Pop Uncultured

Latin+ | One Night in Chyna, Dad Dicks, and actual Daniel Day Lewis fanboying

Episode 67

This week on Pop Uncultured, Mike's got a story.  Wanna know the scoop?  Click the button that makes our voices happen and that scoop'll be all yours.  Before that, though, 9 fake wrestlers (I mean fake fake wrestlers) scoop out Chyna's chonch.  Beloved dead wrestler turned porn star takes to the squared circle for one final ride, and it's my sincerest hope that you find it as disappointing as I did.  RIP to the 9th wonder of the world, heaven needed a monster clit.

Several porn discussions and sessions of sexual assault theory crafting later, we get to the scoop.  Without spoiling the fun, let's just say Mike's dad sent him a very candid photograph.  His penis.  Shit, I spoiled it!  Oh drat!  The backspace button is too far away, I guess I just have to keep typing.  Have you seen your dad's dick?  Leave a comment below and tell me about it, and make sure to subscribe for all the best dad dick content.  We're content creators.  Click the bell for notifications and be sure to smash that like button.  Have any questions?  Call toll free and get your chance to mix it up live on air with the PUP boys at 1 800 I SAW MY DADS DICK NOT IN A GAY WAY HE WOULDNT DO THAT TO ME HES GOING THROUGH A HARD TIME LIKE HE ALWAYS SAYS WE DONT KNOW HOW GOOD WE GOT IT WE ARE LUCKY HE EVEN STICKS AROUND TO PUT UP WITH MY MOTHERS BULLSHIT IF THE PRICE OF A STABLE TWO PARENT HOUSEHOLD IS THAT I HAVE TO FREQUENTLY SEE MY DADS DICK THEN I WILL PAY IT WILLINGLY AND IF THAT MEANS I HAVE TO CRY MYSELF TO SLEEP EVERY NIGHT AT LEAST I GET TO DO IT WITH A ROOF OVER MY HEAD.

Then we talk about Daniel Day Lewis' body of work in a rare moment of semi-sincerity on the podcast.  I left it in because it leads to some funny stuff about first class wieners, shoplifting candy bars, and my new identity as a spicy, hot-blooded Latin+ man.  Next week continues the expedition with a funny bit, perhaps even several funny bits.  All this and more on the podcast you never heard about and likely never will, unless you're in Ukraine and survive the constant Russian artillery strikes.  We're huge in Ukraine, so I stand with them, even if a startling amount of them are nazis.

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