Speaker 1:

Last time on magic folk go make his full body armor. He's got a massive swords. Chapters back with the blue tattered. Kate, why is Brendan walking to get supplies for his business back home? I am sending you all to burn ins home so that he can see his sisters. We got plenty of rooms in my house, so come on, I'm afraid that I have business to attend to in. And you'll forgive me for staying here. Well, if you find a rock, I'm going to break yours. So there.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Welcome to d, Two d and d, The land of dungeons and other creatures. There will be creatures and dungeons and things. So after your encounter with that strange laughing magic thing, you approach the stone tube, which colloquially are known as fast travelers. What a big tube. So before you left, Claire, Seth gave you a magic scroll to place into the cracks of this fast traveler and also like a little bag of peanuts and a mini sized poke, right? Right. Oh good. And a blanket of a scratchy. If that was just kindness. And he trusted you with this because you are sort of the most diverse magic user at this point. You're a wizard and not like a specialized barter or druid also. Do you think he likes me? No, I don't think seth likes any of you. Cool. I mean just like he likes you, but he's not your best friend. Oh, this isn't. This isn't King Shakira though. Now this is seth because he definitely has a. has a crush on claire. I think Claire has a crush on she here. No ma'am. Okay. So as I understand it, we have this tube and have we entered it? No, you have not entered it. I want to take the scroll that seth gave me and I'm going to put it in the cracks. So as you tucked this scroll into some cracks, kind of between the rocks that this tube is made of. The entryway sort of ramps up pretty quickly with the golden glow before quickly flashing to a wooded area. And the way that this appears to you, basically the long tube hallway just becomes a short tube hallway because it's just woods on both sides and it's almost like looking in a mirror, but obviously you don't see yourself on the other side. But it appears that the tube exit cuts off. What the hell was it? That was the tube. Nice. Nice folly, Alex. this is cool. We might as well check it out. Right? So yeah. Okay. So it flashes to a wooded area and like the exit of the tube just gets like short. It kind of looks unnaturally short as though destructure structure couldn't hold itself up. But it's obvious that's not, you know, from the outside you still see the long old tube. It's just inside it. It ends too quickly. Can I check on burden? Yeah. For what? I just want to see how he's holding up. You're so concerned he's gone home. Yeah. Yeah. No, I'm, I'm probably the happiest you've me so far.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. I didn't know if he was nervous or anything. No. I mean like, yes, like there's always like a background radiation of nervousness going on. But no, I mean the anxiety meters are reading at a normal reading. So I captain.

Speaker 2:

Do you all step through the tube? Yes. Well hang on. I want to. I'd like to do a perception check first. Sure. Everybody roll a perception check. Oh dammit. Come on, let me go home. Oh, I got a net 20 son nat to one as well. Plus whatever the fuck modifiers. I don't give a shit. It's kind of overkill. It's an unnatural 20. Holy Shit y'all all, all these 20 legalize. We're seeing everything. Six. Okay. That's okay. That's contextually make sense? I think that um, everybody has been to the city of Bailyn, which is the capital of[inaudible] it everybody except for kiss of course, because Cindra Bernan and Claire know that Balun is not wooded. It's a city in the teleporter. The fast traveler is in an urban downtown area. This is obviously not the downtown fast traveler inside of Bailyn, but you don't really know of any other fast travelers and you didn't know about the one that you're about to enter. So it's possible that this is correct. I'm going to reach forward real quick and grab kiss since he's the one who's the least aware of the situation and just kind of hold them back for a second. Just hang on. Are you challenging me? I will say burning is the most familiar with these roads because he grew up there and he's traveled there for 20 some odd years. This does look like the region. It's just not the usual downtown fast traveler. The you kind of expected to come out of and stuff. Didn't really debrief you about where you would be entering Baylin

Speaker 3:

I was considering taking out my little notebook and writing down and asking like are we supposed to turn out at a different location than downtown?

Speaker 2:

So you do so and you pretty quickly get a response and there's like a little like.dot.as the message is being written and see. It's seth sand writing and it just says yes.

Speaker 3:

Okay. I write. I'm a cute little. Thank you. And stole my little notebook and say okay, it's fine. Let's go burning. Does this look familiar to you? Yeah, I've, I've roughly the geographies as kind of like home, so I trust it. Is there anything we should be watching out for any kind of danger DM,

Speaker 2:

so there's not like a village of Ogres that live here that are going to eat you, but there very well could be danger just by the sheer number of people, but it's not. You're not going to get mauled by a bear right when you come out and less syndrome. Use this wild shape. Ben, and welcome to our next arc of our podcasts Fanelli. It's called syndrome bear adventures. It just pick a virus.

Speaker 3:

Can animate betrayals well, might as well get going then wasting daylight. Yes, I am

Speaker 2:

bored. Let's go. Okay, so you all enter this tube and you come out a tube that looks almost identical to the one that you entered, which is kind of unique because the golden inscriptions on the fast traveler in Jake's helm are unique to[inaudible] and other cities have other inscriptions maybe above other colors and other styles, other style gates, but this one very clearly appeals appears to be a Degas helm traveler outside of oil and burning. You are sort of familiar with this type of road there, just sort of winding out winding, winding roads outside of the city of Berlin and you can see through the tree line some of the high towers in the city several, several miles away, maybe between roughly eight to 15 miles away. Oh my God. They couldn't have got us closer at this point. As you step through, the sun is starting to go down, so it's sort of a in Erie twilight, and you can see that lights are being illuminated in the towers on the skyline of Bailyn. It's beautiful. Yeah, it's home. Where can we go to drink? I will say that there isn't a clear path at this point. You're kind of just in the woods, but it. It does look like a wooded area that's similar to something burning would know on the sides of the paths that wind around the city. Do any of us have a map? No, we have burden, but you, you can see the city in the distance. They is built very high so you can actually see some of the tower so you know what direction to walk. So let's just walk towards the city then. Yeah, it sounds good to me. And off we go. You all start walking towards the woods and it takes maybe a mile and a half before you get to a road and it's a dirt road. It's obviously one of these side roads that is not, you know it's used but it's not a main road and you're walking for several minutes down this road and you see a small, tiny little light just straight ahead of you on the road. And at this point it's getting dark to the point where you can't really see that well. So all you really see as a small lantern light. Hey, anybody want to mandatory or something? Oh yeah, I should. I should probably just think about that. Huh? I'm going to use light. It's a trip I'm going to touch it to. I think I have a dagger donee yeah. I think you do rose gold digger. Yeah, I do. It's cute. Right? So I'm going to touch it to my dagger and um, especially one object no larger than 10 feet in any dimension until the spellings object sheds bright light in a 20 foot radius and dim light for initial 20 feet. So we have 40 feet of good or bad. I also want to make the light like a light blue. Okay? So this beautiful light blue sort of illuminates the path in front of you for 20 feet. And then dim light for another 20 feet. This character, this lantern light is 50 about 50 feet away, but they are walking towards you. So they slowly emerge into the dim light and you can see that they're wearing a black cloak with the hood and they're walking beside a small meal. That is pulling a covered wagon cart. Everybody make a insight check.

Speaker 3:

Seventeen, 18 before 17. Kiss is just happy to be there. I'm spacing now man,

Speaker 2:

so everybody but kisses worldly enough to realize that this cart is hassling in structure. It's about the right size for hassling and there's something particularly homey about it, which is a trait that's fairly unique. Tap flings and you kind of do also know that halflings in general aren't that threatening.

Speaker 3:

I guess we should go talk to the guy. I can do whatever you want. Hey, can we recognize who is walking like nope. They're close

Speaker 2:

in a black hood and they're just slowly walking towards you, so if you just stand in the road than they will eventually meet you.

Speaker 3:

I feel like hello there. Don't come on.

Speaker 2:

They keep just slowly taking their time, walking towards you with his lantern out and they don't say anything rude. Okay. There now about 30 feet from you. So they're. They're about halfway through the dim light and getting towards the brighter light.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And nothing. I guess if y'all don't want to take any actions or use any magic, I'll say that they enter the brighter light and this actually illuminates their face and you all see the face of a Dura Gar. Underneath this hood. It lifts up the lantern which is attached to a staff and its hand. And you see the mule that's towing this cart quickly morph into three other dwarfs. These are just regular doors. What does the spirit in a way

Speaker 4:

three dwarves in a horse costume.

Speaker 3:

So your costume where they actually, they actually morph. Uh, it was, uh, it was an illusion. Essentially. Morphine doors and everybody roll initiative. Great. Dagnabbit y'all come on. I was just trying to be polite. Bring it on. Donkey boys. Twenty one, 14, seven. It's a six suite. Doing good. Okay. So first up in the order of Cindra. Alright, check this. When you use wild shape helia. And today the animal of the day is a lion. Oh my God. I thought you were going to turn into a mule.

Speaker 4:

I thought about it before they approached. I was like, how could turn into a call and talk to this mule and donkey conversation?

Speaker 3:

Maybe it wasn't smart. That was a good idea because they want to attack. Um, you'll pretty easily. So I'm going to watch shape into a lion and lion, one of their abilities. They have pack tactics. So the lion has advantage on an attack role against a creature if at least one of the lions allies is within five feet of the creature. Oh hell yeah. Come on, let's do this. So we're going to, we're going to attack these guys altogether, I guess. And I also have running leap. This is what the 10 foot running start. The lion can jump long jump for 25 feet. Oh my God. Take the perfect thing. That's awesome. Get them tear through those dwarves dude. So yeah, I'm going to take a running leap. I'm going for the leader, the one with the lantern, I guess role and attack role against it. A 10. That's not going to do it. Well, Dang. Okay. So next in the order is burning. Um, how far can I move? What's your speed of EPA? Fined 30 human 30, 30 is what humans have. I got those spindly legs. What for running with. Get over here? Yeah, I'm gonna Follow Cindra and I'm a doe after one of those little potato doors. All right. With what? My, the performer suite 10. That's not going to do it. Okay. Well now I'm. I missed and I'm in the range for those little dudes to get me. We're in it together.

Speaker 2:

So next is door number three and all of these doors are wielding a morning stars.

Speaker 3:

The Vegetarian Burgers, vegetarian course. The dark red

Speaker 2:

meat though is the leader specifically a human meat. Good thing in the human. The first one's going to walk up to Bernan and roll an attack for an 11 and the second one is going to roll up, walk up to Cindra and attack with a 1711.

Speaker 3:

Will not do it. Seventeen is going to hit the lion.

Speaker 2:

So it does five points of damage to you. Cindra. And it's actually kind of like kind of bad ass that it walks up swinging this morning. Starting just whales. A lion right in the side. A not a lion, but the lion. You said five. Yep. Five points of damage.

Speaker 3:

The lion will remember. And next in the order is Claire. Okay. So I'm going to use term person on the deer regard. Oh, hell yeah. Oh Wow. I love these. It must make a wisdom saving throw and it. And if we're fighting it has advantage. So. Okay. They got a 19 son of A.

Speaker 2:

I think that's going to beat your. So I guess that doesn't work so you can move. And that's it because that was your action. So I am now going to. Is there any higher ground around us? No, it's relatively flat. You could try and climb a tree, but it'll take your movement just to get over off the path to a tree. I'm going to. I'm gonna jump back behind syndrome. Okay. So that means you're running forward and kind of hiding behind the lion.

Speaker 3:

Becca, can I ride you? That's so forward. Let me buy you dinner first. You're about to be dinner for this lion. Is this? Yes. So is that a thing that like we don't have to do this? I mean, I guess. Go ahead, I guess. Well, no, not right now. Don't because I'm going to attack. I don't want to throw you off

Speaker 2:

then I'm going to jump back beyond kyle. I will say that does make things more interesting. If Alex has had an ed athletics saves to try and stay on this lion, but down for it. I mean, you know what I'm saying? Okay. Listen, I'm going to fucking do it. Yolo. Here we go. You can do things like that without collaborating. That's true. I guess. I guess that's true. You can just like at this point Cindra doesn't really have a choice because it's like Cindra could choose to kick you off on syndrome turn, but. Okay. So I guess you can move up to it and then. Yeah, if Cindra is compliant then I'll just say you can mount next in the order is kiss. Oh yes. It's time to rage baby. So I'm going to go for A. I'm going to go for the leader guy, drew guard guy, or I don't know what you said, but Dera, Gar Dura. Gar Drew Carey. Oh my God. I've got a seven that unfortunately is not going to do it. Oh my God. Next in the order is the dirt. I'm sorry, the Dwarf Warrior number two. And it's going to swing against. Let me think about the positions here. I think it would swing against kiss because it was probably pretty close to the leader and it rolled a one. So it's not going to hit the Dura. Gar is going to cast a spell and it's going to use acid splash towards cindra. Oh God. Okay. Um, and, and actually it says I can have one or two targets within a range. So it's going to cast it this at Cindra and player. Cool. Love it. Dang. So you have to do a deck. Save. What does alliance decks? Probably Pretty.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's pretty good. I got a 17. Well, I didn't do very well. I got a five.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So it's going to do one d, six acid damage to use. Indra and the acid start started splashes on the ground. And because you're a big old lion, it just hits splashes up towards you and that doesn't make it quite high enough to reach Claire Who's sitting on your back. Oh, I thought like clared bailed immediately when the CZ acid, like nevermind how to hear because it's not our return. That's true. Yeah. Solidarity. So that does five points of damage to you syndrome. Oh, Cindra. Oh No. I'll be fine. Syndromes got lion health and then human health.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Wild shape is awesome. It really is freaking cheap mode. Cindra you're next in the order. Well, I'm unhappy in many ways. I guess I'm going to go for the. I'm the one that just acid me. Sure. And I'm going to go and try to bite. Do you get some kind of bonus? Because Claire's right there. Yes I do. I get advantage for the pack mentality and it was an 18. Nice. That'll do it. Roll damage. One D, eight plus three according to whatever reading sounds about right. And it's eight.

Speaker 2:

See you sink your teeth into the Dura, Gar and it drops it. Staff in the lantern actually smashes and goes out, causing a small little fire down by its feet and it's looking real bad.

Speaker 3:

Did Claire have to do an athletics check to see if she was hanging on? No, because you didn't

Speaker 2:

really run around and you were kinda right there and its range. That's fine. If you had done any jump moves or like sprinted and, and ran than I would have had that happen. I'm pretty good at writing lions. So the Darcar is, is doing real bad and this actually kind of startles the doors and one of the other dorms runs off into the woods by next into the order is burning.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. So I want to kind of back up and maybe hold my sword in front of me a little bit more defensively than offensively and say something like, Hey, hey, hey. Just like back off, like just, we can just go separate ways. We don't have to do anymore of this. I don't want anybody to get killed or anything. Okay. Just like.

Speaker 2:

So that would be a contest. I would say charisma contest.

Speaker 5:

Persuasion is a skill, right? So what's the bonus for that? It is charisma. So

Speaker 2:

just your proficiency bonus plus charisma. I got a 12, one dwarf gotten 18 and the other guy a 10. So one is kind of convinced and it starts to just drop. It's morning star down and the other raises it above its head as though it's about ready to hit you.

Speaker 5:

I guess I started to back up and I say hey, hey, see I'm serious. Okay. So how far are you going to retreat? As far as I can I guess.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So you can move 30 feet back. So you're actually pretty far away from the party

Speaker 5:

point. Well okay. Now you know, like probably closer to the middle of where everybody is then like in the back.

Speaker 2:

Okay, sure. Uh, next in the order is door number three and this is the angry boy. He got a seven rolling in attack. So he's not going to hit anyone with that, I don't think. Next. And the odor is Claire.

Speaker 3:

So are these guys looking at

Speaker 2:

the only one who has had any damage done to it is the Dura Gar who was the wizard and it looks like absolute garbage. I mean it has puncture wounds. It's actively bleeding through it, dropped it staff and the lantern smashed on the ground and actually it's like it's closed or kind of on fire now. It doesn't even have the will to move out of the fire that was created by the lantern. Lighting up the ground.

Speaker 3:

I guess I didn't think about this, but for me to move back has to move or you could get off. You can move together. I'm just thinking this was like this looks. I mean there's a dragon riding a lion, you know, nothing cooler I can think of. Generally you're mounting something gives you their speeds. So if, if Cindra as cooperating, then you can do this. You might want to ask nicely. We'll see if, if they were going to be bad, I was going to use, um, protection over you, a major armor. I think it would be kind of a waste because I have to actually use a material. Hold on, you've got two dwarves that are like fighters with full

Speaker 2:

health. Well I also need a material and I'm trying to decide if I have any. I needed a leather. Okay. So we don't really worry that much about materials and stuff. Okay. We'll say you have it. I mean you're a wizard so you spent some time studying these spells and you gathered the materials ahead of time. Cool. Then in that case, I'm going to use major armor on Syndra. So you touched a willing creature who isn't wearing armor and protective. Magical forest surrounds until the spellings target space act becomes 13 plus dexterity modifier. So Syndrome is now a tank. Even more of a tank or armored lion with a dragon riding on the back. Yeah. I'm Claire is going to be like, Hey, I got, I got this. What would she say? I have no idea. Some make a reference to like lion king or something. Everything. The light touches next in the order is kiss. All right, I'm going to go for the a dwarf that was chasing after a burden or kind of coming towards Burnan. I must have been doing or reckless attack, so I get advantage of my attack row and they also get advantage on me after that. Okay. Oh, that's a 24. So wasted that. But okay. I use my great x. Oh, it's 12 points of damage. Uh, see you cleave into this dwarf with, with your great acts and you leave a notch in him. But he's still standing and still willing to fight. He's doing. He's doing all right. He doesn't look too bad. I mean other than the big all notch. And I forgot to add a, since I'm raging, I uh, get to plus damage. That's actually 14. I don't know if they've killed. Nobody looks a little worse off from where. Okay, great. He turns his wound, stretches open next in the order is dwarf number two, the one that burned and started disarmed. But now that burdens retreated, it's kinda willing to fight still after it sees you Cleveland's friend. So it's going to run towards the lion and the lion's. I don't know what you'd call it. Mountie like a Canadian. She just called me the Canadian police. Yeah, exactly. It's going to swing at Claire because it kind of figures that disarming the lions writer will make the lion for software and that's an 11 against stacey. That'll do it. You know, it won't. What's your ac? 13. Okay, cool. So it does. It actually doesn't hit you to kind of stumbles as it realizes that it's running towards a lion. And maybe I roar at it. Yeah, there you go. Next in the order is the dirt car, uh, and it's looking like crap. So it reaches its hands down towards the staff, but it doesn't quite make it, but as it does, it kind of moves the tans in a, in a wizardly way using his hands to cast this spell uses fog cloud of fog cloud starts to emerge from the bottom of it and the other dwarf see this and they actually start to take off into the woods as well. Next in the order Cindra, I've got something here. Can I cooperate with my good friend Freya? She has low light vision and I want her to kind of help me figure out where the Derg are is I'm not sure that light vision is really going to help because it is. It's just foggy. It's like a 20 foot fear of fog as a. can you like smell good? Oh, I do smell the lion has advantaged on perception checks that rely on smell. Okay, go for it. Sniff out is bled. So I'm going to snip this guy out. It is an unnatural 20. I don't think I need to reroll that. No, that'll do it. You know exactly where the dirt is and it's making its way towards the edge of the fog cloud. I'm gonna. I'm gonna. Go for the claw attack. Okay. And I get advantage because I have an ally drew that makes it 17. That'll do it. And I'm just going to swipe that guy. You kill it. I don't need to roll it. You just mall a Derek Carr. Nice. Sweet. And there's blood and I don't want to get too graphic, but it's nasty. It's really nasty. Never done that before. I mean, you killed the skeleton as a bear, but I don't know if you've ever like, just murdered someone like that. It was a good time. It was fun. Yeah. So next in the order Bernan um, how much of that did I see? You just heard it. You all just heard this like lick almost fluid sounding splatter noise felt blood over my face, right? No. So Claire could see everything at all. Set burden. I mean, like I, I'm smart enough to know what happened. Right? So yeah. Um, yeah, I just kind of put my hands over my mouth and horror. Is that your, your whole turn? Yup. That's my whole turn. Okay. Next in the order, the third dwarf is going to just keep running. Next would be claire. So one wharf is out in the woods already and one door is on the edge of the fog cloud. SORTA nearby. Claire and Sandra. Sandra, do you want to like chase one of these guys down and I'll stab him in the back of my knife? Dude, I mean he can't answer it, but he's down syndrome. Like purse. I'll just say this indirect. Can smell this other door because it's a particularly nasty smell. Dorf and you can run up to it. And Rolling. Attack. Stew it. Alright. 18. That'll do it. So roll damage. Got a one piercing. Okay. See you walk up and stab them in the back. And this prevents him from walking any further out of the fog cloud. That's better. I don't want to kill them from behind anyway, but it's still alive and it's kind of rising as your dagger pierces the back of the store on next. In the orders kiss. Can I roar to kind of rally kiss? Sure. I want to point out too that my, my dagger is still. Oh Nice.

Speaker 3:

Okay. So this'll give kiss like some idea of where you are? Yes. Oh Great. But um, I'll say if you, you got to actually rebecca,

Speaker 2:

just like the last one. Oh that's all right. That'll do. So kiss now you know where they are and you can run in their direction if you want. Yeah, I'm totally doing that. And do another reckless attack. Yeah. Nineteen. That's probably do it right. That'll do it. Alright, here we go. Bucko five damage. That'll kill them. Yep. So describe what happens. Kiss just charges right to the fog signal light and just like not knowing if it's going to be in any kind of result, but he just goes right for it. And runs in, sees the Dorf and with one squad just cuts them with the ax. Okay. So again, Brendan, you hear that same noise as though it was mauled by a lion, but this time he was mauled by a big bird with an ax. Same thing. Really. Same thing for you once again are splattered with this creatures blood. And I would say that you narrowly narrowly Miss Claire with this attack kiss because Claire is so close that she just stabbed this dwarf with a dagger. Oh whoops. And you run in and Claire actually has to kind of jump back a little bit and, and wobble a little bit on top of cinders back in order to avoid getting hit by your acts. All right, so I'm going to say that the other dwarf is the other dwarves are well into the woods to kind of recollect and they're now no longer engaged in combat. If you guys don't want to fight them, it's probably not worth it to pursue them. But hell, I won't stop you.

Speaker 3:

Should we get them? I think, I mean like we're, we're kind of in on this now. No,

Speaker 2:

I kind of want to know why they attacked us. But kiss wouldn't have that thought in the moment, I think.

Speaker 3:

Right? He still raging. Yeah. Is the fog cleared?

Speaker 2:

Yes. So the fog slowly slowly starts to dissipate, but eventually there's no fog and you see the remains of these dirt car and a door.

Speaker 3:

Oh, we should, we should. We should get one to question them. Like why they just kind of straight up attack us out here in the woods. They jumped us because it's the middle of the night. Well maybe, but why were they hiding as a donkey to this? There's no swamp around. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

This is a deep lore question. Questions deep, deep, dig back into the backstory, Lord. Figure out why their donkey. Oh my God.

Speaker 3:

Oh God. Are they related to that? The ogre we fought.

Speaker 2:

No. I've had to say we'd had an ogre and a donkey in the story so far. Yeah. The whole campaign is just a retelling of Shrek allegory. You've

Speaker 3:

got this cart in front of you. No longer with the donkey on it. You got bloody remains. He could search. Do whatever you want. I don't care. Let's search. Some bloody remains. Killed my damn dwarfs. Yeah, they deserved it. All right, so claire, Claire dismounts. Thank you Becca. Don't thank me. Thank Cindra. Thanks Sandra. I think I'm going to stay in line form for a little bit just in case I want to look for some loot. Claire.

Speaker 2:

Ruffles Syndrome is main. He looks not too happy about it. Like kind of like a face to the cat makes when it's kind of unhappy, stinky face like they're always face to face. I think they kinda like nudges. Claire just like get gets in Claire's way with regards to the, the acs boy that you murdered and you start searching the body of this dwarf and you find about 15 gold pieces and five silver pieces in a sack and a small wallet. You think that is more. You could also pick up. It's mace if you want, but it's just the standard Morningstar. Yeah. No, I'm good. Claire, you're going to search the Derg our wizard yet clear. Snapped your fingers and the major armored disappears from center, I want to say. And then walks over to the dairy bar and starts nosing around in there. What did you find in there? So amazingly, because this is just a mess. It's like a, it's, it's a real messy debt, but you do find a healing potion that managed to not shatter in a small glass vial. Great. So now I have like three of those. Yeah. Y'All got, you have three. I think the kiss has to cool. Okay. Y'All, y'all getting some loot? You might need it at some point. So now what kind of like, you know, squatting towards the ground with my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands. Did we want to pursue? The other ones are not. I kind of want to know why they attacked us unless they're just trying to Mug us or something. I'm going to veto that and say that they're too far in the woods. Yeah, that's true. We did kind of loot first. So you'd do like a day of tracking at this point just by the headstart they've gotten. Can we check the cart? They had a cart you said? Sure. See kiss walks up to the cart and

Speaker 1:

a small creature, not that small but smaller than you. Probably about 100 pounds. Actually kind of like lunges towards you, but you notice that it is a dog and it's a short haired dog with white for and it's really fat and muscular and it's kind of wagging its tail. Does he have a. He has a forehead. Any liens? A good boy. And he leans in. He actually jumped out of the car and leaves this whole button to you

Speaker 2:

from inside the car. You hear holly?

Speaker 4:

Stop that.

Speaker 2:

What's his name? Wally Ali. Oh Ali. Awesome. And emerging from the cart comes a blond half laying woman and she says y'all really kicked their asses.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you really got them. I didn't do anything when he

Speaker 2:

kicking. I mostly used my ex to a cut them up. What are you doing here? Or it's interesting to turn back into a person now. Okay. So does everybody kind of approached the cart

Speaker 3:

clear hangs back? No, I'm having a meltdown. I think Cindy is going to go burn it on the back and get him to calm down.

Speaker 2:

Burton with this damn meltdowns. Yeah, clear it. Clear it goes in and puts an arm around them too. It's going to be okay. I think at some point I'll like. I mean I want. I want you guys to feel like there are consequences to killing things, but I also can't have burned just melting down all the time by the Gore I described.

Speaker 3:

Well No. Here's the thing. It's not so much that Gore, but like, you know, killing skeletons and zombies is one thing because they're already dead, but like he doesn't know the motives of these people. That's true. We didn't get a chance to question them.

Speaker 2:

They did attack you. I mean, it's a fantasy world, you know, I'm Brendan's no adventure, but people get killed and attack other people all the time. Well, he's never killed anybody before. I do think that narratively the brutality of this particular lion mauling like really does resonate with Burnham.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. It's burning scared of me now. He, I mean he's. Yes. Okay. Oh, he's not scared of person. Cindra yeah, but not in the, like, she's like strong way, but like a, she's unpredictable way. Well, she still goes and comforts him. Right. So you guys can do some dialogue if you want, I think is kind of oblivious to burden situation. So. Hey, you okay? They're a little moon. Is there anything I can do there? There? She pats him on the back here. Drink some of this clear offers in a flask. He didn't get hurt. No alcohol. I think alcohol just thinks a minute and then he takes a sip. Now you'll feel better and she takes the flashback. I can put it away. I think syndrome maybe feels a little guilty that he caused some of this. So I think he's gonna grab burning. Okay. So he's going to squat down in front of Bernan and grab both of his shoulders to kind of get them to focus in on him. I love how we're having this like Dr Phil moment while they're two new characters are often. It's pretty nice actually. Um, I'm just gonna I want them to look syndrome in the eyes. Is that going to be a thing? When he does look at you? He is terrified. Are you going to be okay? You always ask that if you were calmer. I wouldn't have to. I just need a minute. Okay. Yeah, let's just leave him. I guess we're going to back off and give him some space.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So while all that was happening, kiss, you're talking to this woman who kind of emerges and she's looks a little beaten up. She's like, yeah, yeah, they really got me good. I was just coming out of the out of the city there and they, they got me all right, but I'm okay, you know. Yeah, I'll be fine. Thank you. Thank you. Are you sure? It'd be okay because you seem kind of weak. Yeah, I mean that wallet on that door if I saw you take was mine, but you can keep it for the troubles. Yeah, it's okay. Don't, don't worry about it. I'll be okay. I'm just heading back out to my campsite. Okay. I will not worry about it. I will keep the money. You gave me interest. Going to walk that way. Okay. Burnin. I guess he's scared to be alone. So say probably shakily stands up and walks over. Oh, so everyone's walking you over now. I was going to say, claire kind of stood off to the side. She's still kind of wary. Okay. To the people approaching I'd kissed. Says, Hey, look. She gave me money. He's a very nice. Can I ask real quick? Are we all covered in blood or at least not burning, but the rest of us, you're no longer covered in blood because of the wild shape ship. Most of it off view. Claire is the only one covered in blood. Oh, that's too bad. Too Bad for her. I mean kiss with blood on them, but you can't see it. Which Claire Licks it off. No, I'm just kidding. I was going to. I was actually thinking about like when somebody is splattered, like she instinctively just looked some of it off, but no, no kiss. When you're asked cleaved into that door, the blood spray actually went in the opposite direction just based on the angle that you attacked it and that's why it sprayed by. Not You, but you wouldn't be able to see the blood anyway and your bright red feathers. Yes, exactly. Anyway, the hassling woman says. Yeah. Yeah. That was a good one. You know, I really ought to get going though. Claire starts walking up slowly also to join the group. Yeah. Thank. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. But have a. have a good night, ma'am. Yes. You don't have anything to pull your cart. Oh, I got all the right here. He's more than capable of doing it. And He, uh, he's a big boy and he, she reaches downstairs patent and who's a little fat ass dog is very thick. I think you could do the job. Yeah, he's a, he's a fat boy. Alright, that's what up dog. You have fat boy in the woods out here. I'm just thinking like, you feel like maybe you're safer with. Do you want us to like, you know, make sure you get back to your campsite. All right, well where were y'all headed? We were heading up into the capital. Hm? Hm. Hm. Yeah. I'm going the opposite direction, so I think I can make it to my camp. I've been, I've been out here for a couple hundred days so I, it's not much farther than this. And I think y'all scared those dwarves than any other roughy ins in the area. Pretty well. It's really no travel. It's already dark. Can I do an insight check? Sure. It's 10. I don't think you get very much from 10, but you can tell she's a little shaken and really kind of just wants to be alone, but um, is also a pretty friendly person so the least we can do is the score to her home. I, I don't think that she's going to let you escort her home, but you can talk to her some more if you wish. She, I think she doesn't really want you to know where she lives at this point. Okay, fair enough. Let's just keep going. How, how far away is it a. it's a couple more miles down the road. Not too far at all now. Not too far. All he and I can make it. And this big fat boy protect we use will. I reached down and Pat Ali's, but yes, I'd like your fat dog. Ollie wags his tail and presses his button to you, Brendan, and acts like almost knocks you over with his weight. Ali. Now come on. All right. Come on guys. You can see she just wants to be alone for a little bit. Would you stop that? Ali is still like pushing into Brennan, so as you guys start to walk away, she, she rigs all the up to the cart and kind of starts heading in the other direction a little bit, but then stops and says, wait.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 2:

my name's, my name is pace. Okay. Well Ma'am, I tell you my name, but if you're from around these parts you probably hate me for it. No, no, I wouldn't hate you. In fact, most people hate me. So one of the lead setters. Oh, the let's editors. Yup. Okay. Yeah, I don't, I don't think. I don't think. No, nothing foul about the lead setters. Y'All are okay in my book. Why do people hate you? Want to talk about it later? Well, that's surprising, but anyways, thank you ms dot pace. If, uh, if you need anything now you can. You can come by our shop in town. Why do people hate paces? When I was asking actually why people hate you pace. That's kind of a long story. But I, I, I've been living in a cabin out here, uh, out here with my partner for a little while, but I can't seem to find her. And so I'm just out here waiting, you know, I set up camp and I'm doing all right. I got all day to keep me company, you know, I don't know where our home is for, for somehow it's, I just can't seem to find it.

Speaker 5:

I guess I'm going to do an insight check to see if she seems to like, have some sort of like something wrong with her. That sounds really mean. I'm like if she has some sort of ailment or something that like a curse or something maybe on her eight,

Speaker 2:

you know, you don't sense anything. Everybody. How about everybody rolling insight? Sure. I'm looking for a high number 14. I got a seven, 11, 14. We'll do it. Cindra you're able to tell that there's nothing wrong with this woman other than the fact that she suddenly after many, many years can't find her home. She's an excellent survivalist other than being, you know, ganged up on and, and Kinda mugged by these doors. And Dirk are who wanted to steal from her and likely eat her and her dog. She like, she's doing great. You know, she, she, the reason she doesn't want you to come with her is because she's fairly confident that she can do. Okay. She can heal herself and find food for the night and yeah. Well I don't want to impose on the woman. Why can't you find your home? I'm going to get somebody really antsy to get home over here too. Yeah. Okay. Now I don't want to keep you all. So I'm going to. I'm going to go. It was good to meet you. Really. Thank you. Thank you for saving me. And if you see, if you see a really, really tall person, you tell them I'm looking for him. We'll do that. That's too vague. There's lots of those. I am. I know I'm talking. I talk in tall. I mean she, she is tall, tall. It's a. She will keep a lookout for her. Yup. That's my sugar lips. Anyway, thanks y'all. Of course, man. Thank you again.

Speaker 3:

And she starts walking off from the other direction with her lamp lit. And she's just walking maybe how many into herself?

Speaker 2:

A little bit.

Speaker 3:

Singing a little song. Alright, well I guess we have no choice but to go the other direction. Right?

Speaker 2:

Okay. So you hike into the city and the rest of the journey is fairly uneventful. You get to the main road and you can see these large gates in the distance. There's light spilling out of them from the city and there are some torches that actually light up this large large road that's more well paved, leading into the city. You see a figure walking towards you and the distance is it? Nope. Just shuts out. Are you going to attack us? So here's the thing, like are the streets crowded or is it just one person out? Nope. At this point it's dissipated to the point where there's a little bit of foot traffic that passes you on the way and they're just normal people coming and going into the city. This at this point is on this stretch of road is the only person who's about to intercept with you and you see in the distance as they get a little bit closer. And as they pass by one of the torches that slipped by the side of the road and the light splashes on them. It's Comac Gomez is holding a large or a native metal club on his shoulder. Huh? So what do you do? Go. Hey, it's a neat club. You got there, man. What the hell are you doing here? This character kind of like up you and doesn't really say anything and keeps walking towards you though. I would like to do an arconic check. Sure. I got a 19 for perception to a 14 Arcana. So burning as far as you can tell. It's just go a. nothing's fishy about them. There's the stride is perfect. The height is perfect. Pretty much everything about this. This Gomez is Gomez Syndrome. You see that with your archana check. You can tell that go armors and chanted and that club is heavily, heavily enchanted, but nothing fishy is going on. It's certainly not illusion magic. And this person gets up to you and they say,

Speaker 7:


Speaker 2:

So I see if Mike Comac and you have to. Evidently we've met you. Yep.

Speaker 5:

Uh, so

Speaker 2:

wait a minute. You all are the rowdy party that saved[inaudible] life. Wait, you aren't Gomez

Speaker 5:

out of character. Question. Is he supposed to sound like seth?

Speaker 2:

No. Seth has a deeper voice. Okay. Of course not. I'm not going. Go. Mic is one of the nights from my kingdom, but from your kingdom and I'm actually on the road to try and find him. We were supposed to reconvene outside of ribbon tin, but I heard of his antics and judging by this dragon born woman whose completely covered in blood. Hey, you must be the rowdy party that saved him.

Speaker 5:

Rowdy high. Is that what they're calling us? That's right. I would have chosen a better name. Blood is so nice.

Speaker 2:

Oh, y'all are rowdy. Alright. She hands out of the bag on her back. She takes out a towel and like throws it. Declare. Thank you. She takes it and also out of her bag, she takes out a blue potion and it kind of bubbles as you see her, flip it in our hand and grab it and the air and says, here, take this for your acts of heroism. And she hands you a potion of heroism, which of us is you? Will she threw the towel that Claire a handset to Bernon.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

Anyway, I'll be off now. And she keeps walking in the, in the other direction. Club on her shoulder. Wait, where are you going? She doesn't even turn around. I'm going to find gold mic. I know where he is. Oh, we just saw him. I know where he is. Don't sweat it. It's going to be a long walk. And uh, she doesn't. Jay Again, she doesn't even turn around for any of this. She just keeps walking into the distance and eventually she leaves your sight down the path. That was clear. Thank you

Speaker 3:

person. I want to turn to Vernon and out of character. This is my way of saying I want vernon to do a perception check and see if this is a normal way for his town to appear. But if things seem off to him. Okay. So I'm just going to say is everything, is this normally what everything looks like?

Speaker 5:

Um, I got a 15 perception.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

Also normal down to the crappy food they're selling in the street. This is my home and see what kind of crappy food. Actually you might like it. Sometimes they saw rats on sticks. That sounds delicious. I'm kidding. I'm kidding.

Speaker 2:

I'll treat you to a mistake. I just got some extra money that I can spend on things.

Speaker 5:

All right. Kiss. Yeah. You understand the concept of the economy now, Huh? Okay.

Speaker 2:

So you all hike into the city and uh, you maybe you get a couple of rats on sticks, right as the vendors are actually starting to close up for the night, but there is, there is some bustling, you know, there may be people out singing your songs and we're like worshiping the and doing rituals and things because this is the Saturday of fuel. It's the evening and people are celebrating. Uh, with that being said, most people from their day jobs are actually starting to go home as it's probably maybe 7:00 at night now. And you arrive at the lead center house. And I would like Tory to describe that for you.

Speaker 5:

A burden reaches into his bag and pulls out a key ring and he kind of looks over his shoulder at everybody because he realizes that it's kind of rude to bring people in, unannounced announced, but he decides to go ahead and unlock the door. He steps in and what you walk into is a shop of sorts, sort of how you know you have like in Europe and some downtown American cities, you have a store or business downstairs and then the living quarters are above it and so

Speaker 3:

the bottom of this building has all these really big metal tables with wheels on them, sort of their, their printing presses there. There's different ones that operate different ways. There's some that look like you pulled down a lever to pull down the pressure and then you roll it or there's some that just looks like a big metal drum that you roll over the print stuff and on the sides of the walls there are these big wooden cases with drawers and drawers and drawers and drawers of metal type in all these different fonts and sizes and languages. On one wall. There's a bunch of inks which are heavily used. The shop is relatively clean. I would imagine that if Nina, which I assume you'll meet in a moment, has been doing her work like she needed to. She probably hasn't been as cleanli cleaning up after, after her work as I would be, but other than that it looks, you know, maybe there's a project or two that sort of half finished laying around, but it's very orderly. Otherwise just covered in lots of stains from years and years of use that you can't really clean kiss. He tries to place with some of your equipment sorts. Piddling with it. Hey, watch it. You don't want to lose a finger and that's not a joke. I'm serious. We had a habit before claire goes, wow, this is so cool. Thank you. So just going to do a perception check to save vernon has all his fingers. Three

Speaker 4:

can. You cannot tell the results are unclear.

Speaker 2:

Well I know she counts and somehow there's an extra finger. See you all make your way up the stairs and of course burn is going first and he unlocks the door from the stairs to the shop, which they keep locked in case there's some sort of burglary down in the shop and opens the door into the kitchen and dining room visible. Tory.

Speaker 5:

I would say so, yeah. So I, whatever I'm opening up into um, I'm kind of peeking my head in first and not really like opening the door in case anybody just just in case like, you know, just to be polite.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So you see first thing you see is your sister Nina sitting at a table and Nina's 18. Everyone, what does Nina look like?

Speaker 5:

She looks like me, but not me as a tory. Me As in burden. She looks like burden but not as gangly. She shorter, a little bit more weight to her is so not like stick thin and she's got long brown hair and kind of a cheeky expression to her face.

Speaker 2:

So she's looking cheeky and I just want to say that when you said not as Ganglia, I thought you said not as dangly dangling in his very dank and she says,

Speaker 5:

well well, well I write lists. Look who it is. Yeah. Okay. Did you even read my? No, you're listening to me and Mr. Ms Dot Mr. meandering moonshine over here.

Speaker 2:

You are finally back for the annual celebration. Nina and she smiles and she walks up and she hugs you. I hug her back and I said, Nina, you've worked not believe what I've been through. And she says, you said you'd be back with cash from that print shop outside of ribbon.

Speaker 5:

Damn days ago.

Speaker 2:

I only, I only had to fulfill an order of 50 new posters and sell a new contract to the potion business on the other side of town can make up for your lost time, but you can kind of tell that she wants you to be proud of her for all those sales. Like she's, she's rubbing it in your face but also like she's not put out by doing all that. She's kind of,

Speaker 5:

he kinda like playfully. I'm like, taps on the shoulder and he's like, see, I told you you could do business without me.

Speaker 2:

She says, Oh, I knew I could listen. Where were you?

Speaker 5:

So you didn't read my letter? I knew you wouldn't. I said D, Did you get it at all? I sent something

Speaker 2:

mom, mom, and you opened the door a little bit more and you can see your mother and your sister and your father is sitting at the table and your little sister amberly who was about nine years old, runs up to you and yells, burn in and runs up and kind of like tries to give you a hug, but the door is still like mostly closed. Does she hit her head on the door? Head on the door. And you instinctively grant break. Yeah. You instinctively put your back a little bit. Just see. You can open the door and off so she can give you a hug and she hugs your pants and then looks up and sees kiss. Yes. Because I'm definitely picking over his head and says, Hi Brady. Oh, hi lizard.

Speaker 5:

Uh, yeah. Y'All. I'm sorry to bring a bunch of people with me. I can explain everything, but I need to know what's like, what's going on.

Speaker 2:

So Nina faces who are your friends and then kind of leans down and picks up, picks up amber lenses, amberly. Guess what? Brandon's been gone for a long time. I think he's got a part in Amberley says, and then your dad kinda stands up from the table and walks over to you and greet you and he says, good to see you buddy. Yeah, we, we got out, you know, a couple of days ago. We want to surprise you for you without letting you know. I'm uh, I'm so sorry I wasn't here for that. Oh, that's no sweat. You know, we saw you like several times a week and you know, presidents not that bad and Bailyn everyone. These are people that I met on the road. How do I explain this? Oh my God, this goes in, I think, kiss through our shared adventure so far. Thanks. That hugging. Just a general greeting for humans. So he goes and throws a hug with your dad. The Dad's Kinda hesitant like a little bit and then like pats you on the back with his hands at, you know, at a 45 degree angle about forcing my other arm and get the double get the full on hug. He's a hugger. He goes in for the hug and he warms up against your bird feathers and says, well, nice to meet you. Kiss your mom, gets up and hugs you. Burn in. That kind of sits back at the table without really saying much. Just it's good to see you and a Nina faces. Well, well come on in everyone. Come on in. There's plenty of food for everyone. And does anyone else want to do anything before we get dinner started? I think clearly kind of raises her like she just like, hey, you know, waves like I'm clear. That's it. Nina. Face this cool shoes. Oh my God, thanks girl. I guess center introduces himself. He kind of scratches the back of his head. He's very confused by all these, uh, these formalities. And so he's a hello. It's prayer with us. Did she come in the house to phrase sweet? She just walks in, she walks in and just starts popping joyfully around. Oh, around Amber Lee's feet and emily's like bird, don't, don't, don't, don't let her bite your finger off. I'm serious. Starts hopping joyfully around in pets. Fray on the head and it looks very pleased. So they invited us to eat dinner. Yep. I think as claire and Cindy were introducing themselves, I already sat down and started eating. You actually take Nina phase seat, but she's completely fine with that and she pulls up enough chairs for the table. They actually kind of disengage the locking mechanism and the table that burning crafted and they place more slots in the table to extend it and they bring in more food from the kitchen and it's very cozy and comfy. And despite living kind of downtown in this bustling city, everything seems to fade and you're just in this, this dining room with the family. Everything's lit by candles and the lead center start telling stories of their time in prison and they're like[inaudible]. I think dad's like, yeah, we, you know, we met this one guy and he takes a bite of his food and he says his name was peg leg jack. Did he have peglegs? Nope. Weird. But he did grow marijuana in his belly

Speaker 3:

real quick. I want to say that I'm is not eating because that whole ordeal with the lion thing he made. He didn't like killing the guy. Right. So he's not going to eat. He's going to sit quietly. Impolitely at the table with everybody else.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Vernon's dad kind of nudges you. Syndrome says, come on, eat up. There's plenty of food, but you do kind of start to realize that there's not as much food as you thought and which is strange because you know, if they brought a lot of food over to the table, but I guess like kiss as a vague advertising maybe like it doesn't look like there's enough for Nina Fay to eat a full plate and serve herself. Um, but that's okay because you don't want to eat. Anyway.

Speaker 5:

I noticed this and I look at Nina and I say, Hey, I know it's not appropriate dinner conversation, but we saw some stuff on the road. I'm not feeling too hungry, don't let this go to waste. And I hand it to her. I don't mind burning.

Speaker 2:

And she takes the plate from you and kind of like gives you like knowing eyes is like, I'm just happy to meet all of your friends and she smiles at you. Kisses. Are you two in prison? Well, long story short, tax evasion, sick about that. You know, we did a 10 year stint down here at Baylin pet penitentiary and uh, it's not a Balun prison isn't so bad. It's a pretty progressive city and you know, we get to see the kids very, very often and make sure that everything was going well. We actually got to stay in there together. The two of us. So you didn't do a cool crime like murder or stealing things? Well, you know, part of the Baylan prison experiences, rehabilitation. So the feds would want us to say that we're stealing things, but you know, that's it. That's not a tax evasion works, whatever. I totally get you guys. Tax is are the worst. So everything's going well. I mean the he there, right? Like prison. It just seems like a well adjusted family. You would not think that these are two people just got out of prison for 10 years and I think that burdens the only one who actually like not comfortable here in his own home. I think that everybody should make a perception check. Say something's up. I know there's something up a 14, 18, 2018 also. So as burdens dad starts to say, you know, he didn't have to stay at home this whole time. Your, your sister is doing a great job running things on her own. Why don't you, why don't you go out, you know, play, play some concerts with that, that led center you made and you diversify your portfolio. Opened up another print shop on the other side of town, but as, as he's ranting and kind of like criticizing burden in a complimentary way. Everyone notices

Speaker 1:

a pale blue glow start from Brennan's bag. Can we not in Berlin? And the rest of you are all struck with the realization

Speaker 8:

did if that damn thing breaks this full dining rooms going somewhere, can we throw it out the window? Hey everyone. Thanks for listening to magic folk and we hope you enjoyed this episode. And if you can follow us on twitter at magic full pod and rate and review us on itunes magic focus produced and edited by Curtis back with characters portrayed by Alex Couch, Becca Bowen, kyle burning in Victoria Watkins Art music also by Victoria Watkins. See you next time.