11 Powerful Brand Storytelling Secrets: Build Deeper Connection with Consumers, Spread Your Idea Further & Faster (…this will BLOW YOUR MIND)

Dan Pope

In 1994, Steve Jobs said - “The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller.”

“The storyteller sets the vision, values, and agenda of an entire generation that is to come”

This episode will make YOU a better storyteller to your team.

Your brand a better storyteller to your consumers

The learnings in this are TOTALLY different from every episode I’ve ever recorded.

Will isn’t a food and drink founder.

But, Will’s lessons are CRUCIAL for food and drink founders.

He’s one of my favourite authors

  • The Status Game
  • The Science of Storytelling
  • Selfie: How We Became So Self Obsessed and What it’s doing to us
  • The Heretics: Adventures with the Enemies of Science
  • The Hunger and Howling of Killian Lone

Storytelling = crucial for brand building = simple stories build deep connection + spread the story further with less effort

The Status Game = crucial for brand building = raising consumers status as they buy your brand = story spreads

Selfie = crucial for brand building = helping your your consumers be “the hero” of your brand “story” = super power.

  ♨️Still bloody HUNGRY? Course ya are. Each week I spend 15 hours writing my newsletter. It’ll take you 5 mins to read. Full of wisdom from the biggest names in food and drink. Subscribe here 🍲  


  1. Why There are Multiple Status Games and We Are Never Playing One Status Game
  2. Why a Story is a Deal - a UNIQUE deal between your brand and your consumer - so tell the story right
  3. The Science of Brand Storytelling Nike and The Rise of Metcons in Cross Fit
  4. Why Status is Making Us Live in a Blandemic - Blandemic of Buildings, Restuarants and Brands - how to escape
  5. Why Bad Brand Story Telling is vague, “Reflect the story world back at me, so I can find my identity in it”
  6. Why Falling in Love is Similar to Brand storytelling: Your Goal is to Reflect back to them what they want to know”
  7. The brand is a light figure in storytelling: How does your story make consumers Status + Connection
  8. Why Ambition can become corruptive and how to solve it
  9. Why the best organisational structures are focused on the “Me” and “We” (this is SO SO SO good)
  10. We Earn Status Through Virtue
  11. The Status Game and Michelin Star Restuarants: The Downfall of Status


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