The History of Current Events

Russo-Ukrainian War

February 28, 2022 Hayden Season 3 Episode 2

On February 24th Russia invaded Ukraine, sparking off the largest war Europe has seen since World War II. This invasion has sparked massive protests all over the world, and has seen the tanking of the Russian economy. This episode explains what has been going on for the first 5 days of this war.

Topics Covered
The Ghost of Kiev and other heroes
Volodymyr Zelensky
The Battles of Kyiv and Karhkiv
Russian Nuclear Threats

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Russo-Ukrainian War


February 23rd is a Russian holiday. Known as defenders of the fatherland day. It is a day meant to Celebrates the armed forces and commemorates the founding of the Red Army. Ukraine used to celebrate the same day, being a key part of the Soviet Union. The holiday was abolished after the Maiden Revolution in 2014. Where Ukraine made it clear they would be looking to the West not Russia for its future.

 On February 23rd Russia started its long waited invasion of Ukraine. To the shock of the world.

 Bias is impossible to not have, and before the invasion, I was preparing this episode, I wanted to do a more Russian friendly episode, explaining the history of why Russia has legitimate claims in the Ukraine and Putin’s concerns about a free and non Russian aligned Ukraine. Since the invasion the narrative has turned overwhelmingly pro-Ukrainian (unless of course you live in the Russian block). I admit my biases up front and will try to give a fair episode.


On February 24th Putin gave a speech where he said         -INSERT IF YOU TRY TO STOP US-


The invasion has been going on 5 days, Western media has stated that the invasion is beginning to stall, 

A Video showing a Ukrainian civilian passing by a Russian tank column either broken down or out of gas. Joking lightly with the Russian soldiers that he will give them a tow back to Russia if they need.

-        INSERT Ukrainian approaches tanks



Ukrainian airspace is still free and not a single major city has been taken. Russian media is giving praise to its troops for doing a well job in liberating the Russian speaking civilians of the Donbass and Luhansk. The Ukrainian region with a majority Russian speaking populace has been embroiled in a conflict between Russian backed separatists and the Ukrainian state since the Maidan Revolution and annexation of Crimea in 2014.

Since it has only been 5 days its still to early to understand which side is right. To give a comparison, the Ill fated Nazi and Soviet invasion of Poland had also not taken any major cities by day 5. And that is considered a massive victory from the German/Russian perspective.

So much of this conflict has mirrored the Nazi invasion of Poland, including the invasion points. Ukraine has been invaded from 3 sides. The north, (from Russian ally/Puppet Belarus who although supporting Putin has not committed troops) the Russian majority speaking East bordering Russia and the Donbass, Luhansk war zone, and of course the Russian Annexed Crimea and black sea in the south.

Both Russian president Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, have called each other Nazis and drawn many comparisons to the 2nd world war.

The Nazi rhetoric is logical from both sides, Putin has said for years that the Zelensky government and west are racist Nazis who are not just harming but geocoding Russian speaking peoples, caught outside of the state of Russia after the collapse of the USSR. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is stated as being to free the Russian speaking peoples of Ukraine. 

Ukraine sees itself in a similar position as its invasion, in 1941…


We have only to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down

Adolf Hitler, on the proposed invasion of the Soviet Union.

Putin himself might be an admirer of Hitler, because this is exactly what he believed would happen with Ukraine.

thinking the Ukrainian people would not support their government and a majority would welcome Russian intervention. He was very wrong about this. Since 2014 and the annexation of Crimea the spirit of Ukrainian nationalism and statehood has changed. 

I having lived in Ukraine as recently as last year, can tell you that Ukrainian identity and separation from Russia has become a major sticking point for those people. It was a bit of a taboo to speak Russian or show any admiration for the USSR days.


Ukrainians have taken to the streets and rallied around their president, Volodymyr Zelensky. 

Before his time as president of Ukraine Zelensky was a comedian, who played in a Ukrainian political satire, the story ironically was 

a high-school history teacher in his thirties is unexpectedly elected President of Ukraine after a viral video filmed by one of his students shows him making a profane rant against government corruption in his country.[1][2][3]

President Zelensky was not particularly popular in his early days, his approval rating was sitting on 27% in 2021, While I was there I didn’t speak with anyone who supported him. This idea about the Ukrainian president has changed thanks to his bravery in the last 5 days.

President Zelensky was offered an evacuation from Ukraine from the US to a safer area in the EU. When offered this, he reportedly replied, “I don’t need a ride, I need ammunition”


Zelensky, with his cabinet ministers has been defiantly posting videos all around Kiev’s famous landmark showing he is still in the city and will not run away. He is supporting his country with cheers of слава Україні 

slava Ukrayini

Glory to Ukraine.


Even Zelensky’s predecessor Petro Poreshenko, a Ukrainian Oligarch has been inspiring the people, he has posted videos showing that he has not left Kiev and he is fighting with the common people. 

In addition, over 100 Members of parliament have joined the fight

The Dynamo football club of Kiev, many of whom are millionaires have shared pictures of themselves armed with rifles and ready to fight. Putin expected little resistance, but he is being met with fierce patriotism. Something he has invented with his annexation of Crimea and support of rebels in the Donbass region.

 During the early hours of the invasion stories about the bravery of The soldiers of Ukraine have been leaked all over the internet, 

The Ghost of Kiev, an ace fighter pilot allegedly shot down 6 Russian jets while defending Kyven airspace. Russia’s invasion plans were to Blitzkrieg Ukraine, and dominate Ukrainian airspace, as of now they have been unable to do so.

The 13 soldiers of Zmiinyi Island (snake Island) A strategically important Island nearby the Russian controlled Crimea. 

A Russian warship approached the small Barren Island Radioing -

, “I am a Russian Military Ship, Repeat, I am a Russian Military ship, I propose you lay down your arms immediately to avoid bloodshed and unjustified deaths, otherwise you will be bombed. I am repeating I am a Russian military warship I propose you lay down your arms or you will be hit, Acknowledge.

“Русский военный корабль иди на хуй”

Russian Warship, Go Fuck Yourself”

The soldiers of Snake Island were then killed in a bombardment of the Island.

The slogan “Русский военный корабль иди на хуй”  has become a rallying cry for the Ukrainian people and can be seen posted on shirts and billboards.


## Play Audio


Ukranian soldier, Vitaliy Skakun Volodymyrovych, volunteered to place mines on a bridge located off Crimea in order to stall a row of tanks advancing. He placed the mines but didn’t have time to get away. He Heroically blew himself up with the bridge in order to prevent the tanks from advancing.

His move had allowed Ukrainian military units to regroup and redeploy its defenses.


These stories of Heroism have been rallying the people of Ukraine. Also, videos of Russian war atrocities have had the same effect. A video leaked online of a Russian tank deliberate and maliciously running over a civilian car driving on the opposite side of the rode has shocked people. The driver of that car miraculously survived.


Russia’s side.

The Russian stock market and RUBLE

The Russian stock market crashed after the invasion this was to be expected as the US And west have regularly used sanctions as a way of deterring Russian Aggression in the past. Putin has been preparing for this by taking Russian currency reserves and placing them on foreign currency. The Ruble is not dependent upon dollars or Euros like many countries are but a diverse mix of Euros, Dollars, Chinese Yuan, British pounds as well as other currencies.

 The Central Bank of Russia suspended equity trading at the Moscow exchange on Monday, due to heightened volatility brought by harsher western sanctions on Russia as retaliatory measures on the Russian invasion in Ukraine. The development came after the Central Bank of Russia raised its key policy rate to 20% from 9.5% on Monday in an emergency move to counter the risk of further depreciation in the currency. The Russian ruble tanked as much as 40% in offshore markets after Western nations announced new sanctions against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine. The US, EU and their allies agreed on Saturday to remove key Russian banks from the SWIFT interbank messaging system and freeze the assets of Russia’s central bank, limiting the country’s ability to access its overseas reserves.


Russian media is largely ignoring the invasion of Ukraine, however when covered the state media of Russia largely blames Ukraine as American Imperialist puppets and Nazis… There is some validity to these Nazi claims as Ukraine is the only country in the world to support the Azov battalion, a far right, Nazi militia that formed and received US backing during the annexation of Crimea. It should be noted that in times of desperation, such as the largest country in the world, invading you… you probably wont be picky and choosy with your friends

Putin gave a speech claiming he was protecting Russian speaking Ukranians from the genocidal Nazi-Ukrainian regime in Kiev.

Russia has alleged Ukraine started this war by attacking them from the Ukrainian border.


Main Putin opponent, Alexei Navalny. Whose arrest last year sparked a series of massive anti-democratic protests in Russia. Tweeted from behind bars that the invasion is a demonstration meant to take Russia’s eyes off of the faltering economy and growing corruption



Many are saying Putin is losing his grip on reality, 

Putin upped the alert on deterrence forces, which includes the nuclear arsenal (Russia is the worlds largest Nuclear weapons holder)

he has declared this conflict a result of American and NATO aggression on Russia. 

he as of 2 days ago has threatened “military and political consequences” to Finland and Sweden if they try joining NATO


Putin threatened in the early hours of the invasion “ If you try to stop us, "you'll face consequences that you have never faced in your history"


Another Video of Putin has leaked on the internet Where he Humiliated His spy Chief Sergey Naryshkin. Naryshkin suggested giving Ukraine and the west one last chance at accepting an ultimatum of Russia’s demands. Naryshkin, like something out of a movie on Josef Stalin, begins stuttering and, well shitting his pants. Putin says to the stuttering man, SPEAK SPEAK SPEAK Plainly, interrupting him again, I would support, or I am supporting? Speak Plainly Sergei. Say it like this, YES OR NO. 

Sergei answers, I support the proposal about the entry of the Donetsk and Luhansk people’s Republics into the Russian federation.

Putin laughs while not making Eye Contact, “we are not talking about that” we are talking about recognizing their independence.

Sergei says “yes I support recognizing their independence” changing his original talking point into one of agreement with Putin” 
 Putin says, Very well, take your seat.



Putin Sergei video berating him




As of now Ukraine’s 2 largest cities, Karkhiv near the Russian border and Kiev located near the Belarusian border are under Siege. 

The Ukrainian government has banned all men aged 18-60 from leaving the country. Zelensky imposed martial law requesting all men who are willing to fight, both in Ukraine and abroad do so


“We will give weapons to anyone who wants to defend the country. Be ready to support Ukraine in the squares of our cities.”



Europe has thrown open its borders accepting not just the refugees from Ukraine but even their pets..

Not going to lie, this is kind of a slap in the face to humanity considering Poland, who is now accepting Ukrainian pets without passports, just last year refused a massive wave of Syrian refugees on Belarusian border. The refugees were stuck in a no mans land between the two countries, and some people died.


But I digress…

This situation is still in its early days, but protest of the Russian invasion can be seen all over the world, including in Russia. The next step will be a meeting of peace talks between Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelensky. Zelensky has stated he doesn’t feel that much will result from these meetings, especially considering they are being hosted by Putin’s largest supporter Belarus. But he will attend “so that not a single citizen of Ukraine has any doubt left that I as president, used every chance to stop this war. Even a small one.