Pop Uncultured

Black Noir Murder Mystery Part 2: Sims 4 is for girls, and the return of Amy Smith!

Episode 61

This week on Pop Uncultured, more frustration, anger, and failure!  We pick up where we left off on last week's caper, the virtual escape room mystery known as Black Noir.  But this time...we have a secret weapon.  If you've listened to this show regularly, you can probably guess what it is (it's not the n word).  Once we engage our "secret weapon", this mystery falls before us like wheat before the scythe.  We solve it and set the world record, probably.  It's gay porn by the way, the secret weapon.

After the bad idea to do a virtual mystery, I have a new bad idea to read an article about the Sims 4.  In case you didn't know, the Sims 4 has a unique and diverse playerbase that is equal parts unique and diverse.  This unique diversity was worth writing an article about.  I read it doggedly and drunkenly, ne'er to be dismayed by naysayers.  You're welcome for keeping you up to date with the latest in "gamer news", hot off the presses.  I'm like G4 over here.

And what would any Pop Uncultured be if we didn't revisit one of the old classics?  That's right, people, you get you yo ear buds, you get you yo phone, you get you a chair, and you set down and listen up cuz ya'll know it's Amy Smith back in the (lots of) flesh.  This time, she teaches us to make a dang sandwich, after admitting to botching the recipe for the sandwich in a previous video.  Only a talent as massive as Amy Smith could jam pack 1 minute of video with such quality.  And only a mouth as massive as Amy Smith could jam pack 1 pound of bacon with such ease.  She's a darling lady and if anybody out there can tell me her a/s/l, I'll give you an Ethereum.

Sims 4 article: https://gamerant.com/sims-4-players-majority-young-women/

Presley's Peanut Butter and Bacon Sandwich by Amy Smith: https://youtu.be/V4Ej17EKzv0

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