take along and share it with a friend. Those are all of the accountability, things that are set up in how you can be part of holding me accountable. I request you to hold me over a fire and poke me with a hot poker.

Whatever that saying is, I don't know. I think I said that email and I'm like, huh? So even the saying, I don't know. I beg of you when you see me go off the rails, just pull me back in and say, Hey, Slayer, what's going on? Where's the email. Okay. So let's talk now about getting back up again,

because I see all of us, like most of the people that came to the bar, everyone that came to the planning session in the sister. What I mean, most of the people, everyone I'm like connected with on an intimate level like this, that we've done all this work together. We're all, we all have another fire lit and all of us kind of in a different goal and in a different area.

And we have different habits and different levels of habits, but we're lit up and we're making progress. We're moving forward. We're stepping away from perfect. We're taking these small, tiny actions, one step at a time. And I want you to know it's not just me. This is why I asked the young Jedi to share her experience. So our only job now,

as my apprentice is to lose her weight this year. If it doesn't all happen this year, am I going to like, hold young Jedi over a hot fire and poker with the hot, well, maybe all I getting young Jedi. Totally kidding. But I'm going to private coach with her this year. And we haven't really done that. We've done some of the group coaching,

things like that. So we are going to take this to another level of commitment for both of us. And I'm going to have her start to share, because I have become this unicorn in an RV in some levels, right? Where you're like, oh, well, Slayer, you don't have the kids. And all of this stuff, young Jedi has all of that.

And then some, so she's got it going on and you can look and be inspired. There. It's these things who is not unique to us. And you guys will see it over and over again in many places. But here's the thing. It is not the quick pill. It is not the fast, easy way. And you are here because you already know that that shit doesn't work because we've all done.

All of it. We all have done every diet on the planet. All of these things. Now I will tell you, I thought that was true. And then I learned about the microbiome and that is going to make it to our conversation today because this is another big way of how I got on track back with fasting and the microbiome, like really learning and understanding my body.

But this was a learning process on my journey. I just came onto this since I was seeking food is fuel and it really helps. I am sitting here having fasted a couple of days, doing OMAD one meal a day, really just feeling so satiated and good within my body. But I'm also doing a ton of mind work with it. Baby stops one little step at a time you pick one habit,

one thing, and work at that at a time. That's all I've done for four years is add in one habit after another habit, after another habit started with the meditation, which is part of the work, right? Here's here we go. Let's break down the work. What I consider it, what it looks like for me and how I get re-ignited every quarter I sit down and I do a kick-ass vision and I dream and I plan and some quarters.

I do it more in depth than others. This quarter, when I did this two-day planning session. And I finally have the me first group where we are all on the same page, so that new people coming in through the course can understand the lingo that our existing people have. And it's taken me three years to get here to where I can finally say,

okay, I'm ready to do the final course product to bring people in to this group that has been so phenomenal. I was thinking about this because I'm looking at some masterminds and I thought, you know, this is what the sisterhood is. We are a mastermind of women seeking that. Something else, that personal power within that we all know is there.

We all know that something else or seeking it. And it's through our health, our common connection, but that it becomes so much more. I have a group that's doing nothing but working on creating their dynamic future selves, which have more to do with business and things like that. One creating a, a dog rescue and another she's bought a bus, oh,

you got to follow more Gaia. The big fat bus is that what it's called? Mar Gaia. She's over on Instagram and they're getting ready to take off. And she's got this beautiful Boyce voice and she's going to be a singer. And they're doing their antiques business is so exciting. And then black Onyx, who's building her future across the country and moving jobs at all of these phenomenal things that we're daring to dream beyond our current reality.

And then we have people in the group that have lost 30 pounds by showing up in just doing this process every day and looking back and saying, wow, that really wasn't so hard. And I am a different and yeah, maybe I could have gone and got an, a quick pill and lost 80 pounds, 50 pounds. I've done all of that before,

but this is life-changing stuff. And it starts with the habits, your identity based habit changes, who do you want to become? And to get to that, you guys, you need the vision. You need to know who do you want to be? You know, where you are now, you know, probably the things you don't want to be and that you don't want to let go of.

That was part of my drama last year, not wanting to let go of certain things of relationships, of the wine, winch, all of those things, right? And you probably already know these. So you define them. And this is what we did all weekend, who create dreamt and created. And we did five-year vision planning. And then I took that down to one year visioning 90 day visioning.

And then we made the plans and having a plan in place that I can follow in part of what we do here. That is key to my work each and every morning is planning ahead of time. What I call the mindset tools. And these are like six to seven things. You could have more things that I know I sit and I say, what could possibly get in my way of this goal?

And I asked that every morning when I do my work last quarter, I wasn't doing all my work. I was allowing those things to go to the side. As I spent time dallying with things that don't serve me and not feeling good in my body and knowing I needed to rip it off and rip the bandaid off and just move forward with my sacred self.

And that's how that shook down. Now, we're now we're sacred. Lightened, this be up Slayer Namaslayer in like full force. They still had that part of me that was like, not quite drawn the line in the sand with my health goal and all of this stuff. It was the fear, the fear of the unknown of who am I really at 1 62 when I don't do all these things that I currently do to still feed my brain.

Some cushy, happy feely thoughts. Are you with me so far? Oh my gosh. You're probably going to hear me say that all the time. Cause I'm doing Dr. Joe Dispenza's course, which is amazing. You're going to be hearing a lot of brain stuff over this next six months. I'm sure. And future selfing, all of this as the next level for my learning right now.

That's another thing I do daily. When I am fired up, I have some type of learning in my ear or reading each and every day. And it's usually early in my morning. It's part of what I do when I get up. So right now it kind of looks like this because it's cold. I wake up, I put the heater on really quickly.

I jump out of bed and push high because I like to sleep with it super cold. I'm biohacking my sleep and that's a big thing. Nice, cool, dark room, all of that. So I hop out of bed. I push the heater on and I listened to a Dr. Joe Dispenza video as I'm working through that course. And I want it to be something of a positive kind of spiritual or meditation type mindset,

because I'm going to meditate right after it. But I've found I'm not quite ready to meditate. Right? When I wake up and as a meditation teacher, we usually tell you to wake up for in meditate. First thing in the morning, this is my current habit stack. I am working. Your practice is your practice. This is what I tell everyone.

You're going to find what works for you. And don't feel like you have to stay in some parameters. You try them try what works for you, but don't feel like you have to stay in some parameters. If it isn't working for you, make your own parameters, find your own healthy and find your own radiance in it. You only do this by trying.

This was why I like to say we're a mastermind in the sisterhood. We have these power habits. We have these skills in these tools that we know serve us. And we all end up doing them in different ways at different times. And we know that's okay. There's no right or wrong way to get to self. After I listened to the video,

I do my primordial sound meditation. And by then, I'm just like, I'm feeling excited to get up and get out of bed. And the RV's warm and I can step out being productive and feeling energized for my day. And I wake up early enough to make sure this happens. I'll set my alarm for four 30, hop out, hit the heater so that I can be out in on the road.

When I want to be some days I'll walk up to the coffee shop in. I will do part of my am habit stack. There depends on what activity I've picked for the day. If I'm going to hike the mountain, I flip that around. I hike first. And then I go to the coffee shop or some days like today, I did this in the RV.

I did it right here in the adventure RV. I got up and I did my stack right here. And I'm adding yoga in later in my day. It's my full full day. So it looks a little bit different in this is going to happen to you too. If you can't be so rigid with it. Part of achieving goal is flexibility and knowing your priorities and what must get done for you to achieve your goal.

So what could get in your way of that goal? There are things I know I won't miss, no matter what meditation is, the first one that will get in my day somewhere somehow. Absolutely. And then the magic pages, the magic morning pages are right up there with it. And this there's so much mind work in there. If you are someone with thoughts spinning in your head constantly,

you feel like you can never be still, never quiet down. You can't see your thoughts. You maybe you have all these negative thoughts and you just have this negative outlook on life, or you don't understand or know your creativity. And you're looking for that. Something more doing this stream of conscious writing game-changer. And in fact, it's in the episode called game changers,

along with meditation. So check that out. But then the magic pages, the planning, and I'm going through this, I know you guys have heard a lot of this stuff before, but because I do want you to know the house and that it is all of these things, everything I'm telling you is become part of my spiritual routine. Even my planning and my visioning,

all of this helps me get to that space each and every day where my heart is singing. When I skip pieces, I might just not be as radiant. We have this feel good scale that goes from one to five. Five is you are often radiant. You are like Heartsing and shining burst and wide open. Most days I finished this full routine.

I get to heart bursting regardless of my circumstance, before it just never fails to amaze me. I can go from a one to a five, a three to a five. And I'm like, oh my gosh, this is just crazy. And it all comes down to the getting inside, not looking for solutions outside of ourselves, but looking inside of ourselves and growing right,

the growing and thinking what is possible. It takes you outside of yourself. And so as you spend that time, expanding your mind and looking at the possibilities that infinite possibilities and you dream and you think yes, and you get all excited and you also have your plan that takes you to daily action. We have this part in army first guide in the planner called mindset tools.

And this is where we come up with all the ways ahead of time. When we do that planning that I was telling you about, we brainstorm ahead of time. All the things that could get in the way of us are achieving our goal each morning. When I sit down and I write out my goal each day, I put my schedule on, I figure out my priorities.

I get my habit stack in order. And I look at my primary goal, my secondary goal, my believe new thought, I get all of that done. I, we call it page one. I get all of that laid out. And then I sit there and I think I reflect what could get in the way of my goal. What could stop me from achieving today's goal?

And often it'll be, I need to bomb something. I have too much on my plan. I'm not going to have time and space to meditate. If I don't create some, because I overbooked myself. And where am I going to put that so that I can set myself up for success. I'm going to give you an example of this because you can easily do this.

If you're making a plan of any sort or even just sitting. If you have a goal, hopefully make goals at the new year. If you didn't sit and write out some goals, step one, right? Get something you want to move toward, get your vision, start to dream and pick one thing you want to work on just one and let it be small and achievable.

Make it exciting, have a nice reward. And I don't mean a reward. Like you're going to go buy yourself something. I mean, a reward like, oh, after I do that thing, then I can check Facebook. Oh, I'm going to, I can watch that show. When I walk on the treadmill, right? Those are rewards.

Those quick dopamine hits. We use use those for our rewards. So you sit there in the morning. You say, what could possibly get in my way from achieving this goal and what I've been doing this week? Because I switched to doing yoga in the PM. I want to hit as many yoga classes as I can, am working to get my teacher certificate.

I think I'm going to do it. They have it here from February, till June in as I'm looking to get a little more grounded and probably coming back here to our root in Phoenix after this year, I figure I might as well go ahead and get some things set up. And before million, I have our big adventure this summer. Okay. Back to goals,

what could get in your way of achieving it? And so I was like, huh, wow. I know by the time 3, 4, 5 hits, I'm going to get tired. Which always happened at work too. Corporate Addie had to go meditate between three 30 and four is just like, I start putting it on my calendar. Once I found how amazing this was to lower my stress level,

to take my body back to that state of homeostasis. Once I practiced and learned how to do it, when I asked myself and I know this is critical for me, when I don't meditate in the afternoon, just take that time to take a break and be still, I get derailed in the evening. I end up in Ben and Jerry's and the Netflix,

like I know this about myself knowing this ahead of time and say, okay, what's monkey mind going to come up with today? Well, she's going to have all the reasons why, oh, you just deserve it. You've been working so hard. You've been doing so great. You're already down four pounds the week. What does it matter? We can just have one night,

we go and do this. And so I think about this in the morning because we all know our brains well enough. If you sit and think about it, you can anticipate that monkey what it's going to say. And it's those thoughts were on pruning from our brain. So we can like land the new thoughts in their sand. I set myself up for success.

I make reminders. I put time in my calendar to be, I must meditate. It's a non-negotiable today. What are my non-negotiables it's non-negotiable I'm going to break and meditate. Even if I screw everything else up, it's non negotiable. I'm just going to do it. Even if that thing doesn't get done, like, what are your priorities? Where are you and your priorities.

This is the thing that most of us have to learn how to put ourselves first. And once you start doing that and you see the benefit of in your family, your front, everyone sees the benefit of it. They're like, who are you? This is wonderful. Go put yourself first, some more, have a few more hours. And if they're not saying that in your shining and radiating,

do they need to be in your world? Really something to think about. So asking yourself that, and that's just one example, but I have a million things I come up with sometimes as procrastination like today, focus, just sit down, set a timer, get it done, get it done and move. Because if not, I can spin into overwhelm.

And this is the part of taking that big vision and breaking it down. We go from five-year to one-year to 90 days to week monthly, weekly, daily. And so planning has been so key for me on this journey. You guys, and I would say I started doing the quarterly plans. I was probably about 30 pounds in, and I did my first quarterly plan and I did all of this.

And now our process is a little bit more because it's grown with us, but you'll learn when you get in the sisterhood it's baby steps in it's meant to grow with you. So you're not meant to show up day one and fill out the entire thing. You're meant to grow at your pace and fill out what works for you and make it work for you.

Make the plan, work for you, whatever planner you're using, you don't have to stay in someone else's lines. And you sure as hell, don't have to stay in mind, make some more boxes. If you want, use them for whatever you want, more power to you. After these mindset, I get my mindset, right? And I get my plan organized.

So I'm like, I've got everything in place. Maybe I need a friend to check in on me. Maybe I need to stop and breathe and set a timer on my alarm. What does it look like? So I can be successful today. And how can I give myself rewards? I've been in this criminal minds bench. I had never watched it.

Thank goodness I'm almost done. But so what I started doing, so I wouldn't get into episode after episode because I can also watch while I'm creating I'm now, okay. You can laser focus. And then when you make your beautiful, wonderful salad that is going to fuel your body, you can watch an episode and then you need to mindfully eat your food,

not watch the episode, and then you can finish it. And it has been amazing because you know what happens is I don't just sit there and finish the food because I'm watching the show. I put the rest back in a package or I throw it out depending on however much is left, not on my body. So then I can go finish my show.

It's like a win, win, win, win, win all over the place, all of these little tricks, whatever your tricks look like, use them. And they'll arrive from doing things like the two bites challenge. You guys know the two bites challenge. This is the old school one where you leave two bites on your plate. Try that if you come from the clean plate club,

just challenge yourself for a day to do that. How many calories would you save in a week if you did that, but more importantly, how would you change who you are? Screw the calories. This is about changing who you are at this point. Okay. I want to wrap this up, but that reminded me. I wanted to talk about food a little bit with you too,

because I do get asked a lot about what I eat you guys. Pretty much since the beginning, I've been intermittent fasting. And I think before that really, I, I didn't really ever hae a ton of breakfast. Like I wouldn't be one to get up and make breakfast. I might grab it on the go or eat at my desk at 10 or one of those other bad habits.

Right. And breakfast here and there, it wasn't really a thought, but I started doing the, what we call the Bulletproof coffee pretty much close to the beginning where I use the MCT oil. And I started with a really an unsweetened coconut milk, which I do believe breaks your fast, or you can't have very much of it. So I don't even think of was really intermittent fasting.

Then back when I first started the journey, I was kind of dabbling. I didn't really know what I was doing. I didn't know any of this stuff. I had eaten pretty paleo since 2011, since I'd read the wheat belly, I was going to CrossFit. I had this really like healthy spurt of time. And then I got in this high pressure job and it just kind of all went.

I didn't have these skills and these habits built. So it just fell away. When my environment changed, I did not build habits that moved with me back then, but I would, for the most part, not eat gluten night shades were gone, things like that. I had made a lot of dietary changes for my body. And once I had understood gluten well,

so that brings us, I was losing weight. I was sharing alive all the foods and you can still see them on the Facebook Namaslayer page. You can see food, prep, videos, all of that stuff. If you like that, you can go back and see how I was eating. And it was always pretty healthy. And that wasn't a big shake from where,

how I would normally eat where my problem would come in was takeout was after the wine one should come in and I'd be like, I could eat all the things, all the things. And let me tell you, you can still be overweight and eat healthy things. It is possible learning to understand your body and your hormones and your hunger. This was the biggest revelation on my food is huge fuel journey,

understanding my hormones. And when I saw myself in Q4 eating these things, drinking these things that may my body get out of alignment again. And I knew my hormones, that the hunger, as soon as I kicked the sugar, Sally to the curb and the gluten that I would be back to feeling in control of my body. Again, 10, not even in control,

just like food is fuel. Not care, not be obsessed with it. Such a game changer. You guys, if you haven't looked into understanding intermittent fasting to understanding your microbiome. I have several podcasts on here that I talk about that as for what I specifically eat now, totally different than the beginning of my journey. I now follow my Viome test,

which is the gut health intelligence test that you send in. You send in your poo and they send you what is going on with the microbiome in your body, all these trillions of viruses and cells and bacteria that comprise most of our body. It's more like they're hosting us. We're not hosting them. And yet we've killed them off with things about our environment and antibiotics and things like this is so key to your gut health.

And it affects all types of things. So with this list, I get a list of superfoods. I get a list of voids and you get a list of enjoys and minimize. I really focus on my super foods and avoids. And when I go to the grocery store and I want something, I take my little app with me and I type the food in.

And I see if it's in there, kind of reminds me of being a weight watcher. And I look up the food and see the points, except now I'm seeing, Hey, is this going to build the good little factories in my body? This is going to change how we look at health, how we eat. And it brings me to think of this yogic Sage that had talked about the personal layers of the body.

And he called our personal body on a Maya kosha, which means layers of food. And even back then knowing that what you fuel your body with creates your body. And this is why I'm like finally lit up and just know it's so much harder when the flour and sugar is in my body. So don't kid yourself get clean for 30 days, challenge yourself,

do a no flour, no sugar, go check out a Dr. Fung video or read fast this way with whatever, find something you want to listen to that is going to help educate you on why this can be such a game changer, because yes, it is all of this mindset work and all the things I talked about in the planner. And there's even more with that,

but I'm not going to get into too much more detail on, on that, bringing myself or, oh, I do reflect and say, Hey, how can I get Heartsing today? And I really sit there and think about what is going to bring me to radiant. Sometimes it's putting my feet in the earth today. It was doing this podcast with my heart and alignment.

And normally though it's something that serves me outside of, of what I do, but I love doing this. I love just speaking to you guys. So here we are. And then we ask what we're grateful for. And there's a big place for self reflection. And then I am statement and I am yielding to excellence, surrender my word of the year surrender.

So each day I'm moving through this and then I work my new thought as well. I work my brain path to believing new thoughts. Okay. Back to food. I know that was a little squirrel there, a squirrel. So what I have done this week, food wise is I've been doing one meal a day and believe I told you that at the beginning,

and what I've done is I take that time. I washed my criminal minds and I make this big, beautiful salad and Lexi, and I call them trashcan salads, Mini Slayer, my oldest daughter, we will just take literally anything that's in their fridge and put it in the sellable. And it is always so good. I mean, fruits, vegetables,

all of it just goes in the bowl. And the more colors you can get in there, that's an Ayurvedic technique to get all your tastes and all of that. And the more colors you can get in the bowl, the more of those you're going to hit. And the more satiated you're going to feel, and I'm telling you it never fails. And I just feel so good and nourished.

And then I've been doing bone broth is one of my super foods, which is a protein, right? So I, I, I just can't drink broth. I'm not that person. I picked this up from my aunt while we were in beaver Creek over the summer. And she was making her rice in the bone broth. And I thought, oh,

I could do that. So I've started doing that, just boiling the bone broth and cooking the rice in it. So I get that bone broth in and throwing some ghee in there, which is also one of my power foods and other protein. I eat that. And then sometimes I'll have an audible during the day too. I really don't do much different than this.

Now you might ask what's in your salad. Your salad is going to be different than mine because your microbiome would be different. But literally I throw anything that's in there fresh. You can look on all the social channels, Instagram or my Facebook, I have found Instagram is Addie Beale underscore Namaslayer you guys, but you can look on there and you can scroll through and see pictures of salads.

And I'll usually put in, there is what I've put in am, or someone will ask or ask me, and I'll let you know if it looks really good to you, but I'll throw like grapes in. I try to get as many of the colors as possible, right? Blueberries. I put Asian pears. The other day was so good. Oh,

I love throwing in Hikma artichokes. What else have I been putting in fennel ball? That's one of my power foods and something I'm kind of new to. And it's been really good. Also eating only butter, lettuce, or romaine lettuce, staying away from greens that are harder on our body that are too rough. Like the kales and the spinach that we used to all think are so good for us.

And now we're learning maybe otherwise. So, okay. That's probably enough of my rambling on about food. Let's wrap it up. Okay. So what did I do to get back up again? Other than I just know I'm always getting up. I am never, ever stopping. Where's your commitment level? How do you know? You'll get back up over and over because you will fail whatever goal you're going to go for.

You're going to fail along the way, because you're not yet that person. So what's your commitment level. Are you willing to get back up over and over again for yourself for putting yourself first? Where are you in that lineup? Do you feel it? Do you know, you're ready to put yourself first. Can you see how you can do it?

Where you can start with one little baby step today? So here's what you do. You work on that five-year vision and you work on your vision every day. Why in your best wildest case scenario, what it looked like, how crazy would it be? I, and then you take that down. Okay. What would it look like this year? What would I need to do this year?

What are all the little things? Then you bring it down to a 90 day scope and then your monthly scope and then your weekly scope and then your daily scope. And then you stay present in your moment and you start a one little habit, all this changing, who I was, did not happen overnight. And I can't wait to show you these next six months,

how much I'm going to change between now and then and everything we're going to go through together. All right. Which is ambitious. So make sure that you get on the email list at Namaslayer dot com. If you're not on there yet, so you can stay updated and information on the blog to be out soon. All of this stuff you're going to help keep me accountable for,

I'll see you Sunday morning on the live, where we get naked together in body, mind and soul, as I weigh in and share the progress for the week and what else I'm working on. And perhaps my upcoming week ahead, our right until next week flare out,