Pop Uncultured

The Load Queen: Only 90's kids will get this episode

Episode 62

In this week's episode of Pop Uncultured, Mike's sorry for saying the n word!  He should be damn ashamed of himself if you ask me.  How you gon' just say that?  That's a bad word, and bad words can get you detention.  He's still got a bone to pick with the Asians though, and we can all agree that Canadians aren't worth the spurt of jizz that quickened their mother's stupid Canadian wombs, but on this episode one of my ancient, long forgotten hatreds is awakened.  It has been dormant for nigh on a decade, but I now realize it's always been there, festering, a black blight upon my soul.  I am of course speaking of *humanity's dumpster fire: Furries.  If ever we've been accused of punching down on this podcast, I'd argue that it hasn't happened in earnest until this episode, because there is truly nothing lower than a furry.  Yiff in hell, furfags.

Of course we only stumble onto the insipid realm of yiffing due to an "Only 90's Kids" quiz.  One of the questions was about a Furby, and when we looked up Furby porn well you can probably guess the rest.  It was a real 90's kid moment.  Also the quiz reminds me in a roundabout way of the scene in Michael Keaton Batman where Jack Nicholson vandalizes art to the song "Partyman" by Prince.  It's the best song ever made and if you disagree, you're incorrect.  Part 2 of this podcast comes out next week, where JY, Candy, and I try to convince Mike and Draque that Sade is awesome, something I'd never thought I'd have to do.  I don't fucking even know what music Draque likes.  He doesn't like Prince, he doesn't like Sade, he must just be listening to goddamn Mary Had a Little Lamb on repeat or some shit.

*technically not humans.  Humanity doesn't want them, and they don't want us.  **Suits me fine.

**as in "meets the desires of", not a suit of $35,000 chucky cheese costume material.  Not that I couldn't get one if I wanted to.  I'm fucking rich.

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