Ultimate Access Podcast

Kasun Abeywardene - Peripheral Vision - the opportunities & risks

February 21, 2021 Anju De Alwis

In this podcast episode, I  invited Kasun, a senior finance manager in the oil and gas industry to share with us the concept of ‘Peripheral Vision’ the need to detect market trends and weak signals beyond an organisation's line of sight. This is the follow up to his first podcast.

Kasun discusses the need to have shift in our mind set & highlight how to identify these weak signals.

1. Stay tuned to social media
2. Build & establish  disperse network of people a to listen to the market
3. Question everything that does not make sense
4. Risk management teams to be made up of multidisciplinary teams
5. Develop scenarios of different outcomes
6. Build a company with diverse backgrounds
7. Watch for the reactions of customers to products that may not be competing with your product directly but in the fringes
8. Use technology to identify both weak and strong signals
9. Study cross pollination  of products

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