This is the Voice of the Prophet

what are you willing to give up part 3

May 06, 2024 Beatrice
what are you willing to give up part 3
This is the Voice of the Prophet
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This is the Voice of the Prophet
what are you willing to give up part 3
May 06, 2024


After the death of Jerub-Baal, his son by his concubine raised up the people against his half brothers, Gideon’s legitimate sons and had them all killed with the exception of one who was able to escape. That one son, Abimelek called out to the people speaking to them the story of the trees wanting a king. However, according to the story, each tree that was approached, the olive, the fig and the vine each knew their purpose and would not give it up just for the benefit of reigning over others. Basically, the trees knew their places and purpose and stayed in them. Abimelek used this proverb, the story of the trees, to reveal to the people the wrong that was done by this illegitimate brother. He wanted a place and position that he had never been ordained for or called to. And so it is with many in the body of Christ wanting to walk in positions, places and stand in spotlights they’ve never been ordained or called to. We are not illegitmate children so therefore we should be willing to stay in the places that God has called and ordained us for.  To hear more of this weeks message click on the link or go to your favorite podcast app and search for the title, "This Is the Voice of the Prophet. Then look for the episode entitled "What Are You Willing To Give Up Part 3.

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After the death of Jerub-Baal, his son by his concubine raised up the people against his half brothers, Gideon’s legitimate sons and had them all killed with the exception of one who was able to escape. That one son, Abimelek called out to the people speaking to them the story of the trees wanting a king. However, according to the story, each tree that was approached, the olive, the fig and the vine each knew their purpose and would not give it up just for the benefit of reigning over others. Basically, the trees knew their places and purpose and stayed in them. Abimelek used this proverb, the story of the trees, to reveal to the people the wrong that was done by this illegitimate brother. He wanted a place and position that he had never been ordained for or called to. And so it is with many in the body of Christ wanting to walk in positions, places and stand in spotlights they’ve never been ordained or called to. We are not illegitmate children so therefore we should be willing to stay in the places that God has called and ordained us for.  To hear more of this weeks message click on the link or go to your favorite podcast app and search for the title, "This Is the Voice of the Prophet. Then look for the episode entitled "What Are You Willing To Give Up Part 3.

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