Episode 8: What is Photosynthesis and How Does it Work with Dr. Ruhland
Flora Funga Podcast
Flora Funga Podcast
Episode 8: What is Photosynthesis and How Does it Work with Dr. Ruhland
Mar 24, 2021 Season 1 Episode 8

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Episode 8:
Hello my scientists, I'm Kaitlyn Kuehn a plant biologist with a thirst for mycology. Today we talk with Dr. Christopher Ruhland, a plant physiology and my past professor at Minnesota State University-Mankato. We cover what photosynthesis is and how it works. If its a little too much information, you can find visual helpers on my YouTube page.

Resources Mentioned:
Travel deep inside a leaf video

Quote from a Plant Physiologist:
"Animals are just parasites on the plant world" - Dr. Ruhland

Book Recommendations:
Eating the Sun by Oliver Morton

How to Find Dr. Ruhland:
University of Minnesota State Mankato

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