Pastor Grit

Episode 2- Bryan Moak

Adam Reardon Season 1 Episode 2

Bryan Moak:
Vice President of Church Strengthening @ Converge MidAmerica
Host of the Advance Podcast

  • 85% of Churches are Plateaued or Declining
  • What if we could flip the script? 

Before You Think About The Next Year Of Ministry: 

  • Take an Extended Break (that is more than one week). 
  • Pastors are tired and burnt out 
  • You can't fix a problem when you are worn out. 

How is your health? 

  • Are you becoming a "Hunk"?
  • Are you becoming a "Chunk"?
  • Are you becoming a "Drunk"?

Tips & Trips For Taking a Break: 

  • Unplugging means plugging into something else. Have you been neglecting your personal soul care? 
  •  Your family needs to take priority, go do something DIFFERENT. 
  • If you want to be refreshed from work, you need to unplug from work. 
  • Have the hard conversation with your team or board. 

Stat: 9 out of every 10 Pastors will not finish in Ministry. 

Clarifying Questions For The Next Year Of Ministry:

1. If our church shut its door today, would our community care?  If not, why not? 

2.  If the Holy Spirit left your church, would anything you do change? 

3. What is your plan for Discipleship?  Do you have a pathway? 

4.  What is your church's prayer life like?  Are we a prayer saturated church? 

5.  Are you worshipping when you gather or are you going through the motions on Sunday? 

6. How are you connecting with people far from God? 

  • Somewhere between 78-90% of Christians are not sharing their faith. 
  • 70% of unchurched people say they have never been invited to church. 
  • 75% of regular church attenders do not think sharing their faith is important. 

We need to RETHINK what God has called us to, and get back to it! 

Advice From Bryan: 

  • You are NOT ALONE! 
  • Get Counseling if you need it! 
  • Don't make rash decisions in the midst of anxiety!
  • Consider making plans now, that will be in place for Easter 2021.