Film Fights
Film Fights is a comedy movie review podcast in which two films go head to head in a battle of genre, style, and wit. It's up to hosts Jono and Konrad to wade through each movie's shortcomings and/or glory through mucking about and radical tangents to declare a new champion for each battle. And like most competitor sports, there is drinking, yelling, and sometimes blood.
Film Fights
Singlie #13: Evil Dead Rise
It was inevitable that Evil Dead Rise would pop up in your Film Fights feed after that Deadites Franchise Frenzy. These are the times, Lovely Spectators! When opinions are white hot, and Intellectual Properties are played safe. Your resident film fighters are not sure about the critical climate lately, but if Evil Dead has taught us anything, it's to go AGAINST the grain! With extreme prejudice! Also, it's the debut of Film Rights™.