So Much More Than Cancer

DEATH - The Beauty. The Mystery. The Power to Live with Shelley Whizin (rerun)

Denise Desimone

Shelly Whizin is best known as the Soul Diving Diva.  Shelley Whizin, has been called the Soul Diving Diva by many, which makes perfect sense, since she loves to dive into the human/spiritual relationship with gusto. As one of the most effective transformational life coaches and death midwives on the planet, her array of intuitive skills has changed hundreds of people's lives in the most beautiful way, tweaking just tiny bits of thinking that result in monumental shifts that last a lifetime.

Being an author of "What Do You Bring to the Table, A Savory, Sensory and Inspirational Guide to Living a Yummy Delicious Life," she has introduced the unique concept using food as an analogy for life, creating a "hybrid cookbook", jam-packed with life lessons, short happy mindful meditations and recipes all to help people get and stay in the moment to actually enjoy whatever they are doing, especially when cooking in the kitchen. Delightful and insightful to read, Shelley has a way to make the complicated uncomplicated and offers simple and easy to do processes.


Denise DeSimone is a dynamo on so many levels. She is an author, a documentarian, an interfaith minister, inspirational speaker, spiritual wellness coach and singer/guitarist. Denise considers herself a cancer “THRIVER” not just a cancer survivor. Dr. Bernie Seigel says of Denise “This woman is living the sermon.” In this season of SO MUCH MORE THAN CANCER, Denise will share how she went from being given 3 months to live as a result of a stage IV throat and neck cancer diagnosis, to living a healthy, happy life for the past 15 years since diagnosis. Join her to learn how she “befriended” as opposed to “battling” cancer and how she decided that cancer would not define her it would re-design her. Tune in to learn how and why she chose to approach cancer the way she did. Denise’s insights may help you no matter where you are on your journey with cancer. Denise and her guests are on a mission to help the cancer community and their caregivers. 

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Learn more & sign up for the L.I.F.E. course. Use the discount code: Podcast to receive a $100 discount.

Learn more about Denise and her amazing story, watch her documentary FROM STAGE IV TO CENTER STAGE, purchase a copy of her best-selling book by the same name and enjoy inspirational information.

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