This is the Voice of the Prophet


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We all know about the knife thrower in the circus or sideshow. There’s the beautiful woman, blindfolded, standing and strapped to a spinning wheel while the confident, all knowing man, who's also blindfolded, throws those long, sharp, penetrating knives at her. Every time after each performance she walks away unharmed. Although both participants are applauded, it’s the knife thrower who is seen as the hero and star of the show. Everyone stands in awe of his prowess, timing and skills. The woman, on the other hand, realizes that in order for the man to have success she has to have complete trust in his skills as a knife thrower and of course she has to remain perfectly still and in place as he has positioned her.
Let me be honest with each of you, as great as the skills of a knife thrower might be, no matter how many years he’s been practicing this feat, there is no way I’d say yes to taking the place of the woman on the wheel. But what if someone offered me a tax free $10,000,000 dollars? There is no amount of money that someone could offer me to stand there while he’s blindfolded and allow him to throw knives my way. My choice would still be a sound, definite, undeniable no. It would be my option. Would I miss the opportunity of a lifetime? Quite possibly. Would the time come that I would regret it? Most probably. But with it being my option and even with the knowledge of what I might miss I would still say no. And so it is with the choice that our heavenly Father gives us. We have the option to say no when given the choice of whether or not we’re willing to trust Him implicitly with
our eyes closed, not His. Blind trust is what we need when it comes to saying yes to God. It needs to be a matter of knowing that in spite of what we can or cannot see, we must believe that without a doubt He can’t miss when it comes to doing what’s best for us. To hear more of what our Father is speaking in this episode click on the link or go to your favorite podcast app and search for This Is the Voice of the Prophet. The look for the episode entitled, "Hard or Easy, It's Your Choice! Part 3"

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