Pop Uncultured

...and No One Thanked the Paramedics: Gabriel Storm TikTok, Sade, and the greatest musician who ever lived, Prince

Episode 63

This week on Pop Uncultured, a direct continuation of last week's music opinion war.  Only 90's kids remember last week's episode, so if you weren't born during that decade I'll give you a brief recap.  We watched furry porn, half finished a 90's kid quiz on Buzzfeed, and listened to the greatest song ever written, "Partyman" by Prince.  On this episode, "we" complete the rest of the 90's kid quiz, and by "we" I mean "Candy".  She's the only real 90's kid on the podcast, it turns out.  The last question prompts us over to the silken-voiced, dusky-complected vixen known as Sade, continuing our music opinion war.  This one gets bloody, and the blood doesn't stop flowing with Sade's menopause (that's an old lady thing where they don't get periods no more), because guess what idiots, more Prince.

As I'm typing this I'm realizing how boring this sounds.  What is this shit, a music review podcast?  Get real.  But honestly this is one of the funniest episodes ever, and it might be the hardest I've laughed during a recording.  Towards the end we skewer the Tik Tok of this pure, innocent little angel boy named Gabriel Storm, and expose him for being a sinner most vile, and an apostate to boot.  The guy doesn't like inappropriate jokes, nor does he care for naughty humor.  If you're reading this, Gabriel, I'm not sorry for my gay thoughts about you.  I almost drowned in your eyes you sweet little bitch. 

Here's his Tik Tok, the guy's a real cut-up.


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