Speaker 1:

Last time on magic folk. We have some intel from jeep stops. It's a cave called yard. SARC caved a guy, he's got a strange thing, kisses him. Very large red birdman, clear charges. I'm going to throw one of my hand, I have a hand ax as well. And so he's going to lean down and kind of scratch the ground. Say's, okay, little guy come here. Can you tell me what the sky went? Just don't ever throw a fucking accident. He again, and there's a second of hissing and then an explosion uphill red circular rift emanates and one by one you're swallowed.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so you're all falling to this weird Pale red ethereal tube. They just opened up in space in this cave and a, it's just this red portal. And as you fall in Gold Max, the first to go in, he's kind of laying on the wall kind of by this pocket of air still. And his goal mix armor charms almost like a bell. Um, just for a split second, it's just like Ching and the details in his armor. Tinted red,[inaudible] falling. But while he does, so he on sheets his sword

Speaker 3:

and he pulls out his shield bracing for impact, but he faints. How's everybody else doing emotion wise? Out of character. How is everybody? How are we doing? Oh I was pretty distressed with the gym Bro Cause I was gonna add that to my nest as well.

Speaker 4:

Well we need to find out where we are because at the moment I'm pretty sure burning is full on panic attack.

Speaker 3:

Clear is really concerned about this monkey.

Speaker 4:

You're upset because you didn't get to eat it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. All I was gonna say was, um, if anyone is distressed, cinders going to kind of like a air swim over to you and you just give me a little hug and he's pretty good at comforting people.

Speaker 4:

Here's my question is like how long are we falling through this? Like is it before we realize it or is this like a while?

Speaker 3:

Well, let me just start by saying that burn and immediately faints. Oh, thanks. Basically as soon as the tunnel reaches his feet, he's out unconscious. So burnan does know Sandra's going to go over because he's a scrawny boy. He's going to wrap him up and try to help break the fall wherever we ended up falling out at make an athletics check. Cause you kind of try and like skydive. Maneuver your way over to Bernan. Yeah, we're swimming, we're swimming through their athletics. Oh I am proficient in that

Speaker 2:

15 so you manage to swim your way over to Bernan and you grab him and you're just sorta cradling him as his feet. Stick out to the right of you as you fall face forward through this tunnel. Maybe like pet his head a little softly. But as you're falling Cindra you're able to stay conscious and you notice something very, very strange that you've never seen anything like this before. These giant big blocky words pass by you as though somebody wrote messages on the walls of this tunnel, except they're not on the walls as they kind of pass through the center of the cave. They're flying at you like bullets almost, but they don't hate you. They don't do any damage. And the words one by one read this period is period, not period. Great period. I'll take that. That's the truth and not the lie. No Shit. This is like in the ether. Yeah, just in the ether. Nope. Claire enters the tunnel and she's able to resist a little bit more than burning is, but after a second or two in there, she faints to kiss. You're awake. You're kind of calm and your meditative in a weird way, considering you were just in a cave for who knows how long, trying to escape and see the sky. It's maybe because you're used to falling and used to flying in kiss. You envision yourself as a child in your parents' nest and you look down from your nest and you see your dad just fucking beaten the shit out of this other adult bird. Holy Crap. That's illegal. It's a consensual fight. It's like a boxing match. It's training. It's practice, but he's just wailing on this guy. He's wrecking them and eventually they kind of laugh and shrug it off and tap hands and song. Good Fun. Whether or not this actually happened is up to you. Is it a memory? Is a division. So it was a memory. That sounds right. Cool. Sounds like something. And you do for 10 consciousness Bernan while your unconscious, you have a vision and it's just blackness at first, but then this glowing gray figure emerges from the shadows and it's kind of a faint glow, but it's not enough to make out any details about it. Almost as as though you're looking at somebody through fog. But of course there is no fog and it's, it's oddly beautiful. But then these distorted, charred black hands emerge from the gray mass within these hands as a glowing gray stone. Very similar to the gemstone that you saw that was crushed by the boulder that brought you here. The stone suddenly vanishes from the fingers, hands in an instant, and you notice that the hands of changed in there. The left hand is making the symbol three with its thumb. It's first finger and it's second finger. That's about it. I think. Claire, you fainted and nothing happens when you awaken on the other side. You don't really recall anything Cindra and kiss retained consciousness. Everybody emerges from the other end of this tube and you land on what is right now an unknown surface team. It's kind of chaos going on around you. You just get a sense that this is not good. You're not in a great place. It may not be safe. Cindra you're shaking from the impacts, but you actually see mic fall through the surface that you're on. He lands with an impact and maybe his arm armor cuts through it a little bit and manages to crumble a little hole where he is and he falls through. But as this happens, Claire, although unconscious instinctually reacts and grabbed school, makes shields, but she's too weak and of course not awake. So go make falls through. Claire keeps going. Make Shield. Isn't paper machete. Yeah, they get Clairol were very strong. She is asleep though. What is going on? Don't worry. This is almost the end of the exposition. I'm sorry. This is a lot. I know. Cindra and kiss you lands the impact causes you to faint. You've stayed awake through the tunnel, but you land in this chaotic room and the impact causes you to faint and you all awakened maybe an hour later. Oh, well as soon as I'm conscious, everything that I've got on me, like my instrument and my sword and everything,

Speaker 4:

I rip off and I'm just like standing up looking for some way out immediately. And it's not like a like comical, like I am legit freaking the fuck out.

Speaker 2:

All right, I'm going to strength check against him again. Try to get this boy restrained and calm down. Okay. Go for it. So Brendan's like naked or

Speaker 4:

no, I mean I've got my clothes on, but like, it's like, you know how like if you're freaking out and you've got like, I don't know, like a jacket on or something and you're having a panic attack, you don't want that on you. It's like that. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

All right. I got to 17 on my strength and got his hands by his side trying to get them to calm down.

Speaker 4:

Cool, cool of me. Look, goals and dreams on the golden eyes on me. Everything's gonna be fine. I kick him. I kick him. Don't kiss.

Speaker 3:

Let me kiss comes over and hugs you again. Is that like, uh, an attack role? Yeah, I got an 11 so it's not going to do anything to you that does not beat my armor class, but I am like, I do it several times. That's fine. I'm just going to keep your hands to your sides and just keep trying to get you to look in my steely eyes. Just calm down. Breathe.

Speaker 4:

No, don't, don't not see. I'm serious. I'm freaking out. Breathe deep breaths. No, you don't breathe in. It wouldn't even be any danger. Don't make me use charm person. Shit. What do you do?

Speaker 3:

What's everybody else up to? I think this is trying to hug him again because he thinks that's a very effective

Speaker 2:

to hug squad. Yeah, we're just giving like a make it a little burn in sandwich. Make a hug, check. Oh, it's a crit.

Speaker 4:

I get overwhelmed and I go silent. I am just catatonic.

Speaker 3:

Look, I did it. So I calmed him down. I see the kiss has things under control, so I'm going to go check on Claire.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So you walk over and help clear up. She still may be on the ground from having fainted so early in the tunnel. And Clara, you stand up, stand up.

Speaker 3:

You all good. Just feel like it got a really bad hangover. You would know. So I guess we'll investigate the whole the gum it fell through. Okay, sure. Investigation. It's a 10.

Speaker 2:

That's enough to tell that you guys are real high up in the air. You're on the upper three fourths of this room and as you kind of start to look around, you notice you're in a massive, massive, massive cavern. And it's not like the other caverns that you were in. There's sort of this pale orange, red, reddish yellow glow coming through a moderately dense fog that's spread out throughout the room. But in certain parts you can see far enough to see that there are walls. You are inside. You were not outdoors. You guys are real high up. So go make fucking fell

Speaker 3:

Chalene over the whole, would I be able to, uh, see down there and see where he's at if you were all well enough? Sure.

Speaker 2:

12 okay. I'll give you that. I mean, you see that go max down there on the ground. You can see that he's on these kind of yellow Pale white off white kind of yellowish Rick's. I'm going to yell down to him, but not really because I've always hurts. Okay. Hey Buddy.

Speaker 3:

No response, but he's down there. He's dead. Oh, I have an idea. I'll send down there to go check on him. Okay. Or she might die. That wouldn't be good. You do get a sense that this is a pretty dangerous place and actually like you kind of feel like there's stuff in the fog and you don't want to send free out into that alone. Good call. That's my advice. You can do what you want. It's your bird. Well, yeah, I think, I think we're just going to ask you, you look down through this whole, you do see that go in kind of a courtyard of sorts. It's kind of hard to spot him at first because there's other armor around him and swords and items and Lou corpses. This sounds like dark souls. It kind of like dark sauce. I was going to say it sounds like Alison Wonderland, we fell down a hole and everything's bad, but you see they go max kind of in this courtyard slash warrior graveyard down there is a bunch of shit. Awesome. I'm going to yell back down to them and we're coming for you buddy. You just just hang in there and I guess we're going to regroup so everybody kind of stands up and gets together and I'm not, I'm just standing there. I'm not responding to anything. Uh, I think I just firemen carry burden or is it okay cause I work the software problems before I'm like, I'll just take turns carrying him around during this campaign. Is somebody getting my stuff or are you all not having the foresight to do that? I'll take the guy if you take the stuff. I don't want to carry a metal sword around and not be able to magic if I need to. Yeah. Got You. All right. I'll get this stuff then tossing it over my shoulder again. Certain carriers. Oh yeah, clear. Why don't you carry the accordion or the the thing, the doodle d, The squeezy box, the squeeze. Even if it helps you guys, the instrument has the word lead setter painted on it picks up the load center. Fabulous. And everybody make a perception check disadvantage on mine since I'm like, Yup, oops, Ooh boy, it's a seven five, nine. Well we're all done. I got an eight and we all died. I'll give you that. You realize you're standing on clumps of Red Mohs. See I knew it was important, but it's not just moss, it's kind of condensed. It's almost like you notice it's a hybrid almost of like stone and moss and a little flesh in there and it's pretty firm. But also it feels like if you impacted too hard or if you strike it, it might, you know it's alive. So it might recoil a little bit and it might dump you off of this thing at any moment. So are we in a room or are there like any exits visible? Oh, so I'll say that you're on a big rounded pillar. You're towards the sides of it. It kind of flares out at different points on this pillar and it does reach the ceiling. So you are in like a big Ole cavern at the center where the stock of this pillar is. There is a doorway. Cool. I guess let's head that way. You always go through that door, so as you walk into the door there's kind of a crude staircase, like it's real crappy. It's carved out of this moss and stone. You kind of triple a little bit as you're going down and it's like a seller. There's like an opening, but it's kind of a doorway into the ground, into this pillar and you enter a beige tiled room

Speaker 2:

and it's kind of oddly stair aisle compared to all this chaos going on outside. Do you notice that there's some bones scattered around and up pops a skeleton. So roll initiative.

Speaker 3:

Awesome. As we're rolling, can I ask if our skull friend came with us? Yep. Cool. Does it belong with the skeleton?

Speaker 2:

Are you saying like can you piece it together with other skeletons to make a full skeleton?

Speaker 3:

No, I'm just asking, are we on a quest to return this skull to his body or whatever are their underlying motives for the skull?

Speaker 2:

You rolled really well when you're investigating it. So I'm going to say this skull is not useless, and it might take Lincoln Archana check or some other type of investigation to figure out what it is. It's also not sentience. It's not like, it's not like it needs to be returned to its body. It was a, an actual skull, but it hasn't been revived or no, no. Necromancy has been used on it to revive it and give it sentience or make it so that it needs to be reunited with its other remains. So there's a skeleton. Oh, initiative was 15 for six are we at level two now? Yes. Oh, I forgot to mention that. I'm sorry. Yes. When you found the treasure, you leveled up. So I'll say that the skeleton has like a bloodstain dagger in its hand and that's it. It's just a, you know, skeleton with a dagger. So go ahead. Cindra. All right, y'all ready for this? I'm going to use wild shape. Hell yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

what are you turning into? I'm going to turn into a big old brown bear. Oh my gosh. Nice. You crank it up. Bernan I think you need to make some kind of check. Yeah, cause he's still on my shoulders, isn't me. Oh No. Yeah, you putting me down and I need to put him down. This is an odd psychedelic journey for burning in which this strange dread man holding him as he's in a catatonic state just morphs into a bear. And now I'm a bear. So I got a five oh no, I got a 15 so burn and we'll take disadvantage on any sort of like hits like attacks are ranged attacks cause he's scared. There's a bear now on top of all of this, there's a bear second worst day of his life while shape or circle the moon. It's a bonus action.

Speaker 3:

Okay, cool. Oh sweet. So you're going to swing? Yeah, of course. I'm going to run in there and slash Adam with my claws. Let's do this. It's best first wild shape ever. So roll damage on your claw attack. Well, there's a one, a three, so that's eight total. Okay. So then you do 16 points of damage. Yeah, in wild shape you can't talk. So Center just growls really loud and I think he's kind of surprised because I don't know that he knew he had this in him until just now. He just kind of hopped into a bear. So is everyone familiar with Madagascar? He just Kinda does

Speaker 2:

and runs up in slashes this skeleton. So this skeleton you just like tear through. I mean you're ripping through bone here. Sweet. It's dead. Oh, I mean it was dead, but it's dead. You want hit it, you one shot it. And you notice on the far end there are some stairs leading from further down. Well that's what's fun. What's keep going? Sorry to spoil the combat guys. Five skeletons jump up. They get a surprise round on you. Oh Shit. Including the one that you killed. Oh, he's back. So He's probably angry. He's going to roll first. Got a 14 against armor class. Yeah, that'll hit the bear. Okay. It wouldn't hit syndrome, but the bear, he does three damage. Okay. Next. There's a a pretty normal skeleton. It's going to make a range to tack on kiss, bring it on five against armor class. You got a five so that does not hit I take it. No it does not. So this kind of like black ray shoots out of its hand as it points at you and this skeleton you notice is wearing a black robe. It just gleams off your bird chest. Your feathers kind of deflect it and nothing happens. The next skeleton is wearing a metal helmet. It has a big Ole Shield and it's going to rear back and punch it burning two against armor class. There's a pretty good gap between them and burned inside steps it and it kind of fumbles back behind you and now it's behind you. So if you'd like to make an opportunity attack burn and you can do that like an anime where like the character with the glasses like glasses lens just like shines brightly and all of a sudden they're bad ass. Yeah, I'm going to pull out my hand crossbow, which I had like kept hidden this whole time and I'm going to fire at the skeleton. Make arranged attack 11 does not do it actually, so I'm still fucked up. I'm like that meme of Mr Krabs where everything is spinning around him. The crossbow bolt actually just lands in this skeleton shield as it spins around really quick and it embeds itself in a wooden shield. The next skeleton, it's got a rotten wooden club. It's got some nasty, nasty green mold on it, so you all be careful and it's going to swing it Claire, so it hits you. Let's see how much damage it does. Okay. Make a constitution saving throw. We'll say that's enough because this isn't just like nasty. You resist the poison mold that's growing on this thing. There's nasty old thing and that the club kind of slunk into you with the mush. It's, it's very rotten and it does three points of damage to you moving on finally. Okay. There's a skeleton with a bow and Arrow and the arrow. You kind of notice that the tip of his bone, which is kind of fucked up and it's going to shoot at the bear, not syndrome, the bear, it is a natural 20. Oh No. So it's double damage. Six damage with wild shape. I temporarily take on the animal's hip points. Right. And so then when those points are depleted, I change back into person and I have person hit points. Oh cool. Okay. So I'm, I'm not anywhere close to dying at this point. That makes one of us, Huh? Yes. Yeah. I'm going to rage. Yeah. If you want to really, uh, cooped up for awhile. A little.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Right, right. Suburb area and mechanics. It just gives me some bluffs. But when a, when kiss or ages, his head feather standup, like this angry parakeets and stuff in the, also, he can't really talk when he's raised as something had decided. So, uh, my had feathers raise up and I go and I charge the skeleton that shot the thing. I mean the one had the ropes on 16, that'll do it. That is an 11 points of damage

Speaker 2:

that kills this one swig sort of crumbles to the ground. It's black robes flowing and there's no more skeleton actually. So this one is bones didn't just break and it didn't just fall down. It's like dust. Oh, okay. Next in the order is Claire, I'm gonna use scorching ray. How many numbers of targets? There are four skeletons left. You've got the dagger skeleton, you've got helmet shield, skeleton, woods, skeleton and bow and Arrow skeleton. And they, they're all in range. So how much Holtz is the one that hit me? I believe they're all at full health and gets to the old aggregates one to you roll one d 20 for arrange spell attack 14 that will do it for both of those guys. The club boy and the dagger boy at a two. So we're going to say that one went to the poison guy, I'm guessing. Yeah. So that's eight points of damage cake before in a one to five. Okay. So overall you do 12 points of damage. That skeleton is just lit up and it does not have at the club anymore. You actually, the fireball passes through it and sort of dissipates as it hits it and the club has just gone you, you incinerated it and it's standing there now instead of Pale white, it's charred and black, but it standing barely. But it's standing. Can I take this third one and just and just end it? Yeah, I'll let you do that. Ranch style attack 16 yep, that'll do it. Three. That'll do it. Alright. He's dead. So he falls to the ground again, chart into dust. There's nothing left to this guy so he can not come back and surprise you. Next in the order is burning, you have a skeleton with a dagger. This creepy bloodstain dagger and it's standing kind of in front of you to your back is a skeleton with a shield and a metal helmet with no weapon. Then kind of back behind the skeleton with a dagger is a skeleton with a bow and Arrow and that's it. Okay. So what I want to do is I want to aim my crossbow at the skeleton with a bow and arrow. Okay. And then I want to move away from the shield. Skeleton 1313 against the bow and Arrow will hit three. You successfully hit crossbow bolt. It's this guy right square in the forehead and then I move away. Do you step away from the skeleton with the shield next in the order? Rebecca Cindra. I think I'm going to go after the shield guy and I'm just gonna go in with my calls again. Sure. Ron attack 18 that'll hit roll damage is 15 oh, okay. So this skeleton with the shields, as soon as your cloud touches it, it's dust. You don't even make an impact. It just turns into dust. Basically. This weird yellow flaky dust that just falls to the ground in a pile. It's pretty gross. Burdens grossed out and I forgot to give burn and disadvantage on his range attack threats, but I'm going to say he broke through when he turned into a bad ass anime character. He broke through his fear when he realized to the bear was so next in the order or the skeletons. So so far we've got a dagger Skelton and bow and Arrow. The dagger skeletons going to actually charge at kiss and try and stab him. 13 again, Stacey? Uh, no. Good. Okay, so you kind of sidestep him.[inaudible] him a little bit and he just goes charging past you mix. Since we only have two skeletons left, I'm going to shoot with the bow and Arrow burning. Just shot this guy. So he's going to shoot at Vernon eight against AC 11 cool. So he misses there, bounces off the wall behind you actually and just kind of falls to the ground with a thud. I'm a weasley little boy. He is tall and thin. He'd be hard to hit. It just goes like right between his arm and his body. Like his armpit is where the Arrow goes. Okay. Next in the orders. Guess I'm going to attack the guy that charged me with your ax. Dagger. Skeleton, calm, dag eight will not do it. Okay, next is Claire crush. The dagger dudes had in my job. Okay. You're biting him. Nice. Oh my God. Fuck yeah, you're a good wizard. That's some wizardly magic right there. All right, go. I don't Rolla Rolla regular attack. I guess a[inaudible]. This is my bite magic 13. That'll do it. Let's see. Bite. I've got one d six plus one so go ahead and roll a d six six. So you killed that skeleton. Do you crush his skull in your teeth? Sweet. This bloody nasty dagger falls to the ground. Still. Bits of flesh flaking off of it. Your mouth is suddenly full of dust

Speaker 4:

burning. Your next all we have left as bone Arrow guy, right? Yup. I want to run at him and point blank shoot him in hopes of getting some sort of bonus. Oh, I'll give you a little bit of a bonus on your tech role. Okay, well fuck it. Um, I got a two so I probably fall on my face while making an attempt to do this.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you actually like start to run towards the sky and let out a little yell. This skeleton just kinda like shrugs a little bit as you trip over year on shoes. Oh you don't fall down, but it just kinda like if laughing at you a little bit under its breath next in the order syndrome. Well, I'm going to avenge my fallen friend and by fallen I mean tripped up. I got an 18 that'll do it. I'm jumping in there. Cindra is a Badass and I guess I'm going to call them again. So you got a one Sherry, that's four plus four it's eight he crumbles to the ground. Gray is white. Bone arrows fall from the quiver and land in the ground with a thud and a clock as he turns to dust. And you did it. Congratulations. I hate myself. That was so cathartic. Do you guys want to make a perception check? I'm glad y'all got to kill something.

Speaker 4:

I got a net 20 so lay it on me. Burn and fines. 20 gold pieces in a sack in the corner of the room. Oh, nice. Just hanging out. I leave it. It doesn't mean anything to me right now.

Speaker 2:

You don't want to tell your friends that there's gold over there. I take it up

Speaker 3:

and I throw it at somebody clear from habit. Kiss. Got a 14 kiss, finds a small sack with about five gold pieces in it and a couple small gemstones. A perfect, I got a nine perception. I find that I'm still aware you are still a bear. You do notice the dagger on the ground and it's Kinda like arcane looking and freaky and weird weirdly carved, stained with blood. So if you want to, I'll let you pick that up. I guess I'll and wild shape and I can do an arcane check on it. Sure. People might be surprised that I'm suddenly a person again. Oh Shit. Hey guys, what's up? Oh that was you. 18 on the icon. A check. Okay. It is definitely in chanted with necrotic magic. Sweet than any sort of undead creature using it gets plus something to their attack. Well I never know when I'll be on dead. This is true at this rate, since I am a druid and we can't have metal is the hilt metal or is it wouldn't. I'm going to say it's made a bone. Yay. I'll pick it up. Stuff that in my pocket. So make sure you write that down on your character sheet. Everybody. This week, since I'm not sick, I'm going to attempt an accent, so don't freak out on me. CanNot wait. It's going to be real bad. As your DM, I should say. I'm feeling a little bit under the weather, so I'm going to try and not breathe through my mouth the entire time. Oh No. So I'm sorry if the recording sounds like really breathy, but I'm a little congested. My throat's a little sore and I have to do a lot of talking now. So I took a dayquil and drank a red bull and I have water here, so I should be okay. Ooh. So you guys are all in a room full of stead skeletons and you picked up some stuff off of him. You just killed five skeletons that came up and attacked you. It's this tiled room. It's kind of weird. It's oddly stair aisle. Like it's not, I mean sure, there's like a bunch of dead stuff in it, but it's like not nearly the chaos of being outside in this area. It quote unquote outside meaning outside the tower that you're in and there is a small set of stairs leading down into what you can see as another similar room. Okay. I have an agenda. It's your agenda. No burdens name, but I don't think that Bernie knows everybody else's name. Right. He knows go mix figure, no kiss, kiss because kiss introduced himself so he doesn't know Sandra's. And when I remember it burden turns to Cindra and he has like a very, a barest sort of looking face. Like his cheeks are very red. He kind of shifts his weight from foot to foot for a second and he says, listen. Uh, earlier I said some things that were really rude and um, I cast that you and I was not nice and I wanted to apologize for Frat. MMM. All right, thanks. Great. Okay, so you, and then he turns to, ma'am, can I, uh, can I please have my instrument back place? Is that what you call this thing here? She hands it. Okay. So he takes it back and puts it on and kind of wiggles around. Like he's looks a lot more comfortable now that it's back. And he says thank you. And he turns to kiss and he says, so can I have my sword back to please? I promise I won't throw it again. Why? Of course I just toss it. Oh No. Do you really make a athletic save? God she's right or is it like open? Oh No. Yeah. Is it doesn't have a sheath on it? No. No Sheath. Oh, okay. Nevermind. I don't do that. Their mind. Sorry, I'm not going to like have it stab Burnham Ashley's handoff, but I'm just saying as far as like catching the sword goes and not letting it fall to the ground. Okay. So I got a 17 all right. You catch it, you catch it just fine. It's actually pretty impressive to the group because Burnan does not look like the type to catch a big sword, but at the same time he wears that thing strapped to his body all the time. So it must give him kind of a good workout and he's, he's pretty athletic. Nice athletic, skinny boy. Thank you. Big Bird or a vacuum. As I said, when kiss found the sword inside of the chest, there is some draconic writing on this sword and it's kind of across the blade carved into it. It's not crude, it's very masterful, but it's like inlaid into the blade of the sword. So burnin looks at it and he looks at Claire. Miss. Pardon? Part of my, my assumptions here, but uh, do you know how to, you know, you, you know how to reach iconic, well, of course I am a dragon. Could you translate possibly this sword for me? Yeah, sure. Uh, so Claire looks at the sword. I do that. She reads it out loud in common. Inscribed on the blade or the words the performer. Yeah. It says the performer. I totally knew that and that's it. I was expecting it to be like instructions on how to get out of this hell hole. Sandra's going to cautiously approach Bernan and put a hand on his shoulder. I tried to get his attention a little bit. Uh, excuse me. Are you, are you all right? I'm not having the best day. We'll put it that way. Are you going to freak out again? Probably. Most definitely. 100% definitely, yes. As long as you're honest that it's fine. I just wanted to know. I need to be prepared for these sorts of things. Hey, did you hit your head coming down? Cause you sound a little different. Oh shut up. Well I see we keep moving because these bone people are scary. Nobody freak out. Now I'm going to freak out. Try and just try to don't do that. My whole life has tried to don't do that well a for effort. So I guess we go down the steps. Sounds good. You guys walked down the stairs and it's our room that's just about as big, very similar setup. It's got tiles, you've got lots and lots of bones scattered across the, except this time

Speaker 2:

there aren't any like clearly defined skeletons. They're kind of just like scattered across with clothes and crumpled stuff and crushed up bones and everybody roll a perception check. Well that's a 21 ooh baby. Like wow it's 20 I got a 20 after modifiers. Dang. We see everything. I rolled a nun so everybody, but Claire sees this. I'm going to say like you enter straight down into this room and there were four walls. It's a square box on the left end in the wall is a giant skull. It's the same color as the tile and it's sort of embedded in the wall. Oh boy. It actually kind of moves it's job little bit. As you walk in the room, you should roll initiative. Cool. I'm trying to decide if burden and screams at this or if he's okay for now. 14 Kim's got a nine and one of us should let Claire know what's happening if she didn't see it or I got a seven. So leading the order will be the skull. He's going to kind of open its mouth a little bit and as this is happening, roll one more perception. Check everyone. 1817, 1610 so everybody sees this, the skeletons missing. Five teeth kind of in a row, alternating from bottom, top, bottom, top. Moving from left to right as it opens its mouth, a glow emanates from inside and it shoots magic missiles at you and there's no safe here. Uh, it's just the dark. Just kissed Cindra and Claire. Claire, it takes two and syndrome. Kiss take five. Oh my goodness. Brandon screams next in the order is Claire. Magic missile is level one, right? Sure. All right. Yeah, I'm going to use that mother on the Skelly so you can roll damage. Magic missiles just hit. Okay, so for two and a four, so 10 damage. I just pictured Claire like waving her finger around in a circle and that's like all she does to some magic missile. These three missiles, three glowing blue missiles emanate from nowhere and launch over at the skull and hit in successive order and nothing really happens. The skull looks unfazed. Next in the order as kiss. Okay, I'm going to force its jaw closed so you're going to run up to this thing. We're up to the thing and then see if I can just keep his mouth closed so everyone can like whale on it. Well maybe keeping the spells and side, you can run off to it and you're going to make a strength contest against the skull. Pretty good at that. Well that's a nine. It got to 16 so you try and force the skulls jaw. It just forces it open. You know, jobs are pretty strong, especially a job this big, maybe this called belonged to like some kind of behemoth. Okay, so it's like a real school. You do notice this skull is actually made of bone real asco and kissed from this vantage point. Do another perception check 20. You actually see kind of sitting right under the job of the skull in the mess of stuff on the floor. A black tooth about the size of the skulls, jaws as in it would fit within the sculpture has not a tooth as big as the jaw. Okay, that'd be terrifying. It would. I pick it up and I turned to the rest of them and say, what is this as a, I don't have teeth so I don't know them very well. Oh I love that. What is a tooth? What

Speaker 5:

pick up and gotten yet

Speaker 3:

Vernon is next in the order.

Speaker 4:

Okay. Burdens getting his may tanned and start flinging around debris to look for another tooth. Okay. Roll a perception check.

Speaker 3:

You find nothing. I'm all good. And you kind of just flipped some bonds round and like maybe some lands on Claire Sandals. And she's like,

Speaker 4:

why? Why those are designer. So I'm going to use a bonus action. I'm going to actually do the bard king and be a real bard. So I'm going to use bardic inspiration. It says I can inspire others through stirring words or music and I use a bonus action on my turn to choose a creature other than myself within 60 feet. Who can hear me? That creature gains one bardic inspiration die a d six oh wow. Once within the next 10 minutes they can roll the die and add the number two. Any ability check, attack role or saving throw. And you can wait until after you roll the Di 20 to decide. But you have to do it before the DM says whether the role succeeds or fails. Yeah, I'm picking kiss. I'm going to inspire him to learn how to put the, the tooth and the skull.

Speaker 3:

Well you didn't tell me to do that. So I think my next action will be doing that. I think the kiss can just put the tooth in this call. Is Kids going to be smart enough? Yeah, that doesn't take a role.

Speaker 4:

Well, I was going to sing a funny song about what a skull is and how the tooth goes in it, but since you took the wind out of those sales,

Speaker 3:

just, oh, we can wreck on this shit and pretend I didn't say anything. No. The head bones can. I can do the tooth. The tooth is a thing that you chew with. Oh, I understand that Scott is going to kill you if you're not careful. We can sing the song later when we're teaching. Kiss all about the beauty of being a person.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. There's all sorts of squishy parts to us. I'm not going to play a song right now. I'm, I'm going to use my words again. Live no evil, live on evil, and you can just mull over what that might possibly mean, but maybe you feel a little bit,

Speaker 3:

do I need to make a roll of if I comprehend that or not? No. Cindra isn't oddly inspired by the poetry of the words, even though syndrome likely does not understand fabulous into it. He's a smart boy. He's interests like what seats. See No evil, do no evil. It's the reason that make you feel really good. So looking around the room, what all did we perceive? Again, there's debris, debris, there's clothing, different colored stuff like cracked bones and all sorts of junk. I have the camp trip produce flame and I kinda just want to light a bunch of piles of debris on fire and see if we find some teeth. Fuck yes. I love that. I love it. Yes. Do I need to roll against a pile of debris? No, it doesn't have an armor class. So uh, I'll just say you can go in and light it up and you light up a couple piles. If I spin really fast. Can I do like some, some fire circle stuff? Yes. I'm going to say Cindra use fire spin. Cindra uses fire spin. Unfortunately I think that now Claire and Bernan have to make a deck save to not get hit by this fire.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

sorry. Dexterity is my specialty. Well I got a nine 15. Okay, so Claire doesn't take any damage and burn and we'll take two points of damage. So you just get a little, we'll singe your eyebrows, get singed a little bit, Vernon as it should be afraid of fire cause he's probably coded and flammable materials and it was just a little singe toasty. So you burned some piles of debris and sure enough you find a green too. Awesome. I'm going to go pick up the green tooth. Next in the order is the skull and it's going to start a cackle a little bit like hey and shoot another magic missile. Oh boy. Shooting all three ads. Our friend kiss. Oh no, bring it on. Mr Bony Behemoth. They're very good. A convex eight damage. You're so close to the Scaly, Kinda just kisses you with this magic missile with a name like kiss. Oh Zoe. And next in the order is Claire. Are there any more visible teeth? Nope, I do perception check for them. Sure. 17 did you roll twice? I heard two roles. I did, but it was interfered. Alright, I'll believe you this time, but be careful. Well, I mean it was like a 15 before. So if you want to give me a 15 you can't. But all right. Within one of these burned piles of crap on the ground, you see a bright white shining tooth to the far end of the room, the very far end, directly across from the stairs that you entered to pick up that tooth and put it in our bony friends. Male. Okay, awesome. Where, Oh, I put it in the second bottom. In the middle. Okay, cool. Next in the order will be yes. All right. I'm a slam that bad boy. All right. I'm gonna put it right next to his, to the right. And uh, did anything happened or is that just it? Nope, you put the two thin it fits. It doesn't fit very well, but it, it fits, you know, it'll sit in there. I was like, I'm going to move away so I don't get blasted again. So you kind of retreat back to the entry way where your party is. Yeah. You guys can also hide in the stairwell. You could be behind cover. I'm just saying, just for future reference, I don't want anyone to die. I mean, I do, but I don't. Next in the order will be burning. I want to do a perception check on the room to see if I see anything that might allude to a pattern for the colors of the teeth. Okay. That'll be a 19 so you don't see anything that alludes to any sort of pattern with the teeth, but you do look down as you're pondering and kind of glancing around the room and you see a little flash of red in a pile towards the stairs. I reached for that with a May hand and you pick it up and sure enough it's a red tooth so I sent it across the room with the maid hand to shove it in the skull where you put it. I'm going to put it in the top left slot. Okay. This one actually, it doesn't fit in there. It's not going to stay in, you know it's on the upper jaw so it's just kind of falls out and hits the floor. If I were to like retreat for cover, is it a choice between attempting again and retreating? Nope. You can still move. I'm going to try the bottom left and then book it maybe with the tooth in tow. If it doesn't go in your may, Chan kind of bumps the bottom left and again, nothing happens. You can't get the dude from there. It's too narrow of a gap for this tooth. Okay. The May Chan brings the tooth to me while I run and hide. Sure. Next in the order is syndrome and to do a perception check I guess to say if there are any more visible teeth. Okay. And it is 17 sure. With that you actually look down and right between your feet, not quite on fire, a yellow tooth sitting in a pile of debris. So I guess I'll lean down and pick that up. And I have two teeth now and the ones in your hands just have one in my hand as a joke about the teeth in your mouth, Huh? Oh, okay. Sorry. That was really bad. I'm going to be a big boy and I'm going to run across the room because I don't have that may Chan business and I'm just going to shove, I'm going to put yellow on the top right. Okay. Does that stick? You Jam it in there real hard and because the gap is kind of small between these teeth again it fits but not great. Not Great. Okay. I guess I'm just going to take some heat from those magic missiles. You can try the other one too if you want. Oh. Um, I'll put green on the other top. Top left. That's great. So this tooth fits perfectly in its slot. Awesome. I'm talking, it just slides right in there and it actually glows for a split second and then turns kind of off white. The same color of the skull is and fades in with the rest of the teeth and you can't even tell that there was a gap there. I'm going to turn around to the rest of the group who's very smartly hiding separate Claire from this giant skull and was like, guys, I did it. Only burn ins hiding. Oh true. To his nature in black, white, green, red, yellow and green is good. So next in the orders of the skull, it's gonna shoot three magic missiles, Reddick, Cindra. Awesome brace for impact. You take nine points of damage and then Claire, it's your turn or all the teeth up there. At this point, are there more missing? Nope. You got five teeth while that for an hour and there are now four gaps. Everybody make an insight check. Five, nine. So Claire, you actually kind of have a little flash of memory. You remember something from your last battle with the skeletons. You remembered that the skeleton with the bow and Arrow with the white bone tip is the skeleton you killed last and Bernan. Likewise, you remember that the skeleton with the blood stained red dagger is the skeleton that you killed second to last. Okay. Hey guys, I just remembered something and then she's going to use on the white one and move it to the far right. I guess with May Chen, you kind of punch out the the black tooth that's sitting in the far right right now and you plop that white one in there and it sits perfectly again. It turns sort of the same off white color as the rest of the skull and you've got two teeth solved. The white one was the last one I lost skeleton I killed. What color did you kill first? It's probably over simplistic but I feel like in case someone doesn't get it, so next in the order will be kiss, kiss. The red one goes in the top right, the road. When it goes in the top right. I do that. I run over. Are you throwing me the Red One?

Speaker 2:

You can either run up to burden and grabbed the tooth and then run up to the skull and then you're stuck up there with the skull or you can run up to the skull. Nick an athletics check check to try and catch the tooth is burned and throws it at you. Then you can retreat from the skull.

Speaker 3:

I liked the second one cause it sounds way more hard. Bad Ass. So I'm doing that. Okay. Make an athletics check and I got a plus four clinics

Speaker 2:

hitting the bird. Jim 16 you run up to the skull and Bernan instinctively underhand tosses you this red tooth and it actually flies right by Cindra face as you reach out and catch it one handed. It's sort of like the matrix but Cindra kind of ducks back a little bit to avoid getting hit in the face with the red tooth. Yeah, we slam it in the next to the white onesies slam dunk that shit and it gets right in the tooth hole and it turns normal.

Speaker 3:

FYI, I put my tongue out like Jordan when I slammed that tooth. Then

Speaker 2:

sweet next in the order would be burning.

Speaker 3:

I'm showing the, the only two that are missing are the middle bottom and the bottom left. I have discerned that I think that the ones that are left are black and yellow. Yes. Who has the yellow tooth? I do. So I picked up the black tooth was my main hand and I put it in the bottom left. Okay. Uh, nothing happens. Do I have enough time to put it in the other one? Sure. Okay. So I put a, I move it over one.

Speaker 2:

All right, it works. So you put all the teeth in there. Uh, we solve this mess of a puzzle. Y'all cleaned up the mess on the floor with some fire and all of the teeth in the order that you killed the skeletons, black, green, yellow, red, white, or now in the skull. And they now are the same color as the rest of the skull. The skulls jock kind of drops down open then slowly reanimator and it whispers,

Speaker 3:

turn around.

Speaker 1:

Uh, no. The entire tower that you're in rotates. You actually feel it? Turn 90 degrees. Listen, I didn't like the haunted mansion the first time I wrote it. It feels like the wiles keeps getting taller. No. Oh, not at all.

Speaker 2:

Hey everyone. Thanks for listening to this episode of magic folk. We hope you enjoyed it. And if you did, be sure to subscribe wherever podcasts live rate and review us on iTunes and follow us on Twitter and Instagram at magic folk pod. Magic focus created by Curtis Beck. Becca Bowen, Kyle Bruning in Victoria, Watkins and is based on characters and worlds also by Victoria Watkins. And please feel free to reach out to us with your thoughts about the show. We love hearing from you. See you next time.

Speaker 6:
