Trainer Talks

Episode #68 -Tom Purvis - The responsiblity of the exercise professional

Jason Stella Season 2 Episode 68

Join biomechanics expert and trainer to the trainer Tom Purvis and Jason Stella discuss.....

  1. The 5 questions all people/exercise professionals need to ask themselves when creating an exercise.
  2. His thoughts on traditional biomechanics taught in most text books and the concept of Functional Biomechanics (what happens when the foot hits the ground)
  3. How to differentiate your training experience to increase value of your in-person session.
  4. The concept of the Functional / Exercise Continuum 
  5. Machine Training…The misconceptions and how they influence performance
  6. Explanation of Shear and how many trainers, Physical therapist and Doc’s throw the word out without understanding the concept.
  7. The importance of continuing education in becoming a successful health & fitness professional.  

To learn more from Tom go to and / or