Pop Uncultured

POSSY FROM THE EAST | Joe Aufricht Satanism News Report, Mike's Uncle Story, and Trying Asian Ladies

Episode 73

This week on Pop Uncultured, Satanism!  Rolling right off last week's episode, we get into a Muslim TikTok about a guy who's indoctrinated his sweet little daughter into being homophobic already.  She doesn't want to watch the most popular cartoon of the year because some gay shit happens in it, and that displeases Allah.  What can I say, this little girl is pretty rad.  After that, we watch a pretty cool ad that recommends we all try Asian ladies.  I hadn't considered it up until now, but Asian lady marketing departments have me pretty well sold on the whole thing.  This leads into the real Cracker Jack surprise, Mike's retarded idiot cuckhold uncle.  I won't spoil anything, but you're not gonna want to miss this story dickheads.

After a bit of discussion about how I can trick my friends into providing me gay oral sex, as well as JY's addiction to banging every fat nasty cow he happens upon in a bar, we get into the real meat and potatoes of this episode: Joe Aufricht.  I remembered how I found this dude.  Many moons past I edited up a few video reels of our time with PlasmaMasterDon, and one of the commenters actually suggested this goofball due to our penchant for mental illness comedy.  Thank you, nameless commenter, you're doing the Lord's work.  Our dear friend Joe uploaded a VHS recording of the time he was on local news 25 years ago, and it's a real hoot.  We, as a podcast, have reached new lows this day.  We've gone full looney tunes.  It's like Nietzche said, when you gaze too long into the retard, the retard gazes back into you.  I'm paraphrasing.

Muslim Lightyear video: https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/w0jsi8/new_islamist_video_with_holier_than_thou_attitude/
Try Asian Ladies: https://www.reddit.com/r/CringePurgatory/comments/vrhse8/this_got_fuckin_weird/
Joe Aufricht Satanism: https://youtu.be/DmYoimH40No

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