Intro Montage:

[Curtis]: Last time on magic folkell... Did- I? Did-? Ah! Ah! W-Wendy!


What? What is it? Owen!


I became the animator for no reason.


What about her lizard friend? Is she still playing with that or...?


What's that guy's deal?


What/is/ that guy's deal?


I've come to accept the lizard friend.


Come in, have a seat please. If we must see anyone at all. We are very glad it is you.


Sindre, Seth also writes,"Cut the head off of the Lizard", and then he's done. So we open this session looking down at the body of a Drow soldier, completely mangled and ribboned. Our perspective is grayscale with this wavering black circular border as though we're looking through a tube from another realm. And our frame of reference slowly and smoothly pans upwards. And we see the entrance to Alvara and Alvarie's tent revealing several more Drow soldiers on the ground and a single Drow soldier in the doorway of the tent with his weapon drawn. And our perspective holds here for several seconds on this guard before turning left and starting to proceed through the maze of tents. Slowly drifting, but from outer frame, we hear[SFX: FFFT!] followed by a thud. and now we rejoin Bernan, Kiss, and Gomec as they are cornered by guards in their cell. Pushed up against the cage bars on the back wall, surrounded by 30 Drow soldiers in what is basically fantasy riot gear, and with 50 Drow surrounding the cage, pointing their spears at you through the bars, some kind of back behind you, not quite through the bars given that you're pushed up against the wall and one of the Drow soldiers, shouts-[Under breath] How does he sound?

Drow Soldier:

Hey! Oh, we missed confiscation on this one. Take his equipment. Uhh, and be- beware of magic.


And they go for your equipment Kiss.


Wait, hold back. If you don't want your entire army destroyed by me, single handedly, you will not touch me.


Uhh, kiss. I don't think that that's a good idea. We are g- uhh-!


[Interrupting Gomec] Oh I don't want to, Gomec. I'm on a mission of peace right now. I want to save them. I want to save them the hassle, but they should know. I can summon an army of ghosts single handedly. Take you all out.


Kiss..... Shut up.


Listen, I... Kiss. We- We do not have the means to fight this army and they've already disarmed the rest of us. Why did you give them your things peacefully?


[Speaking over Gomec] If they will... They will- I will peacefully leave! I'm just trying to work this out, but if they don't want to be peaceful-


-And Kiss is, like winking at everybody, like trying to say like he's not actually going to destroy them,


But[stammer]-trust me! They sent me here as a fail safe. I can take you all out.


Okay. I guess roll an intimidation? Or I don't know. Is it intimidation or deception?


Yeah, I dunno. 11?


I don't think that's going to do against an army of what? 80 people within the room?[Laugning] Plus whoever's outside?




I would say roll a strength contest as the guards try and strip you of your items.


As they're trying to take my things, I summon the ghosts.




Just have them on standby. So I rage.


Sure, so you start blowing


Oh no...


You start glowing and the guards like,


Yeah, Get him! Get him! Ah, he's glowing!


six versus ac. Nineteen versus AC. Seven versus AC and three versus AC. So only one of them hits you.




But they're kind of shoving you around and bouncing you around a little bit.




Take eight points of damage.


Look upon me! I have summoned my army of ghosts! Now let us out of here peacefully or else they will hurt you.


Conan's like in the background, like


I'm part of an army now!


My general of my army Conan!


And I toss Conan like an ax because the ghosts can't hurt anybody. Right. I'm just trying to scare them away to like let us out of the cage.


I thought the ghosts could-


They can only protect my friends basically.


[Talking over Kyle] Ohhh.


So I would say kiss roll... Another intimidation


13? Nope.


Nope. So the guards had kind of, you know, a couple of them are like... A couple of these Drow guards have probably never seen a ghost before. So they're like, oh no. But they realized quickly that the ghosts aren't really doing anything. They're kind of just standing around and they continue to pursue. And I rolled an 18 strength contest.


Yeah, they beat me. Darn it.


Okay. Sorry. Nevermind. I thought that would work.


It was a nice try, Kiss. thank you for keeping things nonviolent.


I'm a, I'm a peace ambassador. Gomec.




[Laughing] And you are stripped of your equipment. The guards exit the tent just as quickly as they entered. You are left with four guards, one on each corner of the cage, and you do see that the guards that take your equipment exit through the left side of the tent. If you're facing the entrance from where you came in into the cage, they went to the left. What do you do?


Well, I tried


before we started. You said you had a plan. Was that your plan-


That was my plan![Laughing] to try and scare them away with my ghost army.




Oh no...


So my plan failed. I've got nothing now


and then they all died.




What do we do to get out of here?


Bernan, you got anything?


I can show them my ass.




Okay. I'm going to use disguise self to make myself look like one of the guards.




Maybe as they were leaving?


are they watching us? Like the guards that are stationed there, are they watching us?


Yeah, they're. They're facing you. But I think role deception.


Ooh, that's pretty good.


What'd you get?


Unnatural 20.


So you deceive all four guards-


[laughing triumphantly]


they are watching you and they're like,


hey, ones left in the tent. What- uhh, dude get out of there. What are you doing?


My ghost brought them in here.


[Bad fake voice] Yeah, I got. I got stuck in here get me out.


[Under breath] Listen, what's the plan if you do get out, Bernan?


[Awkward pause, then laughing]


[Under breath] Find- uhh, Sindre?


[Under breath] Alright. Don't die.


[Nervous levity] Whoooo, I might.


Did you say,"I might?"[laughing]




[Laughing] YEAH!


So the guards to have them walk over and stand on each side of the door and one walks over with the keys and pulls the keys from a key ring around his waist and unlocks the door and opens it for you. Bernan


Alright, I hustle on out of there.


Okay. And so you walk on out into the maze and they shut the door and lock it back. Once again. Now we're inches away from kisses. Beak, fisheye due to proximity and grayscale Once again as though seeing through an ethereal tube and we slowly start to float backwards, tilting downwards towards the ground where we see the roots of trees poking through the dirt and snow as we enter into the ground. Back to Alvara and Alvarie, Sindre, you are lying on the ground. Having just transformed back into your human form after getting blasted with magic missiles,


this is true,


and Alvara and Alvarie are quickly struggling to get on their feet and ready to subdue you. You hear guards outside marching and coming towards you, but then it's quickly followed by the sound that you heard Freyja make.[SFX] and a thumb and a thump and another and another


holy shit,


and in a moment you hear no footsteps outside as a single guard stands in the doorway of the tent with blood spilling under their feet and a few seconds pass and silence as all three of you take notice of something happening outside of the tent before. Once again you hear that sound and in the blink of an eye, the guard in the doorway collapses in a pile seemingly without a cause. Cindra really quickly before we jump into this scene, role perception


Uhh, 10, I'm a little nervous.




Something's different about the air. You can't quite pinpoint it, but like there's almost this weird smell that is familiar, but you. You really can't tell what exactly what it is, but something is different. You haven't smelled this in this camp before. The siblings look down at their maimed soldier and they call out


[Vaguely European Accent] Ahh! We see. So this was no mission for deliberations. It was an assassination attempt. brought about by a foolhardy and reckless King we Shall see how the Drow feel about this


as they read either weapons, one carrying a large chopping knife that you recognize from the cutting board in their tower and the other carrying this wooden paddle that you recognize as being just like the long paddle used in the mill but smaller.


Okay, so now it's on me to make a move.


What do you do?


I am going to cast warding wind.


Okay. I'd say roll initiative.


Okay.[Singing] Sindre's going to die.


Really thought my plan was gonna work...


[Laughing] And Bernan just fucking walks right out!




Fooled them all... nine. A strong wind. Twenty miles per hour blows around you in a 10 foot radius and moves with you remaining centered on you. The wind lasts for the spell's duration. The wind has following effects, et Cetera, et cetera. So when I used to dissipate thunder elemental.




Breaking wind.


[Stupid Laugh]


at what level? Spell is that?




So you cast this spell and a strong wind blows all around you and knocks the siblings back a little bit, but they cast a spell on you that causes the wind to completely stop. and at this point the tent above them is like, blowing away in the wind, you know, it's like it's barely holding on by spikes that are keeping it in the ground, but suddenly your spell fails




first in initiative is one of the siblings and they are going to roll an attack on you. 18 versus AC.




He'll take one point of damage as the sibling with the paddle just kind of swipes at you and smacks you. Still recoiling from the wind. Next is the other sibling, 15 versus AC.


Yes, That hits.


You'll take six points of damage as this sibling cleaves their knife down upon you




and your turn.


And it's my turn. Oh Man. I wasn't prepared for this.


[Laugh] I told you there'd be fighting.


My plan was just to cast warding wind and run away.




Crop dust'em, Huh?




I'll cast earth tremor.




You cause a tremor in the ground with within range. And the range is 10 feet, which I'm assuming there- they were in a tent. So that would be within range.




Each creature other than you in that area, must make a dex save on a failed save They take some damage and is knocked prone. If the ground in that area is loose earth or stone, it becomes difficult terrain until cleared. And with each five foot diameter portion, requiring at least one minute to clear by hand. So if it's like soft earth underneath it's gonna be rough terrain for them to try to get to me.


right So dex saves?




18, 14.


Both of those work.






Okay. So you cast this spell and the ground begins to shake. And both of the siblings just start to levitate and float above the ground-


[Speaking over Curtis] Fuck!


-as they're standing in place. And they're going to swing at you again. 14 versus AC.




11 versus AC-


[Emphatic] NO.


So this time they miss probably because you're on-[Laughs] You're like, standing on the ground and shaking. So as the ground shakes underneath you, it jostles you around and they missed their swings, go ahead and take another turn.


[Sigh] Well Dang, all right, I've got something new for you.


Oh boy.


I'm going to use druid craft and create the smell of skunk right in front of them.




To throw them off their game and then I'm going to use my action to run the crap away.




This isn't new at all.


[Laughing] Yeah!


So you cast this and they're kind of sniffing around like,


Oh, what is this smell? this is horrible.


Exactly! That's how I knew they'd react. They hate that kind of stuff! They're so prissy!


you take off running back through the back end of the tent- That is now again, just like blowing in the wind, half bound to the ground and half free. Flapping like a Cape and you get as far away as you can about 30 feet?


Yes. That is my range.


Okay. From inside the tent, both of the siblings come floating out towards you very quickly. just flying through the air with their weapons ready, and they're going to try and strike you again. They are dexterous enough to keep up with you. 11 versus AC, seven versus AC. So again, they miss as they sort of fly past you and around you a little bit. Go ahead and take another turn.


Well the thing is I'm trying to run away. I'm not trying to engage with them at this point. Like I'm trying to keep them at bay, but I don't want to actively engage with them. So I think I'm gonna fire another cantrip at them. I'm going to use my frostbite and aim at the one with the knife.


Okay, sure.


You have to make a constitution saving Throw




[Softly in exasperation] Yeah.


[Laugh] I'm rolling really well, I haven't had to fudge anything so far.




Oh really?


Yep. So you shoot frostbite at them and again they just completely deflect the spell. You actually hear the sound- It's very similar to the sound that you heard a cannon's house when she shot the cannon ball at witch. You continue to run and they fly towards you continuing to speed through the air with their weapons ready and they're going to roll a few more attacks on you. One got a 1, a crit fail the other a 14. So they miss again. Go ahead and take one more turn before your doom


Before my doom? before, before it's all over.


They're just toying with you at this point.


I'm sure.


Like a cat! Bat bat bat bat bat.


Man! I'm having a hard time deciding what to do.


I can't believe y'all split the party three ways






and we said we weren't going to.




Well, if One of us could get out. I thought we would be back to two, but then this shit had to happen.


And Every second they get farther from you, bernan.


I'm going to use my produce. Flame cantrip and I'm a fling a fireball at the one with the paddle to try to burn it's paddle.




14 versus AC.


That will not do it, just barely. I'm sorry.


Well, doody.


and I think because you threw this at the one with the paddle it's gonna Kinda swing back and try and knock the fireball back towards you-


[Interrupting]-OH, are we playing Pong?!


Roll a Dex Save.


It's like the ending of Ocarina of time,


nat 20,




nat 20? Yeah, so th-. So the fireball goes hurdling, hurdling off into the woods behind you and it lights up some dry leaves and twigs as it goes. Kind of causing a fire in the woods.


Oh No, we're going to burn this forest down. Oh No.




are you going to continue to flee?


Well, how thick are the woods that we're in?


They chose this area for the army specifically so that they could have some area to do army stuff, so you know as you go deeper in the woods, he gets more dense, but it's not dense yet. You're probably on the verge of light density to medium density.


I don't want to go any further away from the camp. I kind of want to start running parallel to it, I guess.


So you start running like south, I would say towards the entrance of the woods where you came in with Henry Evanston.


That'll work.


Sindre, as you're running, they take note that you're changing directions and both of the sibling start to cast something


awesome. Love that.


And you're sprinting through the dark and suddenly there's nothing under your feet.


[Surprised] There was something under my foot, actually! Squid was looking at the bottom of my foot.




Eww, he's so gross!


[Talking over Curtis] Nasty boy!


He licks toes. nasty.


I was like[gasp!]. He's scared me.


You're sprinting through the darkness and you take a step in, there is nothing under your feet and you realize that the earth is simply gone and there is a pit 20 feet by 20 feet, both of them using mold earth twice to dig out underneath you as they fly down into the pit and you landed face first into the mud


Sindre's going to need another bath


while simultaneously using mage hand to wrap each of your arms around your chest with chain from a nearby supply crate before embedding it into the wall with the ends deep, deep in the earth, binding you into the pit at this point.




Uh oh!


and the siblings say,


We shall see if this will hold you any better than the cage did. you have been played like the horn that we enjoy playing. your king did not send a rowdy band of mercenaries to make a deal. You were sent knowing that you would fuck things up and disrupt us and the Drow leadership


Sindre just hangs his head.




He's not. He's just irritated. It's not like a defeated hanging headed just like"[Scoff], these guys",


"They got me". Bernan, whatcha doin'-[Laughs] Whatcha doin' buddy?


Good Lord.


So you are walking through the tent maze, I presume.




Go ahead and roll a stealth check or here's the thing. You can roll either stealth or deception. Do you want to lie and marched through like you're supposed to be there or do you want to try and sneak?


Well, we got to see which score is higher.




Bernan considers both options.


[Southern accent] Ooh yeah, we're goin' do stealth.


[Quiet, also in Southern Accent] Stealth.


[Still Southern] Yeeep, we're goin' do stealth.


[Grossed out laughter] He licked my toe again!


Squid! I'm about to lock you up.


He's fine.


Nat 20 plus six.






Twenty six. I'm the sneakiest motherfucker all in this camp.


So Bernan. much like you've been-[laughs] this is really mean. Jeez. What kind of mean flavor do I Come up with?


Do it, do it.


Much like you've been ignored throughout your life-


[Kyle and Tori Laughing]




You walk into this tent and there are several officers around the table with plans and none of them notice you. They don't even look up. They just continue their meeting as you just kind of walk by on the edge of the tent. Nobody even knows that you're there. You were a highly, highly discreet. Go ahead and roll again.




You are exiting the tent with the meeting and you're turning and looking over your shoulder to see if anybody noticed you and you turn back as you kind of enter this little tent hallway between bigger tents and you bump into another guard and they say,


don't. What are you doing? Why Watch it? What? What's going on?


[Weird fake low Bernan Voice] Oh, sorry. Yeah. Uh


Hey. I know I don't know everybody, but Tonkastaad's not that big. What's your name again?


What is my name?


Henry Evanston.


mmmmm, I don't know about that one!


[Imitating Bernan] My name's Benry Evanston. I'm his son.




[Kyle and Becca laugh]


wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I got it.


[Weird fake low Bernan Voice]] Yeah. I'm uhh. I'm uhh, Henry Evanston junior.


role deception.


{Laughing] That was obviously a lie. Or is it? Dun dun dun!


Oh Lord Eleven.


This drow soldier looks at you for a minute in very quickly draws their sword and says,


why are you lying on duty? I know Henry Evanston son. He was my best friend in elementary school.




You're not him.


[Weird fake low Bernan voice] Probably a different Henry Evanston.


Listen, you got any cigarettes?


Do I?


Listen, I know you're probably just drinking or smoking something, but seriously, we can't compromise this. This is important. We're miserable out here.


I don't have any cigarettes. Do I?


you have nothing on you right now because you dropped all your stuff?


[Meow in background!]


Wow, squid!


Well. Uh, actually, um, I, you know, the uh, the uh, what are we calling them? The dudes we stuck in the cage earlier-




I mean, I didn't know if we were trying to be all correct about it or whatever-


Yeah, no, they're political prisoners.


Right, Um,[clears throat] so, uh, I think one of them probably had something in their stuff. Um, it seemed maybe a little more a psychoactive than a cigarette though. IF you know what I'm sayin'.


Oh, dude, that's exactly what I'm looking for.




I won't tell anyone that you lied to me about your identity. I won't even ask to see your documents. Let's go. Come on, show me. G




Does Brendan have any idea where this stuff would be?


You saw them exit left from your cage so you can just head left.


Okay. I guess we're heading left.


You exit out of the tent. Just kind of like threw a flap almost underneath the wall, right? Because you don't want to take the official passage. You're kind of sneaking around in the night. You start walking, following this other guard and he is bringing you towards this old shack just about couple hundred feet away from the tent maze and there are several of these small buildings that are just used to store things and you enter with this guard. kiss!


Oh boy![laughing] I sit in a cage!


You are sitting in a cage doing nothing.[Jokingly] Okay Sindre-. No,


I wonder why the caged bird sings.




[Singing] La la laaaaaaa~


[Everyone laughing]


Guards are like,


Gosh, can we shut him up or something


[Singing] I'm Kiss the barbarian!


someone put a towel over his head.


[Still Singing] I like to hit things with my axe!


so kiss roll perception and gomec's gonna roll too.




You're both just kind of sitting there and the guards have told you to shut up and stop singing and you see something towards the left side of the cage. You see a single two foot tall twig blight emerge quickly from the ground- quickly and silently. It looks up at you and with it's spindly, strangely, moving limbs just for like a second. It almost looks like it's like waving at you, but you can't really tell because this thing moves in a very supernatural, very strange way. And it begins to walk over to a guard at one of the corners, approaching the edge of the cage, and as it does, it reaches out and brushes It's wooden limbs over the bars making a distinct repeated thumping sound as it walks, getting the attention of all six of you, especially the two guards on the left side who turned towards it and say,


Hey, what the hell? One of the animators blights? you, stop right there, little Bush baby.




Bush baby?


It has Giant eyes.




awwww, it's cute!


it's uh- baby groot!


The twig blights got a lot cuter. After the animator, the previous animator, left office,




Left Office[laughing]




And they ready their weapons and point their spears towards this little twig blight as it freezes in place and wavers in a breeze that is now being led into the tent by eight large branches that wrap around the bottom edge of the tent and quietly lift in a single deft motion, exposing a 25 foot tall tree of a blight


Tree of a blight


Tree of a blight! Tree blight!


[laughing] A tree blight!


It's a tree of a twig blight, a tree.


Big, big boy.


Big Boy.


A big blight!


Ah-hah! Big Boy. Big wood boy coming in to clear the tent!


and the guards are like,


uhh, wha? what do we, what do we do?


Then they start to charge towards it and attack at it and Gomec is like,


oh shit.


And as the guards storm towards it, weapons ready, they are quickly silenced as branches shoot off of this creature wrapping and gagging the mouths of all four guards so as to not alert anyone else and this creature opens a strange mouth in the middle of its trunk as though it wants to roar. But you hear nothing. And I don't know if you remember, but I told you before the twig blights can't speak.


Oh yeah.


And as the branches and vines constrict around these four soldiers, another pointed branch extends off of the blights' body weaving around the guards and coming towards you at break neck speed. What do you do? I'll give you a chance to act in this instant.


Uh, coming toward us. We're in the cage though?


Yup. They're coming through the bars of the cage.


Uh, Uh, Uh. kiss just jumps up and does a pull up onto the bars and like, Ooh, like a mouse came into the room like keeping his feet away.


Sure. Roll an athletics check!




Yeah, I think that'll do it and Gomec is just going to go and run towards one of the back corners and kiss. This branch comes through the bars and stops right about where you were standing and then starts to turn upwards and come towards you. What do you do? A kid starts going, monkey bar style across the phrase in the cage to still. I just thought about that. This is true, so if you want to act for fe, you can guess as this branch chases you around the cage, go ahead and roll a perception check 13.

Speaker 2:

Well, so you see something shiny on one of the little twigs that hangs off of this spiky branch coming towards you and it starts to slow down. You realize is it weaves and wraps its way around like a vine following you and then you hear something on the wind loud and clear. Get out and try to be a little discrete for once she. What the hell is that? I'm just going to give us a yell kiss. That sounds like Owen. I don't quite understand it, but look and go make points towards the branch and you see the key from one of the guards. Belt loops hanging on the branch. Let's get out of here. You. We knew you heard him. Let's do this chair. I imagine that you take the key and go ahead and unlock yourself and the guards are struggling. Guess goes up to one of the guards said slapping on the face lately like, Ha, you can't hold me in this hand of a branch continues to construct around this garden and silence them burning. You've entered into the supply depot. All of your stuff is sitting right there with this other guard. So this is a Tory question. Sure. I feel like somebody else also had some of the joints in their possession case. How do I see your kisses stuff in the room? Yes. Everybody's stuff is sitting right there. This is where they took it, including the stuff they confiscated from kiss. So I'm going to look through kisses stuff for the joint. So sure enough, you just find it kind of sit in and kisses bag ready for whatever kids wanted to do with that. He didn't know. Yeah. Oh, that looks awesome. What do. Hey, you got to light as the soldier takes the cigarette from you in places in his mouth. Let me see. I don't have one on me, but maybe there's one in here. Um, can I find anything in any of the bags that would light something on fire? Does anybody have any lighter's? Not that I know. I guess I'll find the little jar of lava. I centers not there. So the cinder stuff could take a note and wild shape is twilight princess rules. So he, everything goes with him. That's fair. Yup. Okay. I like it. So I guess I pull out the jar of lava. I think all work. I. Yeah, I reckon. And this soldier just has the cigarette in his mouth and starts to get close to the jar, lighting it and inhaling going to pour love on them or anything you don't have to. This is completely empty. I just want to give you. You can act in this instant if you wish. No, I'm not. I'm not going to throw the LAV on him. Good for you. Burn. And you're not quite the murderer that I thought you were not in. He sits in, smokes the cigarette you want any. He definitely offers some to use like, hey, thanks man. Listen, I don't care who you are. I'm just trying to get through this war. Bernie doesn't smoke any. Listen, we got to both so that if one of us gets in trouble, a fine one hit or it gets high for the second time, just so you can roll a deception if you want to not inhale. Let's try that. It was kind of stressful last time. 12. Yeah. So I think you, you can just kind of like puff on it and not actually inhaling into your lungs and hand it back. He says, all right, if that's all you want, it's fine. I'm just keep smoking. I'll sit with them to keep them company. Sure. He blazes through the rest of this joint, smoking it fucking chimney over here, starting to wobble and like his eyes closed for a little bit and then he gets up and he's like, all right, back to duty. Just got to stay awake a couple more hours. Probably not the best idea to. No, no, it's fine. It's fine. I feel great. And he walks out of the tent and directly in front of him in line of sight is a giant twig monster. And this guard says, Oh man, I'm, I'm tripping dude. Just see this too. This is not good. Is that, that looks. Yeah, you see this, I pick up the performer I guess. And um, I get in front of him. Okay. So your body, now he's as the UC UC to dude. Oh, oh shit. Oh Shit. And he takes off sprinting into the forest and now you are with the giant twig monster standing in front of you. Coward so much for that boyfriend. Wait,

Speaker 1:

make this noise anymore.

Speaker 2:

Shit, what do I do? I guess I run back and get the tent. Okay. I mean you just going to hide. Yeah, I guess I'm going to try to get as much stuff as I can and run out the back. Okay, so you start to collect your stuff and you do run out of the back of the tent. I think that you can probably hoist everyone's stuff, but your movements probably have to while you're doing this and exit through the back of the tent and the trees around you. Just in close, you can see this giant field of blights moving directly in front of you and it's absolutely terrifying, but then you hear something on the wind burning your assumption.

Speaker 1:

You're such a nerd lesson. It's me all in. What are you doing? Let's go find the others burn and go find the others. What the hell? I'm the animators. The animators. The cause of the evil in the forest. Come on. What do I have to explain? The whole lore. Oh God, go you asshole. You asshole

Speaker 2:

Brian fucking hauls ass. And you haul ass towards the tent. Maze, well let's go back to kissing. Gomez. Yeah. I think when we got out, I would run in the direction that we saw the guards going into. So maybe we see Vernon. Yeah. Okay. That's fair. So you run out not into the maze but out into the area and you, you do run into burning as he's exiting through this tent with all of your gear because says look, that drill, guard stealing or things after him charging towards Burnan,

Speaker 1:

get him, get him.

Speaker 2:

Oh, burden does sound like burning. Can we? How do we know? Let me hit you know. Arm Real quick. He punches you in the shoulder. That's burden. Same old scream. I know. Burning. Take some damage. I didn't mean to do that. One point of damage I remember. I think they from here you walk and see a fire in the woods on the other side of the tent maze. This is a sign of activity. Highly likely assign of Cindra. Go Mix as doc that. Listen, there are still people awake in the live, in the maze. If I had to guess, armies operate 24 slash seven. Why don't we go around the outside and try and find Cindra around the outside. Around the outside. Fucking shady. Nobody. Nope. No. Slim shady in our body. Get that. Get that Outta. Here you go. I'll take it by the sky and he will fly over and get an aerial view so it gets trying. See better. Awesome. Yeah, go ahead and roll. Perception. Kiss. Ooh, that's an eight. It sure is a nice forest. Ah, beautiful trees. Go ahead and roll stealth to. Oh, whoops. I should've thought about that. Huh? That's better. 16. You fly around and do a up above and you can see a fire starting out in the woods and you do see like this pit with some dark shadowy figures like maybe 100 feet away from the tense. You don't really get many more details other than that. I don't see anything. So maybe you, you can see where the others are and you're going to wait for them to, to head over there. They're watching you and so they see where you start to circle in the sky and burning and go Mac and kiss you all approach this pit with Cindra down, wrapped in chains as Alvin Alvin float down into it. Laughing.

Speaker 1:

I think brandon has a really confused boner right now. Either the attractive. That's why centers a hottie. I mean I can't blame him. I'm kidding. I redact. Run over. He took your shirt off for some reason. No, no. Can't take me anywhere.

Speaker 2:

Oh boy. It's direct contact with the skin to prevent magic. It's metal and he can't any magic. Right?

Speaker 1:

So then maybe, maybe I'm not rejecting what I don't know that they would know that about druids or do they even know he's a drunk.

Speaker 2:

They did not take your shirt off. Sorry. One of the siblings places the knife against your throat and says do not move. And as you approached this pit, the other sibling says,

Speaker 1:

killers has gone to take us just as it darling. You have told you do the vaunted a zinger thing and instead you will end up

Speaker 2:

grading us just as you did countless innocent brainwashed Dow. What we didn't do that at all, we just wanted to talk. You didn't want a single thing you want in a bunch of things, jerks. How many of the soldiers are dead? Just look and you turn and look behind you and you see just like blood in their tent where they were. Their tend to was, I didn't do that. Screw you did and use only outside is here. Screw you.

Speaker 1:

Well, how do you know they're brainwashed and why didn't you do anything about it?

Speaker 2:

Do Exude not to visualize after your brainwashing Burnan v as in ones who brainwashed them.

Speaker 1:

Obviously you're the assholes here. Burning kind of looks like, oh, I said ass language. Brainwashed. You killed. Okay, what are you trying to gain? This simple? We are a part of my skill, the coven of highly provisioned magic users. Viva using secret dig some best travelers and zenith interfered.

Speaker 2:

Leader was in the midst of traveling via asked Zeff to return him to no avail. So v decided to raise the stakes a little. We have not killed anyone or why don't you just say that

Speaker 1:

you jerks, because very clearly you are. Assassins? No, we were. I was. I'm a peace man. Let's look at the evidence of

Speaker 2:

violence. I'll show you some evidence of violence. Has Pauses, acts out he's getting pissed. Do move, and they tightened the vines around Cindra and place the knife closer to his throat. I bird your cloak by the way. It sucks.

Speaker 1:

I burned it. Snow. Just kidding. Do not care, but you burned. We simply want to live and be returned via united with a leader. Seems like you're lying because if you wanted that in the first place, why did you make it all about whatever happened on her ground to raise this snakes to use the stove energy

Speaker 2:

syndrome. As all of this is going down, you see something you've never seen outside of a portal. You see words appearing in the air directly in front of you and no one else seems to notice and they appear one by one at about the pace that I'm saying them my period, adoration period, disapprove, period of period, knife, period. I've period, chosen period for period. You period, all period become period. Frog, period three, period to period one.

Speaker 1:

I want to step into a frog

Speaker 2:

and Cindra as the one appears in front of you. Your chains are cut and you were released with a clatter as Alvarado. Now very look back towards you and you wild shape into a frog.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a little cute frog and Freya who's been flying above spots this in the night and goes and swoops down and grabs you syndrome and flies back up into the air, a little legs out, and as this has happened,

Speaker 2:

running as you start your wild shape, you hear a few noises as free as rescuing you from this pit. You first here, followed by the sound of a monkeys shrieking in an instant. A monkey is latched onto the face of the sibling that was holding the paddle, and all of you see this as you stand at the edge of this pit and that sibling staggers over towards the other sibling is frail. Let's out a happy cry once again and syndrome from above and again, the rest of you on the edge, you will all see a shrouded figure standing behind the sibling carrying the knife through the darkness. You see the figure twirl her arms, throwing a large circular blade that dances around the knife wielding sibling before grabbing the knife in midair. I'm planting it and the other siblings back and in an instant, both of the siblings are on their knees. As the magic stops working in the hole in the ground starts to cave in as the figure bounces from wall to wall, towards the surface, the earth closes in on this grave and with the bodies of Alvarado calvary below, whoever this figure is, they're too late. They're crushed by the weight of the cold person walls around them and only a gloved hand, fingers outstretched erupt from the ground in front of you. What do you do? Go pull their hand. Yeah, whatever Freya does, because she has my. You can struggle at all and are wild shape back. Pretty Smart, I think now might be when burden and starts freaking out. Okay, Freya is going to. She should land so that I can hop over. I don't want to unwind, shape. Use. That fray is going to swoop down. Drop you on the ground syndrome, walk over to the hand and just kind of like look at it a little bit and go and you all start to dig this person from the earth and the dirt and you pull on the hand and you can't get them. That mean this is solid cold, frozen ground, but the glove slips off and you see a claw with gold scaly skin and green undertones. Hm. And you continue to dig and you eventually pull this person out from the ground, shrouded in a dark could in with a bag around her waist, circular blade in hand. Frey again kind of sadly, but affectionately over and over again while poking and jostling this person, alright, island wild shape and I'm going to cast cure wounds or attempt to cast cure wounds on this person. Okay, so you walk over and kneel down. You see this dragon born, you grabbed them and try and guess cure wounds. Go ahead and roll five. You try to channel this healing energy into this body and you wait a couple seconds and I think you probably like pump on their hearts a little bit and nothing happens and go. Mac is looking down at this person and looking back up a team team as hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of lamps encroach on you from the distance. Just this massive circle of drought. Soldiers all carrying lamps. Slowly. Just marching towards you. Can I get this dragon born up on my shoulders to carry? You can try before we do that. Anyone else? Yeah. Brandon's probably like curled up on the ground. Vernon, what do this? Now's not the time. Army coming.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Can you zap us out of here? What's. What do we do? We Zap. Burnan. Does that Vernon portal? Can you. Can you make a portal? Yeah. Do the thing or an come on burden. Do you need me to kiss you? I'm not as attractive as low, but I'll try it. Come on fast on the ground. What are you doing there with that? What does that new noise you're making in syndrome? You hoist this person up on your shoulders and Gomez points over towards the woods, but very quickly you are completely encircled. The army is just wholly surrounded you, men and women and people, soldiers as far as you can see into the distance with the lamps causing this nice golden glow to pass over all of you so you're surrounded and syndrome as you're carrying them around in sort of staggering burnin kiss and go Mac. You notice that the bag on her waist just kind of falls in slinks open and several things fall down onto the ground with thuds to the and you look down and you see several honeydew peels that splat and roll around and a few seconds later you hear as a monkey emerges from the bag and runs off towards the army as fast as it can, screaming, a kiss role, insight some insight. Seventeen year all standing around surrounded and the army has stopped approaching. At this point. They've just formed a circle, you know, giving you plenty of room and just watching you kind of confused about what you're doing here. We're Alvara and calvary went all just looking on, not quite ready to attack, but weapons by their sides and the glow from the lanterns gives you a better glimpse of the face of this dragon born and you recognize her as the dragon born that stole a large, beautiful crystal from you weeks and weeks and weeks ago before fleeing into yard starred cave where you followed her becoming lost and quickly losing sight of the sky. You now we see the scene from above, once again in gray scale as though peering through a tube in another realm and we slowly start to drift down towards the party and we see syndromes face confused and scared and distraught. We see burning cowering on the ground with Comac, trying to get him to move a little bit and kiss you're pissed at this thief. And then we turn to the lifeless dragon born body and we come towards it and we enter it. And just for a moment, if you look closely, the four of you see a strange black smoke whisper around this body and the dragon born sits up with the gas on your shoulders syndrome. And they shake and drop down onto the ground, onto their butts. As you look at this now revived corpse and frail hops over and chirps happily. And the dragon unborn reaches up and pats her head for and knows the scales that were gold or the green undertone. Utla fucking what the fuck. What are you doing here? Listen. Hey, they're not. They're not coming for us. I think we're fine. Hey, this dragon one looks up at all. Have you? And just glancing at your face, it's nice to actually meet all of you. Well, you I know. Points it. Kiss you. I know. Well you don't know me though. That's right. I'm sorry. This is very confusing. All of your role. Insight 14, 15, 22 kissing Bernan. You recognize something about this dragon born in their voice. You. You kind of hear it just in the distance. Almost a familiarity and Cindra. You're dead. Sure. Because this voice, there's almost like this undertone, this way of speaking that's highly familiar to you. It's your friend Owen. Wait, what? That's not what I expected. There's something about your friend Owen within this dragon born and she says, I'm sorry, this is. I mixed. This is extremely confusing. Uh, I'm, I'm Owen. I mean, I know you all right. But, um, I have these memories. I, I'm also budleigh. Yeah. You thought you thought you invented that, right? Well, it's just a, it's just a property. It's announced where I'm from. I say it's my name. It's nice to meet you. I, I've been slipping that to you for weeks since yard started that at least it's a, I think I'm, I'm both and I mean I'm Owen. I deliberately brought back this dragon born for you, for you offer you Indra. And it's because I recognized her. She's, I am the informant who notified our call. I'm the informant who notified other is the informant who notified owens cult about the loot and yard started cave and. But I'm also completely sure that I'm Utla to you. Thought was confusing. I'm sorry. So is this person sitting down on the ground right now? They're just on their butt padding fray on the head. Crouches down. It looks like the eye and says, what the Hell's going on? Stands up and he looks at the crowd surrounding about them. What the Hell is going on here? What are you going to do? Huh? What's. What are you doing? Are you going to fight us? I don't want to fight. I want peace. I'm a man of peace. The crown just kind of like reel it back a little bit. Not really. There's kind of like you already in. Some of them get ready to arm. Some of them just don't care. Some of them just covered their faces and you see a figure walking out of the crowd towards you with a big old pig on a road man. Oh, you send. You're immediately given him the finger.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

This is so rude of you all. Varians burden is not. Well, I don't think I did anything to deserve that burden is checked out. He is not here. Burden is gone. Bernan Odlyzko. Owen is going to crouch down on her knees and reach out and like pat your face a little bit like, Hey, come on. What's your deal? Stop it. Snap out of it. Come on, Brandon. Looks like he is a little more, I guess in the moment, but he's not saying anything. He makes eye contact. Woodleigh. Hey, come on. Syndrome is trying to help support her shoulders to help her steady herself since she was uneasy. Listen. Hey Syndrome. I'm fine. Are you? I really appreciate it. Are you fine? Yeah, I'm good. But you can keep touching my shoulders if you want. Okay. Well this is, this is a little strange. I'm sorry, I'm just, I'm Kinda like, I'm kind of the best secret admirer that you've ever had. Huh? So here's the question. Have we been talking this whole time? Yep. How long have we been talking for like a month or so, however long I've been since the cave. Yeah. However long it's been since the cave. I've been with you more or less the entire time. Um, those messages and the portals. You have me killed the guy falling through the portal for you all because no witnesses. That's kind of a rule of what I do. Funny stuff. Hold on, let me scroll and find the list. All those dead monkeys. It's my familiar, they take and he just ran off somewhere, but they embody, they take the body of monkeys and help me do stuff like kill Alvarado and calvary. Oh, they're dead, Huh? Oh yeah. They're there long. Then I destroyed them and I'm sorry I have to make the decision for you because you were all just being so indecisive and I'll be honest, my job, but I'm kinda tired of hiding. Are you a druid to a. Oh, I'm just kind of looks over at you. Like what have you been wild shape? I'm not at drew it when there are lots of different spells. Take take a guess at what I am. I am an amazing necromancer now apparently. But take a guess at what I am, what my job was. He said informant. So uh, yeah, I guess what I'm going with. Listen all that. The whistling kiss. I believe I hit you in the face with one of my appeals at one point. Did you stole my shit? I'm the wind. You know that I've heard the window 70. Okay. And I've been wondering about that, but I wasn't going to ask when the caves to burn in. I'm sorry that I put your sister in danger. When I unlocked the gem from your safekeeping space. It was just getting very boring at your house. Burning reaches out and grabs at her shirt. Hey, come on. Come on. It's a joke. It's say, hey, that check you out of that Han. He's still not talking, but now he looks a little a lizard. What? How were you everywhere? I'm so confused. There's magic in this world. But come on like, what are you? Who are you? What is your job at this point? Henry Evanston is upon you and says, well, what do we do now, folks? I believe he can continue talking later. You've killed on negotiators. I'm not sure how upset about that we should be. We've brought peace to the land. You feel better now. Do you feel less mind controlled? Well, I wasn't mind controlled to begin with. Yeah. Thought so. You were kind of always a jerk. He does it under his breath, but he puts his pig anyway. We have been miserable here. Syndrome and I have the strategic prowess to get what we want and to get over on novelty. Wanted from[inaudible] and from seth. Oh, but he sends this band of assassins. It's rowdy party of assassins killers. Killers. Look at that one on the ground. Is that a killer? Yeah. He doesn't look like much of a killer. It doesn't look like much at all. Ordinances. Nothing. You're right. I'm a man of peace. Cindery Evanston. Freeing. Kiss. Listen. One stands up and shakes. Shakes themselves off and pats on the head one more time. It says, hey listen, I'm the animator and Henry says, what are you talking about? Of course you're not. You're some dragon born here. What are you even doing here? Or are you. You come to rescue the other assassins of lists as alright. And then 30 twig blights just emerged from the ground roots of trees around you or are swirling up into the air. Putting on this show ticket and Vince Henry that they are indeed the animator. Do you believe me now? I reckon things didn't get worse in the woods because of me. I'm just down here with my pet dog. In fact, I've laid off of you with the tweed blights. There's nothing else in the woods. It was caused by Alvin and Alvin illusion, Zoedis illusions and brainwashing. I'm afraid you two have been duped, Henry, and we just kind of looks at woodleigh with kind of like a upset realization like eyes wide that he was. He had been played as well. Looks like you've been played Henry Evanston, old war. We all can't be as smart as I am. So Syndrome kind of touches her shoulder again to get her to turn towards him. Make eye contact and I guess I need to roll something. I want to be sure that this is somehow both Utla and. Oh, and so probably insight. Insight. Oh God. Some kind of fucking fusion. Dance. Fusion. I told Tori I was on some anime bullshit last night. What's this is low and low and it's five. Okay. So you don't get anything from trying to like you do make eye contact and aglow looks at you with highly adoring eyes. They're just these big old dragon board eyes and you don't get anything from this contact and I think you probably are a little bit distracted by the staring at you like this, but you're fairly certain from your previous insight. You do believe that somehow some way this person standing in front of you is both one and other. I want to give her a big Ole hug and just hugged her so tight and endless. Taken by surprise at first by this eyes wide again and is going to say to you, is this for owner other both, and then hugged you back. Ooh, I missed to both when we. I mean, I've always. So Owen missed. You have the. Has been here the whole time. I'm just glad you didn't get killed by those wizards. Yeah, that was. That was good news. I got a little dicey there. Highly good news, right? You're, you're, you're welcome. Yeah. Thanks. Yeah, you're welcome. All of you. You're welcome that your friend didn't die. That's the one part I could have taken care of it myself and if, if you're owen, where's your bed? Pants and shoes that I don't. I mean down underground still. I'm still down here was my dog. It's Kinda like you're channeling if I had to. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm like, this body was dead dead and so she's being inhabited by the animator now, but we're both here. If I had to explain it, it's kind of like seeing and hearing at the same time, but both side by side. Does that make any sense? I think I've heard of that before. We both have full psychological continuity that that's good enough. I understand nothing. I refuse to will call off the army. Just go home. Don't kill anymore of ours. Piece achieved. Let's go home everyone. You did a good job. Kiss and Henry starts walking back towards the grout shows over folks. There's no threat. Wait, you said you were the animator. You. You're not the original animator. So tell me what's up there. Can, can anybody inform me? Oh, we killed him. I was trying to tell them we killed the original animator and we replaced them with a nerd. Well, he sort of chose it for himself more or less. Yes. So you, you killed the original animated or you say, and it's this huge. You replaced him. So there's a new animator down there. He's not causing all the evil in the woods, but he's causing some of the evil in the woods, obviously by the twig lights around us. Here's the question. Can we go back down there? I don't know if you can. The question is, is it physically possible for you to go down there? I mean it's not easy and that's part of the reason we started this entire wars because you destroyed our entrance, but we can take a ship if we must. That is true. That's how we got out very well since she cared my best. Evanston just kind of walks off into the crowd and starts tissue. Everyone away, and this is a massive, massive crab. Have an army. As people dropped their weapons, shows over, folks shows all over. It's time for peace to back down on the ground and you can hear cheers and claps and sighs of relief from the crowd around you. They're not going to war with digs home. Yay. Kind of just fucking murdered. Fucking prince of Egypt plank style. Whoa. Owen didn't murder anybody loaded woodleigh as a piece of shit. Fuck, good luck. We'll figure that out later. It looks at us and says, you did it. I did it. Y'All were going to die without me and I mean us like, Oh and broke you out of the cage and everything. Come on. I was going to fire the credit. I don't know you kiss and you stole from me. Why did you do that? And hangs their head kind of and shame and blushes a little bit and says, I'm sorry. Here reaches into their bag and takes out a giant gemstone that you had found on your adventures that you recognize obviously as the one that stole from you and lead you into yards. Start Cave. I've missed you, Gemma, in places that up against your chest, kind of forcefully like here, have it back. It's fine. Treasury means nothing to me at this point. I died for fuck's sake or me neither and he throws it into the woods. No, I'd say you wind up. Oh, keep it just for safekeeping. So while you do that, Kinda like in the distance here. Oh well I don't know what to do with it. I'll give it the, I don't know. Charity. We could use it for paper. Paperweight. No, I mean we could use that for money. I don't need it. But you're not a ghost yet, my friend. Alright. Why is once again going in? I'll follow your instructions with that little. What was your job? You said you had a job. My job? Yeah. Stuff's dealer. Littler twin killer. Shark killer. Shark climber. God killer. Do you want to trade titles? No, that's mine. You can't have it. All right. Listen.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 2:

And the greatest sleuth. Whoever lived

Speaker 6:

well is putting it kindly.

Speaker 2:

Alright, sherlock?

Speaker 6:


Speaker 2:

Hey everyone. Thanks for listening to this episode of magic folk. We hope you enjoy it and if you did, be sure to subscribe wherever podcasts live rate and review us on itunes and follow us on twitter at magic folk pot magic focus created by Curtis Becca, Becca Bowen, Kyle bruning and Victoria Watkins, and is based on characters and worlds also by Victoria Watkins. See you next time.